Theory of Probability and Its Applications

(The median citation count of Theory of Probability and Its Applications is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Abstracts of Talks Given at the 7th International Conference on Stochastic Methods, II8
On the Number of Trees of a Given Size in a Galton--Watson Forest in the Critical Case7
Controlled Diffusion Mean Field Games with Common Noise and McKean--Vlasov Second Order Backward SDEs5
Atypical Population Size in a Two-Type Decomposable Branching Process4
Convergence Rates to the Arcsine Law3
On Forward and Backward Kolmogorov Equations for Pure Jump Markov Processes and Their Generalizations3
Laplace Expansion for Bartlett--Nanda--Pillai Test Statistic and Its Error Bound3
On a Diffusion Approximation of a Prediction Game3
On Sub-Gaussian Concentration of Missing Mass3
On Asymptotic Expansion for Mathematical Expectation of a Renewal--Reward Process with Dependent Components and Heavy-Tailed Interarrival Times3
On Student Workshops Organized by the Vega Institute3
Likelihood Ratio Processes under Nonstandard Settings3
News of Scientific Life - Information on the General Seminar of the Department of Probability, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 20213
Limiting Spectral Distribution for Large Sample Covariance Matrices with Graph-Dependent Elements2
Background Driving Distribution Functions and Series Representations for Log-Gamma Self-Decomposable Random Variables2
Optimal Growth Strategies in a Stochastic Market Model with Endogenous Prices2
300 Years of the Russian Academy of Sciences2
Clustering Effect for Multitype Branching Random Walk2
On Senatov Moments in Asymptotic Expansions in the Central Limit Theorem2
Stable Random Variables with Complex Stability Index, II2
Explicit Expressions of the Hua--Pickrell Semigroup2
Hellinger Distance Estimation for Nonregular Spectra2
On One Nonparametric Estimation of the Poisson Regression Function2
Chebyshev-Type Inequalities and Large Deviation Principles2
Another Proof of a Sakhanenko Theorem1
On Optimal Linear Regulator with Polynomial Process of External Excitations1
Quenched Small Deviation for the Trajectory of a Random Walk with Random Environment in Time1
Queueing Systems with Vacations, Interruptions, and Delays in Device Operation1
Global Rate Optimality of Integral Curve Estimators in High Order Tensor Models: Supplemental Material1
Optimal Stopping, Randomized Stopping, and Singular Control with General Information Flow1
Series Expansions of Fractional Brownian Motions and Strong Local Nondeterminism of Bifractional Brownian Motions on Balls and Spheres1
Letter to the Editors1
Kolmogorov's Last Discovery? (Kolmogorov and Algorithmic Statistics)1
Log-Optimal Portfolio without NFLVR: Existence, Complete Characterization, and Duality1
On the Bounds for the Expected Maxima of Random Samples with Known Expected Maxima of Two Samples of Smaller Size1
On Proximity of Distributions of Successive Sums with Respect to the Prokhorov Distance1
Hedging Problem for Asian Call Options with Transaction Costs1
One Limit Theorem for Branching Random Walks1
Affine Diminishing Urns1
On Strong Law of Large Numbers for Pairwise Independent Random Variables1
The Chebyshev--Edgeworth Correction in the Central Limit Theorem for Integer-Valued Independent Summands1
Birthday Tributes1
Large Deviations of a Sum of Independent Random Variables with Distributions with Rapidly Decreasing Tails1
A Path Formula for the Sock Sorting Problem1
Information on the General Seminar of the Department of Probability, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Fall Term 20221
Distribution Density of the First Exit Point of a Two-Dimensional Diffusion Process from a Circle Neighborhood of Its Initial Point: The Inhomogeneous Case1
An Example of a Non-log-Concave Distribution Where the Difference Has a Log-Concave Density1
On Absolute Continuity of the Erdös Measure for the Golden Ratio, Tribonacci Numbers, and Second-Order Markov Chains1
Optimal Linear-Quadratic Regulator for a Stochastic System under Mutually Inverse Time Preferences in the Cost1
