SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

(The median citation count of SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Rigorous Derivation of a Boltzmann System for a Mixture of Hard-Sphere Gases50
Stability Results for the Robin-Laplacian on Nonsmooth Domains35
Global Solvability and Vanishing Shear Viscosity Limit for a Simplified Compressible Navier--Stokes System with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity29
Local Existence of Smooth Solutions for the Semigeostrophic Equations on Curved Domains27
Equivariant Pyragas Control of Discrete Waves27
The Hasimoto Transformation for a Finite Length Vortex Filament and its Application21
A Perturbative Approach to the Parabolic Optimal Transport Problem17
Long-Time Limit of Nonlinearly Coupled Measure-Valued Equations that Model Many-Server Queues with Reneging15
Global-in-Time Regular Unique Solutions with Positive Temperature to One-Dimensional Thermoelasticity14
Modified Scattering of Small Data Solutions for the Vlasov–Poisson System with a Repulsive Potential12
Discrete Approximation of the Griffith Functional by Adaptive Finite Elements12
Incompressible Limit of Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equations with a Perfectly Conducting Wall Condition12
Two New Functional Inequalities and Their Application to the Eventual Smoothness of Solutions to a Chemotaxis-Navier–Stokes System with Rotational Flux12
Static Solutions to the Spherically Symmetric Einstein–Vlasov System: A Particle Number–Casimir Approach11
Large Global Solutions for the Energy-Critical Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation10
On the Ill-Posedness of the Triple Deck Model9
Navier–Stokes Blowup Rates in Certain Besov Spaces Whose Regularity Exceeds the Critical Value by \({\boldsymbol{\epsilon \in [1,2]}}\)9
Asymptotic Stability of KdV Solitons on the Half-Line: A Study in the Energy Space9
Invisibility Cloaking and Transformation Optics for Three Dimensional Manifolds and Applications in Cosmology9
Strict g-Convexity for Generated Jacobian Equations with Applications to Global Regularity9
Entropic Regularization of NonGradient Systems9
Existence and Stability of Localized Patterns in the Population Models with Large Advection and Strong Allee Effect9
Local Existence for the Landau Equation with Hard Potentials9
Effective Fronts of Polygon Shapes in Two Dimensions8
Generalized Impedance Boundary Conditions with Vanishing or Sign-Changing Impedance8
Stochastic Logarithmic Schrödinger Equations: Energy Regularized Approach8
On One-Dimensional Bose Gases with Two-Body and (Critical) Attractive Three-Body Interactions8
On the Diffusive Limits of Radiative Heat Transfer System I: Well-Prepared Initial and Boundary Conditions8
On the Temperature Distribution of a Body Heated by Radiation8
Existence of Solutions for a Class of One-Dimensional Models of Pedestrian Evacuations8
Scattering for Nonradial 3D NLS with Combined Nonlinearities: The Interaction Morawetz Approach8
Exponential Mixing for the White-Forced Complex Ginzburg–Landau Equation in the Whole Space8
Weak-Strong Uniqueness for Maxwell--Stefan Systems7
Weak-Strong Uniqueness for an Elastic Plate Interacting with the Navier--Stokes Equation7
Conservation, Convergence, and Computation for Evolving Heterogeneous Elastic Wires7
Global Strong Well-Posedness of the Stochastic Bidomain Equations with FitzHugh–Nagumo Transport7
Renormalization and Existence of Finite-Time Blow-Up Solutions for a One-Dimensional Analogue of the Navier–Stokes Equations7
Weighted Analytic Regularity for the Integral Fractional Laplacian in Polygons7
$\Gamma$-Convergence for Functionals Depending on Vector Fields. II. Convergence of Minimizers6
Spectral Instability of Peakons in the $b$-Family of the Camassa--Holm Equations6
Leray's Backward Self-Similar Solutions to the 3D Navier--Stokes Equations in Morrey Spaces6
