Southern Economic Journal

(The median citation count of Southern Economic Journal is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The political economy of theCOVID‐19 pandemic77
The contagion externality of a superspreading event: The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and COVID‐1948
Externality and COVID‐1945
The political economy of state responses to infectious disease44
Essential or not? Knowledge problems and COVID‐19 stay‐at‐home orders44
Economic freedom, pandemics, and robust political economy34
Stay‐at‐home orders were issued earlier in economically unfree states33
Separation of power and expertise: Evidence of the tyranny of experts in Sweden's COVID‐19 responses31
Battling COVID‐19 with dysfunctional federalism: Lessons from India29
Prescription drug monitoring programs, opioid abuse, and crime22
Heterogeneity, leveling the playing field, and affirmative action in contests20
Digital trade barriers and export performance: Evidence from China19
Economic outcomes for transgender people and other gender minorities in the United States: First estimates from a nationally representative sample17
The political economy of drug and alcohol regulation during theCOVID‐19 pandemic17
The Federal Reserve's response to the COVID‐19 contraction: An initial appraisal16
Economic lessons for COVID‐19 pandemic policies16
Academic freedom, institutions, and productivity15
Football transfer fee premiums and Europe's big five14
Income inequality and housing prices in the very long‐run14
Impacts of state COVID‐19 reopening policy on human mobility and mixing behavior13
Effects of losing public health insurance on preventative care, health, and emergency department use: Evidence from the TennCare disenrollment13
The legacy of representation in medieval Europe for incomes and institutions today11
Gender gap in tenure and promotion: Evidence from the economics Ph.D. class of 200811
Profit‐enhancing entries in mixed oligopolies11
Same‐sex marriage laws, LGBT hate crimes, and employment discrimination charges11
The FDA and the COVID‐19: A political economy perspective10
Intergenerational income mobility and economic freedom9
Light pollution, sleep deprivation, and infant health at birth9
Macroeconomic shocks and racial labor market differences8
Does aid cause changes in economic freedom?8
Incentivizing provision of collective goods: Allocation rules7
The role of consumer confidence in forecasting consumption, evidence from Florida7
Social trust and patterns of growth7
Culture and son preference: Evidence from immigrants to the United States7
International trade, differentiated goods, and strategic asymmetry7
The effects of Medicaid expansion on home production and childcare6
The effects of occupational licensing reform for nurse practitioners on children's health6
The impact of smiling cues on social cooperation6
The impact of chief diversity officers on diverse faculty hiring6
Deep trade agreements and harmonization of standards6
The munchies: Marijuana legalization and food sales in Washington6
The convergence dynamics of economic freedom across U.S. states5
Tacit collusion and price dispersion in the presence of Southwest Airlines5
The effect of Medicaid on recidivism: Evidence from Medicaid suspension and termination policies5
The impact of temperature on labor quality: Umpire accuracy in Major League Baseball5
Impact of Great Recession bank failures on use of financial services among racial/ethnic and income groups5
Promise, trust, and betrayal: Costs of breaching an implicit contract5
In‐person versus online instruction: Evidence from principles of economics5
What is liberal about Adam Smith's “liberal plan”?5
Can too many cooks spoil the broth? Coordination costs, fatigue, and performance in high‐intensity tasks4
Financial development and top income shares in OECD countries4
The causal effect of free trade agreements on the trade margins: Product‐level evidence from geographically distant partners4
The ambiguous competitive effects of passive partial forward ownership4
AACSB accreditation and student demand4
Adaptation and the distributional effects of heat: Evidence from professional archery competitions4
Did the affordable care act increase the availability of employer‐sponsored health insurance?4
An investigation of unsuccessful performance and subsequent retake behavior in principles of economics3
Schumpeter vs. Keynes redux: “Still not dead”3
College entrance exam‐taking strategies in Georgia3
Quashing demand or changing clients? Evidence of criminalization of sex work in the United Kingdom3
Does age affect the relation between risk and time preferences? Evidence from a representative sample3
In search of competitive givers3
Do you speak my language? The effect of sharing a teacher's native language on student achievement3
Do sovereign credit rating events affect the foreign exchange market? Evidence from a treatment effect analysis3
Do those with chronic health conditions benefit from the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion?3
Loss aversion in asymmetric anti‐coordination games3
Escaping the long arm of the law? Racial disparities in the effect of drivers' license suspensions on offense probabilities3
Does telemedicine save lives? Evidence on the effect of telemedicine parity laws on mortality rates3
Who is the most sought‐after economist? Ranking economists using Google Trends2
Proxy variable estimation of productivity and efficiency2
Match quality and divorce among naturalized U.S. citizens2
Estimating the effects of wind loss mitigation on home value2
