Software-Practice & Experience

(The median citation count of Software-Practice & Experience is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Quantum computing: A taxonomy, systematic review and future directions170
NovidChain: Blockchain‐based privacy‐preserving platform for COVID‐19 test/vaccine certificates62
Software effort estimation accuracy prediction of machine learning techniques: A systematic performance evaluation47
An approach to forecast impact of Covid‐19 using supervised machine learning model47
Integrated model‐driven engineering of blockchain applications for business processes and asset management43
IoT‐fog‐cloud based architecture for smart systems: Prototypes of autism and COVID‐19 monitoring systems36
An autonomous IoT service placement methodology in fog computing29
Function delivery network: Extending serverless computing for heterogeneous platforms28
Toward an autonomic approach for Internet of Things service placement using gray wolf optimization in the fog computing environment28
Advanced data integration in banking, financial, and insurance software in the age of COVID‐1925
Practical and secure multifactor authentication protocol for autonomous vehicles in 5G24
Design and evaluation of a scalable Internet of Things backend for smart ports24
AuctionWhisk: Using an auction‐inspired approach for function placement in serverless fog platforms23
PDMA: Probabilistic service migration approach for delay‐aware and mobility‐aware mobile edge computing23
A decade of research in fog computing: Relevance, challenges, and future directions22
Container lifecycle‐aware scheduling for serverless computing21
Proactive content caching in edge computing environment: A review21
A Blockchain‐based Cyber Attack Detection Scheme for Decentralized Internet of Things using Software‐Defined Network21
Cybersecurity protection on in‐vehicle networks for distributed automotive cyber‐physical systems: State‐of‐the‐art and future challenges20
The μTOSCA toolchain: Mining, analyzing, and refactoring microservice‐based architectures19
An energy‐aware virtual machines consolidation method for cloud computing: Simulation and verification19
From zero to fog: Efficient engineering of fog‐based Internet of Things applications18
Valuating requirements arguments in the online user's forum for requirements decision‐making: The CrowdRE‐VArg framework17
Notebook‐as‐a‐VRE (NaaVRE): From private notebooks to a collaborative cloud virtual research environment15
Android malware detection using network traffic based on sequential deep learning models15
Server configuration optimization in mobile edge computing: A cost‐performance tradeoff perspective15
RESCUE: Enabling green healthcare services using integrated IoT‐edge‐fog‐cloud computing environments15
Journey from cloud of things to fog of things: Survey, new trends, and research directions15
Exploring reliable edge‐cloud computing for service latency optimization in sustainable cyber‐physical systems14
DevOps benefits: A systematic literature review14
QuantumPath: A quantum software development platform14
Dual‐grained representation for hand, foot, and mouth disease prediction within public health cyber‐physical systems14
Migrating production monolithic systems to microservices using aspect oriented programming14
NAS Parallel Benchmarks with CUDA and beyond13
Post‐quantum cryptography techniques for secure communication in resource‐constrained Internet of Things devices: A comprehensive survey13
Code‐level model checking in the software development workflow at Amazon Web Services13
Root causing, detecting, and fixing flaky tests: State of the art and future roadmap13
Edge‐adaptable serverless acceleration for machine learning Internet of Things applications13
Human microservices: A framework for turning humans into service providers12
A service graph based extraction of microservices from monolith services of service‐oriented architecture12
Global outliers detection in wireless sensor networks: A novel approach integrating time‐series analysis, entropy, and random forest‐based classification.12
Software fault prediction using Whale algorithm with genetics algorithm11
A flexible approach for virtual machine selection in cloud data centers with AHP11
Reusability affecting factors and software metrics for reusability: A systematic literature review11
What factors influence the lifetime of pull requests?11
Software system to predict the infection in COVID‐19 patients using deep learning and web of things11
Scaling scrum with a customized nexus framework: A report from a joint industry‐academia research project11
Energy‐efficiency and sustainability in new generation cloud computing: A vision and directions for integrated management of data centre resources and workloads10
STOPPAGE: Spatio‐temporal data driven cloud‐fog‐edge computing framework for pandemic monitoring and management10
Systematic scalability analysis for microservices granularity adaptation design decisions10
Profiling and controlling I/O‐related memory contention in COTS heterogeneous platforms10
A lightweight virtualization model to enable edge computing in deeply embedded systems10
Network traffic prediction method based on echo state network with adaptive reservoir9
Predicting just‐in‐time software defects to reduce post‐release quality costs in the maritime industry9
On the relative value of imbalanced learning for code smell detection9
Control and data acquisition software of the high‐energy particle detector on board the China Seismo‐Electromagnetic Satellite space mission9
Edge intelligence based digital twins for internet of autonomous unmanned vehicles9
