Wordsworth Circle

(The TQCC of Wordsworth Circle is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Global Romantic Lyric2
The Interval in Coleridge: Meter and Temporality2
Pretty Vacant: Shelley’s Metrical Stops and Glacial Breaks1
Repetition Run Riot: Refrains, Slogans, and Graffiti1
Balladry in Motion1
From the Editor1
Lyrical Ballads, Balladic Lyrics: The Case of Wordsworth’s “The Thorn”1
Beyond Pure Poetics: On the Rhythmic Impulse in Romanticism1
Historical Poetics, Poetics of History: Priestley’s Time Charts and the Visualization of Meter1
The Rewilding of Dorothy Wordsworth1
The Datafication of Culture: Romanticism and AI-Generated Poetry0
Phillip Hunnekuhl, Henry Crabb Robinson: Romantic Comparatist, 1790–1811. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020. xix+275pp. £90.0
From the Editor0
Marilyn Gaull Book Award to be presented annually by the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association0
:Look Round for Poetry: Untimely Romanticism0
Christopher W. Corbin, The Evangelical Party and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Return to the Church of England. New York: Routledge, 2019. ix+224 pp. US$155.00.0
Robert Morrison, ed., Thomas De Quincey: Selected Writings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. 672 pp. US$135.00.0
Marilyn Gaull’s Unwritten Book: Romantic Possibility and the Polymath0
:Hope: A Literary History0
David Russell, Tact: Aesthetic Liberalism and the Essay Form in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018. x+200 pp. US$35.00.0
Announcement: The Marilyn Gaull Book Award0
James Robert Wood, Anecdotes of Enlightenment: Human Nature from Locke to Wordsworth. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2019. xv+241 pp. US$49.50.0
Nancy E. Johnson and Paul Keen, eds., Mary Wollstonecraft in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. xxxiv+358 pp., 5 illustrations. US$110.00 (cloth).0
Shelley and Slavery0
Front Matter0
Bibliography of Writings by Marilyn Gaull0
:Canals, Castles and Catholics: Dora Wordsworth’s Continental Journal of 18280
“The Path of Sound through the Air”: Coleridge’s Biographia, I. A. Richards, and Twentieth-Century Poetry0
Romantic Energy0
John Clare’s Peepshow: The Clarean Camera and the Medium of Peasant Poetry0
Kate Singer, Romantic Vacancy: The Poetics of Gender, Affect, and Radical Speculation. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2019. xlii+233 pp. US$95.00.0
Front Matter0
Remembering Marilyn Gaull0
Naji B. Oueijan, Lord Byron and Mythology. New York: Peter Lang, 2020. xii+143 pp. US$81.00.0
:The Romantic Rhetoric of Accumulation0
Not Imitation, Deep Transformation: Wordsworth’s Virgil0
A Brief History of the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association0
“Above the Noise and Stir of Yonder Fields Uplifted”: Wordsworth in the High Places0
“Shadowy Recollections”: Shelley’s Imaginative Encounters with Wordsworth0
Picturesque Wilderness and the Human Problem0
Antiquarian Polyphony: William Hone’s Transformation in / of the 1820s0
From the Editor0
:Aesthetics, Poetics and Phenomenology in Samuel Taylor Coleridge0
Marilyn Gaull Book Award to be presented annually by the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association0
:The Collected Letters of Humphry Davy0
From the Editor0
:Orientation in European Romanticism: The Art of Falling Upwards0
Lyric Elements: Sound and Performance0
“Uphold Me to That End”: The Telos of Wordsworth’s Poetry0
:The Collected Letters of Sir George and Lady Beaumont to the Wordsworth Family, 1803–1829, with a Study of the Creative Exchange between Wordsworth and Beaumont0
Announcement: The Marilyn Gaull Book Award0
:Against the Uprooted Word: Giving Language Time in Transatlantic Romanticism0
:Dream-Child: A Life of Charles Lamb0
Matrix, Imprint, Dot: Romantic Data by the Fingertip0
The Poetry of the Ambidextrous Michael O’Neill0
:Living as an Author in the Romantic Period0
:Shelley in China (1905–1966)0
Wordsworth’s Fortitude, “Peele Castle,” and Lucretius’s De Rerum Natura0
Frederick Burwick, A History of Romantic Literature. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019. ix+533 pp. US$130.00.0
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association Call for Papers0
Michael O’Neill, Mary Shelley, and the Posthumous Poems0
Front Matter0
How Poetry Knows0
Marilyn Remembered0
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association Call for Papers0
