Sociology-The Journal of the British Sociological Association

(The median citation count of Sociology-The Journal of the British Sociological Association is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Deflecting Privilege: Class Identity and the Intergenerational Self42
Digital Technology and Older People: Towards a Sociological Approach to Technology Adoption in Later Life30
Left Behind in the Hungarian Rustbelt: The Cultural Political Economy of Working-Class Neo-Nationalism29
A Dependent Structure of Interdependence: Structure and Agency in Relational Perspective28
Ethnic Penalties and Hiring Discrimination: Comparing Results from Observational Studies with Field Experiments in the UK27
Telling Reproductive Stories: Social Scripts, Relationality and Donor Conception27
Alcohol and Flourishing for Australian Women in Midlife: A Qualitative Study of Negotiating (Un)Happiness22
Turning the Decolonial Gaze towards Ourselves: Decolonising the Curriculum and ‘Decolonial Reflexivity’ in Sociology and Social Theory22
Disembedded or Deeply Embedded? A Multi-Level Network Analysis of Online Labour Platforms21
Post-Truth Society? An Eliasian Sociological Analysis of Knowledge in the 21st Century20
Men’s Football Fandom and the Performance of Progressive and Misogynistic Masculinities in a ‘New Age’ of UK Women’s Sport20
The Mobilisation of AI in Education: A Bourdieusean Field Analysis20
Promoting Diversity but Striving for Excellence: Opening the ‘Black Box’ of Academic Hiring20
Mothering through and in Violence: Discourses of the ‘Good Mother’19
Protests and Policies: How Radical Social Movement Activists Engage with Climate Policy Dilemmas19
The Wageless Life of Creative Workers: Alternative Economic Practices, Commoning and Consumption Work in Cultural Labour18
Everyday Nation in Times of Rising Nationalism18
No Time for a ‘Time Out’? Managing Time around (Non)Drinking17
Rethinking the Domestic Division of Labour: Exploring Change and Continuity in the Context of Redundancy16
The Sociology of Futurelessness15
Sober Rebels or Good Consumer-Citizens? Anti-Consumption and the ‘Enterprising Self’ in Early Sobriety15
Anthropotropism: Searching for Recognition in the Scandinavian Gig Economy14
Developing the Concept of Belonging Work for Social Research13
Understanding Lived Experiences of Food Insecurity through a Paraliminality Lens13
Sticking Together in ‘Divided Britain’: Talking Brexit in Everyday Family Relationships13
Coronavirus Conjuncture: Nationalism and Pandemic States13
Platforms Disrupting Reputation: Precarity and Recognition Struggles in the Remote Gig Economy12
COVID-19, Nation-States and Fragile Transnationalism12
Writing Class In and Out: Constructions of Class in Elite Businesswomen’s Autobiographies12
Whose Lifestyle Matters at Johannesburg Pride? The Lifestylisation of LGBTQ+ Identities and the Gentrification of Activism12
Disability, Social Class and Stigma: An Intersectional Analysis of Disabled Young People’s School Experiences11
Black Lives Matter: The Role of Emotions in Political Engagement11
From Me to You: Time Together and Subjective Well-Being in the UK11
Global Multiple Migration: Class-Based Mobility Capital of Elite Chinese Gay Men11
The Christian Politics of Identity and the Making of Race in the German Welfare State11
‘It Feels Like Life Is Narrowing’: Aspirational Lifestyles and Ambivalent Futures among Norwegian ‘Top Girls’10
Global Inequality, Mobility Regimes and Transnational Capital: The Post-Graduation Plans of African Student Migrants10
Making Sense of the Social, Making the ‘Social Sense’: The Development of Children’s Perception and Judgement of Social Class10
Grudging Acts10
Thwarted or Facilitated? The Entrepreneurial Aspirations and Capabilities of New Migrants in the UK10
