South African Journal of Surgery

(The TQCC of South African Journal of Surgery is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Concordance of fine needle aspiration cytology and final histology of salivary gland tumours4
Laparoscopic splenopexy for wandering spleen with absorbable mesh fixation4
Broad responses and attitudes to having music in surgery (the BRAHMS study) – a South African perspective4
Outcomes for open and laparoscopic appendicectomy for complicated appendicitis in children3
Small bowel intussusception caused by a metastatic testicular germ cell tumour3
The spectrum and outcome of paediatric emergency surgical admissions - a regional hospital analysis3
Sentinel lymph node biopsy in a resource-limited setting: a retrospective comparison of sentinel lymph node biopsy before and after the introduction of Sentimag at an academic breast unit2
Outcomes of complex burn injury patients managed at two primary and one tertiary level burns facilities in the Western Cape province of South Africa – a retrospective review2
Perioperative antibiotic practices amongst otorhinolaryngologists (ear, nose and throat surgeons) in South Africa2
Open abdominal wall defects and open spina bifida at a regional hospital in northern KwaZulu-Natal – bellwether conditions for neonatal surgery capacity2
The incidence and management of complications following stenting of oesophageal malignancies2
The utility of the bedside index of severity in acute pancreatitis at prognosticating adverse outcomes2
Implementing robotic surgery in South African training institutions: fiddling while Rome burns2
Pneumatosis intestinalis – an illusive disease2
The South African way of trauma surgery2
Establishing and integrating datasets beyond instilling a culture of capture2
HIV associated malignancies presenting as acute pancreatitis: a case series2
Late presentation of Bochdalek hernia in children – experience at a single centre2
Immunohistochemical determination of mismatch repair gene product in colorectal carcinomas in a young indigenous African cohort2
A surgeon's journey into the world of IT: the database1
Intermediate and long-term survival prediction using prognostic scores in patients undergoing salvage TIPS for uncontrolled variceal bleeding1
The negative appendicectomy rate at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital - a 10-year review1
Aortoenteric fistulas – our experiences with surgeons’ nightmare1
Serum albumin nadir as marker of inflammatory response in abdominal trauma1
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in two young women1
Technical success of endoscopic stenting for malignant gastric outlet obstruction1
The George Hospital theatre documentation and information system1
The impact of thromboelastography on patients with penetrating abdominal trauma requiring intensive care1
Colorectal cancer in South Africa study on the effect of delayed diagnosis to treatment intervals on survival1
Microsatellite instability in north Indian colorectal cancer patients and its clinicopathological correlation1
Isolated Roux-en-Y versus single loop pancreaticojejunal reconstruction after pancreaticoduodenectomy – a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials1
Technology alone does not achieve error reduction – a study of handwritten, tick-sheet, ink stamp and electronic medical prescriptions1
Isolated ductal carcinoma in situ in patients presenting to two breast units in Johannesburg1
A dedicated quality improvement programme can increase access to paediatric minimal access surgery in South Africa1
Reflections on the development of the Hybrid Electronic Medical Registry in Pietermaritzburg1
More than 60 years of Organised Trauma Care: The Johannesburg Trauma Unit at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital1
A case of bowel perforation secondary to burn conversion1
Thirteen-year audit of the management of anorectal fistulae in a tertiary colorectal unit1
Breast cysticercosis – a case report1
A case report on lingual schwannoma1
Retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy – introducing a new surgical technique in South Africa1
Transdiaphragmatic pericardial washout post penetrating cardiac injury found incidentally at diagnostic laparoscopy1
Damage control surgery of the critical Jehovah’s Witness patient– a narrative review1
Can cannabinoids contribute to cholecystitis – a case of gangrenous acalculous cholecystitis1
Predicting survival in locally advanced gastric cancer using prognostic factors – neoadjuvant rectal score and downstaging depth score1
The value of MRCP in children with biliary symptomatology - an essential adjunct for safe cholecystectomy1
A comparison of invasive lobular carcinoma with other invasive breast cancers at Tygerberg Academic Hospital1
Oncoplastic surgery for breast carcinoma in South Africa – an audit of outcomes from a single breast unit1