\({\boldsymbol{{L}^{1}}}\)-Gradient Flow of Convex Functionals6
On the Half-Space or Exterior Problems of the 3D Compressible Elastic Navier–Stokes–Poisson Equations6
The Magnetic Liouville Equation as a Semiclassical Limit6
Metric Entropy for Hamilton--Jacobi Equations with Uniformly Directionally Convex Hamiltonian6
Novel Resolution Analysis for the Radon Transform in \(\mathbb R^2\) for Functions with Rough Edges6
Higher Regularity for Entropy Solutions of Conservation Laws with Geometrically Constrained Discontinuous Flux6
Newtonian Limits and Global Stability of Shock Solutions for Piston Problem to the Relativistic Full Euler System6
Diffusion-Driven Blow-Up for a Nonlocal Fisher-KPP Type Model6
Stability for Time-Domain Elastic Wave Equations6
Global Regularity for a Nonlocal PDE Describing Evolution of Polynomial Roots Under Differentiation6
The Complex-Scaled Half-Space Matching Method6
Global in Time Weak Solutions to Singular Three-Dimensional Quasi-Geostrophic Systems6
A Reduced Model for Plates Arising as Low-Energy \(\boldsymbol{\Gamma}\) -Limit in Nonlinear Magnetoelasticity6
On Well-Posedness of Quantum Fluid Systems in the Class of Dissipative Solutions6
Uniqueness of Nontrivial Solutions for Degenerate Monge–Ampere Equations6
Global Existence of Weak Solutions to the Compressible Navier--Stokes Equations with Temperature-Depending Viscosity Coefficients6
Bistable Wavefronts in the Delayed Belousov–Zhabotinsky Reaction5
Localized Sensitivity Analysis at High-Curvature Boundary Points of Reconstructing Inclusions in Transmission Problems5
Behavior of Spiral Wave Spectra with a Rank-Deficient Diffusion Matrix5
Free and Harmonic Trapped Spin-1 Bose–Einstein Condensates in \({{\mathbb{R}}^{3}}\)5
Long-Time Behavior and Stability for Quasilinear Doubly Degenerate Parabolic Equations of Higher Order5
Global Solution to the Klein--Gordon--Zakharov Equations with Uniform Energy Bounds5
Quasi-neutral Limit of Nernst–Planck–Navier–Stokes System5
Sharp Nonuniqueness of Solutions to Stochastic Navier–Stokes Equations5
Rigorous Envelope Approximation for Interface Wave Packets in Maxwell’s Equations with Two Dimensional Localization5
Existence of Pulses for Monotone Reaction-Diffusion Systems5
Dynamical Systems and Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman Equations on the Wasserstein Space and their L2 Representations5
On the Existence and Stability of Modified Maxwell Steklov Eigenvalues4
Szegö--Weinberger Type Inequalities for Symmetric Domains with Holes4
Time Analyticity for Nonlocal Parabolic Equations4
A Bourgain–Brezis–Mironescu Formula Accounting for Nonlocal Antisymmetric Exchange Interactions4
A New Approach to Space-Time Boundary Integral Equations for the Wave Equation4
Quantitative Stability of Regularized Optimal Transport and Convergence of Sinkhorn's Algorithm4
Inverse Boundary Problem for the Two Photon Absorption Transport Equation4
The Bilaplacian with Robin Boundary Conditions4
Asymptotics for Semidiscrete Entropic Optimal Transport4
On the Stability of Radial Solutions to an Anisotropic Ginzburg--Landau Equation4
Global Quasi-Neutral Limit for a Two-Fluid Euler–Poisson System in Several Space Dimensions4
Asymptotics of the Hard Edge Pearcey Determinant4
Fuglede-Type Arguments for Isoperimetric Problems and Applications to Stability Among Convex Shapes4
An Inverse Problem for Hypersonic Flow Past a Curved Cone4
Unique Continuation Properties from One Time for Hyperbolic Schrödinger Equations4
Equilibrium Configurations of a Symmetric Body Immersed in a Stationary Navier–Stokes Flow in a Planar Channel4
Almost Global Existence for Kirchhoff Equations Around Global Solutions4
Subsonic Flows Past a Profile with a Vortex Line at the Trailing Edge4
Inverse Scattering for the Biharmonic Wave Equation with a Random Potential4