Rethinking Institutional Habitus in Education: A Relational Approach for Studying Its Sources and Impacts10
Between Post-Racial Ideology and Provincial Universalisms: Critical Race Theory, Decolonial Thought and COVID-19 in Britain10
Black Men’s Experiences of Colourism in the UK10
Social Polarisation at the Local Level: A Four-Town Comparative Study on the Challenges of Politicising Inequality in Britain9
Austerity as Bureaucratic Violence: Understanding the Impact of (Neoliberal) Austerity on Disabled People in Sweden9
The Greta Thunberg Effect: A Study of Norwegian Youth’s Reflexivity on Climate Change9
Truth, Proof, Sleuth: Trust in Direct-to-Consumer DNA Testing and Other Sources of Identity Information among Australian Donor-Conceived People9
(Invisible) Displays of Survivalist Intensive Motherhood among UK Brexit Preppers9
Deindividualising Imposter Syndrome: Imposter Work among Marginalised STEMM Undergraduates in the UK9
Future Building and Emotional Reflexivity: Gendered or Queered Navigations of Agency in Non-Normative Relationships?8
The Role of Civil Society in Political Repression: The UK Prevent Counter-Terrorism Programme8
Futures in Action: Expectations, Imaginaries and Narratives of the Future8
What Future for the Sociology of Futures? Visions, Concepts and Methods8
The Moral Boundary Drawing of Class: Social Inequality and Young Precarious Workers in Poland and Germany8
‘I’m Mum and Dad in One, Basically’: Doing and Displaying ‘Good Lone Motherhood’8
Dialectical Family Imaginaries: Navigating Relational Selfhood and Becoming a Parent through Assisted Reproduction in China8
Class Reimagined? Intersectionality and Industrial Action – the British Airways Dispute of 2009–20118
Educational Differences in Cycling: Evidence from German Cities8
Co-Sleeping with Partners and Pets as a Family Practice of Intimacy: Israeli Couples’ Narratives of Creating Kinship7
Negotiating Novelty: Constructing the Novel within Scientific Accounts of Epigenetics7
Intensive Grandmothering? Exploring the Changing Nature of Grandmothering in the Context of Changes to Parenting Culture7
Distinctive or Professionalised? Understanding the Postsecular in Faith-Based Responses to Trafficking, Forced Labour and Slavery in the UK7
The Burden of Conviviality: British Bangladeshi Muslims Navigating Diversity in London, Luton and Birmingham7
Uncanny Europe and Protective Europeanness: When European Identity Becomes a Queerly Viable Option7
The ‘Selfish Element’: How Sperm and Egg Donors Construct Plausibly Moral Accounts of the Decision to Donate7
‘We Have Equal Opportunities – in Theory’: Lay Perceptions of Privilege, Meritocracy and Inequality in Denmark7
Bring Your Own Politics: Life Strategies and Mobilization in Response to Urban Redevelopment7
Beyond the Nation? Or Back to It? Current Trends in the Sociology of Nations and Nationalism7
Do Western Sociological Concepts Apply Globally? Towards a Global Sociology6
Body Pedagogics, Transactional Identities and Human–Animal Relations6
The Foundations of Distributive Justice: A Morphogenetic Analysis of Gomberg and Fraser6
Studying the Emotional Costs of Integration at Times of Change: The Case of EU Migrants in Brexit Britain6
Higher Education Timescapes: Temporal Understandings of Students and Learning6
Love’s Labour’s Lost? Separation as a Constraint on Displays of Transnational Daughterhood6
Social Mobility and ‘Openness’ in Creative Occupations since the 1970s6
Asset-Based Futures: A Sociology for the 21st Century6
Maintaining the Status Quo through Repressed Silences: The Case of Paid Domestic Labour in Post-Apartheid South Africa6
Mobile Nationalism: Parenting and Articulations of Belonging among Globally Mobile Professionals6
Performing Trustworthiness: The ‘Credibility Work’ of Prominent Sociologists6
