Studia Logica

(The median citation count of Studia Logica is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An Axiomatic System for Concessive Conditionals12
Proof Systems for Super- Strict Implication10
Semisimplicity and Congruence 3-Permutabilty for Quasivarieties with Equationally Definable Principal Congruences9
Two Maximality Results for the Lattice of Extensions of $$\vdash _{\mathbf {RM}}$$7
Denotational Semantics for Languages of Epistemic Grounding Based on Prawitz’s Theory of Grounds6
Neighbourhood Semantics for FDE-Based Modal Logics5
Consistency-Sensitive Epistemic Modalities in Information-Based Semantics5
An Abductive Question-Answer System for the Minimal Logic of Formal Inconsistency $$\mathsf {mbC}$$5
A First-Order Expansion of Artemov and Protopopescu’s Intuitionistic Epistemic Logic4
Combining Intuitionistic and Classical Propositional Logic: Gentzenization and Craig Interpolation4
On Groupoids of Relations with One Conjunctive Operation of Rank 24
The Elimination of Maximum Cuts in Linear Logic and BCK Logic4
From Semantic Games to Provability: The Case of Gödel Logic3
Intuitionistic Public Announcement Logic with Distributed Knowledge3
An Infinite Family of Finite-Valued Paraconsistent Algebraizable Logics3
The G4i Analogue of a G3i Sequent Calculus3
From Belnap-Dunn Four-Valued Logic to Six-Valued Logics of Evidence and Truth3
A Binary Quantifier for Definite Descriptions for Cut Free Free Logics3
On Weak Lewis Distributive Lattices3
Variable Domain First-Order First-Degree Entailment and Some of Its Children3
Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Galois Negations3
A Simple Logical Matrix and Sequent Calculus for Parry’s Logic of Analytic Implication2
The McKinsey Axiom on Weakly Transitive Frames2
An Algebraic Study of S5-Modal Gödel Logic2
On the Proof Theory of Infinitary Modal Logic2
Can Başkent, Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency, Springer International Publishing, Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Vol. 18, 2019, pp. 704+xi; ISBN 92
Oiva Ketonen, Investigations into the Predicate Calculus, vol. 3 of Logic PhDs, Sara Negri, and Jan von Plato, (eds.), College Publications, 2022, pp. 130+vii; ISBN 978-1-84890-407-12
A Proof-Theoretic Approach to Negative Translations in Intuitionistic Tense Logics2
Correction to: Group Representation for Even and Odd Involutive Commutative Residuated Chains2
Where the Truth Lies: A Paraconsistent Approach to Bayesian Epistemology2
On a First-Order Bi-Sorted Semantically Closed Language2
Book Reviews2
A New Game Theoretic Semantics (GTS-2) for Weak Kleene Logics2
The Calculus of Natural Calculation2
Hereditarily Structurally Complete Intermediate Logics: Citkin’s Theorem Via Duality2
Enriched Quantales Arising from Complete Orthomodular Lattices2
Valuation Semantics for S42
Correction to: The Hahn Embedding Theorem for a Class of Residuated Semigroups2
Three Ways of Being Non-Material2
Refutations and Proofs in the Paraconsistent Modal Logics: KN4 and KN4.D2
Jaśkowski and the Jains2
Propositional Type Theory of Indeterminacy2
Curry–Howard–Lambek Correspondence for Intuitionistic Belief2
On Categorical Equivalence of Weak Monadic Residuated Distributive Lattices and Weak Monadic c-Differential Residuated Distributive Lattices2
Frobenius Quantales, Serre Quantales and the Riemann–Roch Theorem2
Ivlev-Like Modal Logics of Formal Inconsistency Obtained by Fibring Swap Structures2
Executability and Connexivity in an Interpretation of Griss1
A Logic of Knowledge and Justifications, with an Application to Computational Trust1
Hyper-MacNeille Completions of Heyting Algebras1
On Geometric Implications1
On Cut-Elimination Arguments for Axiomatic Theories of Truth1
On a Class of Subreducts of the Variety of Integral srl-Monoids and Related Logics1
More Limits of Abductivism About Logic1
The Naturality of Natural Deduction (II): On Atomic Polymorphism and Generalized Propositional Connectives1
