Theological Studies

(The TQCC of Theological Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Shorter Notices: Fessard, SJ, Gaston: The Dialectic of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola4
Book Review: Brouillette, André: Teresa of Avila, the Holy Spirit, and the Place of Salvation4
Shorter Notices: Bednar, J. Gerald: Mercy and the Rule of Law: A Theological Interpretation of Amoris Laetitia3
Book Review: The Beauty of the Trinity: A Reading of the Summa Halensis, by Justin Shaun Coyle3
Shorter Notices: Kronman, T. Anthony: After Disbelief: On Disenchantment, Disappointment, Eternity, and Joy3
“The Fierce Urgency of Now”: The Example of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.3
From Luminosity to Love: Metaphysics and Empathy in Hearer of the Word3
Book Review: Steck, SJ. Christopher: All God’s Animals: A Catholic Theological Framework for Animal Ethics3
Book Review: Ciraulo, Jonathan Martin: The Eucharistic Form of God: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Sacramental Theology3
Book Review: Welker, Michael: In God’s Image: An Anthropology of the Spirit2
Arentzen, Thomas, Purpura, Ashley and Papanikolaou, Aristotle. (EDs.): Orthodox Tradition and Human Sexuality2
Shorter Notices: A Reader in Chinese Theology2
Book Review: Baptists, Catholics, and the Whole Church: Partners in the Pilgrimage to Unity, by Steven R. Harmon.2
Book Review: Renewing Theology: Ignatian Spirituality and Karl Rahner, Ignacio Ellacuría, and Pope Francis, by J. Matthew Ashley2
Shorter Notices: FitzGibbon, Scott, Gavin, John, SJ, and Soza, Fernanda: Social Justice and the Sacred: Exploring the Thought of Saint Alberto Hurtado, S.J.2
Shorter Notice: Feldmeier, Peter: Living Christ: A Spiritual Reading of the Gospels1
Costoya, Manuel Mejido(eds): Land of Stark Contrasts: Faith-based Responses to Homelessness in the United States1
Ecclesiology via Ethnography: Studying the Church through a Discernment of Concrete Ecclesial Life1
William of St. Thierry: The Meditations: with a Monastic Commentary1
Book Review: Yaden, B. David and Andrew B. Newberg: The Varieties of Spiritual Experience: 21st Century Research and Perspectives1
Book Review: Boland, Vivian: The Spirit of Catholicism1
Book Review: Sievers, Joseph and Amy-Jill Levine (EDS): The Pharisees1
Book Review: Ryan, J. Gerard: Mutual Accompaniment as Faith-Filled Living: Recognition of the Vulnerable Other1
Book Review: Bernard McGinn: The Crisis of Mysticism: Quietism in Seventeenth-Century Spain, Italy, and France1
On the Way to Divine Providence: From the Abyss of Time to the Throe of Eternity1
Healing and Creating in Christian-Muslim History: Charles de Foucauld, Louis Massignon, Christian de Chergé1
Mitchell, W. Donald: My Life of Dialogue: Engaging Buddhists and Muslims1
Book Review: Moloney, J. Francis: The Apocalypse of John: A Commentary1
Coakley, Sarah: Spiritual Healing: Science, Meaning, and Discernment1
Book Review: Kate Ward: Wealth, Virtue and Moral Luck: Christian Ethics in an Age of Inequality1
Book Review: Hole, Sam: John of the Cross: Desire, Transformation, and Selfhood1
Book Review: Ferlan, Claudio: The Jesuits: A Thematic History1
Lohfink, Gerhard: Prayer Takes Us Home: The Theology and Practice of Christian Prayer1
Book Review: Clooney, X. Francis: Western Jesuit Scholars in India: Tracing Their Paths, Reassessing Their Goals1
Image, Necessity, and Trinitarian Psychology in Anselm and Augustine0
Pope Francis, Culture of Encounter, the Common Good, and Dharma: Public Theological Conversations Today0
Shorter Notice: Connors, E. Michael: Preaching as Spiritual Leadership: Guiding the Faithful as Mystic and Mystagogue0
