Water Research

(The median citation count of Water Research is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Hidden dangers: High levels of organic pollutants in hadal trenches395
Corroded iron pipe inhibits microbial-mediated Mn(II) oxidation and MnOx accumulation compared to PVC pipe381
Environmental DNA, hydrochemistry and stable water isotopes as integrative tracers of urban ecohydrology369
Editorial Board323
Editorial Board322
Editorial Board314
A model to predict the kinetics of direct (endogenous) virus inactivation by sunlight at different latitudes and seasons, based on the equivalent monochromatic wavelength approach309
Comparisons of four As(V)-respiring bacteria from contaminated aquifers: activities to respire soluble As(V) and to reductively mobilize solid As(V)291
Linking denitrification and pesticide transformation potentials with community ecology and groundwater discharge in hyporheic sediments in a lowland stream281
Editorial Board271
Delineating groundwater contamination risks in southern coastal metropoles through implementation of geochemical and socio-environmental data in decision-tree and geographical information system257
Editorial Board248
Understanding variability in algal solid-liquid separation process outcomes by manipulating extracellular protein-carbohydrate interactions234
Chiral inversion of 2-arylpropionoic acid (2-APA) enantiomers during simulated biological wastewater treatment222
Increase metabolic heat to compensate for low temperature in activated sludge systems220
Bioregeneration of sulfate-laden anion exchange resin220
A multifunctional and low-energy electrochemical membrane system for chemical-free regulation of solution pH205
Revealing degradation pathways of soluble and dissolved organic matter in alluvial-lacustrine aquifer systems impacted by high levels of geogenic ammonium203
Pathways linking watershed development and riparian quality to stream water quality and fish communities: Insights from 233 subbasins of the Great Lakes region197
Algae promotes the biogenic oxidation of Mn(II) by accelerated extracellular superoxide production195
Combined environmental pressure induces unique assembly patterns of micro-plastisphere biofilm microbial communities in constructed wetlands189
Decoupling of high-resolution surface pH and DO reveals temporal algal bloom dynamics on the East China Sea188
Activation of peracetic acid by electrodes using biogenic electrons: A novel energy- and catalyst-free process to eliminate pharmaceuticals187
Effects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on EH40 steel corrosion in the simulated tidal zone185
A physics-informed statistical learning framework for forecasting local suspended sediment concentrations in marine environment180
Different responses of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria to photocatalytic disinfection using solar-light-driven magnetic TiO2-based material, and disinfection of real sewage177
Molecular oxygen activation: Innovative techniques for environmental remediation176
Application of dual carbon-bromine stable isotope analysis to characterize anaerobic micro-degradation mechanisms of PBDEs in wetland bottom-water176
Remove legacy perfluoroalkyl acids and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl ether acids by single-use and regenerable anion exchange resins: Rapid small-scale column tests and model fits172
Wet oxidation technology can significantly reduce both microplastics and nanoplastics170
Assessing the quantum yield spectrum of photochemically produced reactive intermediates from black carbon of various sources and properties169
Nitrate sources and nitrogen dynamics in a karst aquifer with mixed nitrogen inputs (Southwest China): Revealed by multiple stable isotopic and hydro-chemical proxies168
Exploring the efficiency of tide flow constructed wetlands for treating mariculture wastewater: A comprehensive study on antibiotic removal mechanism under salinity stress163
Effects of substrate stress and light intensity on enhanced biological phosphorus removal in a photo-activated sludge system161
Displacement dewatering of sludge with supercritical CO2161
Generic CD-MUSIC-eSGC model parameters to predict the surface reactivity of iron (hydr)oxides160
Biological and physico-chemical mechanisms accelerating the acclimation of Mn-removing biofilters159
Selective removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products from water by titanium incorporated hierarchical diatoms in the presence of natural organic matter157
Extent of bioleaching and bioavailability reduction of potentially toxic heavy metals from sewage sludge through pH-controlled fermentation156
Recovery targets and timescales for Lough Neagh and other lakes156
WITHDRAWN: Optimized Suspect Screening Approach for a Comprehensive Assessment of the Impact of Best Management Practices in Reducing Micropollutants Transport in the Potomac River Watershed156
Density-dependent microbial calcium carbonate precipitation by drinking water bacteria via amino acid metabolism and biosorption153
