
(The median citation count of Sedimentology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Issue Information57
Effects of clay and organic matter on calcareous nannofossil ooze erodibility52
Holocene seismic activity in south‐eastern Switzerland: Evidence from the sedimentary record of Lake Silvaplana40
Issue Information32
Issue Information25
Compositional, micromorphological and geotechnical characterization of Holocene Tiber floodplain deposits (Rome, Italy) and sequence stratigraphic implications22
Issue Information21
Cool deltas: Sedimentological, geomorphological and geophysical characterization of ice‐contact deltas and implications for their reservoir properties (Salpausselkä, Finland)19
Issue Information19
Facies variability and depositional settings of Laguna Salada de Chiprana, an Iberian hypersaline lake19
Early Miocene carbonate ramp development in a warm ocean, North West Shelf, Australia18
Issue Information18
Recognizing key sedimentary facies and their distribution in mixed turbidite–contourite depositional systems: The case of the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula18
Palaeoclimatic and diagenetic controls based on clay mineralogy and organic matter distribution: The continental rift Cuyo Basin (Triassic), west‐central Argentina18
Soft‐sediment deformation structures and Neptunian dykes across a carbonate system: Evidence for an earthquake‐related origin (Norian, Dolomia Principale, Southern Alps, Italy)17
Issue Information17
Bedform evolution along a submarine canyon in the South China Sea: New insights from an autonomous underwater vehicle survey17
Pathways for sediment transport and retention in a vegetated, mid‐channel island: Connecting sediment dynamics to morphology in Meinmahla Island, Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar16
Microbial signatures from speleothems: A petrographic and scanning electron microscopy study of coralloids from the Koněprusy Caves (the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic)16
From Patagonia to Río de la Plata: Multistep long‐distance littoral transport of Andean volcaniclastic sand along the Argentine passive margin15
The role of siliciclastics in carbonate fabric diversity and preservation: A case study from the Neoproterozoic carbonate − siliciclastic Horse Thief Springs Formation, Death Valley15
Focused methane migration formed pipe structures in permeable sandstones: Insights from uncrewed aerial vehicle‐based digital outcrop analysis in Varna, Bulgaria15
Rhythmic iron‐oxide bands of Navajo Sandstone concretions and Kimberley banded claystone: Formation process and buffering reaction rate by diagenetic alteration15
Supercritical‐flow processes and depositional products: Introduction to thematic issue15
Geochemical record of the subsurface redox gradient in marine red beds: A case study from the Devonian Prague Basin, Czechia14
Hydrothermal activity near the Permian–Triassic transition in the south‐western Ordos Basin, China: Evidence from carbonate cementation in Upper Permian sandstones13
Evolution and architecture of an exhumed ocean‐facing coarse‐grained submarine canyon fill, Baja California, Mexico13
Hybrid event beds generated by erosional bulking of modern hyperpycnal flows on the Choshui River delta front, Taiwan Strait13
Reconstruction of an extreme flood hydrograph and morphodynamics of a meander bend in a high‐peak discharge variability river (Powder River, USA)12
Depositional and early diagenetic characteristics of modern saline pan deposits at the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, USA12
Rheological sand bed generates non‐rebounding particles12
Distinguishing mid‐channel and bank‐attached fluvial bars by flow divergence: Implications for the interpretation of stratigraphic records12
Impact of wave, tides and fluid mud on fluvial discharge across a compound clinoform (Pliocene Orinoco Delta)12
A depositional model for meandering rivers without land plants12
Spatial distribution and variability of lobe facies in a large sand‐rich submarine fan system: Neoproterozoic Zerrissene Group, Namibia12
Submarine slope destabilization and gully formation by water sapping: Physical simulation of an underestimated trigger of subaqueous sediment gravity flows11
Ontogeny of a subtidal point bar in the microtidal Venice Lagoon (Italy) revealed by three‐dimensional architectural analyses11
The supercritical question for pyroclastic dune bedforms: An overview11