Is There an End to the Theatrical Play? Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Understanding of the Beatific Vision in Relation to the Theo-Drama0
Book Review: Lett, Jacob: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theology of Representation: God, Drama, and Salvation, by0
Shorter Notice: Thompson, J. Milburn: Justice & Peace: A Christian Primer0
Book Review: Salvation in Henri de Lubac: Divine Grace, Human Nature, and the Mystery of the Cross, by Eugene R. Schlesinger0
Human Trafficking, Coercion, and Moral Agency in Agricultural Labor0
Book review: Lucia, Josí Sols (ed): La humanidad en camino: Medio siglo de la encéclica Populorum Progressio0
Female Deacons and the Unity of the Sacrament of Order: Responding to the German Skeptics0
Book Review: Michael Barnes, SJ: Ignatian Spirituality and Interreligious Dialogue: Reading Love’s Mystery0
Shorter Notice: Punsalan-Manlimos, Catherine, Sayuki Tiemeier, Tracy, and Vasko, Elisabeth T. (Eds): #x0201C;Why We Can’t Wait”: Racism and the Church0
Book review: Romero, Saint Oscar: Voice of the Voiceless: The Four Pastoral Letters and Other Statements0
Moral Leadership: A Challenge and a Celebration0
Book Review: Perkins, Pheme, Rosenblatt, Eloise and McDonald, Patricia: 1–2 Peter and Jude0
Book Review: Schindler, D. C.: Retrieving Freedom: The Christian Appropriation of Classical Tradition0
“And We Shall See Him Face to Face”: A Trinitarian Analysis of the Beatific Vision0
Book Review: Latinovic, Vladimir: Christologie und Kommunion: Liturgische Einführung und Rezeption der homoousianischen Christologie0
Shorter Notices: W. Robin and Joshua Mauldin: The Oxford Handbook of Reinhold Niebuhr0
Book Review: Limited Force and the Fight for the Just War Tradition, by Christian Nikolaus Braun0
Book Review: Hoondert, Martin, Paul Post, Mirella Klomp, and Marcel Barnard (eds): Handbook of Disaster Ritual: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Cases, and Themes0
Book Review: Kotsko, Adam: What Is Theology? Christian Thought and Contemporary Life0
Expanding Horizons 150 Years after Vatican I: Toward a Renewed Relationship between Synodality and Primacy0
Shorter Notice: Ayres, Lewis: Christological Hellenism: A Melancholy Proposal0
In Memoriam: John O’Malley, SJ, on Vatican II and Ecclesiology0
From the Editor’s Desk0
Book Review: Radcliffe, Timothy: Alive in God: A Christian Imagination0
Children and the Eucharist at the Council of Trent0
On Theological Aporias0
Book Review: O’Donnell Gandolfo, Elizabeth: Ecomartyrdom in the Americas: Living and Dying for Our Common Home0
Book Review: De Kesel, Cardinal Jozef: Faith and Religion in a Secular Society0
Shorter Notices: From Ignatius to Francis: The Jesuits in History0
Book Review: Kelly, Conor M. and Heyer, Kristin E, (eds): The Moral Vision of Pope Francis: Expanding the US Reception of the First Jesuit Pope0
Shorter Notices: Merdjanova, Ina: Women and Religiosity in Orthodox Christianity0
Book Review: Neril, Yonathan and Leo Dee: Eco Bible. Volume 1: An Ecological Commentary on Genesis and Exodus0
Shorter Notices: Lane, J. Christopher: Callings and Consequences: The Making of Catholic Vocational Culture in Early Modern France0
Book Review: Latinovich, Vladimir: Christologie und Kommunion, vol. 3: Auswirkungen auf die Frömmigkeit und den Eucharistieempfang0
Recognizing Collectives as Moral Agents0
Re-enchanting the World: Pope Francis’s Critique of the “Technocratic Paradigm” in Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum0
From the Editor’s Desk0
Book Review: America’s Book: The Rise and Decline of a Bible Civilization, 1794–1911, by Mark A. Noll0
