Soil Biology & Biochemistry

(The H4-Index of Soil Biology & Biochemistry is 63. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Dual isotopic (33P and 18O) tracing and solution 31P NMR spectroscopy to reveal organic phosphorus synthesis in organic soil horizons521
The nitrogen gap in soil health concepts and fertility measurements377
Impact of grassland afforestation with contrasting tree species on soil phosphorus fractions and alkaline phosphatase gene communities370
The unexplored role of preferential flow in soil carbon dynamics257
Comparing plant litter molecular diversity assessed from proximate analysis and 13C NMR spectroscopy195
Termite bioturbation: Fungal versus non-fungal building strategies lead to different soil sheeting stability168
Warming shifts the biomass distribution of soil microarthropod communities155
Tree species richness increases spatial variation but not overall wood decomposition151
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Depth-dependent driver of global soil carbon turnover times127
Vegetation transition from meadow to forest reduces priming effect on SOM decomposition124
The soil microbial community and plant biomass differentially contribute to the retention and recycling of urinary-N in grasslands119
Soluble phenols in litter are reduced during passage through the soil macrofauna gut due to the formation of insoluble complexes with proteins: A case study with isopods and Diptera larvae119
Seed treatment with plant-defense elicitors decreases the abundance of ammonia oxidizers associated with winter wheat roots118
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Revisiting process-based simulations of soil nitrite dynamics: Tighter cycling between nitrite and nitrate than considered previously109
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Casing soil microbiome mediates suppression of bacterial blotch of mushrooms during consecutive cultivation cycles106
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No effect of long-term soil warming on diffusive soil inorganic and organic nitrogen fluxes in a temperate forest soil105
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Aridity thresholds of microbiome-soil function relationship along a climatic aridity gradient in alpine ecosystem101
Keystone bacterial functional module activates P-mineralizing genes to enhance enzymatic hydrolysis of organic P in a subtropical forest soil with 5-year N addition98
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Phosphorus fertiliser source determines the allocation of root-derived organic carbon to soil organic matter fractions93
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Measurements of fine root decomposition rate: Method matters93
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Termite graveyards. Hidden geochemical patches?92
Oxygen gas derived oxygen does not affect the accuracy of 18O-labelled water approach for microbial carbon use efficiency89
Evidence for a genetic basis in functional trait tradeoffs with microbial growth rate but not growth yield87
Obituary : Clive Arthur Tudor Edwards - 16 June 1925–20 July 202187
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Altered rainfall greatly affects enzyme activity but has limited effect on microbial biomass in Australian dryland soils83
A microbial-explicit model with comprehensive nitrogen processes to quantify gaseous nitrogen production from agricultural soils81
Nitrogen-15 natural abundance is robust to quantify nitrogen transfer from clover to grass in temporary grassland79
Mycorrhizal fungi-mediated uptake of tree-derived nutrients by crops – the role of tree-maintained versus crop-associated fungal mycelia78
Methane flux from transplanted soil monoliths depends on moisture, but not origin78
How the Birch effect differs in mechanisms and magnitudes due to soil texture77
A pulse of simulated root exudation alters the composition and temporal dynamics of microbial metabolites in its immediate vicinity77
The path less taken: Long-term N additions slow leaf litter decomposition and favor the physical transfer pathway of soil organic matter formation76
Amino acid isotopes in functional assemblages of Collembola reveal the influence of vertical resource heterogeneity and root energy supply on trophic interactions in soil food webs74
Normalizing time in terms of space: What drives the fate of spring thaw-released nitrogen in a sloping Arctic landscape?74
Anaerobic oxidation of methane mitigates net methane production and responds to long-term experimental warming in a northern bog74
Biological denitrification inhibition (BDI) on nine contrasting soils: An unexpected link with the initial soil denitrifying community72
The influence of forest-to-cropland conversion on temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration across tropical to temperate zones72
The effects of cadmium-copper stress on the accumulation of antibiotic-resistance genes in soil and pakchoi leaves72
Soil fungal community and mating type development of Tuber melanosporum in a 20-year chronosequence of black truffle plantations71
Limited effects of century-old biochar on taxonomic and functional diversities of collembolan communities across land-uses71
Functional trait variation and community-weighted means of tree traits can alter soil microbial biomass and community composition69
Poly(L-lactide) mineralisation under environmental conditions is enhanced in earthworm guts68
Soil bacterial and fungal communities show within field heterogeneity that varies by land management and distance metric67
Bacterial community response to environmental change varies with depth in the surface soil65
Calculation of fungal and bacterial inorganic nitrogen immobilization rates in soil65
Stabilized microbial necromass in soil is more strongly coupled with microbial diversity than the bioavailability of plant inputs65
Decoupled responses of leaf and root decomposition to nutrient deposition in a subtropical plantation64
Nitrogen addition slows litter decomposition accompanied by accelerated manganese release: A five-year experiment in a subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest64
Nitrate-induced hydroxyl radical releases deep soil organic carbon by opening the ‘enzyme latch’ under micro-aerobic conditions63
Estimating the temperature optima of soil priming63
Drying-rewetting of permanent pasture and agricultural soils induces a shift towards microbial use of more C-rich organic matter63
Spatially-distributed microbial enzyme activities at intact, coated macropore surfaces in Luvisol Bt-horizons63