Coupling between sediment biogeochemistry and phytoplankton development in a temperate freshwater marsh (Charente-Maritime, France): Evidence of temporal pattern152
Source identification of amphetamine-like stimulants in Spanish wastewater through enantiomeric profiling152
Fractional derivative method for anomalous aquitard flow in a leaky aquifer system with depth-decaying aquitard hydraulic conductivity152
Effects of erythromycin on biofilm formation and resistance mutation of Escherichia coli on pristine and UV-aged polystyrene microplastics151
Hydro-conditioning: Advanced approaches for cost-effective water quality management in agricultural watersheds150
Effects of fulvic acid size on microcystin-LR photodegradation and detoxification in the chlorine/UV process150
Climate warming negatively affects plant water-use efficiency in a seasonal hydroperiod wetland150
Enhanced transformation of organic pollutants by mild oxidants in the presence of synthetic or natural redox mediators: A review149
High biological N fixation potential dominated by heterotrophic diazotrophs in alpine permafrost rivers on the Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau148
Tourmaline triggered biofilm transformation: Boosting ultrafiltration efficiency and fouling resistance147
Stable isotope probing reveals specific assimilating bacteria of refractory organic compounds in activated sludge147
Groundwater-native Fe(II) oxidation prior to aeration with H2O2 to enhance As(III) removal144
Long-term impact of wastewater effluent discharge on groundwater: Identification of contaminant plume by geochemical, isotopic, and organic tracers' approach144
Non-conventional water reuse in agriculture: A circular water economy142
Performance of a novel up-flow electrocatalytic hydrolysis acidification reactor (UEHAR) coupled with anoxic/oxic system for treating coking wastewater142
Asymmetric defective sites-mediated high-valent cobalt-oxo species in self-suspension aerogel platform for efficient peroxymonosulfate activation140
Centralized iron-dosing into returned sludge brings multifaceted benefits to wastewater management139
A self-sustaining effect induced by iron sulfide generation and reuse in pyrite-woodchip mixotrophic bioretention systems: An experimental and modeling study139
Transport-based source tracking of contaminants in a karst aquifer: Model implementation, proof of concept, and application to event-based field data138
Development and optimization of a systematic approach to identifying lead service lines: One community's success137
Positive matrix factorization receptor model and dynamics in fingerprinting of potentially toxic metals in coastal ecosystem sediments at a large scale (Persian Gulf, Iran)136
Intensified effect of nitrogen forms on dominant phytoplankton species succession by climate change135
Generic phosphate affinity constants of the CD-MUSIC-eSGC model to predict phosphate adsorption and dominant speciation on iron (hydr)oxides135
Interfacial interactions of nanoscale zero-valent iron particles with clay minerals in the aquatic environments: Experimental and theoretical calculation study133
Methane dynamics altered by reservoir operations in a typical tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir133
Calcium ion removal at different sodium chloride concentrations by free and immobilized halophilic bacteria133
Insufficient desorption of ions in constant-current membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI): Problems and solutions132
Colloid-bound radicals formed in NOM-enhanced Fe(III)/peroxymonosulfate process accelerate the degradation of trace organic contaminants in water132
Influence of sand depth and pause period on microbial removal in traditional and modified biosand filters132
Viability of a practical multicyclic sorption-based water harvester with improved water yield132
Purifying water with silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)-incorporated membranes: Recent advancements and critical challenges132
Microbial community coalescence: does it matter in the Three Gorges Reservoir?132
A new approach of simultaneous adsorption and regeneration of activated carbon to address the bottlenecks of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment131
The synergistic effect of oxidant-peroxide coupling systems for water and wastewater treatments131
Modifications to the anaerobic digestion model no. 1 (ADM1) for enhanced understanding and application of the anaerobic treatment processes – A comprehensive review130
Regulation effects of indoleacetic acid on lipid production and nutrient removal of Chlorella pyrenoidosa in seawater-containing wastewater130
Ecological changes and risk of pathogenic microbial niche in reclaimed water before and after inhibition of Elizabethkingia meningosepticum by pNJR6 plasmid combined with microbioflocculation130
Formation of dichloroacetic acid and dichloroacetamide from phenicol antibiotic abatement during ozonation and post-chlor(am)ination130
Coagulation/co-catalytic membrane integrated system for fouling-resistant and efficient water purification130