Book Review: Petráček, Tomáš: The Bible and the Crisis of Modernism: Catholic Criticism in the Twentieth Century0
Shorter Notices: Williams, Rowan: Understanding and Misunderstanding “Negative Theology”0
Book Review: Holy Spirit, the Church, and Pneumatological Renewal: Mystici Corporis, by Jos Moons, SJ0
Book Review: Jennings, Willie James: After Whiteness: An Education in Belonging0
Meszaros, Andrew (eds): The Center Is Jesus Christ Himself: Essays on Revelation, Salvation, and Evangelization in Honor of Robert P. Imbelli0
Shorter Notices: Francis, Pope: The Gospel of Matthew: A Spiritual and Pastoral Reading0
Book Review: Gandolfo, Elizabeth O’Donnell and Potter, Laurel Marshall: Re-Membering the Reign of God: The Decolonial Witness of El Salvador’s Church of the Poor0
Shorter Notices: Blondel, Maurice: Action (1893): Essay on a Critique of Life and a Science of Practice and Philosophical Exigencies of Christian Religion0
Shorter Notice: Williams, Rowan: Passions of the Soul0
Book Review: Elcott, M. David, C. Colt Anderson, Tobias Cremer, and Volker Haarman: Faith, Nationalism, and the Future of Liberal Democracy0
Book Review: Guth, Karen V.: The Ethics of Tainted Legacies: Human Flourishing after Traumatic Pasts0
Books Received0
From the Editor’s Desk0
Book Review: Johnson, Elizabeth A.: Come, Have Breakfast: Meditations on God and the Earth0
Shorter Notices: Volf, Miroslav: The End of Memory: Remembering Rightly in a Violent World0
Shorter Notices: Collinet, J. Benedikt and Georg Fischer, SJ (EDS): Karl Rahner und die Bibel. Interdisciplinäre Perspecktiven0
Book Review: Grillo, Jennie: Daniel after Babylon: The Additions in the History of Interpretation0
Shorter Notice: Haight, Roger: The Nature of Theology: Challenges, Frameworks, Basic Beliefs0
Book Review: Held, Shai: Judaism is about Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life0
Book Review: Lohfink, Gerhard: The Forty Parables of Jesus0
NATO Expansion after 1989: An Argument from the Catholic Social Tradition0
Pope Francis on the Practice of Synodality and the Fifth Australian Plenary Council0
Books Received0
Books Received0
From the Editor’s Desk0
Hanciles, J. Jehu: Migration and the Making of Global Christianity0
Book Review: Scott, John T.: Rousseau’s God: Theology, Religion, and the Natural Goodness of Man0
Shorter Notices: Cassidy, Laurie and M. Shawn Copeland: Darkness, Desire, and Hope: Theology in a Time of Impasse0
Book Review: The Whole Mystery of Christ: Creation as Incarnation in Maximus Confessor, by Jordan Daniel Wood0
Book Review: Bargár, Pavol: Embodied Existence: Our Common Life in God0
Survey of Vatican Studies on the Diaconate of Women0
From the Editor’s Desk0
Shorter Notices: Francis, Pope: Illuminate the Future: Pope Francis in Conversation with Religious Superiors0
Book Review: Kelsey, H. David: Human Anguish and God’s Power0
Book Review: Sedmak, Clemens and Hickey, Kelli Reagan: Counting the Cost: Financial Decision-Making, Discipleship, and Christian Living0
Shorter Notices: The Hunger for Home: Food and Meals in the Gospel of Luke0
Schuessler, Rudolf: The Debate on Probable Opinions in the Scholastic Tradition0
Books Received0
Book Review: Guardado, Leo: Church as Sanctuary: Reconstructing Refuge in an Age of Forced Displacement0
Shorter Notices: Gaunt, SJ, Thomas P. (ED): Faith and Spiritual Life of Young Adult Catholics in a Rising Hispanic Church0
A Feminist Theology of Testimony0
Contino, J. Paul: Dostoevsky’s Incarnational Realism: Finding Christ among the Karamazovs0
Fishbane, Michael: Fragile Finitude: A Jewish Hermeneutical Theology0
Book Review: Belcher, Kimberly Hope: Eucharist and Receptive Ecumenism: From Thanksgiving to Communion0
