Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

(The median citation count of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Dynamic Analysis of Aboveground Steel Storage Tanks Over Stiff Soil24
Calculation of Building Settlement Induced by Tunneling Based on an Equivalent Beam Model22
Finite Element Analysis of Equivalent Diameter of Prefabricated Vertical Drains15
Study Into the Behavior of Ice Beams Reinforced with Bar Elements15
History of the First Studies of the Mechanical Properties of the Moon Soils12
Experimental and Comparative Investigations of New Self-Expanded Steel Pile Behavior via Physical Modelling7
Geotechnical Risk Management for Construction in Built-Up Areas6
Strength Anisotropy of Compacted Sandy Material6
Experimental Study of the Effect of a Compacted Lime-Treated Loess on Its Hydraulic Conductivity5
Mechanical Anisotropy of the Columnar Jointed Rock Mass Under Unloading Conditions5
Shallow Sliding Failure Analysis of Weakly Expansive Soil Slope during Wet-Dry Cycles5
Dynamic Analysis of Base Isolated Connected Buildings Subjected to Seismic and Blast Induced Vibrations5
Analysis of Active Earth Pressure on Anchored-Frame Structures with Consideration to Prestresses5
Numerical Investigation on Dynamic Stress Transfer of XCC Pile-Supported Embankment Under a Moving Vehicle5
Passive Thrust of “Imperfect” Prisms of Soil Thrust and Placement of Anchor Supports Relative to the Retaining Walls5
Seismodynamics of Underground Pipelines Under Viscous-Elastic-Plastic Interaction with Soil5
Project of Strengthening the Soil Base and Foundations of a Deforming Residential Building on a Sloping Site4
On the Assignment of Deformation Characteristics of Boulder-Pebble Soils4
Geotechnical Monitoring in the Urban Construction Environment4
Numerical Studies of Thawing in Sloped Permafrost Soils Beneath a Building with a Mound4
Analysis of Features of Long and Short Pile Composite Foundation in High-Rise Buildings4
Structural Behavior of an In-Plane Curved Tunnel Based on Beam-Spring Approach4
At-Rest Lateral Earth Pressure for Coulomb’s Retaining Wall Conditions4
Analysis of the Possible Cracking and Damages of Tunnel Lining Segments during Installing Stage4
Study on the Uplift Bearing Capacity of Rock-Socketed Piles4
Numerical Modeling on Fluid-Solid Coupled Erosion in Sandy Gravel Soils Containing a Suspended Cut-Off Wall4
Effects of Chemical Solutions and Flexible Electric Geotextiles on Electroosmotic Consolidation of River Silt4
Numerical Investigation of Retaining Structure Response to Surrounding Surface Surcharge during Deep Excavation4
Analysis of Methods of Modeling the Influence of Tunneling on the Deformation of the Surrounding Soil Mass4
Analysis of Ground Settlement during Shield Tunnel Construction in Soft Soil3
Experimental Study on Shear Strength Parameter Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Miscellaneous Fill3
The Effect of Temperature Pathways on Unfrozen Water and Thermal Parameters of Frozen Soils3
Accounting for Properties of the Compacted Soil-Bed Under Foundation and Capillary Fringe of Loess Soils Subjected to Silicate Stabilization3
An Elastoplastic Constitutive Model for Unsaturated Soils Using the Suction Stress Variable3
Effect of Cyclic Stress Ratio and Non-Plastic Fines Content on the Liquefaction Potential of Sandy and Silty Soil in Cyclic Triaxial Testing3
Water Retention Characteristics and Soil-Water Characteristic Curve Model of Weak Expansive Soil3
Investigations of Soil Models Used to Study Soil Base Liquefaction3
Risk Assessment of Unstable Rock Masses on High-Steep Slopes: An Attribute Recognition Model3
Single Bored Pile Settlement Prediction Taking into Account the Elastic-Plastic Behavior of the Soil3
Experimental Study of the Shaking Table Test and Dynamic Response of the Loess Slope Reinforced by Frame Anchors3