The Aftermath of Death in the Continuing Lives of the Living: Extending ‘Bereavement’ Paradigms through Family and Relational Perspectives6
Anticipatory Regimes in Pregnancy: Cross-Fertilising Reproduction and Parenting Culture Studies6
Introduction: Nationalism’s Futures6
Civility and Rejection: The Contextuality of Cosmopolitan and Racist Behaviours6
Work-Time, Male-Breadwinning and the Division of Domestic Labour: Male Part-Time and Full-Time Workers in Unsettled Times6
Gay Male Football Fans’ Experiences: Authenticity, Belonging and Conditional Acceptance6
Ambivalent Strategies: Student-Migrant-Workers’ Efforts at Challenging Administrative Bordering5
Future-Making in an Uncertain World: The Presence of an Open Future in Danish Young Women’s Lives5
Carrying Europe’s ‘White Burden’, Sustaining Racial Capitalism: Young Post-Soviet Migrant Workers in Helsinki and Warsaw5
A Sociological Conversation with ChatGPT about AI Ethics, Affect and Reflexivity5
Mobility for Me but Not for Others: The Contradictory Cosmopolitan Practices of Contemporary White British Youth5
‘Without Papers I Can’t Do Anything’: The Neglected Role of Citizenship Status and ‘Illegality’ in Intersectional Analysis5
Boundaries in the Making: Transformations in Erving Goffman’s Total Institution through the Case of a Female Benedictine Monastery5
Feeling Time, Fashioning Age: Pre-teen Girls Negotiating Life Course and the Ageing Process Through Dress5
Individualization and Individualism: Facets and Turning Points of the Entrepreneurial Self among Young People in Italy5
Inequalities in Home Learning and Schools’ Remote Teaching Provision during the COVID-19 School Closure in the UK5
Who Can Represent the Nation? Elite Athletes, Global Mega Events and the Contested Boundaries of National Belonging5
The Responsibilised ‘Agent’ and Other Statuses5
Minority Ethnic Staff in Universities: Organisational Commitments, Reputation and the (Re)structuring of the Staff Body5
A Bourdieusian Latent Class Analysis of Cultural, Arts, Heritage and Sports Activities in the UK Representative Understanding Society Dataset5
The Visibility of Digital Money: A Video Study of Mobile Payments Using WeChat Pay5
Re-examining Social Mobility: Migrants’ Relationally, Temporally, and Spatially Embedded Mobility Trajectories5
Recalibrating Everyday Futures during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Futures Fissured, on Standby and Reset in Mass Observation Responses5
‘My Memories of the Time We Had Together Are More Important’: Direct Cremation and the Privatisation of UK Funerals5
Rethinking Social Roles: Conflict and Modern Life5
Displaying Difference, Displaying Sameness: Mixed Couples’ Reflexivity and the Narrative-Making of the Family5
More Than Making Do: Towards a Generative Account of Getting by on Welfare Benefits4
Changing Temporal Opportunity Structures? Two Cohorts of Young Women’s Thoughts about Future Work, Family and Education4
Do Omnivores Perform Class Distinction? A Qualitative Inspection of Culinary Tastes, Boundaries and Cultural Tolerance4
Understanding Disability and Cultural (Re)production: An Ethnography of Coaching Practice in High Performance Disability Sport4
Temporalities of Friendship: Adults’ Friends in Everyday Family Life and Beyond4
Defining Conditional Belonging: The Case of Female Science Fiction Fans4
Cumulative Disadvantage Dynamics for Palestinian Israeli Arabs in Israel’s Economy4
When the Nation Becomes Louder: Everyday Nationalism and the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum4
Upward Social Mobility in Chile: The Negotiation of Class and Ethnic Identities4
Family Influences on Migration Intentions: The Role of Past Experience of Involuntary Immobility4
Hunger Bonds: Boundaries and Bridges in the Charitable Food Provision Field4
