Russian Mathematical Surveys

(The TQCC of Russian Mathematical Surveys is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Derived categories of Grassmannians: a survey16
Efficient computation of all tolerances in the sparse maxmin path problem14
Chattering extremals in control-affine stabilization problems11
Functions with general monotone Fourier coefficients10
On the resolution of singularities of one-dimensional foliations on three-manifolds10
Efficient asymptotics of solutions to the Cauchy problem with localized initial data for linear systems of differential and pseudodifferential equations9
On a canonical basis of a pair of compatible Poisson brackets on a symplectic Lie algebra6
Interpolation properties of Hermite–Padé polynomials5
On families of constrictions in the model of an overdamped Josephson junction5
On the tensor rank of multiplication in finite extensions of finite fields and related issues in algebraic geometry5
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Shokurov5
Newton polytopes and tropical geometry5
On the Dirichlet problem for not strongly elliptic second-order equations5
Quantization of linear systems of differential equations with a quadratic invariant in a Hilbert space5
Spectrum of the Laplace operator on closed surfaces4
Classification of non-Kähler surfaces and locally conformally Kähler geometry4
Asymptotic properties of Hermite-Padé polynomials and Katz points4
A number-theoretic part of control theory4
What do Abelian categories form?4
On compatible diagonal metrics4
Igor Moiseevich Krichever (obituary)3
Picard group of a connected affine algebraic group3
Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich (on the centenary of his birthday)3
Bi-Lipschitz isomorphisms of self-similar Jordan arcs3
Renormalization in one-dimensional dynamics3
Kantorovich problem of optimal transportation of measures: new directions of research3
Spectral problem for the vector Stieltjes string3
On a property of discrete models of the wave kinetic equation3
Cohomological realization of the Buchstaber formal group law2
A lower bound for triangulation complexity for compact 3-manifolds with boundary2
Equivariant minimal model program2
Weight systems and invariants of graphs and embedded graphs2
Bitopological models of intuitionistic epistemic logic2
Martingale method for studying branching random walks2
Curvature and isometries of the Lorentzian Lobachevsky plane2
Questions in algebra and mathematical logic. Scientific heritage of S. I. Adian2
The number of components of the Pell-Abel equations with primitive solutions of given degree2
Maps from knots in the cylinder to flat-virtual knots2
Sergei Viktorovich Bochkarev (obituary)2
Sergei Petrovich Novikov (1938-2024)2
Spectral inequality for Schrödinger's equation with multipoint potential2
Density of quantized approximations2
The Third Conference of Russian Mathematical Centers2
Hyperbolic Roussarie fields with degenerate quadratic part2
On the interaction of shock waves in two-dimensional isobaric media2
Existence of dense subsystems with lacunarity property in orthogonal systems2
Chebyshev sets that are unions of planes2
Boris Nikolaevich Chetverushkin (on his eightieth birthday)2
Commutativity of involutive two-valued groups2
Multipoint formulae for inverse scattering at high energies2
One-dimensional dynamical systems2
Extreme points of the set of quantum states with bounded energy2
Domain of univalence for the class of holomorphic self-maps of a disc with two fixed boundary points2