Diffusive Limit of the Vlasov–Poisson–Fokker–Planck Model: Quantitative and Strong Convergence Results4
Local Well-Posedness for the Boltzmann Equation with Very Soft Potential and Polynomially Decaying Initial Data4
On Asymptotic Stability on a Center Hypersurface at the Soliton for Even Solutions of the Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Equation When \(\boldsymbol{2 \ge p \gt \frac{5}{3}}\)4
Formation and Construction of a Multidimensional Shock Wave for the First-Order Hyperbolic Conservation Law with Smooth Initial Data4
Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Poiseuille Flow of Nematic Liquid Crystal via Full Ericksen–Leslie Model4
Poisson Equation on Wasserstein Space and Diffusion Approximations for Multiscale McKean–Vlasov Equation4
The Local Well-Posedness of the Relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell–Landau System with the Specular Reflection Boundary Condition4
Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Ground States for Rotating Bose–Einstein Condensates4
Compressible Navier--Stokes System with Transport Noise4
Smoluchowski Coagulation Equation with Velocity Dependence4
Second-Order Homogenization of Periodic Schrödinger Operators with Highly Oscillating Potentials4
Higher Order Airy and Painlevé Asymptotics for the mKdV Hierarchy4
Cauchy Theory for General Kinetic Vicsek Models in Collective Dynamics and Mean-Field Limit Approximations4
Large \(\boldsymbol{|k|}\) Behavior for the Reflection Coefficient for Davey-Stewartson II Equations4
Rigorous Derivation of Michaelis–Menten Kinetics in the Presence of Slow Diffusion3
On the Global Well-Posedness and Analyticity of Some Electrodiffusion Models in Ideal Fluids and Porous Media3
Asymptotic Stability for Diffusion with Dynamic Boundary Reaction from Ginzburg–Landau Energy3
Decompositions of High-Frequency Helmholtz Solutions via Functional Calculus, and Application to the Finite Element Method3
Uniform Asymptotic Expansions for the Zeros of Bessel Functions3
A Sharp Interface Limit of a Nonlocal Variational Model for Pattern Formation in Biomembranes3
Quantitative Coarse-Graining of Markov Chains3
Nonlocal Double Phase Implicit Obstacle Problems with Multivalued Boundary Conditions3
Disjoint Data Inverse Problem on Manifolds with Quantum Chaos Bounds3
Structural Stability of Radial Interior Subsonic Steady-States to n-D Euler-Poisson System of Semiconductor Models with Sonic Boundary3
Nonlinear Inverse Optimal Transport: Identifiability of the Transport Cost from Its Marginals and Optimal Values3
Optimal Decay Rates of the Compressible Euler Equations with Time-Dependent Damping in \({\mathbb {R}}^n\): (II) Overdamping Case3
Transonic Steady-States of Euler--Poisson Equations for Semiconductor Models with Sonic Boundary3
Long Time Behavior of Stochastic Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations and Wong--Zakai Approximations3
On Existence of Multiple Normalized Solutions to a Class of Elliptic Problems in Whole \(\mathbb{R}^N\) via Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category3
The Calderón Problem for the Fractional Wave Equation: Uniqueness and Optimal Stability3
Differentiability With Respect to the Initial Condition for Hamilton--Jacobi Equations3
Improved Concentration of Laguerre and Jacobi Ensembles3
Monotonicity Properties of Limits of Solutions to the Semidiscrete Scheme for a Class of Perona–Malik Type Equations3
Gradient Estimates for Stokes and Navier--Stokes Systems with Piecewise DMO Coefficients3
A Bayesian Model for Dynamic Mass Reconstruction from PET Listmode Data3
On Feasibility of Extrapolation of Completely Monotone Functions3
Global Limit Theorem for Parabolic Equations with a Potential3
Planar Viscous Shocks with Periodic Perturbations for Scalar Multidimensional Viscous Conservation Laws3
Convergence of Boundary Layers of Chemotaxis Models with Physical Boundary Conditions I: Degenerate Initial Data3