Book Review: Halík, Tomáš: The Afternoon of Christianity: The Courage to Change0
Book Review: Pugliese, A. Marc and John Becker (EDS): Process Thought and Roman Catholicism: Challenges and Promises0
Book Review: A Brief Apology for a Catholic Moment, by Jean-Luc Marion0
Shorter Notices: Unruly Catholic Feminists: Prose, Poetry, and the Future of the Faith0
Book Review: Iozzio, Mary Jo: Disability Ethics and Preferential Justice: A Catholic Perspective0
Books Received0
Deignan, Kathleen, CND, Osgood, Libby, CND (EDs.): Teilhard de Chardin: A Book of Hours0
Book Review: Clem, Stewart: Lying and Truthfulness: A Thomistic Perspective0
Maurice Blondel and His Prodigal Children: Phenomenology, Charity, and Metaphysics0
Book Review: Briola, Lucas: The Eucharistic Vision of Laudato Si’: Praise, Conversion, and Integral Ecology0
Book Review: Wallace, I. Mark: When God Was a Bird: Christianity, Animism, and the Re-Enchantment of the World0
Book Review: Maimonides, Moses: The Guide to the Perplexed: A New Translation Evan Goodman, Lenn: A Guide to the Guide to the Perplexed: A Reader’s Companion to Maimonides’ Masterwork0
Books Received0
Theologically Shoring Up the Law of the Sea0
Dei Verbum and the Roots of Synodality0
Book Review: Taylor, Charles: Cosmic Connections: Poetry in the Age of Disenchantment0
Rethinking Gregory of Nyssa’s Mystical Theology: The Role of Hostile Powers in Homilies on the Song of Songs0
A Presidential Year: Election, Transition, and Recovery0
Book Review: Judson, Tim: Awake in Gethsemane: Bonhoeffer and the Witness of Christian Lament0
Book Review: Lynch, Reginald M., OP: Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae and Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Early Modern Period0
Toward a Spirituality of Politics0
Is Bellarmine’s “Fourth Proposition” Identical with the “Extreme View” of Albert Pighius?0
Book Review: Ruggieri, Giuseppe: Esistenza Messianica0
Shorter Notices: Ogbonnaya, Joseph and Gerard Whelan (EDS): Intellect, Affect, and God: The Trinity, History, and the Life of Grace0
Divine Persons and Notional Acts in the Trinitarian Theology of Thomas Aquinas0
Theological Aporia and the Cultivation of Desire: Reading Eriugena’s Creatio Ex Nihilo through an Islamic Theo-Poetics0
Moral Reasoning in “the World”0
Abortion and the Law in the United States: From Roe to Dobbs and Beyond0
Corrigendum to “NATO Expansion after 1989: An Argument from the Catholic Social Tradition”0
Book Review: Luciani, Rafael: Synodality: A New Way of Proceeding in the Church0
Shorter Notices: Jaoudi, Maria: Mindfulness as Sustainability: Lessons from the World’s Religions0
The Achievement of Bernard McGinn0
Books Received0
Book Review: DeMeuse, Eric: Unity and Catholicity in Christ: The Ecclesiology of Francisco Suárez, S.J.0
Books Received0
Shorter Notice: Hansen, Michael, SJ: God’s Field Hospital: Ignatian Spiritual Exercises Healing Wounds of Life0
A Hidden Ecological Dialectic: An Oversight in Insight0
Book Review: Theories of Doctrinal Development in the Catholic Church, by Michael Seewald0
Book Review: Carney, J. J.: For God and for Country: Catholic Leadership in Modern Uganda0
Book Review: Gaunt, P. Thomas and Thu T. Do (eds): New Faces, New Possibilities: Cultural Diversity and Structural Change in Institutes of Women Religious0
Rausch, SJ. P. Thomas: Global Catholicism: Profiles and Polarities0
Book Review: Kevin G. Grove: Augustine on Memory0
Deane-Drummond, Celia: Theological Ethics through a Multispecies Lens0
The Indefectibility of the Apostolic See: Was the Idea of a Heretical Pope Formally Excluded at the First Vatican Council?0
Reaching Up to the Mind of Lonergan: The Contribution of Robert M. Doran, SJ (1939–2021)0
