South Atlantic Quarterly

(The TQCC of South Atlantic Quarterly is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Reclaiming the Radical Politics of Self-Care62
The Ethics of Pace44
After Crip, Crip Afters41
Time Harms35
Spatial Debilities28
The Sovereignty of Critique23
Actually Existing Platformization18
State Homophobia, Sexual Politics, and Queering the Boğaziçi Resistance16
The Limits of Algorithmic Management14
Making Mental Health through Open in Emergency14
Identity Politics, Criticism, and Self-Criticism14
Autistic Disruptions, Trans Temporalities13
Social Uprising, Racism, and Resistance in Cali’s National Strike11
Rider Platforms?10
“Platformization” beyond the Point of Production8
Thrice Unseen, Forever on Borrowed Time8
Solar Infrastructure as Media of Resistance, or, Indigenous Solarities against Settler Colonialism8
Against Unjust Laws7
Hustling the Platform6
Beyond the Sun6
Platform Urbanization and the Impact on Urban Transformation and Citizenship6
Three Currents of Platformization in China5
The Technical Fix5
Citizens, Infiltrators, and Others5
Impasse Time5
Notes for an Anti-racist Feminism in the Wake of the Migrant Caravans4
Lebanon’s October 2019 Uprising4
Taking Political Time: Thinking Past the Emergency Timescapes of the New Climate Movements4
Leapfrogging to Solar4
The Gilets Jaunes4
The Paradise Performs4
Platform Battlefield4
Making Use of Everything: Tangier and Its Southern, Peripheral Practices4
The Fear We Feel Everyday: Affective Temporalities in Fridays for Future4
Documenting the Everyday Hidden Resistance of Ride-Hailing Platform Drivers to Algorithmic Management in Lagos, Nigeria4
The Struggle for Academic Freedom in an Age of Post-truth3
Let there Be Light (Or, In Defense of Darkness)3
Dispossession, Un-freedom, Precarity3
Stolen Life, Stolen Time3
The Making of Freedom and Common Forms of Struggle of Runaways in Taiwan3
Customer Service Representatives3
Airbnb Lands in Havana2
The Climate of Roundabouts2
Anti-racist Feminism or Barbarism2
Critical Theory in Times of Crisis2
Service Work, Sex Work, and the “Prostitute Imaginary”2
The Militancy of (Black) Memory2
Extinct Critique2
Digital Workers, Urban Vectors, and New Economies2
Anthropocene Destitution2
Anticipating Blackness2
Introduction: What Moment for Climate Activism?2
Essentially Dispossessed2
Teaching Lebanon’s Politics in Times of the Uprising2
Turning toward the Sun2
Solarities or Solarculture2
Mobilizing Truck Drivers in China2
Impossible Migrants2
The End of Ideology, the Ideology of the End2
Black Futures Not Yet Lost2
Cooperativism as Contestation to Crypto-colonialism in Puerto Rico2
A Race Against the Clock? On the Paradoxes of Acting “Now” in the Climate Struggle2
Viral Solarity2
The Dialectic of Space2
Single? Great? Collective?2
Counting Citizens in Assam2
Judgment and Social Being2