Convergence Rates in the Nonrelativistic Limit of the Cubic Klein–Gordon Equation3
Longer Lifespan for Many Solutions of the Kirchhoff Equation3
Almost Everywhere Nonuniqueness of Integral Curves for Divergence-Free Sobolev Vector Fields3
Analysis of the Rolling Carpet Strategy to Eradicate an Invasive Species3
Linear Stability of the Couette Flow in the 3D Isentropic Compressible Navier--Stokes Equations3
Long Time Decay and Asymptotics for the Complex mKdV Equation3
Stability of Traveling Oscillating Fronts in Complex Ginzburg Landau Equations3
Mean-Field Limit Derivation of a Monokinetic Spray Model with Gyroscopic Effects3
Theory of Weak Asymptotic Autonomy of Pullback Stochastic Weak Attractors and Its Applications to 2D Stochastic Euler Equations Driven by Multiplicative Noise3
Local Regularity Near Boundary for the Stokes and Navier–Stokes Equations3
A Representation Formula for Viscosity Solutions of Nonlocal Hamilton–Jacobi Equations and Applications3
Global Well-Posedness and Scattering for Fourth-Order Schrödinger Equations on Waveguide Manifolds3
Nonlocal Problems with Local Boundary Conditions II: Green’s Identities and Regularity of Solutions3
On an Electrostatic Problem and a New Class of Exceptional Subdomains of \(\mathbb{R}^3\)3
The Second Bogolyubov Theorem and Global Averaging Principle for SPDEs with Monotone Coefficients3
Existence and Smoothing Effect of Measure Valued Solution to the Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation with Debye–Yukawa Potential3
The Problem of Optimal Camouflaging3
On Saint-Venant Compatibility and Stress Potentials in Manifolds with Boundary and Constant Sectional Curvature3
A Strong Comparison Principle for the Generalized Dirichlet Problem for Monge–Ampère3
Modulated Energy Estimates for Singular Kernels and their Applications to Asymptotic Analyses for Kinetic Equations3
Conditional Regularity for the Compressible MHD System with Inhomogeneous Boundary Data2
Global Solutions of Wave-Klein--Gordon Systems in 2+1 Dimensional Space-Time with Strong Couplings in Divergence Form2
Weak Optimal Transport with Unnormalized Kernels2
Optimal Regularity of Mixed Dirichlet-Conormal Boundary Value Problems for Parabolic Operators2
On the Treatment of Exterior Domains for the Time-Harmonic Equations of Stellar Oscillations2
Propagation of Moments for Large Data and Semiclassical Limit to the Relativistic Vlasov Equation2
The Discrete Collision-Induced Breakage Equation with Mass Transfer: Well-Posedness and Stationary Solutions2
Large-Time Behavior of Composite Waves of Viscous Shocks for the Barotropic Navier–Stokes Equations2
Partial Data Inverse Problems for Magnetic Schrödinger Operators with Potentials of Low Regularity2
On Echo Chains in the Linearized Boussinesq Equations Around Traveling Waves2
Elliptic Equations with Degenerate Weights2
Weakly Nonlinear Multiphase Geometric Optics for Hyperbolic Quasilinear Boundary Value Problems: Construction of a Leading Profile2
A Regularity Theory for Static Schrödinger Equations on \(\boldsymbol{\mathbb{R}}\)d in Spectral Barron Spaces2
Approximation of Calogero–Moser Lattices by Benjamin–Ono Equations2
Infinite-Dimensional Hamilton–Jacobi Equations for Statistical Inference on Sparse Graphs2
Corotational Hookean Models of Dilute Polymeric Fluids: Existence of Global Weak Solutions, Weak-Strong Uniqueness, Equilibration, and Macroscopic Closure2
Mild Ill-Posedness for 2D Magneto-Micropolar Fluid Equations Near a Background Magnetic Field2
Asymptotic Theory for a General Class of Short-Range Interaction Functionals2
The Scattering Resonances for Schrödinger-Type Operators with Unbounded Potentials2
Unconditional Regularity and Trace Results for the Isentropic Euler Equations with \({\boldsymbol{\gamma = 3}}\)2
Gradient Flows for Probabilistic Frame Potentials in the Wasserstein Space2