Book Review: Willful Ignorance: Overcoming the Limitations of (Christian) Love for Refugees Seeking Asylum, by Helen T. Boursier0
Book Review: Barbara E. Reid, OP, and Shelly Matthews: Luke 1–9 and Barbara E. Reid, OP, and Shelly Matthews: Luke 10–240
Book Review: Christine Firer Hinze: Radical Sufficiency: Work, Livelihood, and a US Catholic Economic Ethic0
Book Review: Ben-Johanan, Karma: Jacob’s Younger Brother: Christian-Jewish Relations after Vatican II0
Book Review: John F. Haught: The Cosmic Vision of Teilhard de Chardin0
Shorter Notice: Sison, Antonio D.: The Art of Indigenous Inculturation. Grace on the Edge of Genius0
Book Review: Galatians, by N.T. Wright0
Amoris Laetitia at Five0
Book Review: McGinn, Bernard: The Persistence of Mysticism in Catholic Europe: France, Italy, and Germany 1500-16750
Book Review: McCullough, Ross: Freedom and Sin: Evil in a World Created by God0
The Interpretive Dialogue between Experience and Explanation in Bernard McGinn’s Study of the Mystical Tradition0
Privation, Teleology, and the Metaphysics of Evil0
Book Review: Scholz, Susanne (Ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Approaches to the Hebrew Bible0
From the Editor’s Desk0
Book Review: Beyond Profession: The Next Future of Theological Education, by Daniel O. Aleshire0
Shorter Notices: Thiessen, E. Gesa: Karl Rahner’s Writings on Literature, Music and the Visual Arts0
Shorter Notice: Boff, Leonardo: Thoughts and Dreams of an Old Theologian0
Book Review: Hofer, Andrew, OP: The Power of Patristic Preaching: The Word in Our Flesh0
A Blemished Offering: Economy, Eucharist, and the Limits of Epiphanic Conversion0
Books Received0
The Cross and/as Civil Resistance0
Dubler, Joshua and Lloyd, W. Vincent: Break Every Yoke: Religion, Justice, and the Abolition of Prisons0
Virtue Ethics and Action Guidance0
Book Review: Allen, Lisa: A Womanist Theology of Worship: Liturgy, Justice, and Communal Righteousness0
Shorter Notices: Bulgakov, Sergius: The Sophiology of Death: Essays on Eschatology: Personal, Political, Universal0
Books Received0
Shorter Notices: Ortiz, Jared: With All the Fullness of God: Deification in Christian Tradition0
Shorter Notice: Bergman, Roger: Catholic Social Learning: Educating the Faith That Does Justice, Expanded Edition0
Book Review: Lisa M. Bowens: African American Readings of Paul: Reception, Resistance and Transformation0
Book Review: Green, Chris, E. W.: All Things Beautiful: An Aesthetic Christology0
Book Review: Friedrich, Markus: The Jesuits: A History0
Religious Nationalism, a Global Ethic, and the Culture of Encounter0
Synodality and Charisms: A Pentecostal Perspective on Hierarchical and Spiritual Gifts in the Life and Mission of the Church0
Book Review: Wischmeyer, Oda: Love as Agape: The Early Christian Concept and Modern Discourse0
The Color Line, Race, and Caste: Structures of Domination and the Ethics of Recognition0
Aesthetics and Contemporary Ethics0
Book Review: William R. O’Neill, SJ: Reimagining Human Rights: Religion and the Common Good0
Book Review: Thiel, John E.: Now and Forever: A Theological Aesthetics of Time0
Martin Luther King Jr. and Julius K. Nyerere’s Shared Dreams for Racial Equality and Human Dignity0
Shorter Notice: González, Justo L.: The Bible in the Early Church0
Book Review: Riordan, Patrick, SJ: Human Dignity and Liberal Politics: Catholic Possibilities for the Common Good0
Shorter Notices: Canaris, M. Michael: The Survival of Dulles: Reflections on a Second Century of Influence0
Turning toward a Theology of Transformation: Notes from the Borderlands0
Book Review: Appel, Kurt (ed): In Praise of Mortality: Christianity and New Humanism0
