British Journal of Social Work

(The TQCC of British Journal of Social Work is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Corrigendum to: Measuring Instruments for Empowerment in Social Work: A Scoping Review92
Model Fidelity and Child Well-Being in Family Team Conference: The Interaction Effect of Racial Matching and Child Race39
Not Rocket Science: Implementing Efforts to Improve Working Conditions of Social Workers37
Long-term post-traumatic growth after natural disasters: A scoping review of contextual influences33
Corrigendum to: ‘I Married a Gay Man’: Tongqi’s Agency in Marital Decisions26
Called to the Crisis: The Experiences of Hospital-Based Social Workers Providing on-Call Services23
Ethnicity and Old Age: Expanding Our Imagination, Sandra Torres18
Why Didn’t Anyone Understand? Why Didn’t Anyone Ever Stand in the Way? Detecting Child Abuse in Out-of-Home care Setting: The Role of Safeguard and Protection Systems and Social Workers17
The Effects of Bias Listening and Not Being Heard in Child Protection Proceedings: Consequences on Life and Identity17
Love, Learning Disabilities and Pockets of Brilliance. How Practitioners Can Make a Difference to the Lives of Children, Families and Adults Sara Ryan17
‘Hands touching in the river of love’16
The Sender16
Transference and Countertransference from an Attachment Perspective: A Guide for Professional Caregivers, Una McCluskey and Michael O’Toole15
Out of the Shadows: The Role of Social Workers in Disasters, Angie Bartoli, Maris Stratulis and Rebekah Pierre (eds)15
Erratum to: Why Does Social Work Work? A Proposal for a Social Work Understanding of Causality14
Editorial: Voice and Influence of People with Lived Experience in Social Work Research and Publishing—Taking Stock and Planning Future Actions14
Disaster Preparedness in Social Work: A Scoping Review of Evidence for Further Research, Theory and Practice14
Improving the quality of contacts during foster care: Learnings from foster families14
Changing Trends in Child Welfare Inequalities in Northern Ireland13
The Impact of Community Work: How to Gather Evidence, Mark Doel13
The Power to Change13
Fathering and Poverty: Uncovering Men’s Participation in Low-Income Family Life, Anna Tarrant13
Digital Relationality, Rights, Resilience: Conceptualising a Digital Social Ecology for Children’s Birth Family Relationships When in Care or Adopted12
Research End-User Perspectives about Using Social Work Research in Policy and Practice12
The Meaning of Power for Female Arab Social Workers under the Youth Law12
Case File Number………….?????12
Family Group Conference Provision in UK Local Authorities and Associations with Children Looked after Rates12
Safeguarding Children Living with Foster Carers, Adopters and Special Guardians: Learning from Case Reviews 2007–2019, Hedy Cleaver and Wendy Rose11
‘If I’m not real, I’m Not Having an Impact’: Relationality and Vicarious Resistance in Complex Trauma Care11
When Social Workers Impact Policy and Don’t Just Implement It: a Framework for Understanding Policy Engagement—Research in Social Work, John Gal and Idit Weiss-Gal11
Immaterial Monuments, Narrative Inequality and Glocal Social Work. Towards Critical Participatory Community Art-Based Practices11
A Complex Unit Interviews Analysis Approach in Qualitative Social Work Research11
Responding to Domestic and Family Violence: The Role of Non-Specialist Services and Implications for Social Work11
Understanding Transportation difficulty Among older adults in Ghana from the Perspective of World Health Organisation’s Healthy Ageing framework: Lessons for Improving Social Work Practice with Older 11
For a Carnal Social Work: A Review of the Body in Social Work Literature10
The Strengths Approach in Practice: How it Changes Lives Avril Bellinger and Deirdre Ford10
‘Listening from a Personal Perspective’: Does Co-Designed Mental Health Education Shift Stigma? A Mixed Method Evaluation Study10
Corrigendum to: Predictive risk modelling and the mistaken equation of socio-economic disadvantage with risk of maltreatment10
When Social Workers Are Given Dual Mandates: Child Maintenance and the Complexities of Family Situations in the Ghanaian Child Protection System10
‘Surveillance Capitalism, COVID-19 and Social Work’: A Note on Uncertain Future(s)10
Social Work’s Contribution towards an Eco-Social World; the People’s Charter10
Leadership Through Language, Terminology and Representation: Conceptual and Tangible Steps Towards Epistemic Justice Practices10