Does studying economics make you selfish?2
Economic freedom and growth, income, investment, and inequality: A quantitative summary of the literature2
Strict trade measures, flexible financing2
Economic calculation and transaction costs: The case of the airline oversales auction system2
Did video gaming expansion boost municipal revenues in Illinois?2
Can geography explain Quebec's historical poverty?2
Impacts of publicly funded health insurance for adults on children's academic achievement2
The effect of E‐cigarette indoor vaping restrictions on infant mortality2
Marijuana legalization and traffic fatalities revisited2
After Shleifer, who needs Mises?2
Mises's dynamics of interventionism: Lessons from Indian agriculture2
A Bayesian analysis of e‐cigarette risk perceptions in the United Kingdom2
Partisan competition authorities, Cournot‐oligopoly, and endogenous market structure2
Effects of neighboring nation terrorism on imports2
Financial depth, income inequality, and economic transition2
The evolution of democratic tradition and regional variation in resistance in Nazi Germany2
The U.S. Postal Savings System and the collapse of building and loan associations during the Great Depression2
Millennials: Maligned or miscreants?2
Delayed firm‐paid general training2
Personalized pricing with heterogeneous mismatch costs1
The effects of unemployment insurance in late career: Evidence from Social Security offsets1
The effects of welfare time limits on access to financial resources: Evidence from the 2010s1
Tax policy implications for a two‐engine growing economy1
Rural healthcare access and supply constraints: A causal analysis1
Addiction, present‐bias, and self‐restraint1
Incentivizing STEM participation: Evidence from the SMART Grant Program1
The tradeoff between knowledge of mandated benefits and moral hazard1
E‐Verify mandates and unauthorized immigrants' health insurance coverage1
Financial dependence and exports: Entrants or incumbents?1
In sickness and in health, until death do us part: A case for theory1
When is tinkering with safety net programs harmful to beneficiaries?1
The impact of oil and gas job opportunities during youth on human capital1
How does occupational licensing affect entry into the medical field? An examination of emergency medical technicians1
Testing the effects of adaptive learning courseware on student performance: An experimental approach1
Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansions and the nurse labor market1
Certifiably employable? Occupational regulation and unemployment duration1
Historical racial exclusion from board membership at the Southern Economic Association, Western Economic Association International, Midwest Economics Association, and Eastern Economic Association and 1
The impacts of U.S. right‐to‐work laws on free riding, unionization, and compensation1
Does refugee inflow affect urban crime? Evidence from the U.S. Indochinese refugee resettlement1
Economic planning must be polycentric, not monocentric: Introduction to a symposium on Mises and Hayek on socialism and knowledge1
State capacity and the socialist calculation debate1
How does economic freedom influence public health? Evidence from U.S. cities1
Assessing proxies of knowledge and difficulty with rubric‐based instruments1
Fairness concerns and job assignment to positions with different surplus1
Employment growth in the face of exchange rate uncertainty: The role of trade and foreign equity finance1
The COVID‐19 pandemic and primary care appointment availability by physician age and gender1
An experimental analysis of risk effects in attacker‐defender games1
Do liberal arts colleges maximize profit?1
Unemployment insurance programs and the choice to leave the labor force1
On the heterogeneous effects of tax policy on labor market outcomes1
Decentralized response as a pandemic second‐best: The case of Russia1
Are economic arguments against immigration missing the boat? The fiscal effects of the Mariel Boatlift1
The location of urban healthcare services: Evidence from Phoenix Yelp reviews1
Task specialization and low‐skilled immigration in a highly educated country: Evidence from Korea1
Governors and electoral hazard in the allocation of federal disaster aid1
Certificate‐of‐Need laws in healthcare: A comprehensive review of the literature1
COVID on campus: An empirical analysis of COVID infection rates at U.S. colleges and universities1
Vertical innovation, foreign direct investment, and asymmetric imitation: A welfare analysis of intellectual property protection1
Issue Information0
Foreign aid and corruption: Unveiling the obstacles to effective development0
Self‐control or social control? Peer effects on temptation consumption0
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Moral hazard and selection bias in insurance markets: Evidence from commercial fisheries0
The institutional dimension of the inequality–corruption nexus: A varieties of capitalism assessment0
Sharing common roots: Student‐graduate committee matching and job market outcomes0
Technology use, work adaptation, and economic vulnerability during COVID‐190
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On the optimality of information sharing between integrated and vertically separated competitors0
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Certificate of Need and the labor market0
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Acknowledgment to Referees0
Background risk and consumers' demand for insurance under limited liability0