Controls on fluvial meander‐belt thickness and sand distribution: Insights from forward stratigraphic modelling11
Constraints on dolomite formation in a Late Palaeozoic saline alkaline lake deposit, Junggar Basin, north‐west China11
Mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sedimentation in an evolving epicontinental sea: Aptian record of marginal marine settings in the interior basins of north‐eastern Brazil11
Deep‐water sand transfer by hyperpycnal flows, the Eocene of Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway11
Evolution of foreland basin fluvial systems in the mid‐Cretaceous of Utah, USA (upper Cedar Mountain and Naturita formations)11
Geomorphic and environmental controls on microbial mat fabrics on Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands11
Breaking up and making up – reworking of Holocene calcarenite platform into rapidly‐forming beachrock breccias on a high energy coastline (St. Lucia, South Africa)11
Lost in the wind: An integrated approach for the recognition of mixed clastic–carbonate continental aeolianites11
Holocene sediment distribution in the Al Wajh platform lagoon (northern Red Sea, Saudi Arabia), a modern analogue for large rift basin carbonate platforms11
Sedimentary structure of inferred cyclic‐step bedforms in submarine volcaniclastic slope deposits, Cuatro Calas, south‐east Spain11
Bedload transport and deposition of mud‐grade sediments in deep‐lacustrine settings: A case study in the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China10
Sedimentary record of bottom currents and internal tides in a modern highstand submarine canyon head10
Why did some larger benthic foraminifera become so large and flat?10
Corrigendum to: Wave‐influenced deposition of carbonate‐rich sediment on the insular shelf of Santa Maria Island, Azores10
Cryptic burrow traces in black shales – a petrographic Rorschach test or the real thing?10
Exceptional preservation of a barred shoreline under forced‐regressive conditions (Lower Cretaceous, Neuquén Basin, Argentina)10
Erratum to Marine carbonate factories: Review and update10
Issue Information10
Genesis of island dolostones during rapid island subsidence: Example from the Xisha (Paracel) islands, South China Sea10
Pearl River sediment dispersal over its associated delta–estuary–shelf system during the Holocene9
Evolution from shallow‐water deltas to fluvial fans in lacustrine basins: A case study from the Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation in the central Sichuan Basin, China9
Geochemical evidence of provenance diversity in Holocene sandy land of Qinghai Lake Basin in the north‐eastern margin of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and its implications for climate change9
Origin and distribution of calcite cements in a folded fluvial succession: The Puig‐reig anticline (south‐eastern Pyrenees)9
Three‐dimensional stratigraphic architecture, secondary pore system development and the Middle Pleistocene transition, Sandy Point area, San Salvador Island, Bahamas9
Does sand promote or hinder the mobility of cohesive sediment gravity flows?9
Late Oligocene to early Miocene delta and linked slope fan systems: Depositional architecture and sediment dispersal, the Pearl River Mouth Basin9
Sinuous bar fingers of digitate shallow‐water deltas: Insights into their formative processes and deposits from integrating morphological and sedimentological studies with mathematical modelling9
Hummocky sedimentary structures within rippled beds due to combined orbital waves and transverse currents8
Author Index8
Gravitational resedimentation as a fundamental process in filling fjords: Lessons from outcrops from a late Palaeozoic fjord in Namibia8
Issue Information8
Spring origin of Eocene carbonate mounds in the Green River Formation, Northern Bridger Basin, Wyoming, USA8
Issue Information8
The thickness variability of fluvial cross‐strata as a record of dune disequilibrium and palaeohydrology proxy: A test against channel deposits8
Reply to the Discussion by Al‐Mufti on “On the origin and significance of composite particles in mudstones: Examples from the Cenomanian Dunvegan Formation” by Li et al. (2021), Sedimentolog8
Issue Information8
Stratigraphic change in flow transformation processes recorded in early post‐rift deep‐marine intraslope lobe complexes8
Dues Statement8