Enacting Resistance, Performing Citizenship: Trajectories of Political Subjectification in the Post-Democratic Condition4
Documenting Families: Paper-Work in Family Display among Planned Single Father Families4
Advice Not Safely Ignored: Professional Authority and the Strength of Legitimate Complexity4
Beyond the Modern: Muslim Youth Imaginaries of Nation in Northern Nigeria4
A Multi-Faceted and Relational Approach to Gay Men’s Identities3
Amalgamated Masculinities: The Masculine Identity of Contemporary Marginalised Working-Class Young Men3
Coloniality of Gender and Knowledge: Rethinking Russian Masculinities in Light of Postcolonial and Decolonial Critiques3
Knowledge Hierarchies and Gender Disparities in Social Science Funding3
Maximising Operational Effectiveness: Exploring Stigma, Militarism, and the Normative Connections to Military Partners’ Support-Seeking3
The Fate of Social Character in an Age of Uncertainty3
Affective Intensities of Single Lives: An Alternative Account of Temporal Aspects of Couple Normativity3
Drag Performers’ Perspectives on the Mainstreaming of British Drag: Towards a Sociology of Contemporary Drag3
Environment or Economy? Food Concerns and Sustainable Food Transitions in the UK3
Knowing What You’ve Got Once It’s Gone: Identifying Familial Norms and Values through the Lens of (Sibling) Bereavement3
Life-Cycle Economic Returns to Educational Mobility in Denmark3
Racial Biofutures: COVID-19 and Black Futurity Otherwise3
Social Space as a Theory of Society: Scientific Arguments Regarding the Figuration of the Social in Bourdieu’s Distinction3
Bringing the State Back into the Sociology of Nationalism: ThePersona FictaIs Political3
Social Quarantining in the Construction and Maintenance of White Australia3
Variations of Gender Gaps in the Labour Market Outcomes of Graduates across Fields of Study: A (Combined) Test of Two Theories3
The Distinction between the Absolute and Relative Advantages of Cultural Capital: Different Conceptualizations, Different Consequences3
Towards Relational Spatiality: Space, Relation and Simmel’s Modernity3
Making Way for Men: The Gendered Processes of Graduate Hiring in Elite Professional Service Firms in China3
Flexible Selves in Flexible Times? Yoga and Neoliberal Subjectivities in Istanbul3
Disciplinary Power and Impression Management in the Trials of the Stansted 153
Bourdieu and Sociological Biography: The Case of Vincent van Gogh’s Choice of Profession3
Living Together through the Asylum Process: Affective Proximity in Home Accommodation of Asylum Seekers3
Remembering and Narrativising COVID-19: An Early Sociological Take3
Is Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Owned by the Political Right?3
How Do Unsustainable Practices Remain Dominant? A Practice Theory Reinterpretation of Gramsci3
Machine Learning and Postcolonial Critique: Homologous Challenges to Sociological Notions of Human Agency3
‘I Hadn’t Realised That Change Is Not a Difficult Thing’: Mobilising Football Fans on Climate Change3
It Is My Turn Now: How and Why ‘Single’ Women Complain about Non-Reciprocal Gift-Giving2
Moderating Contentious Care Relations: Meat Consumption among Finnish Consumers2
Trading Blame: Drawing Boundaries around the Righteous, Deserving and Vulnerable in Times of Crisis2
The Rise of Indigenous (Pluri-)Nationalism: The Case of the Sámi People2
Futures Imperfect: A Reflection on Challenges2
‘You are Still a Guest in This Country!’: Understanding Racism through the Concepts of Hospitality and Hostility in Healthcare Encounters in Sweden2
Exclusionary Logics: Constructing Disability and Disadvantaging Disabled Academics in the Neoliberal University2
Virtues or Talent among Brotherless Daughters: A Study of How Patriarchal Gender Ideals Affect Gender Role Attitudes among Women from the One-Child Generation in China2
