Scottish Journal of Political Economy

(The median citation count of Scottish Journal of Political Economy is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Measuring the effectiveness of US monetary policy during the COVID‐19 recession31
Dynamic connectedness and spillovers across sectors: Evidence from the Indian stock market29
Public sentiment towards economic sanctions in the Russia–Ukraine war27
Growth‐equity trade‐offs in structural reforms11
Can central bank communication help to stabilise inflation expectations?10
On competitive balance in the group stage of the UEFA Champions League*7
Evaluating strange forecasts: The curious case of football match scorelines7
Public and private pension systems and macroeconomic volatility in OECD countries6
Dynamic version of Okun’s law in the EU15 countries—The role of delays in the unemployment‐output nexus6
Fiscal crises, decentralization, and indiscipline5
Oil shocks and directional predictability of macroeconomic uncertainties of developed economies: Evidence from high‐frequency data5
Rental prices in Germany: A comparison between migrants and natives5
University attendance and academic performance: Encouraging student engagement5
The micro‐geography of academic research: How distinctive is economics?5
Externalities of economic sanctions on performance of intra‐industry non‐sanctioned firms: Evidence from Zimbabwe5
Monetary policy frameworks in the Middle East and North Africa: How do they compare with other groupings?4
Variation in the labour market rewards to vocational qualifications in the UK4
R&D intensity and income inequality in the G7: 1870–20163
The U‐shape of happiness in Scotland3
The transmission of partner mental health to individual life satisfaction: Estimates from a longitudinal household survey3
Uncertainty, firm entry, and investment dynamics3
How frequent a BEER? Assessing the impact of data frequency on real exchange rate misalignment estimation3
Political relations and trade: New evidence from Australia, China, and the United States2
Household savings constraints, uncertainty and macroprudential policy2
Discretely innovating: The effect of limited market contestability on innovation and growth2
On regional integration, fiscal income, and GDP per capita2
Works council ‘disaffection’ and establishment survivability2
Non‐linear revenue evaluation2
Value‐maximizing football clubs2
Swimming upstream throughout the turmoil: Evidence on firm growth during the great recession1
White elephants on quicksand: Low oil prices and high geopolitical risk1
Is British output growth related to its uncertainty? Evidence using eight centuries of data1
Political regimes and financial crises1
Lightening the path to financial development: The power of electricity1
The capital buffer calibration for other systemically important institutions‐Is the country heterogeneity in the EU caused by regulatory capture?1
Interim performance information and risk taking in a tournament—Field evidence from professional basketball1
Judicial efficiency and economic growth: Evidence based on European Union data1
Income taxation and progressivity: A measure of equitability1
Populism, financial crises and banking policies: Economics and psychology1
Biased managers with network externalities1
Social externalities of women empowerment: Evidence from suffrage movements of late nineteenth and early twentieth century United States1
Adversities in Syria and their relation to their physical and mental health conditions as Syrian refugees in Turkey1
Automation and inequality with taxes and transfers1
Optimistic income expectations and meeting those expectations: What matters for well‐being in a developing country?1
Interest rate rules and inflation risks in a macro‐finance model1
Armed conflicts and women's authority in intra‐household decision making1
Inequality and growth in the twenty‐first century1
Financial globalization and wage inequality1
How robustness can change the desirability of speed limit policy1
Urban bias and multinational firms1
Monetary policy when the objectives of central bankers are imperfectly observable0
Issue Information0
The welfare effect of release timing of relative performance evaluation under quantity competition and asymmetric costs0
Lobbying, political competition and the welfare effect of campaign contribution tax0
Can local and global geopolitical risk predict governments' military spending behaviour? International evidence0
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Household decisions and the gender gap in job satisfaction0
Special ones? The effect of head coaches on football team performance0
Cross‐ownership, business dynamism, and wage inequality in general equilibrium0
A model of police financing through income and consumption taxes0
Individualself‐controland collective outcomes: An examination of cigarette addiction and taxes0
Capital misallocation in Chinese industrial firms0
Edgeworth's taxation paradox when firms engage in cost‐reducing investment0
Corporate influence, conservative “model bills,” and state economic outcomes0
Restructuring reforms for green growth0
Shadow rates as a measure of the monetary policy stance: Some international evidence0
On the provision of excludable public goods: General taxes or user prices?0
The effect of inter vivos gift taxation on wealth inequality and economic growth0
Monetary policy and heterogeneous price effects in the United Kingdom0
Norwegian oil market concentration and its effects on the oil service companies 1993–20130
Socioeconomic inequalities and the role of sectoral foreign aid in developing countries0
Tax smoothing and optimal inflation persistence in RBC monetary models revisited0
Can the military be a better manager of the economy?0
Lobbying and innovation in the European Union0
Special issue on the economics of the Middle East and North Africa0
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Effect of international travel sanctions on global tourist arrivals0
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Life satisfaction and unemployment—The role of gender attitudes and work identity0
The role of liquidity in monetary policy transmission: Evidence from Indian banks10
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Parental time investments and instantaneous well‐being in the United States0
Does regime type matter for economic institutions in non‐democracies?0
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Lockdowns, vaccines, and the economy: How economic perceptions were shaped during the COVID‐19 pandemic0
Partisanship, elections and lockdowns: Evidence from US states0
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The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on high‐skilled and low‐skilled labor markets in a DSGE model0
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Structural change and economic development in the Islamic Middle East 700–1500: Population levels and property rights0
Technology adoption in autocratic economies: The role of fiscal capacity0
Policy innovation through noise in implementation: Best to be grey (or silver) on Friday, in Halifax0
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Nonlinear effects of uncertainty shocks: State dependency and asymmetry0
Does it matter who extorts? Extortion by competent and incompetent enforcers*0
Informational rents and the excessive entry theorem: The case of hidden action*0
Language diversity, gender inequality, and aggregate productivity in Canada0
Forms of fiscal governance in the Euro Area – An update0
Variation in labor skills and offshoring across time zones0
Determinants of regional business cycle synchronization in Greece0
The diverse effects of non‐tariff measures on free trade agreements: Global empirical evidence from binary response models0
The AI revolution with 21st century skills: Implications for the wage inequality and technical change0
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The Arab region: Development without democracya0
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Does possessing an installed base induce a proprietary software producer to act aggressively or mildly in pricing and intrinsic quality provision?0
Aristotle vs. Plato: The classical origins of capitalist & socialist political economies*0
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The economics of gender norms0
Did dollarization help Ecuador?0
Chief Executive Officer's national culture and bank risk‐taking behavior: International evidence0
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The geopolitical risk spillovers across BRICS countries: A quantile frequency connectedness approach0
A tale of two taxes: State‐dependency of tax policy0
Mega‐events and human rights violations: Empirical evidence from the long‐term perspective0
Privatisation and government spending efficiency: An empirical analysis in Europe0
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Interactions among gender norms: Evidence from US couples0
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Optimal fiscal policy under monopolistic competition with firm heterogeneity0
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A note of caution on the relation between money growth and inflation0
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Markups, inequality and monetary‐fiscal policies0
House price convergence in the very long run0
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Marriage and employment participation with wage bargaining in search equilibrium0
Temperature and intimate partner violence0
Why they keep missing: An empirical investigation of sovereign bond ratings and their timing*0