Editorial: Safety and Risk, Blame and Change—in Whose Name and with What Consideration of Local, National, and International Contexts of Social Work Practice?10
Digital distributive leadership in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic—New light on the transition from physical workplaces to digital spaces in Swedish eldercare10
Teaching Social Work Practice Skills: A Collaborative Autoethnography Identifying Key Practice Skills and Modes of Delivery in the Art of Social Work Practice10
Voices of Women Exposed to Honour-Based Violence: On Vulnerability, Needs and Support from Social Services10
Sensibility to the Role of Child Welfare Services in the Machinery of Stigma9
Supporting Meaningful Implementation and Evaluation of Strengths-Based Approaches in Adult Social Care: A Theory of Change for The Three Conversations9
The Perceived Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health and Well-being of Care-Experienced People9
Social Work and Aboriginal Australians: What Gets in the Way of Good Practice9
Roles and Tasks of Social Workers in Chinese Disaster Management8
Burdened but Meaningful?: How Gender Role Attitudes Influence the Complex Links between Care-giver Self-Efficacy, Formal Support Utilisation and Benefit-Finding among Spousal Care-givers8
Predictors of Social Workers Attitudes Towards Evidence-based Practice: Self-determination and the Moderating Role of Organisational Learning8
Social Work Practice with Ethnic Minorities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning from the Arab Minority in Israel8
Cultural Diversity in Child Protection: Cultural Competence in Practice, Dr. Siobhan E. Laird and Dr. Prospera Tedam8
The Often-unheard Perspective of a Carer Navigating Neoliberalism under the Provisions of the 2014 Care Act8
Service Utilisation of an Innovative Mental Health Counselling Clinic8
The Working Mechanisms Underpinning Mental Health Experts by Experience Involvement in Direct Teaching: An Abductive Conceptual Framework8
Women Listening to Women: Radical Reflections on Self-Injury Support8
Empowerment or Holding the Child Responsible? An Australian Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Policy Analysis8
Borders: An International Comparative Analysis of Social Work’s Response8
Managing Risk and Uncertainty in the Context of Child Protection Decision Making8
Editorial: Preparing for Social Work Practice8
Editorial: Social Work Practitioner Research in a Globalised Context8
Lived Experiences as a Starting Point for Social Work Research—Possibilities and Challenges8
Investigating Secondary Trauma in Student Placements: An Exploratory Study8
Sibling Separation: Learning from Those with Former Foster Care Experiences7
Narratives of individual capacities: Positive organisational scholarship amongst child welfare workers in Norway7
Striking Ethical Balances: The Contribution of ‘Insider’ Practitioner–Academic Social Work Research in England7
Threshold Decisions in Social Work: Using Theory to Support Practice7
Learning by Stealth: Newly Qualified Social Workers’ Experiences of Navigating Health and Hospital Social Work7
The Role of Demographics, Professional Quality of Life and Public Image in Social Workers’ Self-Esteem7
Social Work in Wales, Wulf Livingston, Jo Redcliffe and Abyd Quinn Aziz (eds)7
The Social Media, Online and Digital Abuse and Harassment of Social Workers, Probation Officers and Social Work Students in Ireland: A National Survey7
Post-Pandemic Recovery Requires ‘More and Better’ Mental Health Services7
Social Work and the Quest for Environment Justice; a Call to Action7
Do New Policies Influence Practice? A Qualitative Study of Practice and Change in Relation to the New Welsh Child Sexual Exploitation Guidance7
Digital Technology in Children’s Safeguarding Social Work Practice in the 21st Century: A Scoping Review7
Embedding Learning as a Practice of Value: Learning from the Experiences of Early Career Social Workers in Scotland7
Re-Envisioning Field Education in Australian Social Work to Combat Placement Poverty: Students’, Educators’ and Practitioners’ Perceptions7
Impact of Social and Personal Factors on Psychological Distress in the Spanish Population in the COVID-19 Crisis6
Looking Through the Eyes of General Practitioners: The Role of Social Work in Primary Health Care6
HURTing: An Analysis of Service User and Carer Referrals to a UK Social Work Regulator6
