Sociology-The Journal of the British Sociological Association

(The H4-Index of Sociology-The Journal of the British Sociological Association is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Deflecting Privilege: Class Identity and the Intergenerational Self42
Digital Technology and Older People: Towards a Sociological Approach to Technology Adoption in Later Life30
Left Behind in the Hungarian Rustbelt: The Cultural Political Economy of Working-Class Neo-Nationalism29
A Dependent Structure of Interdependence: Structure and Agency in Relational Perspective28
Ethnic Penalties and Hiring Discrimination: Comparing Results from Observational Studies with Field Experiments in the UK27
Telling Reproductive Stories: Social Scripts, Relationality and Donor Conception27
Turning the Decolonial Gaze towards Ourselves: Decolonising the Curriculum and ‘Decolonial Reflexivity’ in Sociology and Social Theory22
Alcohol and Flourishing for Australian Women in Midlife: A Qualitative Study of Negotiating (Un)Happiness22
Disembedded or Deeply Embedded? A Multi-Level Network Analysis of Online Labour Platforms21
Post-Truth Society? An Eliasian Sociological Analysis of Knowledge in the 21st Century20
Men’s Football Fandom and the Performance of Progressive and Misogynistic Masculinities in a ‘New Age’ of UK Women’s Sport20
The Mobilisation of AI in Education: A Bourdieusean Field Analysis20
Promoting Diversity but Striving for Excellence: Opening the ‘Black Box’ of Academic Hiring20
Mothering through and in Violence: Discourses of the ‘Good Mother’19
Protests and Policies: How Radical Social Movement Activists Engage with Climate Policy Dilemmas19
The Wageless Life of Creative Workers: Alternative Economic Practices, Commoning and Consumption Work in Cultural Labour18
Everyday Nation in Times of Rising Nationalism18
No Time for a ‘Time Out’? Managing Time around (Non)Drinking17