Vigiliae Christianae

(The TQCC of Vigiliae Christianae is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Augustine and Nicene Theology: Essays on Augustine and the Latin Argument for Nicaea, written by Michel René Barnes2
Contesting Aristotle: Science, Theology and the Resurrection of the Body in Methodius of Olympus’ De Resurrectione and the Dialogue of Adamantius1
Doxography and Eschatology in Clement of Alexandria1
Self-Portrait in Three Colors. Gregory of Nazianzus’s Epistolary Autobiography, written by Bradley K. Storin1
“The Twofold Affection”: The Background to John Chrysostom’s Use of Φύσις and Χάρις1
New Books1
Does Justin Argue with Jews? Reconsidering the Relevance of Philo0
Eucherius’ Enigmatic Formulas of Spiritual Knowledge0
Creative Chronography in Early Christianity: John Malalas on the Deaths of King Cyrus of Persia0
Agents in Liturgy, Charity and Communication. The Tasks of Female Decons in the Apostolic Constitutions, written by Pauliina Pylvänäinen0
Quid facit cum psalterio Horatius? (Hier. ep. 22,29,7)0
‘A New Book according to the Syllables’: Organizing Scripture in Clement of Alexandria0
Chrysostom’s Homily on the Word Koimeterion and on the Cross: A Translation and Commentary0
“Just as You Quenched the Fiery Furnace of Nebuchadnezzar, Also Quench Every Fever.” The Three Holy Children in Coptic Magic0
New Books0
Reading Basil of Caesarea’s On the Holy Spirit as Apology0
New Books0
Did “The Gnostic Heresy” Influence Valentinus? An Investigation of Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.11.1 and 1.290
The Oxford Handbook of Origen, edited by Ronald E. Heine and Karen Jo Torjesen0
Tu, felix Salomon, nube: Solomon’s Marriages in Early Christian and East Syrian Biblical Interpretation0
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Front matter0
The Lexical and Syntactical Calque superaedificare in the Latin Tradition of the New Testament Epistles0
A Note on “substomachans” (Augustine, conf. 3.21)0
New Books0
Back matter0
Learning the Language of Scripture. Origen, Wisdom, and the Logic of Interpretation, written by Mark Randall James0
A Newly Identified Letter of Valentinus on Jesus’s Digestive System: Ps.-Basil of Caesarea’s ep. 3660
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New Books0
Antithesis and Paradox in the Epistle to Diognetus0
Die philosophische Lehre des Platonismus. Die Ethik im antiken Platonismus der Kaiserzeit Bausteine 231–252: Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar, written by C. Pietsch, unter Mitarbeit von B. Krämer, M. Menz0
Le De Trinitate du Pseudo-Didyme et le culte des archanges : un élément méconnu de datation0
New Books0
New Books0
Mani and Augustine. Collected Essays on Mani, Manichaeism and Augustine, written by Johannes van Oort0
Tachygraphie und Tachygraphen bei Basilius von Caesarea – und darüber hinaus0
Simplicity and Humility in Late Antique Christian Thought. Elites and the Challenges of Apostolic Life, written by Jaclyn L. Maxwell0
Tyconius the African: Reassessing the Theory of His Greek Origins0
Astral Ensoulment and Astral Signifiers in Sixth-Century Readings of Origen and Evagrius: Justinian’s Anathemas, Sergius of Rešʿaynā, John Philoponus0
Person and Nature in Maxentius the Scythian (fl. ca. 518–523)0
The Latin Polycarp, the Division Hypothesis, and Polylingual Text0
How Temporality Shapes Social Structure in the Acts of Thomas0
The Orthodox Woman: Jerome on the Relation Between Asceticism, Orthodoxy, and Gender0
Cyprian im Bund mit dem Teufel0
Ennode, Ep. 6,9. Un complément à Cassiodore, Var. 1,9 ?0
Tertullians Gegnerin aus De baptismo 1 und Die Paraphrase des Sêem (NHC VII,1)0
New Books0
The Sound of Silence: Augustine’s Soundscape for the Christian Empire0