The Effects of Decent Work and Social Support on Enhancing Collective Psychological Ownership Amongst Young Adult Social Workers6
Study to Change Destiny. Elements That Promote Successful Trajectories in Young People who Have Been in Residential Care6
Protecting Social Workers as Human Rights Defenders in a Dangerous World6
Professional Encounters with ‘the Other’: Widening Accessibility of Social Work Practices in Urban Neighbourhoods6
Complexity Theory and Child Protection and Welfare: A Tool of Hindsight and/or a Tool to Assist Improved Decision Making in Child Protection and Welfare Work6
The Advancement of Social Work: Studies in Social Work to Mark the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Social Workers’ Educational Trust 1972–2022, David Pitcher and Beverley Burke (eds)6
Gender Discrimination towards Female Arab Teenagers in Israel and Their Involvement in Severe Violence: The Mediating Role of Closeness to Parents6
Hospital Social Workers’ Boundary Work in Paediatric Acute Wards—Competitive or Collaborative?6
The Contributions of First Nations Voices to the Australian Public Debate over the Criminalisation of Coercive Control6
COVID-19 Impact on Children’s Social Work Practice and Social Worker Well-being: A Mixed Methods Study from Northern Ireland and Great Britain during 2020–20226
Learning from children and youth: A qualitative study about the changes that young people identify through a positive parenting programme6
Dilemmas and Decision Making in Residential Childcare, Abbi Jackson6
Measuring Instruments for Empowerment in Social Work: A Scoping Review6
Disrupting Human Rights: A Social Work Response to the Lockdown of Social Housing Residents6
Implementing Connecting People in Adult Mental Health Social Work Practice: A Thematic Analysis of Postgraduate Student Assessed Placement Reports6
Moving the River: Rethinking Regulation in Social Work6
Qualitative Studies of Foster Carer Experiences in Providing Out of Home Care for Children: A Scoping Review and Narrative Synthesis5
Highly Educated Immigrants in US Academia and Their Constrained Choices in the Social Work Profession5
Who asked for this? The curious case of Readiness for Professional Practice in England5
Experiences with Technology Amongst an International Sample of Older Adults: Results from a Qualitative Interpretive Meta-Synthesis5
Deconstructing Discourses in Assessments of Child Neglect5
How Power Dynamics and Relationships Interact with Assessment of Competence: Exploring the Experiences of Student Social Workers Who Failed a Practice Placement5
Cross-cultural comparison of mental health in social work students between UK and Ireland: Mental health shame and self-compassion5
Peer Support Workers as Equal Team Members. A Case Study of Peer Support in Glasgow Housing First5
Social Workers as Local Politicians in Israel5
Between self-determination and advice: Sense-making and justifications in Swedish budget and debt counselling5
‘Just Get on with It’: A Qualitative of Study of Social Workers’ Experiences during the Political Conflict in Northern Ireland5
A Parent’s Experience Working with Professionals Following Disclosure of Sibling Sexual Abuse/Trauma5
Systematic Bibliographic Database Searching for Literature Reviews: Case Study on Child Protection Decision-Making5
Revisiting a Positive Living Group Climate as a Citizenship Climate: A Socio-Spatial Perspective on Residential Youth Care5
Perspectives on Coping with Post-traumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorders: A Photovoice Study5
Changing Gears and Buying Time: A Study Exploring AMHP Practice Following Referral for a Mental Health Act Assessment in England and Wales5
Towards a ‘Social Model’ of Mental Capacity for Social Work5
Foster Carers’ Receptiveness to New Innovations and Programmes: An Example from the Introduction of Social Pedagogy to UK Foster Care5
‘I have enough pressure as it is, without the worry of doing something wrong because of ignorance’: The impact of Covid-19 on people who employ social care personal assistants5
Arab Social Workers’ Burnout in Welfare Bureaus: Expressions, Reasons, Implications and Coping-Mechanisms5
The Phenomenon of Repeat Payday Loan Borrowing in the United States: Assessing Risk and Protective Factors among the Financially Vulnerable5
Supporting Dialogue: Using Self-Selected Material Objects to Explore Spirituality, Mental Distress and the Social Worker Role5
