Statistica Neerlandica

(The TQCC of Statistica Neerlandica is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On some limitations of probabilistic models for dimension‐reduction: Illustration in the case of probabilistic formulations of partial least squares31
Discretized skew‐t mixture model for deconvoluting liquid chromatograph mass spectrometry data29
A portmanteau test for the iid hypothesis19
Issue Information12
Threshold estimation for continuous three‐phase polynomial regression models with constant mean in the middle regime6
Automatic bias correction for testing in high‐dimensional linear models6
Inverse‐probability‐weighted logrank test for stratified survival data with missing measurements6
Duals of convolution thinned relationships5
Assessing skewness in financial markets5
Bayesian survival model induced by frailty for lifetime with long‐term survivors4
Testing conditional independence in casual inference for time series data4
Testing for jumps with robust spot volatility estimators4
Competing risks regression for clustered survival data via the marginal additive subdistribution hazards model4
On Bayesian estimation of densities and sampling distributions: The posterior predictive distribution as the Bayes estimator4
Editorial Statistics4
Heterogeneous dense subhypergraph detection3
Editorial statistics3
Robust Liu‐type estimator based on GM estimator3
Estimation of density functionals via cross‐validation3
Estimation and convergence rates in the distributional single index model3
Issue Information2
Bayesian subcohort selection for longitudinal covariate measurements in follow‐up studies2
Bayesian inference for a mixture double autoregressive model2
Estimating random effects in a finite Markov chain with absorbing states: Application to cognitive data2
A robust mixed‐effects parametric quantile regression model for continuous proportions: Quantifying the constraints to vitality in cushion plants2
VC‐PCR: A prediction method based on variable selection and clustering1
A discrete truncated Zipf distribution1
Issue Information1
Goodness‐of‐fit tests for Poisson count time series based on the Stein–Chen identity1
Information anchored reference‐based sensitivity analysis for truncated normal data with application to survival analysis1
Inference for Kumaraswamy‐G family of distributions under unified progressive hybrid censoring with partially observed competing risks data1
Editorial: Embracing the future of continuous publication at Statistica Neerlandica1
Point process modeling through a mixture of homogeneous and self‐exciting processes1
Hurdle GARCH models for nonnegative time series1
Forecasting performance of machine learning, time series, and hybrid methods for low‐ and high‐frequency time series1
Linear regression models with multiplicative distortions under new identifiability conditions1
The multilateral spatial integer‐valued process of order 11
Bartlett correction of an independence test in a multivariate Poisson model1
Average ordinary least squares‐centeredpenalized regression: A more efficient way to address multicollinearity than ridge regression1
Convergence of unforced errors in the matching problem1
Franklin's randomized response model with correlated scrambled variables1
Autoregressive and moving average models for zero‐inflated count time series1
Connections between two classes of estimators for single‐index models1
Model checking for multiplicative linear regression models with mixed estimators1
Stochastic comparisons of largest claim amounts from heterogeneous portfolios1
Resolving the ambiguity of random‐effects models with singular precision matrix1
Mean relative error and standard relative deviation1
Issue Information1
Inflated Kumaraswamy regressions with application to water supply and sanitation in Brazil1