Polar electric field-modulated peroxymonosulfate selective activation for removal of organic contaminants via non-radical electron transfer process129
Improving the interpretability of deep reinforcement learning in urban drainage system operation129
Primary settling changes the microbial community of influent wastewater to wastewater treatment plants129
Evaluating production rates of particulate organic hydrogen by marine phytoplankton for estimating phytoplanktonic productivity of organically bound tritium129
Peroxymonocarbonate activation via Co nanoparticles confined in metal–organic frameworks for efficient antibiotic degradation in different actual water matrices127
A chrysotile-based Fe/Ti nanoreactor enables efficient arsenic capture for sustainable environmental remediation126
Revisiting the synergistic oxidation of peracetic acid and permanganate(Ⅶ) towards micropollutants: The enhanced electron transfer mechanism of reactive manganese species126
Glyphosate contamination in European rivers not from herbicide application?125
Towards rapid formation of electroactive biofilm: insights from thermodynamics and electric field manipulation125
Tracking the impact of perfluoroalkyl acid emissions on antibiotic resistance gene profiles in receiving water by metagenomic analysis125
Quantile regression illuminates the successes and shortcomings of long-term eutrophication remediation efforts in an urban river system124
Density stratification and double-diffusive convection in mine pools of flooded underground mines – A review124
Whatever does not kill them makes them stronger: Using quaternary ammonia antimicrobials to alleviate the inhibition of ammonia oxidation under perfluorooctanoic acid stress124
Hydrographic proxies for submarine groundwater discharge in the Jiulong River estuary and global perspectives124
Agricultural nitrate export patterns shaped by crop rotation and tile drainage123
Enhanced chemodiversity, distinctive molecular signature and diurnal dynamics of dissolved organic matter in streams of two headwater catchments, Southeastern China122
Metagenomic evaluation of the performance of passive Moore swabs for sewage monitoring relative to composite sampling over time resolved deployments122
Developing a hybrid model for predicting the reaction kinetics between chlorine and micropollutants in water121
In-depth study of the removal of Mn(II) by Fe(VI) treatment and the profound influence of NOM on floc formation and properties120
Unraveling the adsorption and diffusion properties of hexamethyldisiloxane on zeolites by static gravimetric analysis120
High-rate cotreatment of purified terephthalate and dimethyl terephthalate manufacturing wastewater by a mesophilic upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor and the microbial ecology relevant to aromat120
Managing water sustainability in textile industry through adaptive multiple stakeholder collaboration119
Exploring the influence of sediment motion on microplastic deposition in streambeds119
Monitoring organic micropollutants in stormwater runoff with the method of fingerprinting118
Fate of sulfamethoxazole in wetland sediment under controlled redox conditions118
Occurrence, removal and mass loads of antiviral drugs in seven wastewater treatment plants with various treatment processes118
A mixed blessing of influent leachate microbes in downstream biotreatment systems of a full-scale landfill leachate treatment plant117
Modified chemical mineralization-alkali neutralization technology: Mineralization behavior at high iron concentrations and its application in sulfur acid spent pickling solution117
Environmental regulations in the United States lead to improvements in untreated stormwater quality over four decades115
MIB-derived odor management based upon hydraulic regulation in small drinking water reservoirs: Principle and application115
Online colloidal particle monitoring for controlled coagulation pretreatment to lower microfiltration membrane fouling at a potable water reuse facility114
Insight into the formation and biological effects of natural organic matter corona on silver nanoparticles in water environment using biased cyclical electrical field-flow fractionation114
Fast and simultaneous detection of dissolved BOD and nitrite in wastewater by using bioelectrode with bidirectional extracellular electron transport114
Microeukaryotic predators shape the wastewater microbiome113
Virus removal during sewage treatment by anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR): The role of membrane fouling113
Water table fluctuations affect dichloromethane biodegradation in lab-scale aquifers contaminated with organohalides112
The successful application of light to the system of simultaneous nitrification/endogenous denitrification and phosphorus removal: Promotion of partial nitrification and glycogen accumulation metaboli112
Editorial Board112
An extended colloid filtration theory for modeling Escherichia coli transport in 3-D fracture networks111
Biogenic Fenton process – A possible mechanism for the mineralization of organic carbon in fresh waters111
Self-regulating microbiome networks ensure functional resilience of biofilms in sand biofilters during manganese load fluctuations111