Social relationships and their connection to mental health for young people who have been in the care system5
Conflicting Expectations of Interpreters’ Roles in the Interaction between Guardians and Unaccompanied Minors4
Sex and Diversity in Later Life: Critical Perspectives, Trish Hafford-Letchfield, Paul Simpson and Paul Reynolds4
Establishing outcome measures in practice: Developing a model for services working therapeutically with children and families4
Prosocial Personality as a Predictor of Burnout in Spanish Social Workers4
Sensing with Schizophrenia4
Personal, professional, and social benefits from leisure engagement among social workers: A qualitative exploration4
Painting by Alex for the World4
Interventions Targeting the Mental Health and Well-being of Care-Experienced Children and Young People: Mixed-Methods Systematic Review with Stakeholder Consultation to Inform Transportability and Ada4
Book Reviews—Introduction4
The capability approach in mental health research: A scoping review4
The Invisible Face of Social Work Field Education: Secondary Traumatic Stress Experiences of BSW Students4
Inconvenient Truth: Challenges to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Social Work Education and Practice4
Exploring the Potential Mechanisms of Action of the Mindfulness-based Social Work and Self-care Programme4
Swallowing Water It was Christmas at the orphanage And Just a Trigger Away4
Domestic Violence Survivors Who Became Anti-domestic Violence Volunteers: A Qualitative Study in China4
The ‘Powers of Horror’: Abjection, Critical Realism and Social Work4
The inter-relationship between parental problems and ethnic background: How do they impact on entry into local authority care?4
The Significance of Space: Experiences of Arab Social Work Professionals with EAGALA Equine-Assisted Learning4
Mental Health Family Carer Experiences during COVID-19: A Rapid Scoping Review of the International Literature4
Rebuilding Social Networks in Long-term Social Recovery from Substance-Use Problems4
Five Decades of Reflections by a Carer of a Learning Disabled Son—From Hospitalisation to Care in the Community4
Practice research methods in social work: Processes, applications and implications for social service organisations4
Call the Social, Julia Ross4
An Autoethnographic Perspective of Life Story Work4
A Three-Year Comparison of Global Social Worker Working Conditions4
Institutional escapes, breaks, and continuities: Reframing running away from residential child care institutions4
Approved Mental Health Professionals’ Experiences of Moral Distress: ‘Who Are we For’?4
Children’s Social Work Safe Staffing Supply and Workforce Demands Analysis: A Case Study from Northern Ireland4
Strategic Resource Mobilisation amongst Founder-CEOs of Social Work Organisations in Mainland China4
Correction to: Rethinking Anti-Discriminatory and Anti-Oppressive Theories for Social Work Practice, Christine Cocker, Trish Hafford-Letchfield (eds)4
Working with Domestic Violence and Abuse across the Lifecourse: Understanding Good Practice, Ravi Thiara and Lorraine Radford (eds)4
Impact of Stress on Job Engagement among Social Workers in Beijing: The Roles of Positive Emotion and Career Resilience4
The Perfect Storm? COVID-19 and Substance Use amongst Social Work Students in the USA4
A Child in the Middle, Catherine Chanter4
Disaster Preparedness in Social Work: Enhancing Policy in Australian Human Service Organisations4
Chasing the Hat4
Strategic Information: A Qualitative Study on the Use of Digital Curriculum Vitae for Social Work with Vulnerable Clients4
Bottled up feelings4
Political Involvement of Social Workers in Majority and Minority Groups: Comparison of Palestinians-Israeli and Jewish-Israeli4
What is Life Story Work? How defining approaches can bring clarity to research, training, and practice4
Approaches to Supporting Young People in Out-of-Home Care Who ‘Self-Place’ in Unapproved Locations: Perspectives of Statutory Child Protection Practitioners4
The Importance of Considering Functional Outcome and Self-awareness in the Assessment of Care Needs: Initial Evaluation of the Brain Injury Needs Indicator4
What is the Unit of Empowerment? An Ecological Perspective4
The Perceived Public Image of Palestinian Female Social Workers in Israel: Effects on Professional Experiences4
Exploring Local Authority Variation in Looked After Young People’s Subjective Well-being4
Hegemony, Common Sense and Good Sense: A Gramscian Study of Policymakers’ Perspectives on Dealing with Poverty in Child Welfare and Protection3