The Apologetics of Mystery: The Traditio apostolica and Appeals to Pythagorean Initiation in Josephus and Iamblichus0
Augustine on the Will. A Theological Account, written by Han-Luen Kantzer Komline0
The Nature of the Homily in the Corpus of Origen: Insights from the Greek Homilies on the Psalms and Jeremiah0
Front matter0
A Greek-Coptic Miaphysite Litany from Thebes (P.Mon.Epiph. 49)0
The So-Called Stratiotics and Phibionites0
Le jeûne chez l’ancien : les privations volontaires de nourriture chez les moines coptes de l’Antiquité tardive0
Reaching for Perfection. Studies on the Means and Goals of Ascetical Practices in an Interreligious Perspective, edited by Joseph Verheyden a.o.0
Wild Girls in the Carthaginian Church? Cyprian’s De Habitu Virginum0
New Books0
Slaves of the People: A Political and Social History of Roman Public Slavery, written by Franco Luciani0
The “Catholic” Church in Socrates of Constantinople and Pacian of Barcelona0
Thecla and Medieval Sainthood: The Acts of Paul and Thecla in Eastern and Western Hagiography, edited by Ghazzal Dabiri and Flavia Ruani0
Natural Law, Free Choice, and Moral Responsibility in the Anthropology of John Chrysostom0
Sacharja 13,7 in der koptischen Vita Pachomii?0
The Trinitarian Doctrine of Isidore of Pelusium0
The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy, written by Jonathan E. Soyars0
Prolegomena zu den spätantiken Konstitutionen. Nebst einer Analyse der erbrechtlichen und verwandten Sanktionen gegen Heterodoxe, written by Peter Riedlberger0
Deacons and Diakonia in Early Christianity: The First Two Centuries, edited by Bart J. Koet, Edwina Murphy, and Esko Ryökäs0
“Horse and Rider He Threw into the Sea” (Exod 15:1)0
Unfinished Christians: Ritual Objects and Silent Subjects in Late Antiquity, written by Georgia Frank0
Die frühchristliche Eucharistie, written by Predrag Bukovec0
Marius Victorinus als christlicher Philosoph: Die trinitätstheologischen Schriften des Gaius Marius Victorinus und ihre philosophie-, kirchen- und theologiegeschichtlichen Kontexte, written by Florian0
A Roman Commentary on St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, written by Richard J. Cassidy0
Constructing, Revealing and Concealing Identity through Oaths in the Late Ancient Eastern Mediterranean0
Elementary Errors: Philosophers, Idolaters, and τὰ στοιχεῖα τοῦ κόσμου in Paul and Clement of Alexandria0
The Shepherd of Hermas: A Literary, Historical, and Theological Handbook, written by Jonathon Lookadoo0
Die Trostschriften des Ambrosius von Mailand, written by Florian Durner0
Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 22: Og (King of Bashan) – Papyrus/Papyri, edited by Constance M. Furey a.o.0
Back matter0
Augustine’s Cassiciacum Dialogues0
God and Christ in Irenaeus, written by Anthony Briggman0
Eusebian Canon Ten in Codex Fuldensis0
Victorinus of Pettau and Angelomorphic Theological Traditions0
Divine Incomprehensibility and Human Faith in John Chrysostom0
Rufinus and the Reimagination of Pliny’s Correspondence with Trajan (HE 3.33)0
Sir 34:30 and Forensic Rhetoric in Augustine’s Conflict with the Donatists0
Modelling a Christian Academy: Christ, Disciples, and Biblical Scholarship in Origen’s Commentary on Matthew0
τὰ ἅγια εἰς λόγον εὐλογιῶν: Laodicea Canon 14 in its Phrygian Context0
Satan and Circumcision: The Devil as the ἄγγελος πονηρός in Barn 9:40
Valentinianism: New Studies, edited by Christoph Markschies & Einar Thomassen0
The Didactic Nature of Gregory Nazianzen’s Poemata Arcana and the Theme of Continual, Gradated Progress0
A Problem in Gregory of Nazianzus, Epistle 40
Made by the Hands of God: Human Dignity in Hilary of Poitiers’s Exegesis of Ps 118:73a LXX0
New Books0
A Latin Chrysostom Collection, the Semi-Pelagian Controversy, and Sixth-century Rome0