Correction to: Influence of Crushed Stone Pile Arrangement in Loose Soils on the Operation of a Single Pile3
Settlement and Long-Term Bearing Capacity of a Circular Foundation on an Elastic-Viscoplastic Base3
Treatment of Liquefiable Ground by Resonant Compaction Using a Crisscross-Shaped Probe. Case Study at the Huaiyan Highway Site3
Numerical Results of Vibration Isolation Effect of Pile Group on Rayleigh Waves in a Fluid-Saturated Half-Space3
Elasto-Plastic Analysis for Load-Settlement Prediction of Vertically Loaded Cushioned Piled-Rafts with Unequal Pile Lengths3
Generalization of the Test Results of Bored Piles in Rocky Soils3
Double Strength Reduction Method for Carbonaceous Rock Slope Considering Influence of Disintegration Degree3
Theoretical Formula of the Critical Hydraulic Condition of Suffusion Initiation3
Experimental Substantiation of Internal Strength Parameters of L. N. Rasskazov’s ≪Energy≫ Soil Model3
Correlation Between Small-Strain Dynamic Properties and Unconfined Compressive Strength of Lime-Stabilized Soft Clay3
Deformation Characteristics of a Vertical Support Structure in a High-Filled Loess Slope Associated with Temperature Fluctuations3
Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Rock Mass with XFEM2
Active Pressure of Non-Cohesive Soil Enclosed Between Parallel Walls2
Improving Calculation of Load-Bearing Capacity for Steel Tubular Piles, with Consideration for Experience Gained from Constructing a Crossing Over the Kerch Strait2
Study on the Characteristics of Ground Vibrations During Earthquakes Near Focal Zones in Dagestan2
Non-Uniform Emersion of an Embedded Structure: Analysis and Recommendations2
Evaluating the Integrity of Slab–Soil Contact with Impulse Response Testing: Insights from Numerical Simulations2
Numerical Investigation of Ground Settlements Induced by Installation of Large Diameter Deeply-Buried Caissons in Undrained Clays2
Analysis of Causes and Geomechanical Schematization of Catastrophic Karst Subsidence Development2
A Multi-Scale Drucker–Prager Strength Criterion Based on Microscopic Physical Soil Analysis2
Efficiency of Dynamic Vibration Dampers for Massive Structures on Non-Rock Bases2
Influence of Tilted Bolts on Flexural Behavior of Circumferential Joints in a Large-Diameter Tunnel2
Stability Analysis of a Pentahedral Rock Wedge Governed by Multi-Discontinuities2
Dynamic Stability of Sandy-Soil Mass with Depth-Dependent Liquefaction Potential2
Review on the Application of Nanoparticles to Mitigate Liquefaction Risks2
Transport of Cement Grouting Stimulated By Ultrasound in Different Heights of Sand Columns2
Congratulations on the Anniversary!2
Application of Artificial Foundations in Earthquake-Resistant Construction in Turkmenistan2
A Time-Dependent Load-Transfer Model for Large Step-Tapered Hollow Piles Based on the Disturbed State Concept2
Three-Dimensional Vibration Isolation Effect of Pile Group on Rayleigh Waves in a Fluid-Saturated Half-Space2
Use of Lognormal Distribution for Processing the Results of Soil Testing by Piles2
Infrared Radiation Characteristics During Crack Development in Water-Bearing Sandstone2
An Extended Finite Element Method for Heat Transfer with Phase Change in Frozen Soil2
Technological Settlements of the Surrounding Buildings during the Construction of Deep Pit Fences2
Calculation of Pile Reinforcement of a Slab Foundation of a Reconstructed Building2
Prediction of the Settlement and Long-Term Bearing Capacity of Rectangular Footing1
Field Monitoring and Numerical Study on the Effects of Reclamation on Large-Diameter Long Pile1
Bearing Capacity Analysis of Pile Foundations Under Composite Loads Based on the Pasternak Foundation Model Under Small Deformation1
3D Finite Element Modelling of Hydraulic Efficiency of Drainage Trenches1