Detecting functional and security‐related issues in smart contracts: A systematic literature review9
Standards‐based modeling and deployment of serverless function orchestrations using BPMN and TOSCA9
Real time flood disaster monitoring based on energy efficient ensemble clustering mechanism in wireless sensor network9
Retracted: An unmanned aerial vehicles navigation system on the basis of pattern recognition applications—Review of implementation options and prospects for development8
Managing data replication and distribution in the fog with FReD8
Providing high‐level self‐adaptive abstractions for stream parallelism on multicores8
Constraint‐aware and multi‐objective optimization for micro‐service composition in mobile edge computing8
Reformulation of the performance portability metric8
A tool for the semantic annotation, validation and optimization of business process models8
An autonomous model for self‐optimizing virtual machine selection by learning automata in cloud environment8
On the (un‐)adoption of JavaScript front‐end frameworks8
Software assistants in software engineering: A systematic mapping study8
A systematic gray literature review: The technologies and concerns of microservice application programming interfaces8
Blockchain for Health IoT: A privacy‐preserving data sharing system7
Resource management of IoT edge devices: Challenges, techniques, and solutions7
Using Ginkgo's memory accessor for improving the accuracy of memory‐bound low precision BLAS7
A metaheuristic‐based data replica placement approach for data‐intensive IoT applications in the fog computing environment7
Unit of measurement libraries, their popularity and suitability7
Optimizing checkpoint‐based fault‐tolerance in distributed stream processing systems: Theory to practice7
ThingsMigrate: Platform‐independent migration of stateful JavaScript Internet of Things applications7
xDEVS: A toolkit for interoperable modeling and simulation of formal discrete event systems6
Computationally easy, spectrally good multipliers for congruential pseudorandom number generators6
The human in model‐driven engineering loop: A case study on integrating handwritten code in model‐driven engineering repositories6
Synthesizing secure software development activities for linear and agile lifecycle models6
OntoSuSD: Software engineering approaches integration ontology for sustainable software development6
DEPO: A dynamic energy‐performance optimizer tool for automatic power capping for energy efficient high‐performance computing6
Equivalent mutant identification using hybrid wavelet convolutional rain optimization6
Adopting microservices and DevOps in the cyber‐physical systems domain: A rapid review and case study6
Engineering faster sorters for small sets of items6
A procedural and flexible approach for specification, modeling, definition, and analysis for self‐adaptive systems5
HSCR: Hierarchical structured cluster routing protocol for load balanced wireless sensor networks5
Efficiency in the serverless cloud paradigm: A survey on the reusing and approximation aspects5
Standard versus uniform binary search and their variants in learned static indexing: The case of the searching on sorted data benchmarking software platform5
Availability modeling in redundant OpenStack private clouds5
MyNeutronDAQ: A general program for data acquisition of neutron scattering spectrometers at China Mianyang Research Reactor and on‐line data‐analysis5
Impacts, causes, and solutions of architectural smells in microservices: An industrial investigation5
Bug detection in Java code: An extensive evaluation of static analysis tools using Juliet Test Suites5
A comprehensive survey on nature‐inspired algorithms and their applications in edge computing: Challenges and future directions5
RIFLING: A reinforcement learning‐based GPU scheduler for deep learning research and development platforms5
VulGraB: Graph‐embedding‐based code vulnerability detection with bi‐directional gated graph neural network5
Leveraging machine learning for software redocumentation—A comprehensive comparison of methods in practice5
Software design pattern selection approaches: A systematic literature review5
DRS: A deep reinforcement learning enhanced Kubernetes scheduler for microservice‐based system5
Transcoding billions of Unicode characters per second with SIMD instructions5
Dissimilarity‐based test case prioritization through data fusion5
Number parsing at a gigabyte per second5
COVID‐19 and future pandemics: A blockchain‐based privacy‐aware secure borderless travel solution from electronic health records5
Deploying IoT services on the fog infrastructure: A graph partitioning‐based approach5
How the adoption of feature toggles correlates with branch merges and defects in open‐source projects?5
Blockchain and explainable AI for enhanced decision making in cyber threat detection4
Practice of Alibaba cloud on elastic resource provisioning for large‐scale microservices cluster4
QoS‐aware resource scheduling using whale optimization algorithm for microservice applications4
FLAME GPU 2: A framework for flexible and performant agent based simulation on GPUs4
Charging stations‐oriented electric vehicle charging strategy based on battery characteristics4
Multi‐objective materialized view selection using flamingo search optimization algorithm4
Energy‐efficient task scheduling and resource management in a cloud environment using optimized hybrid technology4
DevOps project management success factors: A decision‐making framework4
Posits and the state of numerical representations in the age of exascale and edge computing4
A blockchain‐based privacy‐preserving advertising attribution architecture: Requirements, design, and a prototype implementation4