Shorter Notice: Joo Choi, Ki, Moses, Sarah M. and Vicini, Andrea, SJ: Reimagining the Moral Life: On Lisa Sowle Cahill’s Contributions to Christian Ethics, (eds)0
Shorter Notices: George Lindbeck: A Biographical and Theological Introduction0
Book Review: Matera, J. Frank: A Concise Theology of the New Testament0
A New Wave in the Modern History of the Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church: Literature Overview, 2018–20200
Shorter Notices: Cocksworth, Ashley and John C. McDowell (EDS): T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Prayer0
Book Review: Durmaz, Reyhan: Stories between Christianity and Islam: Saints, Memory, and Cultural Exchange in Late Antiquity and Beyond0
Response to David Tracy and Sandra Schneiders0
Book Review: Brink, OP, Laurie: The Heavens Are Telling the Glory of God: An Emerging Chapter for Religious Life0
Shorter Notices: Eggemeier, T. Matthew and Peter Joseph Fritz: The Politics of Mercy: Catholic Life in an Era of Inequality, Racism, and Violence0
Shorter Notices: In Season: Homilies Through the Liturgical Year0
Shorter Notices: T&T Clark Reader in Edward Schillebeeckx0
Cooperation in the Culture of Death0
Book Review: A Theology of Migration: The Bodies of Refugees and the Body of Christ, by Daniel G. Groody0
Pope Francis’s Contribution to Catholic Thinking and Acting on War and Peace0
Shorter Notices: A Guide to John Henry Newman: His Life and Thought0
Book Review: Dussel, Enrique: The Theological Metaphors of Marx0
Shorter Notices: Hope and Death: Christian Responses0
Book Review: Zegarra, Raúl E.: A Revolutionary Faith: Liberation Theology between Public Religion and Public Reason0
Book Review: Mescher, Marcus: The Ethics of Encounter: Christian Neighbor Love as a Practice of Solidarity0
Book Review: Palfrey, Barnabas and Telser, Andreas (Eds.): Beyond the Analogical Imagination: The Theological and Cultural Vision of David Tracy0
Synodality and the New Media0
Book Review: Davies, Rachel: Bonaventure, the Body, and the Aesthetics of Salvation0
Book Review: Fouilloux, Étienne: Yves Congar: A Life 1904–19950
Book Review: Hector, Kevin: Christianity as a Way of Life. A Systematic Theology0
From the Editor’s Desk0
Alonso, Antonio Eduardo: Commodified Communion: Eucharist, Consumer Culture, and the Practice of Everyday Life0
Book Review: Hadley, Christopher M., SJ: A Symphony of Distances: Patristic, Modern, and Gendered Dimensions of Balthasar’s Trinitarian Theology0
Book Review: Narratives of My Life: Autobiographical Notes, by Romano Gaurdini0
Rahner and Scheeben on Grace: Reexamining a Forgotten Resemblance0
Book Review: Warmke, Brandon, Dana Kay Nelkin, and Michael McKenna (EDS): Forgiveness and Its Moral Dimensions0
Book Review: Annett, Anthony M.: Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy0
Book Review: Taylor, Charles: Avenues of Faith: Conversations with Jonathan Guilbault0
Contra Silentium Obsequiosum: On the Roman Catholic Approach to Dissent and Tradition0
Shorter Notice: Griffiths, Bede: Return to the Center: The Discovery of India0
Book Review: Agrarian Spirit: Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land, by Norman Wirzba0
Book Review: Stichel, Ellen Van, Thomas Eggensperger, Manuela Kalsky and Ulrich Engel (eds): Fullness of Life and Justice for All: Dominican Perspectives0
Shorter Notices: VanderKam, C. James: An Introduction to Early Judaism0
Shorter Notice: Kelly, Conor M.: Racism and Structural Sin: Confronting Injustice with the Eyes of Faith0
Shorter Notices: Nature Praising God: Towards a Theology of the Natural World0
Tomáš Halík: A Theology for the Post-Secular0
Book Review: Johnson, Junius: The Father of Lights: A Theology of Beauty0