Evaluating Child Interviews Conducted by Child Protective Services Workers and Police Investigators3
‘We Taught You How to Teach Us’: An Autoethnography of Decolonising of Social Work Education in a Programme for Bedouin-Arab Social Workers in Israel3
The associations between poverty and social–emotional outcomes among children in Japan3
Truly Listening to Accounts of Mental Health Act Assessments: Reflections on my Practice3
Social Workers in Socio-Legal Collaborations: Re-Asserting a Pivotal Role of Influence and Leadership3
The Meaning of Online Social Work Education for Students and Faculty during COVID-19: Between Preservation and Change3
The Empowerment of Informal Female Workers: A Case Study for Social Work Intervention in Tehran Province3
Perceptions of Safe Staffing, Self-Reported Mental Well-being and Intentions to Leave the Profession among UK Social Workers: A Mixed Methods Study3
The Role of Social Work Education in Relation to Empathy and Self-Reported Resilience: Results from Entry to Exit of Social Work Education on the Island of Ireland during the COVID-19 Pandemic3
Role of Peer Support in Building Motivation to Change Addictive Behaviour3
Fidelity to and Adaptation of Evidence-based Interventions in the Social Work Literature: A Scoping Review3
What Influences the Use of Research by the Adult Social Care Workforce?3
Fostering for Adoption; Our Story and the Story of Others, Alice Hill3
The Anti-Racist Social Worker; stories of activism in social care and allied health professionals, Tanya Moore and Glory Simango3
Whose Voice is It Anyway?3
Correction to: Social Workers’ Experiences of Working with Partner Violence3
Mapping Theory–Practice Integration: A Model from Aotearoa New Zealand3
Social work, Max Weber and ethical irrationality3
Practitioner Perspectives on Agency Social Work in Children and Families Social Work in England3
Devolved Budgets in Children’s Social Care: A Logic Model Based on Three Pilot Evaluations3
Political Institutions and Social Work: How Switzerland’s Direct Democracy, Federalist Structure and Consensus System Affect Social Workers’ Policy Engagement3
Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse: An under-Recognised Safeguarding Issue?3
‘Permanent Temporariness’ as a Critical Lens: A Framework for Social Work with Forced Migrants3
When the Body Speaks: Body-Mapping the Somatic Symptoms of Stress in Hospital Social Workers3
Today in Light of Yesterday: An Exploration of Workers’ Childhood Memories in the Context of Child Protection Practice3
‘Listen Very Carefully, We Will Say This Only Once (Again)’ Dead Ends to Politicisation in Social Work3
A Multidimensional Approach to Explore the Experiences with Ethnic Matching amongst Chinese Social Service Practitioners in the Greater Toronto Area3
Safeguarding Young People beyond the Family Home: Responding to Extra-Familial Risks and Harms, Carlene Firmin, Michelle Lefevre, Nathalie Huegler and Delphine Peace3
A Systematic Review of Empirical Research on Transracial Adoption in South Africa3
Social Work Practitioner Research into Participation of People with Learning Disabilities in Elections in the UK—A Local Case Study3
A Social Work Model of Historical Trauma3
Social Work in Brazil in the Vortex of Three crises: Pandemic, Social and Political3
‘You Just Treat me like a Human Being’: Using Lived Experience to (Re)imagine Boundary Practices in mental health settings3
The Place of Knowledge in Constructing Social Work Identity: Validating Vagueness3
Prevalence of Child Maltreatment during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Survey of Rural Hubei, China3
Think Family, Think Relationship: Factors Influencing Stronger Professional Relationships with Parents Diagnosed with a Mental Illness. A Qualitative Study3
Politics for Social Workers: A Practical Guide to Effecting Change, Stephen Pimpare3
Professional Burnout as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Pandemic-Related Stress and Social Care Workers’ Mental Health3
The Connected Lives We Live: Autoethnographic Accounts of Disability, Mental Illness and Power3
Social Workers Migrating between England and Australia: Linking Social Hierarchies, Bureaucracy, Trust and Politeness3
‘Bottom Line is You Deserve These Things’: Experiences of Social Security Claimants as Lessons for Take-up Advocacy3
Service users’ experiences of social and psychological avoidable harm in mental health social care in England: Findings of a scoping review3