Editorial Board110
Make your research more accessible110
Sulphate reduction, mixed sulphide- and thiosulphate-driven Autotrophic denitrification, NItrification, and Anammox (SANIA) integrated process for sustainable wastewater treatment110
Aqueous chlorination of herbicide metribuzin: Identification and elucidation of “new” disinfection by-products, degradation pathway and toxicity evaluation109
Confident learning-based Gaussian mixture model for leakage detection in water distribution networks109
Characterising sedimentation velocity of primary waste water solids and effluents109
Microbial mediated reaction of dimethylarsinic acid in wetland water and sediments108
Complete biodegradability assessment of polyoxyethylene glycerol ester non-ionic surfactant: Aerobic, anaerobic, combined biodegradation and inhibitory effects108
Machine-learning-aided application of high-gravity technology to enhance ammonia recovery of fresh waste leachate108
Occurrence and behaviour of colloidal silica and silica-rich nanoparticles through stages of reverse osmosis treating coal seam gas associated water108
Nitrite Quantification by Second Derivative Chemometric Models Mitigates Natural Organic Matter Interferences under Chloraminated Drinking Water Distribution System Conditions107
Extracting phosphorus and other elements from lake water: Chemical processes in a hypolimnetic withdrawal and treatment system107
Editorial Board107
Aging effects of titanium dioxide on Cu toxicity to Daphnia magna: Exploring molecular docking and significance of surface properties106
Editorial Board106
Restructuring anaerobic hydrolysis kinetics in plant-wide models for accurate prediction of biogas production105
A perceptual approach to address complex water management issues in lowland permeable catchments105
Modelling and experimentation of a continuous nutrient recovery reactor – an assessment of mixing on reactor operation105
Predicting micropollutant fate during wastewater treatment using refined classical kinetic model based on quantitative monitoring in multi-metropolitan regions of South Korea105
Numerical simulation for spatial distribution of water aerosol produced from nozzle spray and health risk related to Legionella pneumophila in spray scenarios104
Climate-induced salinization may lead to increased lake nitrogen retention104
Enterococci pathways to coastal waters and implications of sea level rise104
Editorial Board104
When does infrastructure hybridisation outperform centralised infrastructure paradigms? – Exploring economic and hydraulic impacts of decentralised urban wastewater system expansion104
Hospital and urban wastewaters shape the matrix and active resistome of environmental biofilms103
Pilot-scale evaluation of sulfite-activated ferrate for water reuse applications103
Microelectrode evaluation of in situ oxidant reactivity and pH variability at new ductile iron and copper coupon surfaces103
Feasibility of methane bioconversion to methanol by acid-tolerant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria103
Stereoselective metabolism of chloramphenicol by bacteria isolated from wastewater, and the importance of stereochemistry in environmental risk assessments for antibiotics102
Potential application of Au core labeling for tracking Ag nanoparticles in the aquatic and biological system102
Inhibition of biofouling by in-situ grown zwitterionic hydrogel nanolayer on membrane surface in ultralow-pressurized ultrafiltration process102
Azolla cultivation enables phosphate extraction from inundated former agricultural soils102
Editorial Board102
Microcosm test for pesticide fate assessment in planted water filters: 13C,15N-labeled glyphosate as an example102
Dielectric barrier discharge plasma promotes disinfection-residual-bacteria inactivation via electric field and reactive species102
Microbiological insights into anaerobic phenol degradation mechanisms and bulking phenomenon in a mesophilic upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor in long-term operation102
Interannual variability of air-water CO2 flux in a large eutrophic estuary101
Nondestructive 3D imaging and quantification of hydrated biofilm matrix by confocal Raman microscopy coupled with non-negative matrix factorization101
Editorial Board101
Enhancement of E. coli inactivation by photosensitized erythrosine-based solar disinfection under weakly acidic conditions100
Impact of the reductive deiodination on the sorption of iodinated X-ray contrast media to filter sand and activated carbon100
Towards more predictive clarification models via experimental determination of flocculent settling coefficient value100
How halogenated aromatic compounds affect the electron supply and consumption in glucose supported denitrification?100
Magnetic nanoparticle loading and application of weak magnetic field to reconstruct the cake layer of coagulation-ultrafiltration process to achieve efficient antifouling: Performance and mechanism an99
Self-reporting electroswitchable colorimetric platform for smart ammonium recovery from wastewater98