Unidirectional and combined transitional flow bedforms: Controls on process and distribution in submarine slope settings8
Microplastics as a sedimentary component in reef systems: A case study from the Java Sea8
Discussion of Li et al. (2021) – On the origin and significance of composite particles in mudstones: Examples from the Cenomanian Dunvegan Formation, Sedimentology, 68, 737–7548
A Deccan Large Igneous Province related Maastrichtian regolith of Lameta Formation, Central India: Insights into the genesis and development of calcrete profiles and implications for palaeoclimate var8
Contrasting intensity of aragonite dissolution and dolomite cementation in glacial versus interglacial intervals of a subtropical carbonate succession8
Quaternary lacustrine carbonate deposits of the Great Basin, USA: Impact of climate, tectonics and substrate8
A novel approach to discriminate sedimentary characteristics of deltaic tidal flats with terrestrial laser scanner: Results from a case study7
Volume Index7
Sedimentary environment and benthic oxygenation history of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk Group, south Texas: An integrated ichnological, sedimentological and geochemical approach7
New insights into the palaeoenvironmental–palaeoclimatic significance and sedimentary dynamics of carbonate Lagerstätten: The lower Albian of Pietraroja (Southern Italy)7
Mixed carbonate–siliciclastic tidal sedimentation in the Miocene to Pliocene Bouse Formation, palaeo‐Gulf of California7
Climate and sea‐level controlling internal architecture of a Quaternary carbonate ramp (Northwest Shelf of Australia)7
Author Index7
Advective sorting of silt by currents: A laboratory study7
High‐magnesium calcite skeletons provide magnesium for burrow‐selective dolomitization in Cretaceous carbonates7
Controls on grain‐size distribution in an ancient sand sea7
Diagenesis, compaction strain and deformation associated with chert and carbonate concretions in organic‐rich marl and phosphorite; Upper Cretaceous to Eocene, Jordan7
Issue Information7
Modern coastal tempestite deposition by a non‐local storm: Swell‐generated transport of sand and boulders on Eleuthera, The Bahamas7
Multi‐scale and multi‐parametric analysis of Late Quaternary event deposits within the active Corinth Rift (Greece)7
Keratose sponges in ancient carbonates – A problem of interpretation7
The hidden biotic face of microbialite morphogenesis – a case study from Laguna de Los Cisnes, southernmost Patagonia (Chile)6
Issue Information6
Unconfined gravity current interactions with orthogonal topography: Implications for combined‐flow processes and the depositional record6
U–Pb geochronology and clumped isotope thermometry study of Neoproterozoic dolomites from China6
Hydrodynamic controls on sedimentary facies of tidal point bars: A case study in the Georgia coastal plain, USA6
Century‐scale sequences and density‐flow deltas of the late Holocene and modern Dead Sea coast, Israel6
Autogenic evolution of valley‐confined deltas during sea‐level rise: Insights from numerical and physical modelling6
Source‐to‐sink response to high‐amplitude lake level rise driven by orbital‐scale climate change: An example from the Pleistocene Lake Malawi (Nyasa) Rift, East Africa6
Threshold of motion of coral reef sediment under currents in flume experiments6
Not all shell beds are made equal: Recognizing singular event‐concentrations in megalakes6
Did the Younger Dryas to Holocene climate transition favour high seismicity rates in the north‐western Alps?6
Sand and mud generation from continental flood basalts in contrasting landscapes and climatic conditions (Paraná–Etendeka conjugate igneous provinces, Uruguay and Namibia)6
The role of fluvial and tidal currents on coal accumulation in a mixed‐energy deltaic setting: Pinghu Formation, Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin6
Coupling near‐surface geomorphology with mangrove community diversity at the estuarine scale: A case study at Dongzhaigang Bay, China6
Three‐dimensional submerged wall jets and their transition to density flows: Morphodynamics and implications for the depositional record6
The response of high density turbidity currents and their deposits to an abrupt channel termination at a slope break: Implications for channel–lobe transition zones6
Recognition of a cryptic maximum flooding surface in shallow marine carbonate sequences using geochemical (Y/Ho) proxy data6
