SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

(The TQCC of SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Modeling and Analysis of the Implementation of the Wolbachia Incompatible and Sterile Insect Technique for Mosquito Population Suppression58
Controlling Propagation of Epidemics via Mean-Field Control38
On the Dynamics of a Diffusive Foot-and-Mouth Disease Model with Nonlocal Infections32
Sparse Optimal Control of Pattern Formations for an SIR Reaction-Diffusion Epidemic Model31
A Spatiotemporal Model for the Effects of Toxicants on Populations in a Polluted River28
Minnaert Resonances for Bubbles in Soft Elastic Materials22
Analytical Time-Dependent Distributions for Gene Expression Models With Complex Promoter Switching Mechanisms16
On Geometrical Properties of Electromagnetic Transmission Eigenfunctions and Artificial Mirage16
Analysis of the Blade Element Momentum Theory16
The Inviscid Limit of Third-Order Linear and Nonlinear Acoustic Equations16
A Fragmentation Phenomenon for a Nonenergetic Optimal Control Problem: Optimization of the Total Population Size in Logistic Diffusive Models15
Modeling the Emergence of Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Vascularized Tumors15
Dynamics of a Diffusive Nutrient-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton Model with Spatio-temporal Delay15
Modified Poisson--Nernst--Planck Model with Coulomb and Hard-sphere Correlations15
Two Novel proofs of Spectral Monotonicity of Perturbed Essentially Nonnegative Matrices with Applications in Population Dynamics14
Spatial Segregation in Reaction-Diffusion Epidemic Models14
Asymptotic Reduction of a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell Model14
Opinion Dynamics on Discourse Sheaves14
Ideal Free Dispersal under General Spatial Heterogeneity and Time Periodicity14
Recruitment Dynamics of Social Insect Colonies14
Inverse Random Source Scattering for the Helmholtz Equation with Attenuation14
Time and Energy Costs for Synchronization of Kuramoto-Oscillator Networks With or Without Noise Perturbation12
A Multiscale Poromechanics Model Integrating Myocardial Perfusion and the Epicardial Coronary Vessels12
Hyperbolic Quadrature Method of Moments for the One-Dimensional Kinetic Equation12
Linear Lavrent'ev Integral Equation for the Numerical Solution of a Nonlinear Coefficient Inverse Problem12
Epidemic Models with Varying Infectivity12
Stability of a Nonlocal Traffic Flow Model for Connected Vehicles12
Stability for an Inverse Source Problem of the Biharmonic Operator11
Effective Medium Theory for Embedded Obstacles in Elasticity with Applications to Inverse Problems10
Modeling Electrode Heterogeneity in Lithium-Ion Batteries: Unimodal and Bimodal Particle-Size Distributions10
Complex Resonant Ice Shelf Vibrations10
Classical and Quantum Random-Walk Centrality Measures in Multilayer Networks9
Efficient and Reliable Overlay Networks for Decentralized Federated Learning9
A New Monotonicity for Principal Eigenvalues with Applications to Time-Periodic Patch Models9
Avoiding Collisions and Pattern Formation in Flocks9
Persistence and Spread of Solutions in a Two-Species Lotka--Volterra Competition-Diffusion Model with a Shifting Habitat9
Some Novel Results in Two Species Competition9
How Reaction-Diffusion PDEs Approximate the Large-Population Limit of Stochastic Particle Models9
Nematic Liquid Crystals in a Rectangular Confinement: Solution Landscape, and Bifurcation8
Mean Field Analysis of Hypergraph Contagion Models8
Nonlinear Ultrasound Imaging Modeled by a Westervelt Equation8
A Local Continuum Model of Cell-Cell Adhesion8
A Surprising Observation in the Quarter-Plane Diffraction Problem8
Stochastic Models of Neural Synaptic Plasticity8
The Effect of Diffusion on the Dynamics of a Predator-Prey Chemostat Model7
A Maxwell–Ampère Nernst–Planck Framework for Modeling Charge Dynamics7
Optimal Chemotherapy for Brain Tumor Growth in a Reaction-Diffusion Model7
Extinction and Quasi-Stationarity for Discrete-Time, Endemic SIS and SIR Models7
Level Set--Based Shape Optimization Approach for Sharp-Interface Reconstructions in Time-Domain Full Waveform Inversion7
Recovery of the Order of Derivation for Fractional Diffusion Equations in an Unknown Medium7
Circadian Regulation of Electrolyte and Water Transport in the Rat Kidney7
Electric-Field-Induced Instabilities in Nematic Liquid Crystals7
Asymptotically Optimal Allocation Policies for Transplant Queueing Systems6
Splitting Reactions Preserves Nondegenerate Behaviors in Chemical Reaction Networks6
Spontaneous Wave Formation in Stochastic Self-Driven Particle Systems6
Analyzing and Mimicking the Optimized Flight Physics of Soaring Birds: A Differential Geometric Control and Extremum Seeking System Approach with Real Time Implementation6
Contact Adapting Electrode Model for Electrical Impedance Tomography6
Asymptotic Analysis on the Sharp Interface Limit of the Time-Fractional Cahn--Hilliard Equation6
A Homogenized Model for a Reactive Filter6