Contrasting mixed scaling patterns and mechanisms of nanofiltration and membrane distillation98
Flow rate and kinetics of trace organic contaminants removal in black carbon-amended engineered media filters for improved stormwater runoff treatment98
Electrochemistry-assisted in-situ regeneration of oxygen vacancies and Ti(III) active sites for persistent uranium recovery at a low potential98
Distance-decay equations of antibiotic resistance genes across freshwater reservoirs98
Comment on “Approaching easy water disinfection for all: Can in situ electrochlorination outperform conventional chlorination under realistic conditions?, published by Atrashkevich et al. [Water Resea98
Flow backward alleviated the river algal blooms97
Modeling and elucidation the effects of iron deposits on chlorine decay and trihalomethane formation in drinking water distribution system97
Active anaerobic methane oxidation in the groundwater table fluctuation zone of rice paddies97
Formation and ripening of alginate-like exopolymer gel layers during and after membrane filtration97
Iron particles lower than 10 μm in drinking water dominate particle catalysis effect on disinfection byproduct formation97
Effects of sampling strategy in rivers on load estimation for Nitrate-Nitrogen and total Phosphorus in a lowland agricultural area96
Nitriles as main products from the oxidation of primary amines by ferrate(VI): Kinetics, mechanisms and toxicological implications for nitrogenous disinfection byproduct control96
Potential retention of dissolved organic matter by soil minerals during wetland water-table fluctuations96
Starvation combined with constant anode potential triggers intracellular electron storage in electro-active biofilms95
Shedding light on the total and active core microbiomes in slow sand filters for drinking water production94
Establishing boundary conditions in sewer pipe/soil heat transfer modelling using physics-informed learning93
Redox condition of saline groundwater from coastal aquifers influences reverse osmosis desalination process93
Improvement of sludge characteristics and mitigation of membrane fouling in the treatment of pesticide wastewater by electrochemical anaerobic membrane bioreactor93
Increased dominance of terrestrial component in dissolved organic matter in Chinese lakes92
A workflow for spatio-seasonal hydro-chemical analysis using multivariate statistical techniques92
Anoxic storage to promote arsenic removal with groundwater-native iron92
Fe, Mn and me91
Integrated approach for quantitative estimation of particulate organic carbon sources in a complex river system90
Unveiling the oxidation mechanism of persistent organic contaminants via visible light-induced dye-sensitized reaction by red mud suspension with peroxymonosulfate90
Enhancing stability of aerobic granules by microbial selection pressure using height-adjustable influent strategy89
Streambed immobilization controls the transport of antibiotic resistance genes in flowing water89
Maximum desorption of perfluoroalkyl substances adsorbed on granular activated carbon used in full-scale drinking water treatment plants89
Review of generic screening level assumptions for quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) for estimating public health risks from Australian drinking water sources contaminated with Cryptosporid89
Deciphering morphology patterns of environmental microfibers: Insights into source apportionment89
Bacterial evolution in Biofiltration of drinking water treatment plant: Different response of phage and plasmid to varied water sources88
Editorial Board88
Microalgae and immobilized TiO2/UV-A LEDs as a sustainable alternative for winery wastewater treatment88
Metagenomic insights into the distribution, mobility, and hosts of extracellular antibiotic resistance genes in activated sludge under starvation stress88
Harvesting of cyanobacteria and phosphorus by electrocoagulation-flocculation-flotation: Role of phosphorus precipitation in cell separations and organics destabilization88
Biofilm formation dynamics in long-distance water conveyance pipelines: Impacts of nutrient levels and metal stress87
Adsorption of oxidized humic acid onto redox-inert mineral surfaces induces formation of hydroxyl radicals and carbon dynamics87
Persistence evaluation of fecal pollution indicators in dewatered sludge and dewatering filtrate of municipal sewage sludge: The impacts of ambient temperature and conditioning treatments87
A comprehensive review on iron‒carbon microelectrolysis constructed wetlands: Efficiency, mechanism and prospects87
Fluorescence sensor enabled control of contaminants of emerging concern in reclaimed wastewater using ozone-based treatment processes86
Enhancing real-time urban drainage network modeling through Crossformer algorithm and online continual learning86
Hysteresis response of carbon release and nitrate reduction in polymer denitrification systems86
Macrogenomic analysis of tolerance and degradation mechanisms of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in carbon and nitrogen metabolic pathways and associated bacterial communities during endogenous partia86