Influence of Crushed Stone Pile Arrangement in Loose Soils on the Operation of a Single Pile1
Stress-Strain State of Soils Under Thin Shell Structures with Infill1
Failure Mechanism and Passive Earth Pressure on Foundation Pits with Skirt Reinforcement1
Deformation of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Beam Subjected to Localized Sinkholes by the Winkler Model1
Influence of Granulometric Composition on the Mechanical Properties of Pond Ash1
Influence of Pile Anchor Design Parameters on Deformation of Deep Foundation Pit1
Experimental and Empirical Study on Piles Socketed Into the Rock1
Pullout Behavior of the L-Shaped Anchorage of Geogrid Under Static and Cyclic Loading1
Factors Affecting Energy Pile Efficiency1
Calculation of Thermal Conductivity of Fine Soils Taking into Account the Quantity of Unfrozen Water1
Analysis of the Deformation Energy Dissipation in a Layered Medium Under Dynamic Loading (On the Example of Highways)1
Probabilistic Slope Stability Assessment Under Seismic Conditions Based on the Generalized Hoek-Brown Criterion1
Bearing Capacity Assessment of Soil Foundation1
Microscopic Mechanism of Coarse-Grained Soil Under Triaxial Test Based on PFC-FLAC Coupling Method1
Review of Correlation Dependencies Between Seismoacoustic and Geotechnical Characteristics of Frozen Soils1
Correlation Between the Geophysical Parameters and Strength Characteristics of Frozen Soils of Various Salinity Levels1
A Method for Calculating the Earth Pressure Acting on a Retaining Wall Considering the Effect of an Adjacent Single Pile Composite Foundation1
A Constitutive Model for Loess Considering the Characteristics of Structurality and Anisotropy1
Seismic Stability Analysis of Slopes Using a Pseudo-Dynamic Method Combined with an Upper Bound Method1
Comparison of Liquid and Vapor-Liquid Devices for Cooling the Foundations of Residential Buildings1
Laboratory Investigation of Lateral Swelling Pressure of Nanning Grey-White Expansive Soil1
Numerical Analysis of Pullout Bearing Capacity of End-Bearing Torpedo Anchors1
Dependence of the Dynamic Modulus of Soil Deformation on Impact Frequency1
Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on Story Acceleration Response of a High-Rise Building1
Variational Solutions for the Problem of Arching in Rock Soils1
Experimental Study for Assessing the Onset of Suffusion and Suffosion of Gap-Graded Soil1
Strength Degradation of Fractured Sandstone After Thawing of an Inclined Shaft Produced by Artificial Freezing1
A Model Test and the Ultimate Capacity Analysis of Multi-Underreamed Anchors in Silty Clay1
Forecast of the Temperature Regime of the Building Foundation on Alluvial Soils Under Conditions of Cryolithozone1
Axial Capacity Evaluation of Rock-Socketed Cast-In-Situ Concrete Piles1
Permeability Characteristics of Sedimentary Fine Tailings Including the Degree of Compaction1
A Method for Calculating the Amount of Unfrozen Water in Frozen Saline Soils1
Determination of Coefficient of Viscosity in Frozen Soil Using Static Penetration Test1
Numerical Analysis of the Stress-Strain State of a Combined Pile in Permafrost Soils1
Influence of Gradation of Coarse-Grained Soil on the Permeability Coefficient1
Cryogenic Heaving of Peat and Peaty Soils1
Determination of the Stiffness Coefficients of a Foundation Composed of Collapsible Soils1
Investigation of the Effect of Natural-Fiber Geogrids on the Bearing Ratio of the Subbase Layer of a Road1
Estimation of the Phreatic Line for One-Dimensional Unsteady Seepage Flow Using Similarity Transformation1
Numerical Analysis of Distribution Characteristics of Jacking Force in Thin-Walled Pipe Groups1
Stability of Natural Slopes and Determination of the Pressure of Incoherent Soils on Fences1
Determination of the Bearing Capacity of a Helical Pile Using Screwing Torque Considering Shaft Geometry1