Gender Identity in the 2021 Census of England and Wales: How a Flawed Question Created Spurious Data2
When Two Worlds Collide: The Role of Affect in ‘Essential’ Worker Responses to Shifting Evaluative Norms2
Book Review: Andreas Reckwitz, The Society of Singularities2
The Sociology of Utopia, Modern Temporality and Black Visions of Liberation2
On the Roles of Institutions and Agency in Nationalism and the Relations between Them: A Theoretical Enquiry into the Study of Nationalism, Its Present and Future2
The Politic of Everyday Counter-Terrorism: Online Performances and Responsibilities of the Prevent Duty in UK Higher Education Institutions2
Practices of Consumption: Cohesion and Distinction within a Globally Wealthy Group2
The Temporal Uses of Moral Things: Manifesting, Anchoring and Conserving Caring Relations within the Sensorium2
No Substitute for In-Person Interaction: Changing Modes of Social Contact during the Coronavirus Pandemic and Effects on the Mental Health of Adults in the UK2
Give My Child a Label: Strategies of Epistemic Corroboration in Case-Building within Child Mental Health Assessments2
Embodying Daoist Internal Arts: Walking the Line between the Reification and the Instrumental Use of Cognition2
Social Movement Ruptures and Legacies: Unpacking the Early Sedimentation of the Anti-European Super League Movement in English Football2
Where Does Ascribed Privilege Get You in? Structural and Net Effects of Caste and Religious Belonging in India2
Money, Debt and Finance: Reclaiming the Conditions of Possibility in Consumption Research2
Beyond Conventional Metrics: Alternative Middle-Class Choice among Chinese Homeschooling Families2
Portholes of Ethnography: The Methodological Learning from ‘Being There’ at a Distance2
Niche Sociality: Approaching Adversity in Everyday Life2
Lying and Time: Moving beyond the Moral Question of Lying2
Beyond ‘Imagined Meritocracy’: Distinguishing the Relative Power of Education and Skills in Intergenerational Inequality2
What Lies Beneath: Organisational Responses to Powerful Stakeholders2
Crowds, Police and Provocations: Temporal Patterns of Rioting in Britain, 1800–19392
Movement Texts as Anti-Colonial Theory2
Modern Taboos and Moral Regulations: Mother’s Milk in the Symbolic Order2
Family Practices and Temporality at Breakfast: Hot Spots, Convenience and Care2
Embodiment, Relationality and Epistemics: Observations from Alexander Technique Training in Music Master Classes2
Household Sustainability Labour and the Gendering of Responsibility for Low Waste Living1
Sociological Futures and the Importance of the Past1
Spatial Imaginaries and Geographic Division within the UK: Uneven Economic Development, Ethnicity and National Identity1
Sociological Imaginations for Anti-Racist Futures: An Interview with Dr Prudence Carter1
How Intellectuals Perform: Meaning Making and Community in the Czechoslovak Philosophical Underground1
Variations in the Temporal Structure of Sociability across American Cities1
Cleansing Frames: How Digital ‘Consumer Reports’ of Cannabis and Psychedelics Normalise Drug-Taking and Neutralise its Counter-Cultural Potential1
Neoliberal Entrenchment in India: Consequences for the Informal Labour and the Poor at Large1
Race and Racism(s): Current Debates in Global and UK Theorisation and Empiricism1
How and Why People Use Mobile Phones Near Bedtime and in Bed: Israelis’ Narratives of Digitally Enabled Sleepful Sociality1
A Quest for Passion: Understanding Precarious Migration of Young Highly Qualified EU Citizens as Lived Neoliberal Subjectivity1
The Hidden Strains of ‘Cool’ Jobs1
From the Home to the (Hand)bag: Negotiating Privacy in Personal Life when Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)1
Communities of/for Interest: Revisiting the Role of Migrants’ Online Groups1