Exploring electron backscatter diffraction analysis as a tool for understanding stromatolite: Quantitative description of Cretaceous lacustrine stromatolite reveals formative processes and high‐resolu6
Lake level controls the recurrence of giant stromatolite facies6
Suction dynamics‐induced bubbly sand under groundwater table fluctuations5
Architecture of lacustrine deposits in response to early Carboniferous rifting and Gondwanan glaciation, Nova Scotia, south‐east Canada5
Freshwater microbial mud: Punctuated diagenesis during marine transgression in the Florida Everglades, USA5
Stratigraphic architecture of climate influenced hyperpycnal mouth bars5
Issue Information5
Carbonate tufas as archives of climate and sedimentary dynamic in volcanic settings, examples from Gran Canaria (Spain)5
Challenges to the ancient methane seep search strategy: The Bedford Canyon Formation (Middle Jurassic, Santa Ana Mountains, California)5
Distinctive lithofacies architecture of sand ridges built by storm and ocean currents: An example from a Middle Pleistocene shallow‐marine succession on the Boso Peninsula, Japan5
Bayhead delta succession as a stratigraphic marker of sea‐level changes during the early to late Holocene – the Nakdong valley of south‐eastern Korea5
Flow‐induced interfacial deformation structures (FIDS): Implications for the interpretation of palaeocurrents, flow dynamics and substrate rheology5
Factors controlling the geometry of travertine mounds: Insights from Heinitang (China)5
Equilibrium sediment transport by dilute turbidity currents: Comparison of competence‐based and capacity‐based models5
Issue Information5
Enhanced mud retention as an autogenic mechanism for sustained delta growth: Insight from records of the Lafourche subdelta of the Mississippi River5
Ultra‐long‐distance transport of aeolian sand: The provenance of an intermontane desert, south‐east China5
A typical point bar with atypical strata in the McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada: Floods, tides and high suspended sediment concentrations5
Marine carbonate factories: Review and update5
Issue Information5
Testing the viability of normal seawater dolomitization in lower Cambrian carbonates using clumped isotopes5
Sedimentological and carbonate isotope signatures to identify fluvial processes and catchment changes in a supposed impact ejecta‐dammed lake (Miocene, Germany)5
Formation, dispersion and accumulation of terra rossa on the Cayman Islands4
Density stratification controls the bedform phase diagram of saline‐gravity currents versus open‐channel flows4
Assessing the origin of pisoids within a travertine system in the border of Puna Plateau, Argentina4
Sedimentary dolomite in Western Australia and the dolomite problem: Genesis of channel and playa uranium deposits4
Issue Information4
Seismic stratigraphy of Late Pleistocene incised valleys and adjacent environments, eastern Central Luconia Province, offshore north‐west Borneo4
Spatial, seasonal and climatic drivers of suspended sediment atop Great Bahama Bank4
Assessing Milankovitch forcing in disconformity‐prone cyclic shallow‐water carbonates, Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian), Adriatic Platform, Croatia4
An experimental investigation of sediment kinematics and multi‐scale propagation for laboratory bed‐load dunes4
Unravelling a 2300 year long sedimentary record of megathrust and intraslab earthquakes in proglacial Skilak Lake, south‐central Alaska4
Sedimentology and diagenesis of Pleistocene calcareous, non‐dolomitic, interdune sediments, Coorong Coastal Plain, South Australia4
Hourly to weekly variations in halite precipitation from the hypersaline Dead Sea: The role of evaporation, water cooling and freshwater plume stability4
The latest Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous climate and oceanographic changes in the Western Tethys: The Transdanubian Range (Hungary) perspective4
Volume Index4
Bryozoan‐rich stromatolites (bryostromatolites) from the Silurian of Gotland and their relation to climate‐related perturbations of the global carbon cycle4
Facies characteristics and stratigraphy of an Upper Cretaceous mud‐dominated subaqueous delta: Medicine Hat Member (Niobrara Formation), Alberta, Canada4
Middle Ordovician bottom current deposits in the western margin of the North China craton: Evidence from sedimentary and magnetic fabrics4
A new reef classification model with insights into Phanerozoic evolution of reef ecosystems4