Better Scrum through Essence4
Multiuser collaborative illustration and visualization for volumetric scientific data4
An industry survey on approaches, success factors, and barriers for technology transfer in software engineering4
faas‐sim: A trace‐driven simulation framework for serverless edge computing platforms4
Collaborative experience between scientific software projects using Agile Scrum development4
A model‐based framework for inter‐app Vulnerability analysis of Android applications4
The Floyd‐Warshall all‐pairs shortest paths algorithm for disconnected and very sparse graphs4
Algorithms for all‐pairs Hamming distance based similarity4
Quantum machine learning‐based framework to detect heart failures in Healthcare 4.04
Big data analytics in Industry 4.0 ecosystems4
Implementing scripted conversations by means of smart assistants4
Data interplay: A model to optimize data usage in the Internet of Things4
SDK4ED: A platform for technical debt management4
Continuous engineering for Industry 4.0 architectures and systems4
PAS: A new powerful and simple quantum computing simulator4
CppyABM: An open‐source agent‐based modeling library to integrate C++ and Python4
Energy allocation for activity recognition in wearable devices with kinetic energy harvesting3
Semantics to the rescue of document‐based XML diff: A JATS case study3
IoTSim‐Osmosis‐RES: Towards autonomic renewable energy‐aware osmotic computing3
EdgeAuth: An intelligent token‐based collaborative authentication scheme3
What makes a readable code? A causal analysis method3
Vectorized and performance‐portable quicksort3
Microservice‐driven privacy‐aware cross‐platform social relationship prediction based on sequential information3
A probabilistic modeling and evolutionary optimization approach for serverless workflow configuration3
Dynamic code compression for JavaScript engine3
SPIDER: An availability‐aware framework for the service function chain placement in distributed scenarios3
Toward a readiness model for secure software coding3
Feature transfer learning by reinforcement learning for detecting software defect3
FIDEL: Fog integrated federated learning framework to train neural networks3
Declarative static analysis for multilingual programs using CodeQL3
Deep domain adversarial residual neural network for sustainable wind turbine cyber‐physical system fault diagnosis3
Event‐sourced, observable software architectures: An experience report3
Efficient task offloading with swarm intelligence evolution for edge‐cloud collaboration in vehicular edge computing3
A large‐scale empirical study of low‐level function use in Ethereum smart contracts and automated replacement3
IFCnCov: An IoT‐based smart diagnostic architecture for COVID‐193
Design of frameworks for self‐adaptive service‐oriented applications: A systematic analysis3
Exploring the use of blockchain in resource‐constrained fog computing environments3
Architecture violations detection and visualization in the continuous integration pipeline3
LLAMA: The low‐level abstraction for memory access3
Privacy‐preserving task offloading in mobile edge computing: A deep reinforcement learning approach3
IMDAC: A robust intelligent software defect prediction model via multi‐objective optimization and end‐to‐end hybrid deep learning networks3
Modified deep belief network based human emotion recognition with multiscale features from video sequences3
An optimal container update method for edge‐cloud collaboration3
A cloud‐edge service offloading method for the metaverse in smart manufacturing3
Mutual Information and Feature Importance Gradient Boosting: Automatic byte n‐gram feature reranking for Android malware detection3
Towards cloud‐based unobtrusive monitoring in remote multi‐vendor environments3
Decentralized identifier based illegal digital content distribution tracking system using the format‐preserving encryption algorithm3
Software‐in‐the‐loop simulation for developing and testing carbon‐aware applications3
GitRanking: A ranking of GitHub topics for software classification using active sampling3
Chaos as a Software Product Line—A platform for improving open hybrid‐cloud systems resiliency3
Large‐scale semi‐automated migration of legacy C/C++ test code3
Is the edge really necessary for drone computing offloading? An experimental assessment in carrier‐grade 5G operator networks3
Unearthing open source decision‐making processes: A case study of python enhancement proposals3
Microservice reference architecture design: A multi‐case study3
EESSI: A cross‐platform ready‐to‐use optimised scientific software stack3
Confidence interval‐based overload avoidance algorithm for virtual machine placement3
ParTransgrid: A scalable parallel preprocessing tool for unstructured‐grid cell‐centered computational fluid dynamics applications3
Stretching your data with taffy filters3
A federated learning attack method based on edge collaboration via cloud3
How do open source app developers perceive API changes related to Android battery optimization? An empirical study2
Code samples summarization for knowledge exchange in developer community2
An edge‐assisted federated contrastive learning method with local intrinsic dimensionality in noisy label environment2
A large scale parallel fluid‐structure interaction computing platform for simulating structural responses to a detonation shock2
A review of microservices autoscaling with formal verification perspective2
Three practical workflow schedulers for easy maximum parallelism2
Federated learning based multi‐task feature fusion framework for code expressive semantic extraction2
Analyzing business process management capabilities of low‐code development platforms2