On Alternative Approximating Distributions in the Multivariate Version of Kolmogorov's Second Uniform Limit Theorem1
Weakly Supercritical Branching Process in a Random Environment Dying at a Distant Moment1
Population Size of a Critical Branching Process Evolving in an Unfavorable Environment0
Probabilistic Properties of Zipf Sets and Their Maximal Intersections0
The Life, Work, and Legacy of P. L. Chebyshev0
On the Accuracy in a Combinatorial Central Limit Theorem: The Characteristic Function Method0
On the Sojourn Time Distribution of a Random Walk at a Multidimensional Lattice Point0
On the 120th Birthday of Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov0
Stable Random Variables with Complex Stability Index, I0
In Memory of L. G. Afanasyeva (14.09.1937--26.08.2022)0
On an Example of Expectation Evaluation0
A Gibbs Conditional Theorem under Extreme Deviation0
The Kolmogorov Inequality for the Maximum of the Sum of Random Variables and Its Martingale Analogues0
A Note on the Berry--Esseen Bounds for $\rho$-Mixing Random Variables and Their Applications0
Asymptotic Relative Efficiency of the Kendall and Spearman Correlation Statistics0
On the Bicentenary of the Birth of P. L. Chebyshev, A Great Russian Mathematician0
Two-sided Estimates for the Sum of Probabilities of Errors in the Multiple Hypothesis Testing Problem with Finite Number of Hypotheses on a Nonhomogeneous Sample0
Markov Branching Random Walks on $\mathbf{Z}_+$: An Approach Using Orthogonal Polynomials. I0
Energy Saving Approximation of Wiener Process under Unilateral Constraints0
Reflecting Lévy Processes and Associated Families of Linear Operators. II0
Global Rate Optimality of Integral Curve Estimators in High Order Tensor Models0
On Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Linear Multidimensional Stochastic Differential Equations with Multiplicative Noise0
Sergey Viktorovich Nagaev (On His 90th Birthday)0
Kolmogorov's Equations for Jump Markov Processes and Their Applications to Control Problems0
Optimal Information Usage in Binary Sequential Hypothesis Testing0
Moment Asymptotics of Population Size of Particles at Vertices for a Supercritical Branching Random Walk on a Periodic Graph0
Markov Branching Random Walks on $\mathbf{Z}_+$: An Approach Using Orthogonal Polynomials. II0
On Nondegenerate Itô Processes with Moderated Drift0
Mallows Distance Convergence for Extremes: Regeneration Approach0
Distributional Uncertainty of the Financial Time Series Measured by $G$-Expectation0
An Analogue of the Feynman--Kac Formula for a High-Order Operator0
A Remark on the Itô Formula0
Utility Maximization of the Exponential Lévy Switching Models0
Partial Linear Eigenvalue Statistics for Non-Hermitian Random Matrices0
Asymptotics of the Persistence Exponent of Integrated Fractional Brownian Motion and Fractionally Integrated Brownian Motion0
Abstracts of Talks Given at the 8th International Conference on Stochastic Methods0
On One Family of Random Operators0
A Guaranteed Deterministic Approach to Superhedging: The Relationship between the Deterministic and Probabilistic Problem Statements without Trading Constraints0
Turnpikes in Finite Markov Decision Processes and Random Walk0
Local Tail Asymptotics for the Joint Distribution of the Length and of the Maximum of a Random Walk Excursion0
On the Sum of Gaussian Martingale and an Independent Fractional Brownian Motion0
Kolmogorov Problems on Equations for Stationary and Transition Probabilities of Diffusion Processes0
Convergence Rate for Randomly Weighted Sums of Random Variables and Its Application0
Towards Insensitivity of Nadaraya--Watson Estimators to Design Correlation0
Accuracy of Estimation of the Vector of Queue Lengths for Open Jackson Networks0
Universal Nonparametric Kernel-Type Estimators for the Mean and Covariance Functions of a Stochastic Process0
In Memory of A. M. Vershik (12.28.1933--02.14.2024)0
Galton--Watson Processes and Their Role as Building Blocks for Branching Processes0
On Asymptotic Strategies in the Stochastic Colonel Blotto Game0
In Memory of V. N. Tutubalin (10.15.1936--6.18.2023)0
On Limit Theorems for the Distribution of the Maximal Element in a Sequence of Random Variables0