Finite Hilbert Systems for Weak Kleene Logics1
The Categorical Equivalence Between Domains and Interpolative Generalized Closure Spaces1
The Finite Frame Property of Some Extensions of the Pure Logic of Necessitation1
Lattices of Finitely Alternative Normal Tense Logics1
A Logical Theory for Conditional Weak Ontic Necessity in Branching Time1
Sets with Dependent Elements: A Formalization of Castoriadis’ Notion of Magma1
An Analysis of Poly-connexivity1
Decidability of Lattice Equations1
Algebraic Structures Formalizing the Logic of Quantum Mechanics Incorporating Time Dimension1
On Woodruff’s Constructive Nonsense Logic1
Proof-Theoretic Aspects of Paraconsistency with Strong Consistency Operator1
Finite Model Property in Weakly Transitive Tense Logics1
Combining Swap Structures: The Case of Paradefinite Ivlev-Like Modal Logics Based on $$FDE$$1
Book Reviews1
Representability of Kleene Posets and Kleene Lattices1
A Generalization of Monadic n-Valued Łukasiewicz Algebras1
Quineanism, Noneism and Metaphysical Equivalence1
Substructural Nuclear (Image-Based) Logics and Operational Kripke-Style Semantics1
On Extracting Variable Herbrand Disjunctions1
Correction to: Cut-free Sequent Calculus and Natural Deduction for the Tetravalent Modal Logic1
Proof-theoretic Semantics for Intuitionistic Multiplicative Linear Logic1
On Implicational Intermediate Logics Axiomatizable by Formulas Minimal in Classical Logic: A Counter-Example to the Komori–Kashima Problem1
Profinite Locally Finite Quasivarieties1
Some Observations on the FGH Theorem1
Idempotent Variations on the Theme of Exclusive Disjunction1
Constructive Validity of a Generalized Kreisel–Putnam Rule1
Boffa’s construction and models for NFU1
On Heyting Algebras with Negative Tense Operators1
Quantale Valued Sets: Categorical Constructions and Properties1
Paraconsistent and Paracomplete Logics Based on k-Cyclic Modal Pseudocomplemented De Morgan Algebras1
Free Constructions in Hoops via $$\ell $$-Groups1
Categorical Proof-theoretic Semantics1
Edwin Mares, The Logic of Entailment and its History, Cambridge University Press, 2024, pp. 282; ISBN: 9781009375313 (Hardcover) 85£, ISBN: 9781009375290 (eBook) 110$.1
Alessandro Giordani, Jacek Malinowski, Hyperintensionality and Fine grained Semantics. Logic in High Definition: Trends in Logical Semantics, vol. 56 of Trends in Logic, Springer, 2020, pp. 243+v; ISB0
RETRACTED ARTICLE: The Twin Primes Conjecture is True in the Standard Model of Peano Arithmetic: Applications of Rasiowa–Sikorski Lemma in Arithmetic (I)0
Twist Structures and Nelson Conuclei0
The Sum Relation as a Primitive Concept of Mereology0
Natural Deduction Systems for Intuitionistic Logic with Identity0
An Algebraic Investigation of the Connexive Logic $$\textsf{C}$$0
Hilbert Algebras with Hilbert–Galois Connections0
A Simple Logic of the Hide and Seek Game0
Wright’s First-Order Logic of Strict Finitism0
Sequent Calculi for the Propositional Logic of HYPE0
RETRACTED ARTICLE: There are Infinitely Many Mersenne Prime Numbers. Applications of Rasiowa–Sikorski Lemma in Arithmetic (II)0
Stefano Bonzio, Francesco Paoli, Michele Pra Baldi, Logics of Variable Inclusion, vol. 59 of Trends in Logic, Springer, 2022, pp. 221+x; ISBN: 978-3-031-04296-6 (Hardcover) 106.99€, ISBN: 978-3-031-040
Unary Interpretability Logics for Sublogics of the Interpretability Logic $$\textbf{IL}$$0
Everyone Knows That Everyone Knows: Gossip Protocols for Super Experts0
Logic Families0
Non-Reflexive Nonsense: Proof Theory of Paracomplete Weak Kleene Logic0
On Relative Principal Congruences in Term Quasivarieties0
Dummett’s Theory of Truth as a Source of Connexivity0
On Independent Axiomatizability of Quasi-Normal Modal Logics0
De Morgan-Płonka Sums0
Editorial Introduction0
Substitutional Quantification in Truth-Theories for Modal Languages0
Cut-free Sequent Calculus and Natural Deduction for the Tetravalent Modal Logic0
On Boolean Algebraic Structure of Proofs: Towards an Algebraic Semantics for the Logic of Proofs0