Author Index4
Modern soil aggregates–colluvium generated by overland flow – stratigraphy and physical experiments4
Issue Information4
Towards a new generation of fluvial facies models for the interpretation of ancient deposits, based on inter‐annual peak discharge variance of modern rivers4
Microbialites on the northern shelf of Lake Van, eastern Türkiye#: Morphology, texture, stable isotope geochemistry and age4
Particle shape trends across experimental cohesive and non‐cohesive sediment gravity flow deposits: Implications for particle fractionation and discrimination of depositional settings4
Morphological controls on delta‐canyon‐fan systems: Insights from stratigraphic forward models4
The role of mass‐transport complexes in the initiation and evolution of submarine canyons3
Shape‐dependent settling velocity of skeletal carbonate grains: Implications for calciturbidites3
Tracing the sedimentary response to the rifting and opening of the Meso‐Tethys Ocean3
Corrigendum to: Architecture of lacustrine deposits in response to early Carboniferous rifting and Gondwanan glaciation, Nova Scotia, south‐east Canada3
Sedimentary processes at the mouth of a tidally‐influenced delta: New insights from submarine observatory measurements, Fraser Delta, Canada3
Stratigraphic evolution of a spectacularly exposed turbidite channel belt from the Tachrift System (late Tortonian, north‐East Morocco)3
A mixed turbidite – contourite system related to a major submarine canyon: The Marquês de Pombal Drift (south‐west Iberian margin)3
Estimation of fine sediment stocks in gravel bed rivers including the sand fraction3
Non‐classical crystallization of very high magnesium calcite and magnesite in the Coorong Lakes, Australia3
Dues Statement3
Impact of deep‐time palaeoclimate on the sedimentary records and morphology of lacustrine shoal‐water deltas, Upper Eocene Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China3
Simulating sedimentation on the Great Bahama Bank – Sources, sinks and storms3
Non‐palimpsested crowded Skolithos ichnofabrics in a Carboniferous tidal rhythmite: Disentangling ecological signatures from the spatio‐temporal bias of outcrop3
Anatomy of a diamondiferous gravel barrier spit at the palaeo‐Orange River mouth, south‐western Namibia3
Dissolution of ooids in seawater‐derived fluids – an example from Lower Permian re‐sedimented carbonates, West Texas, USA3
Application of end‐member modelling to grain‐size data: Constraints and limitations3
Corrigendum to: Evolution of foreland basin fluvial systems in the mid‐Cretaceous of Utah, USA (upper Cedar Mountain and Naturita formations)3
Groundwater red beds in Holocene fluvial sediments as a product of iron and manganese redox cycling; Morava River, Czechia3
Middle to late Holocene sedimentary filling history of the Sebkha el Melah in south‐eastern Tunisia3
Origin, evolution and significance of giant buried sediment mounds near the Sahara Slide Complex, North‐west African margin3
Role of bottom water chemistry in the formation of fibrous magnesium calcite at methane seeps in the Black Sea3
Mars is a mirror – Understanding the Pahrump Hills mudstones from a perspective of Earth analogues3
‘Isolated base‐of‐slope aprons’: An oxymoron for shallow‐marine fan‐shaped, temperate‐water, carbonate bodies along the south‐east Salento escarpment (Pleistocene, Apulia, southern Italy)3
Astronomical calibration of a ten‐million‐year Triassic lacustrine record in the Ordos Basin, North China3
Statistical characterization of a confined submarine fan system: The Pennsylvanian Lower Atoka Formation, Ouachita Mountains, USA3
Tidal dynamics in palaeo‐seas in response to changes in physiography, tidal forcing and bed shear stress3
Calcite‐cemented concretions in non‐marine sandstones: An integrated study of outcrop sedimentology, petrography and clumped isotopes3
The rise and fall of cave pearl pools: Highly variable growth, recrystallization and demise of a mine pearl site3
Depositional age models in lacustrine systems from zircon and carbonate U‐Pb geochronology3
Response of large benthic foraminifera to climate and local changes: Implications for future carbonate production3
Carbonate production and reef building under ferruginous seawater conditions in the Cambrian rift branches of the Avalon Zone, Newfoundland3
Elucidating stratovolcano construction from volcaniclastic mass‐flow deposits: The medial ring‐plain of Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand3