The Catena Manuscripts on Acts: A Revised Classification0
The Odd Future Participle at Pol. Phil. XIII: Reassessing the Authenticity and Unity of Polycarp’s Letter to the Philippians0
Grégoire de Nysse, Trois oraisons funèbres, written by Mélèce, Flacilla, Pulchérie0
The Circumcising Antichrist in the Credo of Gregory of Tours: Sources, Context, and Influence0
Bardesane et l’herméneutique des Écritures : l’étude des nouveaux témoignages0
The Protevangelium of James0
New Books0
New Books0
A Problem in Augustine, Confessions 3.210
New Books0
Sur la Pâque, written by Timothée0
The Library of Paradise: A History of Contemplative Reading in the Monasteries of the Church of the East, written by David A. Michelson0
New Books0
New Books0
Preserving Scriptural Harmony0
On an Alleged Senatus Consultum against the Christians0
The Council of Ephesus of 431: Documents and Proceedings, translated by Richard Price and edited by Thomas Graumann0
The “Milan Euchologion”: Reconstructing an Unknown Fourth-Century Anaphora and Its Post-Anaphoral Prayers0
Trois notes sur le texte des fragments historiques d’Hilaire de Poitiers (Fragmenta ex opere historico, B, II, 9, 6, 2 ; 11, 2)0
The Account of Perseus in Orosius: Sources and Precedents0
Across the Red Sea to the Paradise Regained: Easter Vigil and Baptism in Prudentius, Cathemerinon 50
Greek Genres and Jewish Authors: Negotiating Literary Culture in the Greco-Roman Era, written by Sean A. Adams0
A Fourth-Century Papyrus Letter to a ‘Priest and Confessor’0
Die Liebe einer Mutter bei Prudentius0
New Books0
Shaping Mind and Model: John Chrysostom’s Method of Exemplification in De Davide et Saule I0
A Pontic Ophir: A Proposed Emendation to Gregory of Nazianzus’s Epistle 4 on Basil’s Monastery0
Madness and the Apostle: Paul’s Jewishness in the Euthalian Prologue to the Letters of Paul and in the Writings of John Chrysostom0
‘Exploring Finitude’: Weakness and Integrity in Isaac of Nineveh, written by Valentina Duca0
Μέσος ὑμῶν ἕστηκεν0
Reconstructing Melito of Sardis’s Interpretation of Revelation’s New Jerusalem0
« Les Deux Livres de Iéou » (MS Bruce 96,1–3). Les livres du grand discours mystérique, Le livre des connaissances du Dieu invisible, Fragment sur le passage de l’âme, edited and translated by Éric Cr0
Du créateur biblique au démiurge gnostique. Trajectoire et réception du motif du blasphème de l’Archonte, written by Steve Johnston0
Acts of John, written by Joey McCollum & Brent Niedergall0
Against “Irenaean” Theodicy: A Refutation of John Hick’s Use of Irenaeus, written by David Hionides0
Framing Christian Succession: Eusebius, Constantine’s Sons and the Vita Constantini0
“I am an Image of Your Glory”: Exegesis and Theology in a Byzantine Funeral Hymn0
The Teachings of Silvanus0
Front matter0
The Ascetic Subculture of the Acts of Thomas and His Wonderworking Skin0
Back matter0
Making Memories: Countercultural Memory in Irenaeus, Martyrdom of Polycarp, and Apocryphon of James0
New Books0
The Unity and Multiplicity of the Holy Spirit in Origen of Alexandria0
The Rise of Christian Theology and the End of Ancient Metaphysics, written by Johannes Zachhuber0
New Books0
Évagre le Pontique: Scholies aux Psaumes, tomes I–II, edited by Marie-Josèphe Rondeau, Paul Géhin, and Matthieu Cassin0
New Books0
Mani the Anchorite, Mani the Apostle: The Cologne Mani Codex and Syrian Asceticism0
Victorinus’ Soteriology as a Philosophical, Theological and Exegetical Project0
Clement of Alexandria and the Shaping of Christian Literary Practice: Miscellany and the Transformation of Greco-Roman Writing, written by J.M.F. Heath0
Justin Martyr’s Problem with Platonism: Heresy and Anthropology in Dialogue 4 and the Syntagma0
A Latin Pictorial Witness to Tatian’s Diatessaron0