Coleridge’s Church and State: A Reassessment of Culture, Clerisy, Catholicism, the Humanities, and a National Trust0
How to Make a Circle—for Marilyn Gaull0
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association Call for Papers0
:Romantic Autopsy: Literary Form and Medical Reading0
Romantic Opium in a Global Context0
For Marilyn Gaull0
Announcement: The Marilyn Gaull Book Award0
The Politics of Superstition in “The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere,” Osorio, and The Borderers0
Damian Walford Davies, ed. Counterfactual Romanticism. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019. xii+324 pp. £80.00.0
:Death Rights: Romantic Suicide, Race, and the Bounds of Liberalism0
:The Natural Laws of Plot: How Things Happen in Realist Novels0
Announcement: The Marilyn Gaull Book Award0
Imaginative Geographies in Scott and Austen0
Call for Papers0
Dark Desert Earth: Romanticism in the Desert0
Ian Duncan, Human Forms: The Novel in the Age of Evolution. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2019. xiii+290 pp. US$35.00.0
Volume 52 Index0
Anahid Nersessian, The Calamity Form: On Poetry and Social Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. 223 pp. US$27.50 (paper).0
Front Matter0
Nigel Leask, Stepping Westward: Writing the Highland Tour c.1720–1830. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 339 pp. £65.00 (cloth).0
Hrileena Ghosh, John Keats’ Medical Notebook. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020. xiv+303 pp. US$120.00.0
Missing Marilyn0
:Shelley’s Broken World: Fractured Materiality and Intermitted Song0
From the Editor0
Front Matter0
“Looking as from a Distance on the World”: Poetic Epistemologies of the Long Eighteenth Century0
:Techno-Magism: Media, Mediation, and the Cut of Romanticism0
Peter Cheyne, Coleridge’s Contemplative Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. v+374 pp. US$87.54.0
Wordsworth among the Ancient Britons: Historical Attachments in The Vale of Esthwaite0
Simon Bainbridge, Mountaineering and British Romanticism: The Literary Cultures of Climbing, 1770–1836. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. xii+230 pp. US$80.00.0
Ian Newman, The Romantic Tavern: Literature and Conviviality in the Age of Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xiii+279 pp. US$99.99.0
From the Editor0
T. Robin Chapman, The Oxford Literary History of Wales, Volume 2, Writing in Welsh, c. 1740–2010: A Troubled Heritage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. x+332 pp. £65.00.0
Late and Soon; or, Where to Stop? Two New Biographies of Wordsworth0
:Walter Scott and the Greening of Scotland: Emergent Ecologies of a Nation0
Announcement: Marilyn Gaull Book Award0
Poetry and the Romantic Harmony0
“Concourse Wild”: Birdsong, Speech, and Wordsworth’s Poetry0
John Clare’s “Lament of Swordy Well” as Wasteland0
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association Call for Papers0
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust: A Tragedy, Part I. Edited and translated by Eugene Stelzig. Lewiston, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2019. ix+233 pp. US$19.95 (paper).0
Front Matter0
Coleridge and Wonder0
Sense Data and the Romantic Myth of the Given0
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association 20250
From the Editor0
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association Call for Papers0
2022 Announcement0
Kate Singer, Ashley Cross, and Suzanne L. Barnett, eds. Material Transgressions: Beyond Romantic Bodies, Genders, Things. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020. xiii+339 pp. £90.00.0
:Stoic Romanticism and the Ethics of Emotion0
:William Blake’s Printed Paintings: Methods, Origins, Meanings0
:Wild Romanticism0
Henry Crabb Robinson’s Reminiscences as Autobiography0
2024 Announcement0
Coleridge’s Irritability: Reading Theory of Life with Christabel0
Queering Liberation in The Woman of Colour0
:The Aesthetic Commonplace: Wordsworth, Eliot, Wittgenstein and the Language of Every Day0
From the Editor0
John Savarese, Romanticism’s Other Minds: Poetry, Cognition, and the Science of Sociability. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2020. viii+192 pp. US$59.95.0
:Disastrous Subjectivities: Romanticism, Modernity, and the Real0
Placing William Gilbert’s Contributions to the World & Fashionable Advertiser0
:“Genial” Perception: Wordsworth, Coleridge, and the Myth of Genius in the Long Eighteenth Century0
From the Editor0