Extending the Lambek Calculus with Classical Negation0
Connexive Logic, Connexivity, and Connexivism: Remarks on Terminology0
Inquisitive Heyting Algebras0
FMP-Ensuring Logics, RA-Ensuring Logics and FA-Ensuring Logics in $$\text {NExtK4.3}$$0
Algebraic Semantics for a Mixed Type Fragment of IPC0
Correction to: Can Başkent, Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency, Springer International Publishing, Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Vol. 18, 2019, pp.0
A Semantics for Hyperintensional Belief Revision Based on Information Bases0
Connexivity in the Logic of Reasons0
Discrete Duality for Nelson Algebras with Tense Operators0
Williamson’s Abductive Case for the Material Conditional Account0
Paraconsistency in Non-Fregean Framework0
Correction to: A Modal View on Resource-Bounded Propositional Logics0
Angell and McCall Meet Wansing0
Kapsner Complementation: An Algebraic Take on Kapsner Strong Logics0
Higher-Level Paradoxes and Substructural Solutions0
Generalizing Deontic Action Logic0
Choice-Free Dualities for Lattice Expansions: Application to Logics with a Negation Operator0
$$\varvec{Brings~It~About~That}$$ Operators Decomposed with Relating Semantics0
Systems for Non-Reflexive Consequence0
Variations on the Kripke Trick0
Very True Operators on Pre-semi-Nelson Algebras0
Situation-Based Connexive Logic0
Ultrafilter Extensions of Bounded Graphs are Elementary0
Urszula B. Wybraniec-Skardowska, Logic-Language-Ontology, Selected Works, Birkhäuser Cham, 2022, pp. 300+xiii; ISBN: 978-3-031-22329-7 (Hardcover) 139.09€, ISBN: 978-3-031-22332-7 (Softcover) 139.09€,0
Contact Join-semilattices0
Logic of Convex Order0
Correction to: Group Representation for Even and Odd Involutive Commutative Residuated Chains0
Euclid Machines0
Kripke-Completeness and Sequent Calculus for Quasi-Boolean Modal Logic0
A Categorical Equivalence for Tense Nelson Algebras0
An $$\omega $$-Rule for the Logic of Provability and Its Models0
Incompleteness and the Halting Problem0
Group Representation for Even and Odd Involutive Commutative Residuated Chains0
Endogenizing Epistemic Actions0
Refutation-Aware Gentzen-Style Calculi for Propositional Until-Free Linear-Time Temporal Logic0
Infinitary Action Logic with Multiplexing0
Categoricity Problem for LP and K30
A Version of Predicate Logic with Two Variables That has an Incompleteness Property0
Connexive Negation0
On a Four-Valued Logic of Formal Inconsistency and Formal Undeterminedness0
A Modal View on Resource-Bounded Propositional Logics0
Connexive Logic, Probabilistic Default Reasoning, and Compound Conditionals0
The Quantified Argument Calculus with Two- and Three-valued Truth-valuational Semantics0
Independence Results for Finite Set Theories in Well-Founded Locally Finite Graphs0
Tense Operators on Distributive Lattices with Implication0
Distributive PBZ$$^{*}$$-lattices0
Alpha-Structures and Ladders in Logical Geometry0
Linear L-Algebras and Prime Factorization0
Simplified Kripke Semantics for K45-Like Gödel Modal Logics and Its Axiomatic Extensions0
Translations and Prawitz’s Ecumenical System0
Decidability of Inquisitive Modal Logic via Filtrations0
Petr Cintula, Carles Noguera, Logic and Implication. An Introduction to the General Algebraic Study of Non-classical Logics, vol. 57 of Trends in Logic, Springer, 2021, pp. 465+xxii; ISBN: 978-3-030-80
Beishui Liao, Thomas Ågotnes, Yi N. Wang, (eds.), Dynamics, Uncertainty and Reasoning, vol. 4 of Logic in Asia: Studia Logica Library, Springer, Singapore, 2019, pp. 207+xii; ISBN: 978-981-13-7793-8 (0
A Simple Way to Overcome Hyperconnexivity0
Correction to: Undecidability of First-Order Modal and Intuitionistic Logics with Two Variables and One Monadic Predicate Letter0
Sequent-Calculi for Metainferential Logics0
Correction to: The Hahn Embedding Theorem for a Class of Residuated Semigroups0
Containment Logics: Algebraic Completeness and Axiomatization0