Wiener Spiral for Volatility Modeling0
Limit Behavior of Order Statistics on Cycle Lengths of Random $A$-Permutations0
On the Maximum of a Special Random Assignment Process0
Complete $f$-Moment Convergence for Randomly Weighted Sums of Extended Negatively Dependent Random Variables and Its Statistical Application0
Large Deviations for Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Semimartingales0
Extrema of the Generalized Allocation Scheme Based on an $m$-Dependent Sequence0
Congratulations to V. A. Vatutin on Receiving the A. A. Markov Prize0
High Excursion Probabilities for Gaussian Fields on Smooth Manifolds0
Complete and Complete Integral Convergence for Arrays of Rowwise Extended Negatively Dependent Random Variables under Sublinear Expectations0
Stability Properties of Feature Selection Measures0
On Characterization of Quantum Gaussian Measurement Channels0
On Two Limit Values of the Chromatic Number of a Random Hypergraph0
On Optimal Stochastic Linear Quadratic Control with Inversely Proportional Time-Weighting in the Cost0
In Memory of V. A. Malyshev (04.13.1938--09.30.2022)0
On Relevant Features Selection Based on Information Theory0
Seminars, Conferences, Books0
News of Scientific Life - Information on the General Seminar of the Department of Probability, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Spring Term 20230
Records and Increases of Multivariate Extremes of Random Particle Scores in Supercritical Branching Processes with Max-Linear Heredity0
Approximation of Free Convolutions by Free Infinitely Divisible Laws0
Exact Lower and Upper Bounds for Gaussian Measures0
In Memoriam: Doctor Hans-Jürgen Engelbert0
A Trajectorial Approach to the Gradient Flow Properties of Langevin--Smoluchowski Diffusions0
Generalized Poisson--Dirichlet Distributions Based on the Dickman Subordinator0
On a Periodic Branching Random Walk on $\mathbf{Z}^{{d}}$ with an Infinite Variance of Jumps0
Cost Optimization of Queueing Systems with Vacations0
Poisson Process with Linear Drift and Related Function Series0
Uniqueness of the Inverse First-Passage Time Problem and the Shape of the Shiryaev Boundary0
A Weak Law of Large Numbers for Dependent Random Variables0
A New Solution of Bertrand's Paradox0
Some New Ordering Results for Parallel and Series Systems with Dependent Heterogeneous Exponentiated Weibull Components0
On the Convergence Rate in Precise Asymptotics0
Monte Carlo Method for Pricing Lookback Type Options in Lévy Models0
Conditional Functional Limit Theorem for a Random Recurrence Sequence Conditioned on a Large Deviation Event0
On the Asymptotic Approach to the Change-Point Problem and Exponential Convergence Rate in the Ergodic Theorem for Markov Chains0
Abstracts of Talks Given at the 7th International Conference on Stochastic Methods, I0
Joint Distribution of the Supremum and the Moment of Its Attainment by a Poisson Process with Linear Drift0
On Accompanying Measures and Asymptotic Expansions in the B. V. Gnedenko Limit Theorem0
On mm-Entropy of a Banach Space with Gaussian Measure0
News of Scientific Life - Information on the General Seminar of the Department of Probability, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Spring Term 20220
Chebyshev--Hermite Polynomials and Distributions of Polynomials in Gaussian Random Variables0
Analogue of the Neyman--Pearson Lemma for Several Simple Hypotheses0
On Maximal Inequalities for Ornstein--Uhlenbeck Processes with Jumps0
Generalized Marcinkiewicz Laws for Weighted Dependent Random Vectors in Hilbert Spaces0
On Symmetrized Chi-Square Tests in Autoregression with Outliers in Data0
On a New Estimation Method of the Bernoulli Regression Function0
Normal Limit Law for Protected Node Profile of Random Recursive Trees0
Joint Distributions of Generalized Integrable Increasing Processes and Their Generalized Compensators0
On Complete Convergence of Moments in Exact Asymptotics under Normal Approximation0
On Sufficient Conditions in the Marchenko--Pastur Theorem0
A New Version of Uniform Integrability via Power Series Summability Methods0
On the 90th Birthday of I. A. Ibragimov0