Sustainable production of microbial protein from carbon dioxide in the integrated bioelectrochemical system using recycled nitrogen sources86
Antifouling characteristics and mechanisms in visible-light photocatalytic membrane bioreactor based on g-C3N4 modified membrane86
Correlation between sewage sludge pore structure evolution and water filtration performance: Effect of thermal hydrolysis with or without carbonaceous skeleton-assisted85
Revisit the role of hydroxylamine in sulfur-driven autotrophic denitrification85
Reactive nitrogen species from free nitrous acid (FNA) cause cell lysis85
Divergent roles of landscape and young streamflow fraction in stream water quality over seven catchments85
Formation of organic chloramines during chlorination of 18 compounds84
Minimizing toxic chlorinated byproducts during electrochemical oxidation of Ni-EDTA: Importance of active chlorine-triggered Fe(II) transition to Fe(IV)84
Photocatalytic degradation of GenX in water using a new adsorptive photocatalyst84
Engineering and modeling perspectives on photocatalytic reactors for water treatment84
Pilot-scale field demonstration of a hybrid nanofiltration and UV-sulfite treatment train for groundwater contaminated by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)84
Degradation of phosphonates in Co(II)/peroxymonosulfate process: Performance and mechanism84
Metagenomics and network analysis elucidating the coordination between fermentative bacteria and microalgae in a novel bacterial-algal coupling reactor (BACR) for mariculture wastewater treatment83
Adaptive pressure-driven multi-criteria spatial decision-making for a targeted placement of green and grey runoff control infrastructures83
Pilot scale microbial fuel cells using air cathodes for producing electricity while treating wastewater83
Can the commonly used quenching method really evaluate the role of reactive oxygen species in pollutant abatement during catalytic ozonation?83
Artificial intelligence-incorporated membrane fouling prediction for membrane-based processes in the past 20 years: A critical review82
Exploring the fate of dissolved organic matter at the molecular level in the reactive electrochemical ceramic membrane system using fluorescence spectroscopy and FT-ICR MS82
Post-treatment options for anaerobically digested sludge: Current status and future prospect82
Chlorination decreases acute toxicity of iodophenols through the formation of iodate and chlorinated aliphatic disinfection byproducts82
Validation of an evidence-based methodology to support regional carbon footprint assessment and decarbonisation of wastewater treatment service in Italy82
Urban rivers are hotspots of riverine greenhouse gas (N2O, CH4, CO2) emissions in the mixed-landscape chaohu lake basin81
Inactivation of biofilm-bound bacterial cells using irradiation across UVC wavelengths81
Hybrid differential equations: Integrating mechanistic and data-driven techniques for modelling of water systems81
Underwater hidden microplastic hotspots: Historical ocean dumping sites81
New insight into filamentous sludge bulking: Potential role of AHL-mediated quorum sensing in deteriorating sludge floc stability and structure81
Migration characteristics of microplastics based on source-sink investigation in a typical urban wetland81
Natural biofilm as a potential integrative sample for evaluating the contamination and impacts of PFAS on aquatic ecosystems81
Headwater stream ecosystem: an important source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere80
Seasonal dynamics of the microbial community in two full-scale wastewater treatment plants: Diversity, composition, phylogenetic group based assembly and co-occurrence pattern80
Exploration and verification of the feasibility of sulfide-driven partial denitrification coupled with anammox for wastewater treatment80
Mitigating antibiotic pollution using cyanobacteria: Removal efficiency, pathways and metabolism80
A review of the occurrence, transformation, and removal of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in wastewater treatment plants80
Insights into the oxidation of organic contaminants by Co(II) activated peracetic acid: The overlooked role of high-valent cobalt-oxo species80
Formation Mechanism of hydroxyapatite encapsulation in Anammox-HAP Coupled Granular Sludge80
Heterogeneous catalytic ozonation of atrazine with Mn-loaded and Fe-loaded biochar80
“Microplastic communities” in different environments: Differences, links, and role of diversity index in source analysis79
Assessing the role of the “estuarine filter” for emerging contaminants: pharmaceuticals, perfluoroalkyl compounds and plasticisers in sediment cores from two contrasting systems in the southern U.K.79
Interaction of cyanobacteria with calcium facilitates the sedimentation of microplastics in a eutrophic reservoir79
Novel strategy for membrane biofouling control in MBR with CdS/MIL-101 modified PVDF membrane by in situ visible light irradiation79
The effects of C/N (10–25) on the relationship of substrates, metabolites, and microorganisms in “inhibited steady-state” of anaerobic digestion78