Unknown Truths and False Beliefs: Completeness and Expressivity Results for the Neighborhood Semantics0
Tableaux for Some Modal-Tense Logics Graham Priest’s Fashion0
Notes on Models of (Partial) Kripke–Feferman Truth0
Axiomatizing a Minimal Discussive Logic0
Birkhoff’s and Mal’cev’s Theorems for Implicational Tonoid Logics0
Nils Kürbis, Proof and Falsity: A Logical Investigation, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 316; ISBN: 978-110-87-1672-7 (Softcover)£24.99, ISBN: 978-110-84-8130-4 (Hardcover)£78.99, ISBN: 978-110-0
Modal Companions of $$K4^{+}$$0
Poset Products as Relational Models0
Parameterfree Comprehension Does Not Imply Full Comprehension in Second Order Peano Arithmetic0
Stalnakerian Connexive Logics0
Loop-Check Specification for a Sequent Calculus of Temporal Logic0
Two Decision Procedures for da Costa’s $$C_n$$ Logics Based on Restricted Nmatrix Semantics0
G3-style Sequent Calculi for Gurevich Logic and Its Neighbors0
Correction to: Alessandro Giordani, Jacek Malinowski, Hyperintensionality and Fine-grained Semantics. Logic in High Definition: Trends in Logical Semantics, vol. 56 of Trends in Logic, Springer, 2020,0
A Characterization of Probability-based Dichotomous Belief Revision0
A Generalization of Beall’s Off-Topic Interpretation0
Splittings in Subreducts of Hoops0
Heyting $$\kappa $$-Frames0
Quantum Interpretation of Semantic Paradox: Contextuality and Superposition0
Correspondence Theory for Modal Fairtlough–Mendler Semantics of Intuitionistic Modal Logic0
Calculi of Epistemic Grounding Based on Prawitz’s Theory of Grounds0
Positive Monotone Modal Logic0
On Blass Translation for Leśniewski’s Propositional Ontology and Modal Logics0
Logics of Order and Related Notions0
From Contact Relations to Modal Operators, and Back0
Probabilistic Semantics and Calculi for Multi-valued and Paraconsistent Logics0
Modal Logic with “Most”0
Semantics of Computable Physical Models0
A Few Notes on Quantum B-algebras0
Sub-Hilbert Lattices0
Hybrid Logic of the Hide and Seek Game0
Generalized Explosion Principles0
Leo Esakia, Heyting Algebras: Duality Theory, Guram Bezhanishvili and Wesley A. Holliday, (eds.), Springer International Publishing, Series: Trends in Logic, Vol. 50, 2019, pp. 95+xv0
Dynamic Logics of Diffusion and Link Changes on Social Networks0
Semantical Analysis of the Logic of Bunched Implications0
Topic-Based Communication Between Agents0
Contemporary Logic in Brazil – Proceedings of the XX Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica0
Alternative Multilattice Logics: An Approach Based on Monosequent and Indexed Monosequent Calculi0
On Pretabular Extensions of Relevance Logic0
Mathematical Structures Within Simple Type Theory0
Nelson Conuclei and Nuclei: The Twist Construction Beyond Involutivity0
The Elimination of Direct Self-reference0
Difference-Making Conditionals and Connexivity0
Bayesian Belief Revision Based on Agent’s Criteria0
Stefania Centrone, Deborah Kant, Deniz Serikaya, Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics. Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts, vol. 407 of Synthese Library, Springer, 2019, pp0
Boolean Connexive Logic and Content Relationship0
The Logic ILP for Intuitionistic Reasoning About Probability0
Intuitionistic Logic is a Connexive Logic0
On Inclusions Between Quantified Provability Logics0
Ecumenical Propositional Tableau0
Hennessy-Milner and Van Benthem for Instantial Neighbourhood Logic0
$$\mathrm {ZF}$$ Between Classicality and Non-classicality0
Intuitionistic Modal Algebras0
A Model Theory of Topology0
Residuated Structures and Orthomodular Lattices0
On a Generalization of Heyting Algebras I0
Ulam-Rényi Games, MV-Algebras, Specker $$\ell $$-Groups0
From Proof-Theoretic Validity to Base-Extension Semantics for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic0
Strictly Positive Fragments of the Provability Logic of Heyting Arithmetic0
Transitive Logics of Finite Width with Respect to Proper-Successor-Equivalence0