Worlds Poultry Science Journal

(The H4-Index of Worlds Poultry Science Journal is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Future demands of the poultry industry: will we meet our commitments sustainably in developed and developing economies?39
Importance of feed efficiency for sustainable intensification of chicken meat production: implications and role for amino acids, feed enzymes and organic trace minerals34
Nanoparticles applications in poultry production: an updated review29
The role of early feeding in improving performance and health of poultry: herbs and their derivatives28
Impact of heat stress on poultry production27
Organic acids and their potential role for modulating the gastrointestinal tract, antioxidative status, immune response, and performance in poultry27
A review on the productive potential of the Muscovy Duck23
In ovodelivery of nutraceuticals improves health status and production performance of poultry birds: a review21
Dietary fibre in laying hens: a review of effects on performance, gut health and feather pecking21
Effect of feeding fermented and non-fermented palm kernel cake on the performance of broiler chickens: a review20
Goose production and goose products20
Commercial poultry feed formulation: current status, challenges, and future expectations19
Application of herbs and their derivatives in broiler chickens: a review19
The use of silkworm pupae (Bombyx mori) meal as an alternative protein source for poultry18
Caecal protein fermentation in broilers: a review18
Olive pomace for the feeding of commercial poultry: effects on performance, meat and eggs quality, haematological parameters, microbiota and immunity18
Physiological and immunological benefits of probiotics and their impacts in poultry productivity18
Importance of considering non-starch polysaccharide content of poultry diets17
Essential oils as sanitisers for hatching eggs17