Writing as Social Work: Thematic Review of the Literature3
A Policy Decoupled from Practice: Children’s Participation in Swedish Social Assistance3
Human Growth and Development in Adults, J Parker and S. Ashencaen Crabtree (eds),3
Beyond the Toxic Trio: Exploring Demand Typologies in Children’s Social Care3
Last Resort or Best Interest? Exploring the Risk and Safety Factors That Inform the Rates of Relocation for Young People Abused in Extra-Familial Settings3
A Managed Approach to On-Street Sex Working: Messages for Social Work Practice3
Understanding Successes and Failures of Family Group Conferencing: An in-Depth Multiple Case Study3
Finding a Path to Social Justice within Fractured Belonging in Pressurised Environments, Facing Circumstances That No Longer Feel ‘Exceptional’3
Recognition of Family Life by Children Living in Kinship Care Arrangements in England3
Social Exclusion in the UK—The Lived Experience Mel Hughes (ed.)3
Understanding training and support needs of foster carers of infants in out-of-home care3
Perceived Disaster Preparedness between Asian Americans and Other Races: Mediating Roles of Information Seeking and Self-Efficacy3
‘Terrific Black Holes’: Experiences with Social Services in Elder Family Financial Exploitation3
International Perspectives on Social Work and Political Conflict, Joe Duffy, Jim Campbell and Carol Tosone (eds)3
Exploring the Anti-professional Turn in English Foster Care: Implications for Policy, Practice and Research3
Psychometric Examination of the Freshman Stress Questionnaire Using a Sample of Social Work Students in Spain during the Covid-19 Pandemic3
Utilising the ADAPT-ITT Method to Adapt an Evidence-based Intervention Addressing HIV, Trauma and Mental Health Risks among Female Fish Traders in Zambia3
Children Forsaken: Child Abuse from Ancient to Modern Times Steven Walker (ed.)3
Digital Connection in Health and Social Work: Perspectives from Covid-19, Denise Turner and Michael Fanner (eds)3
The Protective Role of Perceived Social Support between Ethnic Identity and Adverse Mental Health Outcomes: The Case of Indigenous Adults in Taiwan3
Remote service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic: Questioning the impact of technology on relationship-based social work practice3
Familiarity with Evidence-Based Practice and Self-Evaluated Service Quality: The Mediating Roles of Preference for Authority-Based Evidence and Professional Autonomy3
Lived Experience in Social Work: An Underutilised Expertise3
Expressive Arts Intervention for Older Carers of Adult Family Members with Intellectual Disabilities3
Developing and Evaluating a Social Work Assessment Model based on Co-production Methods3
Staff Perceptions and Capability in using the Mental Capacity Act to Assess Decision Making in those with Acquired Brain Injury and Executive Dysfunction3
Social Work and the Making of Social Policy, Edited by Ute Klammer, Simone Leiber and Sigrid Leitner3
Understanding Mental Distress: Knowledge, Practice and Neoliberal Reform in Community Mental Health Services3
Implementing the Learning from the Mindfulness-based Social Work and Self-care Programme to Social Work Student Practice during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study2
Photography in Social Work and Social Change: Theory and Applications for Practice and Research, Matthias J. Naleppa, Kristina M. Hash and Anissa T. Rogers2
Outlanders: Hidden Narratives from Social Workers of Colour (from Black & Other Global Majority Communities), Edited by Wayne Reid and Siobhan Maclean2
The Impact of COVID-19 on Social Care and Social Work in the UK: A Scoping Review2
Evaluating Fast Track Social Work-Qualifying Programmes: Have We Learnt Anything?2
Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers: The Truth about Britain Declan Henry2
‘Social Workers Failed to Heed Warnings’: A Text-Based Study of How a Profession is Portrayed in UK Newspapers2
Erratum to: A Leadership Model for Social Work: Drawing on Health Care to Inform Social Work Leadership2
Putting Outcomes into Practice: The Implementation of a Framework of Outcome Measures within a Child and Family Service2
From communal duties to individual rights: The migration of Indian social workers to England2
Child Sexual Exploitation, Why Theory Matters, Jenny Pearce2
Can Social Workers Estimate the Likelihood of Future Actions and Events? A Forecasting Accuracy Study2