Effect of Jet Grouting Construction Parameters on Durability and Strength Properties of Full-Scale Clayey Soil-Cement Pile1
The Impact of a Heat-Insulating Pad on the Temperature Regime of the Frozen Base of a Low-Rise Residential Building0
Structural Safety Analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite Single-Wall Caisson Cofferdams for Deep-Water Bridge Piers0
Taking Into Account the Soil Depth Inhomogeneity in Calculation of the Piles Settlement0
Proposed Transport Link to Sakhalin: Tunnel0
Bearing Capacity of Circular Foundation on a Sand Layer of Limited Thickness Under Eccentrically Inclined Loading0
An Experimental Predictive Model Development for Time-Dependent Rheological Properties of Composite Strata Soil0
Shale Gas Stimulation Technology: Large-Scale Triaxial Physical Simulation Tests on Longmaxi Formation Shale0
Gersevanov Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures (NIIOSP) (To the 90th Anniversary of the Foundation)0
Energy Dynamic Characteristics of Seismic Wave Propagation in Bedrock and Overburden Layer Slope0
Dynamic Stability Analysis of a Wharf under Cyclic Loading Considering the Weakening Effect of a Soft Foundation0
Investigation of Structural Behavior of Tapered Ring and Parallel Ring Linings in Tunnels0
Stability Analysis of Soil Slopes Subject to Action of Rainfall-Induced Wetting Front0
A Model to Predict the Standard Penetration Test N60 Value from Cone Penetration Test Data0
Performance of Side-By-Side Twin Tunnel Excavation Under a Single Pile and Pile Group by the NATM0
Deformation Modulus of Plastic-Frozen Soil According to Pile Testing0
Ground Disturbance and Vibration Effects Under the Action of Subway Shield Tunneling0
Effects of Drying-Wetting Cycles on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Granite Residual Soils0
Calculation of the Bearing Capacity of a Two-Layer Soil Base Under an Inclined Load0
Slope Failure Treatment by Anchor Rod Method at Exit of Tunnel: Case Study in Nanxia Expressway0
Time-History Analysis of Soil Slope Subjected to Seismic Loadings0
Investigation of the Effects of Twin Tunneling on Ground Surface Settlement and Internal Forces of a Single Pile in 3D Analysis0
Variational Elastic Solution for an End Bearing Pile Subjected to Dynamic Torsional Loading0
Stability Charts for Fill Slopes Based on Finite Element Limit Analysis Methods0
Dynamic Tests of Coarse-Clastic Soils0
Calculation of Landslide Thrust behind Double-Row Long-Short Piles0
A Structured Cam-Clay Model with a Damage Variable0
Evaluation of Soil-Structure Contact State by Normalized Acoustic Response Analysis0
Calculating the Combined Foundation Settlement for a Reconstructed Building in Clay Soils0
Cement Pile Reinforcement for Soft Soil Foundation Using Bidirectional Deep Mixing0
Critical Hydraulic Gradient of Piping Erosion Under Free Flow and Seepage Flow Coupling Model0
Numerical Analysis of Soil Consolidation Coupled Biot Theory and Hansbo Flow0
A Time-Dependent Expansion Model for Mudstone Submerged in Water0
Dynamic Analysis of the Damage Mechanism of Silt Lightweight Soil0
Parameters of Nonlinear Laws of Longitudinal Interaction of Underground Pipelines with Soil0
Using Neural Network Feedback Analysis Technology to Predict Soil and Carbonaceous Rock Thermal Resistivity0
Dynamic Responses of Weathered Rock Slopes Under Harmonic Waves0
Prediction of the Settlement of Foundations by an Elastic-Plastic Model of Clay Soils0
Assessment of Negative Skin Friction in Bored Cast-In-Situ Piles According to Cone Penetration Test Data in Subsiding Soils0
Mathematical Model of the Temperature Control at the Base of a Building with a Slab Foundation on a Compacted Seasonally Thawing Layer0
Determination of the Kernel of a Deformable Foundation Model from Experimental Data0
Small Strain Stiffness Properties of Cement-Stabilized Sand Reinforced with Polypropylene Fibre0
Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Water Content on Coal Body Strength and Stability0
In Memory of Mark Yurievich Abelev0
Stability Analysis of Multistage Loess Slope Under Earthquake Action Based on the Pseudo-Static Method0
An Investigation Into the Effects of an Annular Gap on Surface Settlement0
Analysis of the Interaction Between the Upper and Lower Piles in a Self-Anchored Test Pile0
Calculation of Anti-Landslide Structures for Seismic Impacts0
Instrumental Quality Control of Soil-Cement Columns and Solids by Seismoacoustic Methods0
Analysis of the Effects of Rheology on the Band Structures of Periodic Pile Barriers in Cohesive Soils0
Comprehensive Automated Geotechnical Monitoring System and Experience in its Application in the Construction of Underground Facilities0
Active Earth Pressure of Finite Soil Based on Twin-Shear Unified Strength Theory0
A Viscoelastic-Plastic Constitutive Model of Creep in Clay Based on Improved Nonlinear Elements0
Treatment of Expansive Soils with Slag: A Review Study0
A Stochastic Approach to Soil-Rock Slope Stability Analysis Considering Soil Softening of Contact Zone0
Increasing the Bearing Capacity and Durability of Building Foundations on Frozen Soils0
Pile Reinforcement of Soil Basement of Road Tunnels0
Experimental Investigation of the Behavior of Executed Pile Models with Applied Torque in Frustum Confining Vessels0
Effects of Anti-Sliding Piles on the Deformation Mechanisms of a Bridge Foundation in an Expansive Soil Slope0
Predicting the Settlement and Long-Term Bearing Capacity of a Base of Foundation of Finite Width0
Ultimate Uplift Capacity of Multi-Underreamed Anchors in Soft Soil0
Carl Terzaghi: the Founder of Modern Soil Mechanics0
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Monitoring of the Stability of the Top Wall of a Large-Scale Rectangular Pipe0
New Method to Evaluate the Seismic Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Foundations Adjacent to Slopes Considering the Dilatancy Angle0
Optimization of Geofoam Shape for Earth Pressure Reduction on Debris Flow Barriers0
Vacuum Preloading Incorporated with Electroosmosis Strengthening of Soft Clay-an Optimized Approach0
Model Test and Stability Analysis of Large, High-Deposit Body Landslides Under Heavy Rainfall0
Research on Model Tests of the Additional Stress in Soil Caused by Pile Loads0
Influence of Slope on Calculative Width of Pile0
Experimental Study on the Strengthening Effect of Cyclic and Progressive Electroosmosis0
Modeling of Shear Deformation and Structural Changes of Soil-Type Media0
Deformation of Thawed Surrounding Rock During Tunneling in Permafrost0
Experimental Studies of Cohesionless Subsoil Dilatancy Under Conditions of Triaxial Compression0
Studying the Characteristics of Vibrations Induced by Hard Rock TBM Construction in Urban Environments Based on a Field Test0
Efficiency of Pile Foundation in the Construction of Basement Floors of Structures on Collapsible Soil0
Evaluation Method for Self-Weight Collapse Deformation of Tunnel Foundations in Thick Loess0
Simulation of Settlement-Free Tunneling by the Microtunneling Method0
Influence of Polypropylene Fiber on Properties of Biocemented Calcareous Sand0
Detection Methods for Unfavorable Geology and Soil Caves before Grouting in Karst Terrains0
In Memory of Yurii Konstantinovich Zaretskii (1935 – 2021)0
Prediction of the Stress State of Pond Ash Road Embankments0
Effect of Nano and Ordinary Particles of Silica on the Swelling Properties of Expansive Soil0
Experimental Investigation of Vertical and Lateral Bearing Behaviors of Single Piles0
An Arc-Tangent Failure Surface for Stability Analysis of Karstic Red-Clay Slopes Under Dry-Wet Cycles0
Investigation of Skirt Effect on Eccentrically Loaded Model Strip Footing Using Laboratory Tests0
