Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France

(The TQCC of Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Signature spectrum of positive braids2
Curvature estimate and the ramification of the holomorphic maps over hypersurfaces on Riemann surfaces2
Parametric geometry of numbers over a number field and extension of scalars1
Finiteness and periodicity of continued fractions over quadratic number fields1
Random zonal eigenfunctions and a Hölder version of the Paley-Zygmund theorem on compact manifolds1
Systoles in translation surfaces1
On the global determinant method1
Maximal estimates for the Kramers-Fokker-Planck operator with electromagnetic field1
Sur une généralisation de la conjecture d'Artin parmi les presque-premiers1
Towards canonical representations of finite Heisenberg groups0
Classification of Thompson related groups arising from Jones' technology II0
Algébricité modulo $p$, séries hypergéométriques et structures de Frobenius fortes0
Diophantine approximation with weights and Tits buildings at infinity of symmetric spaces0
Supercuspidal representations of $\mathrm{GL}_{n}(F)$ distinguished by a unitary involution0
Quantitative unique continuation for wave operators with a jump discontinuity across an interface and applications to approximate control0
Reversible Poisson-Kirchhoff Systems0
The Nakayama functor and its completion for Gorenstein algebras0
A persistently singular map of $\mathbb{T}^n$ that is $C^1$ robustly transitive0
About $\mathcal{C}^\infty$ foliations by holomorphic curves on complex surfaces0
A study of nefness in higher codimension0
From exponential counting to pair correlations0
Comparing Bushnell-Kutzko and S\'echerre's constructions of types for $\mathrm{GL}_{N}$ and its inner forms with Yu's construction0
Double EPW-sextics with actions of A7 and irrational GM threefolds0
Simplicial Chern-Weil theory for coherent analytic sheaves, part I0
Bott-Cattaneo-Rossi invariants for long knots in asymptotic homology $\mathbb{R}^3$0
Algebraic intersection for translation surfaces in a family of Teichmüller disks0
Behaviour of some Hodge invariants by middle convolution0
Transfer factors for Jacquet-Mao's fundamental lemma0
Multivariable $(\varphi ,\Gamma )$-modules and representations of products of Galois groups: The case of the imperfect residue field0
Drift of random walks on abelian covers of finite volume homogeneous spaces0
Curved operadic calculus0
The Calabi invariant for Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of the unit disk0
On the finiteness of $\mathfrak{P}$-adic continued fractions for number fields0
Towards tempered anabelian behaviour of Berkovich annuli0
The geometric dynamical Northcott property for regular polynomial automorphisms of the affine plane0
Convex compact surfaces with no bound on their synthetic Ricci curvature0
On partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in dimension three via a notion of autonomous dynamics0
A counterexample on polynomial multiple convergence without commutativity0
Réduction en famille d'espaces affinoïdes0
Transience in law for symmetric random walks in infinite measure0
Piecewise strongly proximal actions, free boundaries and the Neretin groups0
Topologically stable linear operators0
SKT and Gauduchon hyperbolic compact complex manifolds0
Branching capacity of a random walk range0
The boundary of rank-one divisible convex sets0
On the classification of cubic planar Cremona maps0
Les quadrangles de Tits classiques0
Explicit generators of some pro-$p$ groups via Bruhat-Tits theory0
Riemann-Roch polynomials of the known hyperkähler manifolds0
Coxeter polytopes and Benjamini-Schramm convergence0
On Carlotto-Schoen-type scalar-curvature gluings0
$\theta$-type fractional Marcinkiewicz integrals and their commutators on non-homogeneous grand spaces0
Local vanishing mean oscillation0
Statistics for Kneser $p$-neighbors0
A special Debarre-Voisin fourfold0
Landau damping in dynamical Lorentz gases0
Central points of the double heptagon translation surface are not connection points0
On the monodromy map for logarithmic differential systems0
Orbit closures in flag varieties for the centralizer of an order-two nilpotent element : normality and resolutions for types A, B, D0
Conditions de Kan sur les nerfs des $\omega$-catégories0
An upper bound on the dimension of the Rauzy gasket0
Singular vectors and geometry at infinity of products of hyperbolic spaces0
Central extensions of preordered groups0
Revisiting derived crystalline cohomology0
About plane periodic waves of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations0
Pseudovaluations on the de Rham--Witt complex0
Spectral asymptotics for the Metropolis algorithm on singular domains0
The generalized injectivity conjecture0
Représentations génériques des groupes linéaires finis en inégale caractéristique0
Induction automorphe pour les représentations elliptiques0