Book Review: Nancy Fraser, Cannibal Capitalism: How Our System Is Devouring Democracy, Care and the Planet – and What We Can Do about It1
Intersectional Socialism: Rethinking the Socialist Future with Intersectionality Theory1
Young Low-Income Mothers’ Identity Work around Infant Feeding in the UK1
Loneliness in Later Life as Existential Inequality1
Policing Black Film: Racism, Black Resistance and the Applicational Dexterity of Race Relations inBabylon1
Me? A Hero? Gendered Work and Attributions of Heroism among Volunteers during the COVID-19 Pandemic1
Gendered Consequences of Social Mobility: Second-Generation Immigrants’ Work–Care Considerations in High-Status Occupations in Norway1
Managing Uncertainty and Risk in Access to the Solicitors’ Profession in England: Classed Pathways?1
Measuring Public Attitudes Towards Immigration: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Social Survey Questions1
Moving on up? How Social Origins Shape Geographic Mobility within Britain’s Higher Managerial and Professional Occupations1
Using Natural Experiments to Uncover Effects of Anti-Refugee Riots on Attitudes of Refugees1
Can Work Time Fragmentation Influence Workers’ Subjective Time Pressure? The Roles of Gender and Parenthood1
What Happened to Me? Ambiguity and Surety in Narratives of Intoxicated Sexual Assault1
From God to Technology: Multiple Ontologies of Reproductive Time1
Activist Research as a Methodological Toolbox to Advance Public Sociology1
The Civil Savage: How Young People Living Rurally ‘Do’ Distinction at Regional Festivals in the Netherlands1
Neighbourliness and Situational Factors: Explaining Neighbour Behaviour in Attacks and Rescues of Sikhs in Delhi in 1984 and Muslims in Ahmedabad in 20021
Europeans Seek Exciting Experiences More Than Status: Exploring the Development of Two Fundamental Life Orientations1
Becoming an Activist: Individualisation and a Democratic Contentious Ethos in ‘How to’ Books1
The Unhomely of Homeschooling1
Brexit Rebordering, Sticky Relationships and the Production of Mixed-Status Families1
Belief in Science and Beliefs about COVID-19: Educational Gradients1
Parental Leave within the Workplace: A Re-assessment of Opposite Educational Gradients for Women and Men1
The English Workday Lunch: The Organisation, Understandings and Meaning of the Meal1
Antisemitism is a Form of Racism – or is it?1
Better Than the Markets: Mutual Fund Managers’ Perceptions of the Rich1
Landscape and Work: ‘Placing’ the Experiences of Male Manual Workers in a UK Seaside Town1
Shame, Anger and Hope: The Messy Relations of Charitable Help within the Welfare State1
‘He is My Refuge’: Upward Mobility, Class Dislocation and Romantic Relationships1
Book Review: Robert Leroux, Thierry Martin and Stephen Turner (eds), The Future of Sociology: Ideology or Objective Social Science?1
Are Right-Wing Attitudes and Voting Associated with Having Attended Private School? An Investigation Using the 1970 British Cohort Study1
No Pass Laws Here! Internal Border Controls and the Global ‘Hostile Environment’1
The Legal Formation of Class in Migrant Care and Domestic Work1
Ethical Practices of the Family Child1
Trajectories towards Political Engagement on Facebook around Brexit: Beyond Affordances for Understanding Racist and Right-Wing Populist Mobilisations Online1
What Is the Nexus between Migration and Mobility? A Framework to Understand the Interplay between Different Ideal Types of Human Movement1
Finding Moral Value through Maintaining a Working Class ‘Mentality’: Student Teachers from Working Class Backgrounds (Not) Becoming Middle Class1
How the “Commercialized Performance of Affiliative Race and Ethnicity” Disrupts Ethnoracial Hierarchy: Boundary Processes of Customers’ Encounter with South Asian Waitpersons in Hong Kong’s Restaurant1