Self-Interest and Millennial Prematurity: Joseph Fawcett and the Death of Mr. Clare inCaleb Williams0
2023 Announcement0
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association Call for Papers0
Women’s Walking Tours and Romantic Wilderness0
The Quintessential Humanism of Dr. Marilyn Gaull0
Front Matter0
Front Matter0
:The Lady’s Magazine (1770–1832) and the Making of Literary History0
:Haiti’s Literary Legacies: Romanticism and the Unthinkable Revolution0
Front Matter0
“If they would but laugh at him”: Joanna Baillie, Comedy, and Everyday Revenge0
Dickinson’s Poise0
Marilyn Gaull Book Award to Be Presented Annually by the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association0
James Watt, British Orientalisms, 1759–1835. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. vii+285 pp. US$99.99.0
Learning from Michael O’Neill: Shelley’s Afterlives and Mary Shelley’s Editing0
An Email from September 20010
:Scottish Romanticism and Collective Memory in the British Atlantic0
Curbing Enthusiasm: Accommodation in Wordsworth’s Poetry0
Coleridge’s “Frost at Midnight”: Phase Transition0
:The Lake Poets in Prose: Connecting Threads0
:In Common Things: Commerce, Culture, and Ecology in British Romantic Literature0
De Quincey and Power0
Essaka Joshua, Physical Disability in British Romantic Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 312 pp. US$99.99. Emily Stanback, The Wordworth-Coleridge Circle and the Aesth0
Karen Swann, Lives of the Dead Poets: Keats, Shelley, Coleridge. New York: Fordham University Press, 2019. 177 pp. US$30.000
From the Editor0
MLA Sessions Organized by the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association, 1974–20220
:Pathologies of Motion: Historical Thinking in Medicine, Aesthetics, and Poetics0
Saeko Yoshikawa, William Wordsworth and Modern Travel: Railways, Motorcars and the Lake District, 1830–1940. Romantic Reconfigurations: Studies in Literature and Culture 1780–1850. Liverpool: L0
Jacques Khalip, Last Things: Disastrous Form from Kant to Hujar. New York: Fordham University Press, 2018. xiv+139 pp. US$25.00.0
Crossing the Alps: William and Dorothy Wordsworth in Dialogue0
Deirdre Coleman, Henry Smeathman, the Flycatcher. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2018. xiii+322 pp. US$130.00.0
Sally Bushell, ed., The Cambridge Companion to “Lyrical Ballads.” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. xx+284 pp. £21.99 (paper).0
From the Editor0
“The child is father of the man”: The Educational Writings of Thomas Wedgwood and the Poems of William Wordsworth, 1798–18040
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association Call for Papers0
2021 Announcement0
:The Global Wordsworth: Romanticism Out of Place0
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association 20220
Marilyn Gaull Book Award to be presented annually by the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association0
Kirstie Blair, Working Verse in Victorian Scotland: Poetry, Press, Community. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. vi+235 pp. US$80.00.0
:Keats and Shelley: Winds of Light0
Angela Esterhammer, Print and Performance in the 1820s: Improvisation, Speculation, Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. ix+264 pp. US$99.99.0
Justin Tonra, Write My Name: Authorship in the Poetry of Thomas Moore. New York: Routledge, 2021. ix+193 pp. US$128.00.0
“Life and Food for Future Years”: Revisiting “Tintern Abbey” through Historical Marginalia0
:On the Horizon of World Literature: Forms of Modernity in Romantic England and Republican China0
Toni Wein, Monstrous Fellowship: “Pagan, Turk and Jew” in English Popular Culture, 1780–1845. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. x+334 pp. US$78.93.0
Wordsworth, Parody, and the Authorship of “The Barberry-Tree”0
The Drama of the Author: Wordsworth’s The Excursion0
John Clare in Neon: Environmental Crisis and the Poetics of the Field0
Dale Townshend, Gothic Antiquity: History, Romance, and the Architectural Imagination, 1760–1840. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. xxvi+405 pp. US$99.00.0
Diego Saglia, European Literatures in Britain, 1815–1832: Romantic Translations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xvii+261 pp. US $105.00. Will Bowers, The Italian Idea: Anglo-It0
Lyric’s Not Returning Time0
:Before the Raj: Writing Early Anglophone India0
Volume 51 Index0