The Peskin Problem with \({\boldsymbol{\dot B^1_{\infty,\infty }}}\) Initial Data2
Multiple Solutions to Cylindrically Symmetric Curl-Curl Problems and Related Schrödinger Equations with Singular Potentials2
Analysis of Time-Harmonic Maxwell Impedance Problems in Anisotropic Media2
Partial Data Inverse Problem for Hyperbolic Equation with Time-Dependent Damping Coefficient and Potential2
Exceptional Points in Parity--Time-Symmetric Subwavelength Metamaterials2
Dynamics of Threshold Solutions for Energy Critical NLS with Inverse Square Potential2
Linearized Optimal Transport on Manifolds2
Inverse Resonance Problems for Energy-Dependent Potentials on the Half-Line2
Generalized Maslov Indices for Non-Hamiltonian Systems2
Plasma Echoes Near Stable Penrose Data2
On the Placement of an Obstacle so as to Optimize the Dirichlet Heat Content2
On the Convergence from Boltzmann to Navier–Stokes–Fourier for General Initial Data2
Enhanced Dissipation and Transition Threshold for the Poiseuille Flow in a Periodic Strip2
Unique Reconstruction of the Heat-Reflection Indices at Solid Interfaces2
Upper Bound for the Grand Canonical Free Energy of the Bose Gas in the Gross–Pitaevskii Limit2
Ramified Optimal Transportation with Payoff on the Boundary2
Global Regular Solutions for one-dimensional Degenerate Compressible Navier--Stokes Equations with Large Data and Far Field Vacuum2
A McKean--Vlasov SDE and Particle System with Interaction from Reflecting Boundaries2
Existence, Nonexistence, and Degeneracy of Limit Solutions to \({{p}}\)-Laplace Problems Involving Hardy Potentials as \({{p}\to 1^+}\)2
Nonconvergence of the Rotating Stratified Flows Toward the Quasi-Geostrophic Dynamics2
The Anisotropic Calderón Problem for High Fixed Frequency2
Immediate Blowup of Entropy-Bounded Classical Solutions to the Vacuum Free Boundary Problem of Nonisentropic Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations2
Strichartz and Local Smoothing Estimates for Stochastic Dispersive Equations with Linear Multiplicative Noise2
A Dynamical Approach to Lower Gradient Estimates for Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi Equations2
The Calderón Problem with Finitely Many Unknowns is Equivalent to Convex Semidefinite Optimization2
Pinning in the Extended Lugiato–Lefever Equation2
Traceability of Water Pollution: An Inversion Scheme via Dynamic Complex Geometrical Optics Solutions2
NonLocal Optimized Schwarz Method for the Helmholtz Equation with Physical Boundaries2
Persistence, Extinction, and Spreading Properties of Noncooperative Fisher–KPP Systems in Space-Time Periodic Media2
Inverse Elastic Scattering for a Random Potential2
Gradient Regularity for a Class of Widely Degenerate Parabolic Systems2
On Fractional Benney Type Systems2
Vanishing Shear Viscosity Limit for the Navier–Stokes Equations with Cylindrical Symmetry: Boundary Layer and Optimal Convergence Rate2
Propagating Terrace in a Two-Tubes Model of Gravitational Fingering2
The Monge–Ampère System: Convex Integration in Arbitrary Dimension and Codimension2
Global Subsonic Jet with Strong Transonic Shock over a Convex Cornered Wedge for the Two-Dimensional Steady Full Euler Equations2
Two-Layer Neural Networks with Values in a Banach Space2
Local Nonuniqueness for Stochastic Transport Equations with Deterministic Drift2
Planar Stationary Solution to Outflow Problem for Compressible Heat Conducting Gas in \(\mathbb{R}^3_+\): Stability and Convergence Rate2
Distributional Extension and Invertibility of the \(\boldsymbol{k}\)-Plane Transform and Its Dual2
An Inverse Problem for the Porous Medium Equation with Partial Data and a Possibly Singular Absorption Term2
Linear Stability Analysis for a Free Boundary Problem Modeling Multilayer Tumor Growth with Time Delay2
On a Phase Field Model for RNA-Protein Dynamics2