The effect of distance metrics in a general purpose synthesizer: An empirical study on integer domain imperative programs2
Dynamics signature based anomaly detection2
Evaluating the benefits of empowering model‐driven development with a machine learning classifier2
Distributed computation of the critical path from execution traces2
Ajalon: Simplifying the authoring of wearable cognitive assistants2
Self‐admitted technical debt detection by learning its comprehensive semantics via graph neural networks2
Market‐inspired framework for securing assets in cloud computing environments2
A survey on energy‐efficient workflow scheduling algorithms in cloud computing2
Engineering faster double‐array Aho–Corasick automata2
Micro‐IDE: A tool platform for generating efficient deployment alternatives based on microservices2
ARTful: A model for user‐defined schedulers targeting multiple high‐performance computing runtime systems2
Threat models over space and time: A case study of end‐to‐end‐encrypted messaging applications2
DDoS attack detection in smart home applications2
Just‐in‐time defect prediction for software hunks2
Intelligent antiphishing framework to detect phishing scam: A hybrid classification approach2
Full‐mesh VPN performance evaluation for a secure edge‐cloud continuum2
Modeling the correlation between the workload and the power consumed by a server using stochastic and non‐parametric approaches2
A new evolutionism based self‐adaptive multi‐objective optimization method to predict software cost estimation2
Toward a novel engine for compiler optimization space exploration of big data workloads2
CRMF: A fault localization approach based on class reduction and method call frequency2
A systematic mapping study of software performance research2
Benchmarking and learning garbage collection delays for resource‐restricted graphical user interfaces2
PolyRec Gesture Design Tool: A tool for fast prototyping of gesture‐based mobile applications2
Object counting in remote sensing via selective spatial‐frequency pyramid network2
Model‐based digital twins of medicine dispensers for healthcare IoT applications2
RGraph: Asynchronous graph processing based on asymmetry of remote direct memory access2
Contextual attribute‐based access control scheme for cloud storage using blockchain technology2
NFVLearn: A multi‐resource, long short‐term memory‐based virtual network function resource usage prediction architecture2
Container‐based data‐intensive application scheduling in hybrid cloud‐edge collaborative environment2
Generation of logic designs for efficiently solving ordinary differential equations on field programmable gate arrays2
A method to acquire cross‐domain requirements based on Syntax Direct Technique2
CONST: Continuous online NoSQL schema tuning2
Survey on open‐source digital twin frameworks–A case study approach2
DOMICO: Checking conformance between domain models and implementations2
An efficient list‐based task scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous distributed computing environment2
Hierarchical fuzzy‐based Quality of Experience (QoE)‐aware application placement in fog nodes2
An evolutionary ensemble analogy‐based software effort estimation2
On the design of an advanced business rule engine1
SPHT: A scalable and high‐performance hashing scheme for persistent memory1
iQuantum: A toolkit for modeling and simulation of quantum computing environments1
On the comprehension of application programming interface usability in game engines1
Post golden jubilee year of the software journal: New research trends and strengthening advisory editorial team1
Reproducibility as a service1
A transformer‐based approach for improving app review response generation1
Energy‐aware resource management in fog computing for IoT applications: A review, taxonomy, and future directions1
Enabling continuous deployment techniques for quantum services1
FLight: A lightweight federated learning framework in edge and fog computing1
Trustworthy artificial intelligence: A decision‐making taxonomy of potential challenges1
Migrating monolithic applications to function as a service1
Online multitarget tracking system for autonomous vehicles using discriminative dictionary learning with embedded auto‐encoder algorithm1
On the influence of architectural languages on requirements traceability1
A novel forgery classification method based on multi‐scale feature capsule network in mobile edge computing1
Resource provisioning in collaborative fog computing for multiple delay‐sensitive users1
DACA: Distributed adaptive grid decision graph based clustering algorithm1
Cost risk analysis for instance recommendation in a sustainable Cloud‐cyber‐physical system framework1
Detection of microservice‐based software anomalies based on OpenTracing in cloud1
A novel acceleration method for molecular dynamics of crystal silicon on GPUs using OpenACC1
DeepPlayer: An open‐source SignalPlant plugin for deep learning inference1
Software and hardware co‐design for sustainable cyber‐physical systems1
A secure neural network‐based ranking approach for document searching in cloud data center1
Evaluate Chat‐GPT's programming capability in Swift through real university exam questions1
NORA: Scalable OWL reasoner based on NoSQL databases and Apache Spark1
Field programmable gate array‐based all‐layer accelerator with quantization neural networks for sustainable cyber‐physical systems1
Experiences and challenges from developing cyber‐physical systems in industry‐academia collaboration1
Python meets JIT compilers: A simple implementation and a comparative evaluation1
PD‐Gait: Contactless and privacy‐preserving gait measurement of Parkinson's disease patients using acoustic signals1