Surface Localization of Plasmons in Three Dimensions and Convexity6
Interactions Between Pelagic and Benthic Producers: Asymmetric Competition for Light and Nutrients6
Front Propagation and Arrival Times in Networks with Application to Neurodegenerative Diseases6
Subwavelength Resonances in One-Dimensional High-Contrast Acoustic Media6
Diffraction by a Right-Angled No-Contrast Penetrable Wedge Revisited: A Double Wiener--Hopf Approach6
Existence and Dynamics of Strains in a Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Model of Viral Evolution6
The Effect of Directed Movement on the Strong Allee Effect6
Local Graph Stability in Exponential Family Random Graph Models6
Stable Steady-State Solutions of Some Biological Aggregation Models6
Time-Harmonic Acoustic Scattering from Locally Perturbed Periodic Curves6
Modified Sampling Method with Near Field Measurements5
Diffraction of Acoustic Waves by a Wedge of Point Scatterers5
A Next-Generation Mathematical Model for Drug-Eluting Stents5
Localization and Delocalization of Ground States of Bose--Einstein Condensates Under Disorder5
Asymptotic Convergence in Delay Differential Equations Arising in Epidemiology and Physiology5
Reaction-Subdiffusion Equations with Species-Dependent Movement5
Wasserstein Hamiltonian Flow with Common Noise on Graph5
Impact of Varying Community Networks on Disease Invasion5
Synchronization in a Power Balance System With Inertia and Nonlinear Derivatives5
Phase Separation in Systems of Interacting Active Brownian Particles5
Viscous Marangoni Flow Driven by Insoluble Surfactant and the Complex Burgers Equation5
A Quantification of Long Transient Dynamics5
Estimating the Shannon Entropy and (Un)certainty Relations for Design-Structured POVMs5
Modeling Electrode Heterogeneity in Lithium-Ion Batteries: Unimodal and Bimodal Particle-Size Distributions5
Distributed Delay Differential Equation Representations of Cyclic Differential Equations5
The Nonuniversality of Wealth Distribution Tails Near Wealth Condensation Criticality5
Tilt Grain Boundaries of Hexagonal Structures: A Spectral Viewpoint5
Robustness of Solutions of Almost Every System of Equations5
Optimal Intervention Strategies for Minimizing Total Incidence During an Epidemic5
Model for Heterogeneous Diffusion5
Global Stability and Canard Explosions of the Predator-Prey Model with the Sigmoid Functional Response5
Fractional-Order Model for Myxomatosis Transmission Dynamics: Significance of Contact, Vector Control and Culling5
KP-II Approximation for a Scalar Fermi–Pasta–Ulam System on a 2D Square Lattice5
Impedance Eigenvalues in Linear Elasticity5
Well-Posedness and Discretization for a Class of Models for Mixed-Dimensional Problems with High-Dimensional Gap4
Gradient Flows for Coupling Order Parameters and Mechanics4
Standing Waves of Reaction-Diffusion Equations on an Unbounded Graph with Two Vertices4
Random Walks on Dense Graphs and Graphons4
Second-Order Traffic Flow Models on Networks4
A Graphical Representation of Membrane Filtration4
Analysis of Obstacles Immersed in Viscous Fluids Using Brinkman's Law for Steady Stokes and Navier--Stokes Equations4
Oscillations in a Becker--Döring Model with Injection and Depletion4
The Effects of Fast Inactivation on Conditional First Passage Times of Mortal Diffusive Searchers4
An Asymptotic Analysis of Localized Three-Dimensional Spot Patterns for the Gierer--Meinhardt Model: Existence, Linear Stability, and Slow Dynamics4
Development of Fibrin Branch Structure Before and After Gelation4
Construction and Numerical Assessment of Local Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Heterogeneous Time-Harmonic Acoustic Problems4
Conservation Laws with Nonlocal Velocity: The Singular Limit Problem4
The Beavers--Joseph Interface Boundary Condition is Well Approximated by the Beavers--Joseph--Saffman--Jones Interface Boundary Condition4
Detecting a Prey in a Spider Orb-Web from In-Plane Vibration4
A Novel Model and its Analysis on the Metabolic Regulations of Glucose, Insulin, and Glucagon4
Inverse Source Problems for the Stochastic Wave Equations: Far-Field Patterns4
Single Mode Multi-Frequency Factorization Method for the Inverse Source Problem in Acoustic Waveguides4
A Transition-Loss Theory for Waves Reflected and Transmitted by an Overwashed Body4
Mathematical Analysis of a Three-Tiered Model of Anaerobic Digestion4
Optimal Epidemic Control by Social Distancing and Vaccination of an Infection Structured by Time Since Infection: The COVID-19 Case Study4
Toward Understanding the Boundary Propagation Speeds in Tumor Growth Models4
Stochastic Models of Neural Synaptic Plasticity: A Scaling Approach4
A Novel Derivation of Rigorous Macroscopic Limits from a Micro-Meso Description of Signal-Triggered Cell Migration in Fibrous Environments4
A Route to the Hydrodynamic Limit of a Reaction-Diffusion Master Equation Using Gradient Structures4
Maximizing the Electromagnetic Chirality of Thin Dielectric Tubes4
On the Validity of the Tight-Binding Method for Describing Systems of Subwavelength Resonators4