Ground States of Two-Component Bose–Einstein Condensates with Josephson Junction: The Endpoint Cases2
Global Stability and Nonvanishing Vacuum States of 3D Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations2
Parabolic Approximation of Quasilinear Wave Equations with Applications in Nonlinear Acoustics2
Nonlinear Fokker–Planck Equations with Time-Dependent Coefficients2
On an Obstacle Problem for the Brakke Flow with a Generalized Right-Angle Boundary Condition2
Stress Blowup Analysis When a Suspending Rigid Particle Approaches the Boundary in Stokes Flow: 2-Dimensional Case2
A Simplified Voltage-Conductance Kinetic Model for Interacting Neurons and Its Asymptotic Limit2
Nontrivial Equilibrium Solutions and General Stability for Stochastic Evolution Equations with Pantograph Delay and Tempered Fractional Noise2
Vanishing Capillarity Limit of the Navier--Stokes--Korteweg System in One Dimension with Degenerate Viscosity Coefficient and Discontinuous Initial Density1
Identification of Nonlinear Beam-Hardening Effects in X-ray Tomography1
Asymptotically Autonomous Robustness in Probability of Random Attractors for Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations on Unbounded Poincaré Domains1
Erratum: Lipschitz Stability for Backward Heat Equation with Application to Fluorescence Microscopy1
From the Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann System to the Vlasov-Poisson-Landau System with Coulomb Potential1
Large Deviations for Stochastic Generalized Porous Media Equations Driven by Lévy Noise1
Sobolev Regularity for Optimal Transport Maps of Nonconvex Planar Domains1
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for 1D \({\boldsymbol{p}}\)-System with Space-Dependent Damping1
Terrace Solutions for Non-Lipschitz Multistable Nonlinearities1
Critical Threshold for Global Regularity of the Euler--Monge--Ampère System with Radial Symmetry1
Weak Solutions for a Bifluid Model for a Mixture of Two Compressible Noninteracting Fluids with General Boundary Data1
Global Regularity for a Radiation Hydrodynamics Model with Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity1
Normalized Solutions for Lower Critical Choquard Equations with Critical Sobolev Perturbation1
The Calderón Problem for Space-Time Fractional Parabolic Operators with Variable Coefficients1
Symmetry of Periodic Traveling Waves for Nonlocal Dispersive Equations1
Isothermal Limit of Entropy Solutions of the Euler Equations for Isentropic Gas Dynamics1
Interface Propagation Properties for a Nonlocal Thin-Film Equation1
Homogenization for Locally Periodic Elliptic Problems on a Domain1
A Regularity Theory for Parabolic Equations with Anisotropic Nonlocal Operators in \(\boldsymbol{L_{{q}}(L_{{p}})}\) Spaces1
On Scaling Properties for a Class of Two-Well Problems for Higher Order Homogeneous Linear Differential Operators1
Global Existence and Optimal Time-Decay Rates of the Compressible Navier–Stokes–Euler System1
Zero-Inertia Limit: From Particle Swarm Optimization to Consensus-Based Optimization1
Supersonic Reacting Jet Flows from a Three-Dimensional Divergent Conical Nozzle1
On a Supersonic-Sonic Patch in the Three-Dimensional Steady Axisymmetric Transonic Flows1
Approximations of Interface Topological Invariants1
Curvature Effects in Pattern Formation: Well-Posedness and Optimal Control of a Sixth-Order Cahn–Hilliard Equation1
Viscosity Solutions for Nonlocal Equations with Space-Dependent Operators1
Polarized High-frequency Wave Propagation Beyond the Nonlinear Schrödinger Approximation1
Periodic Perturbations of a Composite Wave of Two Viscous Shocks for 1-d Full Compressible Navier--Stokes Equations1
Theory of Invariant Manifolds for Infinite-Dimensional Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems and Applications1
A Mathematical Study of a Hyperbolic Metamaterial in Free Space1
A Geometric Proof of the Quasi-Linearity of the Water Waves System1