Coleridge’s Schelling’s Spinoza, or the Biographia Literaria and the Promise of the Wild0
Notes Toward a History of Gentleness0
Samantha Matthews, Album Verses and Romantic Literary Culture: Poetry, Manuscript, Print, 1780–1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 304 pp. US$80.00.0
In Memoriam: Susan M. Levin0
Travel, Taste, and Tourism in Southey’s Letters from England (1807)0
Anna Mercer, The Collaborative Literary Relationship of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. New York: Routledge, 2020. xxxiii+209 pp. US$155.00.0
:Honor, Romanticism, and the Hidden Value of Modernity0
Tradition and the Individual Ballad: Prosodic Inheritance and Innovation in the Lyrical Ballads (1798)0
Eric Gidal,Ossianic Unconformities: Bardic Poetry in the Industrial Age. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2015. xi+226. US$39.50.0
The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association Call for Papers0
Romanticism and the Operationalization of Data into Epistemology: Kant, Somerville, Bayes, and Felt Quantity0
Tom Keymer, Jane Austen: Writing, Society, Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. xiv+168 pp. US$18.95. Anne Toner, Jane Austen’s Style: Narrative Economy and the Novel’s Growth<0
Front Matter0
Introduction: Returning to the Biographia Literaria0
:Portraits of Wollstonecraft: The Making of a Feminist Icon0
:William Wordsworth, Second-Generation Romantic: Contesting Poetry after Waterloo0
From the Editor0
Announcement: The Marilyn Gaull Book Award0
:Chinese Dreams in Romantic England: The Life and Times of Thomas Manning0
:Book Madness: A Story of Book Collectors in America0
The Overlooked Mechanics of Chapter 13 in Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria0
The Erotic Phenomenon of Charlotte Smith’s “Flora”0
:The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism and Religion0
:Early Anthropocene Literature in Britain, 1750–18840
Paper Bodies: Data and Embodiment in the Sisterhood of Slade’s Commonplace Books0
:The Limits of Familiarity: Authorship and Romantic Readers0
Single-Press Literature: Improvement, Walladmor, and the Production of Authenticity0
Volume 54 Index0
Stephen Tedeschi, Urbanization and English Romantic Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. vi+282 pp. US$99.99 (cloth); US$28.99 (paper).0
Hazlitt’s Criticism of Shelley0
From the Editor0
2023 Announcement0
Marilyn, Without Whom0
Front Matter0
Afterword: Shared Data, Personal Data0
From the Editor0
:Jane Austen and Other Minds: Ordinary Language Philosophy in Literary Fiction0
John Owen Havard, Disaffected Parties: Political Estrangement and the Making of English Literature, 1760–1830. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. xv+296 pp. US$75.99.0
Front Matter0
Matthew Bevis, Wordsworth’s Fun. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. 303 pp. US$82.50 (cloth); US$27.50 (paper).0
Post-Romantic Relations: Percy Bysshe Shelley and Emily Brontё0
2024 Announcement0
A Local Habitation, Not a Name: The Preservation of Wildness in Wordsworth’s “Poems on the Naming of Places”0
:Thomas De Quincey: Romanticism in Translation0
Michelle Levy, Literary Manuscript Culture in Romantic Britain. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. xii+299 pp. US$105.00.0
:Shakespeare and the Romantics0
2023 Announcement0
Announcement: Marilyn Gaull Book Award0
:Fracture Feminism: The Politics of Impossible Time in British Romanticism0
Volume 53 Index0
:George Berkeley and Romanticism: Ghostly Language0
“Intimations” Revisited: Wordsworth’s Double Consciousness0
Memorial to Marilyn Gaull0
Front Matter0
Wordsworth’s Moonyverse: Lockdown and Lunacy in Two Poems from the 1830s0
Yohei Igarashi, The Connected Condition: Romanticism and the Dream of Communication. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2020. 237 pp. US$60.00.0
:Poetic Form and Romantic Provocation0
Front Matter0
“On poetry and geometric truth”: Wordsworth’s Genius Loci0
Front Matter0
John Clare: The Sonnet “Ill at Rest”0
Andrew M. Stauffer, Book Traces: Nineteenth-Century Readers and the Future of the Library. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021. 207 pp. US$49.95.0
Alexander Freer, Wordsworth’s Unremembered Pleasure. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 272 pp. US$70.00.0
Robert Southey and the Fate of Spanish Democracy, 1811–18210
“A Long and Clamorous Bray”: Echo and Allusion in Peter Bell0
Epistemologies of the Road: William Hazlitt and the Georgian Road Book0