Bases and Foundations of Moscow Citadels: Reconstruction and New Construction0
Slope Stability Prediction Using Grey Entropy Correlation Analysis0
An Improved Model to Describe the Creep Behavior of Soft Soil0
Evaluating Buckling of Partially Embedded Piles with Nonlinear Horizontal Reaction Coefficient in Cohesive Soil0
Experience of Eliminating Karst Cavities0
Influence of Inclination Angle on the Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Pre-Cracked Sandstone in Uniaxial Arc Cyclic Loading and Unloading Tests0
Experience in the Design and Construction Technologies of Buildings on Gas-Polluted Soil0
Soil Deformability Parameters of the Working Layer of the Subgrade Soil of Automobile Roads0
Analysis of Interlock-Enhanced Integral Geocell-Reinforced Foundation0
Performance of Diaphragm Walls in Soft Clay of a Deep Basement Excavation0
Use of Granulated Foam Glass Ceramics in the Bases of Transport Facilities in the Arctic0
Effect of Arrangement of Plugged and Unplugged Pipe Pile Group on the Contribution Ratios for Friction and End Resistance Capacity0
Prediction of the Consolidation Coefficient of Soft Soil Based on Machine Learning Models0
Correction of Excessive Shield Tunnel Displacement by Grouting: a Case Study of the Shenzhen Metro Line0
Pattern and Mechanism of Response of Loess Shear Strength to Acid Pollution in Seasonal Frozen Areas0
An Anisotropic Strength Equivalent Model of the Step Interlayered Rock Mass in the Muzhailing Tunnel0
Experimental Study on Mechanical Behavior of Remolded Cement Soil0
Calculation of Long Bored Piles for Vertical Loading0
Reliability Analysis of Slope Reinforced by Anchors under Earthquake Action0
Correlation Between Dynamic CBR and Compaction and Bearing Capacity of Pavement Foundation Layers0
Field Study on the Uplift Bearing Characteristics of Grouted Micropiles in Soft Soil0
Fatigue and Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Granite under Different Cyclic Loading Paths0
Study of the Side Resistance of Bored Piles in Rock0
A Case of Triaxial Testing of Frozen Soils0
Instability Prediction Model of the Shield Tunnel Face Based on the Normal Cloud-PSM0
Calculation of Anti-Landslide Pile Structures0
Calculation of Bored Piles in Rocky Soils Under the Action of Axial Compressive Load0
Inclination Factors for Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings on Sheet Pile Reinforced Slopes0
Water Saturation Influence on Construction Properties of Eluvial Soils in the Foundation Bases0
Study on the Dynamic Structural Parameters and Dynamic Structural Constitutive Relation of Intact Loess0
Calculation of Building Settlement Induced by Deep Excavation Under Seismic Loading0
Slope Stability Analysis and Sliding Surface Search Model Based on Swedish Slice Method0
Compatible Deformation Behavior of Different Zone Layout Sections in a Clay Core Dam Via Centrifuge Modeling0
A Novel Algorithm to Determine the Safety Factor in Reinforced and Unreinforced Slopes0
Three-Circuit Soil Thermal Stabilization System to Maintain the Natural and Technical Systems of the Arctic0
On the Experimental Determination of Soil Damping Coefficients0
Studies of Interaction of Drilled Piles with Rocky Soils0
Displacement Distribution Patterns and Governing Factors of Rock Mass in a Stable Creeping Fault Zone0
Calculation of Bored Piles in Rock Under a Compressive Axial Load0
Effect of the Rock Blasting Sequence on Buildings Adjacent to the Hehui Expressway0
Predictive Modelling of the Frozen Base of Pile Foundation Buildings with Temperature Control of the Underfloor Space0
Method for Calculating the Settlement of Circular Pile Foundations of a Reservoir0
Experience in Construction of a High-Rise Building on a Foundation Base with Underground Excavations0
Settlement Prediction of Double Line Shield Tunnel in Upper Soft and Lower Hard Stratas0