Morphodynamics of supercritical flow in a linked river and delta system, Daihai Lake, Northern China3
Seismic expression and stratigraphic preservation of a coastal plain fluvial channel belt and floodplain channels on the Gulf of Mexico inner continental shelf3
Biomineralization of ordered dolomite and magnesian calcite by the green alga Spirogyra3
Ecosystem changes through the Permian–Triassic and Triassic–Jurassic critical intervals: Evidence from sedimentology, palaeontology and geochemistry3
Biomineralization processes in modern calcareous tufa: Possible roles of viruses, vesicles and extracellular polymeric substances (Corvino Valley – Southern Italy)3
Universal decomposition model: An efficient technique for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from grain‐size distributions2
Sedimentological and ichnological variations in fluvio‐tidal translating point bars, McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada2
Reducing microenvironments promote incorporation of magnesium ions into authigenic carbonate forming at methane seeps: Constraints for dolomite formation2
Erosion, deposition and contamination by high‐magnitude subaqueous debris flows and turbidity currents: Insights from the failure of a tailings dam near Quesnel Lake, British Columbia2
A mechanistic approach for interpreting hydroclimate from halite‐bearing sediments2
Beachrocks and lithified barriers in the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean Sea) as new markers of the last sea‐level rise2
Upper Pleistocene parabolic ridges (i.e. ‘chevrons’) from the Bahamas: Storm‐wave sediments or aeolian deposits? A quantitative approach2
Reply to the Comment by John J. G. Reijmer on ‘Going with the flow: Experimental simulation of sediment transport from a foraminifera perspective’ by Ash‐Moret al. (2022), Sedimen2
How do thrombolites form? Multiphase construction of lacustrine microbialites, Purbeck Limestone Group, (Jurassic), Dorset, UK2
Spatial variability in river bed porosity determined by nuclear density gauging: A case study from a French gravel‐bed river2
SediRate‐Fischer plots as a tool to illustrate relative sea‐level and lake‐level changes in subaqueous terrigenous deposits2
Volume Index2
Shallow‐marine calciclastic mass‐transport deposits in an evolving thrust‐top basin: A case study from the North Dalmatian foreland basin, Croatia2
Issue Information2
Criteria for the recognition of clastic halite: The modern Dead Sea shoreline2
Inside a sediment‐stressed Middle Devonian carpet reef: Cave exposes details of three‐dimensional facies architecture and palaeoecology2
Issue Information2
Issue Information2
Trunk river and tributary interactions recorded in the Pleistocene–Holocene stratigraphy of the Po Plain (northern Italy)2
Sediment density flow distribution on wave‐influenced deltas2
Reading tidal processes where their signature is cryptic: The Maastrichtian meandering channel deposits of the Tremp Formation (Southern Pyrenees, Spain)2
Internal isotopic variability of Neogene carbonate concretions: Constraining formational growth mechanisms and isotopic disequilibrium2
Issue Information2
Late Quaternary sedimentary evolution of the distal Galician continental margin (north‐west Iberian Peninsula) based on palaeoclimatic, palaeoproductivity and diagenetic evidence2
Marine diagenesis of ikaite: Implications from the isotopic and geochemical composition of glendonites and host concretions (Palaeogene–Neogene sediments, Sakhalin Island)2
Source‐to‐sink analysis for the mud and sand in the late‐Quaternary Qiantang River incised‐valley fill and its implications for delta‐shelf–estuary dispersal systems globally2
Late Holocene stratigraphic evolution and sedimentary facies of an active to abandoned tide‐dominated distributary channel and its mouth bar2
Fossilized autogenic responses of grain‐size transition to sediment supply and water discharge: Alluvial fan experiments2
Identification of a Quaternary rock avalanche deposit (Central Apennines, Italy): Significance for recognition of fossil catastrophic mass‐wasting2
Sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of Barremian synrift barrier island–estuarine depositional systems from blended field and drone‐derived data2
Factors controlling the morphology and internal sediment architecture of moats and their associated contourite drifts2