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Heterogeneous effects of health shocks in developed countries: Evidence from Australia0
Employer‐provided health insurance: Are two options too many?0
Innovation offshoring and reshoring with fully endogenous growth0
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The effect of international travel on the spread of COVID‐19 in the United States0
The effect of spouses' relative education on household time allocation0
Building and using nonlinear simulations in Excel with an application to the specific factors model0
Two steps forward, one step back? Quantifying the pecuniary costs of debt account aversion and the debt snowball0
“Rational overeating” in a feast‐or‐famine world: Economic insecurity and the obesity epidemic0
Revisiting the effect of supermajority requirements on fiscal outcomes0
The devolution of federal reserve monetary policy strategy, 2012–240
The effect of substance use Certificate‐of‐Need laws on access to substance use disorder treatment facilities0
The effects of COVID‐19 lockdown on the body weight and lifestyle behaviors of U.S. adults0
Separately measuring home‐field advantage for offenses and defenses: A panel‐data study of constituent channels within collegiate American football0
The color of coronavirus0
Does capitalism disfavor women? Evidence from life satisfaction0
Editor's report0
Competition and profit orientation in microfinance0
The causal effect of repealing Certificate‐of‐Need laws for ambulatory surgical centers: Does access to medical services increase?0
Effect of prescription opioid control policies on infant health0
Vincent J. Tarascio: In Memoriam (1930–2020)0
The skilled worker premium and labor's share of income: Recent trends in U.S. manufacturing0
What philosophy can teach political economy about corruption: A non‐ideal theory0
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(De)unionization, trade, unemployment, and wage differentials0
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Mission creep at the Federal Reserve0
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Discretion and political favoritism: Evidence from two reforms in public procurement0
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How does temperature affect rural income: Channels and implication of adaptation0
Heterogeneous peer effects by gender, task, and monetary incentive: Evidence from speed skating0
Milton Friedman and nominal income targeting0
Entry deterrence when the potential entrant is your competitor in a different market0
Unintended effects of broadband grants on bank branches0
Call for papers, SEA0
CBD as a cure‐all? The impacts of state‐level legalization of prescription cannabidiol (CBD) on opioid prescriptions0
How the Federal Reserve got so huge, and why and how it can shrink0
Can high‐skilled immigrants transfer their human capital to the United States?0
Southern Economic Association® 94th Annual Meeting November 23–25, 2024, Washington Hilton, Washington, DC0
Editor's Report0
Knockin' on the bank's door: The impact of U.S. bank branch closures on self‐employment dynamics0
Female workers, male managers: Gender, leadership, and risk‐taking0
Issue Information0
How Adam Smith's banking views influenced Hamilton, Jefferson, and the debate over the Bank of the United States0
Income inequality, banking competition, and monetary policy0
Should the Federal Reserve raise its inflation target?0
Microcommitments: Mitigating procrastination with more than a nudge0
Issue Information0
Separating insider and informed behavior: Evidence from a natural setting0
Interactions between job search and housing decisions: A structural estimation0
Who is to put the bell on the cat? Democracy, dictatorship, and James M. Buchanan's early 1980s involvement with Pinochet's Chile0
Free Markets and Health Care: Lessons from Welfare Economics0
Labor force effects of Medicaid and Marketplace expansions: Variation by gender, parental status, and household structure0
Theme park rides are Giffen goods0
The fourth industrial revolution and the future of work: Reasons to worry and policies to consider0
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Good for the goose, bad for the gander? Corruption and income inequality0
Are menthol smokers different? An economic perspective0
R&D incentives and competitive pressure under hidden information0
Capabilities, wealth, and trade: Revisiting the evidence0
Issue Information0
Framing effects and the market selection hypothesis: Evidence from real‐world isomorphic bets0
Optimal risk sharing with ex post private information: Rules versus discretion0
The effect of Certificate‐of‐Need laws on substance use disorder care for vulnerable populations0
An experimental examination of the flow of irrelevant information across markets0
Revisiting the connection between state Medicaid expansions and adult mortality0
Gerrymandering in the laboratory0
The effect of bilateral currency swap agreements on foreign capital inflows: Evidence from China0
Habit persistence in assets demand0
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Informational value of challenging an incumbent prosecutor0
Exploring the corruption‐inefficiency nexus using an endogenous stochastic frontier analysis0
Economic fluctuations and mortality in Canada revisited0
Further evidence on inflation targeting and income distribution0
Aging in style: Seniority and sentiment in scholarly writing0
Issue Information0
When user error calls for a product redesign: Poverty in the United States0