Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics

(The median citation count of Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Search for Exoplanets: Status 202022
Bifurcations and Chaos in Open Quantum Systems15
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Broad-Area Lasers with the Pump Modulation and Injection of External Optical Radiation11
The Formation of Large-Scale Plasma Disturbances Upon HF Ionosphere Heating: Dependence of the Disturbance Parameters on the Frequency and Power of HF Radiation10
Study of the Radiation Capability of a Perfectly Conducting Half-Plane Excited by a Slot Perpendicular to the Conductor Edge7
Stationary Longitudinal Waves in a Rod with Quadratic Bimodular Nonlinearity7
Electrodynamic Analysis of Eigenmodes of Spheroidal Dielectric Resonators7
Excitation of Eigenwaves by a Vortex Electromagnetic Beam in a Semi-Infinite Cylinder Filled with a Gyrotropic Medium5
Problems of Lightning Initiation and Development5
Radiation Input/Output System in a Ten-Barrel W-Band Gyrotron-Type Traveling-Wave Tube with Helically Corrugated Waveguides5
Speckle Dynamics in the Image Plane of a Monolayer of Cultured Cells4
Invisible Spherical Objects Made of Isotropic Materials4
Short High-Current Electron Beams and High-Powermicrowave Pulses in the Forevacuum Pressure Range4
Interference of the Electric and Envelope Areas of Ultrashort Light Pulses in Quantum Systems4
Diffraction of Wave Beams from a Reflective Grating4
Development of a Generator of a Periodic Sequence of Ultrashort 8-mm Electromagnetic Pulses Based on the “Saturn” Accelerator with Two Coaxial Emitting and Absorbing Electron Beams4
Gyrotron Cavity with an Azimuthally Asymmetric, Mechanically Variable Cross Section4
Design and Simulation of High-Power Planar Čerenkov Oscillators with Two-Dimensional Distributed Feedback in the Subterahertz Frequency Range4
Features of Generating the Sum-Frequency Radiation Using Laser Pulses with Opposite Frequency Chirps4
Determination of the Velocity Profiles of Longitudinal and Shear Waves on the Basis of Analysis of Seismic Noise4
Experimental Study of the Interaction of a Laser Plasma Flow with a Transverse Magnetic Field4
Deviation Frequency in the Carrier Phase Scintillation Spectrum of Transionospheric Signals3
Capability of Bistatic Radar Systems to Solve the Problem of Detection of Potentially Hazardous Celestial Objects3
Studies of Small-Size Millimeter-Wave Traveling-Wave Tubes with Multiple Sheet Electron Beams3
Calculation of Noise at the Output of a Phased Antenna Array in a Randomly Inhomogeneous Waveguide3
Distribution Functions of Eigenvalues of the Sample Correlation Matrix of an Antenna Array3
A Method for Eliminating the Ambiguity in the Estimate of Navigation Parameters of Multiple Radio-Frequency Radiation Sources3
Numerical Model of Synchrotron-Self-Compton Radiation Sources3
On the Stretching of Mesoscale Vortices into Filaments and their Distribution over the Ocean Surface3
Experimental Study of Statistical Characteristics of the High-Frequency Vibrations of a Drill-String Bottom3
Nonlinear Dynamics of Slipping Flows3
Simulations of the Minimum Frequencies of Ionospheric Modes for Radio Communication Forecast3
Simulation of the Business-Cycle Synchronization Processes in an Ensemble of Coupled Economic Oscillators3
Deceleration and Self-Compression of a Wave Pulse in a Discrete Medium3
Angular Resolution of Closely Spaced Signal Sources Using a Two-Dimensional Antenna Array on the Basis of the Minimum-Polynomial Method3
Estimation of Coherence of Radar Signals with Parameter Fluctuations3
Gyromultipliers of the Fifth Cyclotron Harmonic Based on High-Power Gyrotrons for Plasma Applications2
Coulomb and Quantum Interference Effects in the Spectra of High-Order Harmonics Generated by Aligned Molecules2
Reflectionless Acoustic Waves in an Inhomogeneous Atmosphere2
Quantum Sensors of Electric Fields Based on Highly Excited Rydberg Atoms2
Flexible Composite Radio-Wave Absorbers2
Observational Signatures of Dark Matter2
Plasma-Chemical Facility for Synthesis of Micro- and Nanoparticles Having Controlled Compositions and Structures on the Basis of a Microwave Discharge in the Gyrotron Radiation2
Multicavity W-Band Continuous-Wave Gyroklystron2
Pulses of the Electromagnetic Field with a Non-Zero Electric Area2
Determination of the Lunar Ground Properties with Polarimetric Radars2
Two Ways to Generalize Gerstner Waves in the Theory of Waves in Deep Water2
Correction to: Quasi-Optical Sub-Doppler Lamb-Dip Spectrometer2
Speckle Tomography of the Living-Cell Functions2
Laboratory Modeling of the Atmosphere–Ocean Interaction Under a Stormwind (High-Speed Wind-Wave Channel of the Large Thermostatified Tank of the Institute of Applied Physics)2
Noise Direction Finding of Acoustic Sources by Using Microphone Antenna Arrays in the Presence of Intense Interference2
Conditions for Correct Measurements of the Laser-Beam Characteristics Based on Determination of Initial Moments of the Spatial Intensity Distribution2
Notes on the Acoustic Radiation Force2
Reflection and Transmission of a Polarized Vortex Beam by an Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Plane Layer1
Quasiclassical Dynamics of Nonlinear Wave Systems1
Formation and Parametric Amplification of Femtosecond Pulses with a Central Wavelength of 910nm Using Radiation from a Subpicosecond Ytterbium Laser1
Superdirective Acoustic Imaging with the Use of Flexible Microphone Arrays1
Multi-Barrel Gyrotron for DNP/NMR Spectroscopy1
Microwave and Lidar Measurements of Ozone and Temperature Variations during Stratospheric Warmings of 2012–20151
Toroidal Vector Dissipative Optical Solitons with Polarization Singularities1
Comparison of Millimeter Radio Interferometry Methods for Fast Processes with and Without Frequency Conversion1
Determination of Integrated Water Vapor and Liquid Water Contents from the Measurements of Microwave Atmospheric Radiation1
Experimental Determination of Aerosol Particle Sizes Using Supercontinuum Radiation and Estimation of the Directional Pattern of Radiation from the Filamentation Region of Femtosecond Pulses1
Creation of a HF and VHF Radio Communication Channel Through an Artificial Ionospheric Repeater1
Reduction of Ohmic Losses in the Cavities of Low-Power Terahertz Gyrotrons1
Application of Spectral Analysis for Diagnostics of Precision Motion of Optical and Mechanical Units1
Experimental Estimation of the Projection Method of the Doppler Filtering of Radar Signals when Detecting Air Objects with Low Radial Velocities1
Correction to: Modulation of weakly nonlinear traveling waves in the presence of a damped large-scale mode1
Variational Data Assimilation Methods in Geophysical Hydrodynamics Models and Their Application1
Waveguide Integrated Superconducting Single-Photon Detector For Photonic And Ion Quantum Processors And Neuromorphic Computing1
Analysis of Oversized Electrodynamic Systems by a Combined Method Based on the Principle of Physical Optics and the Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm1
Nonlinear Acoustic Effects in Polycrystalline Solids with Frequency-Dependent Saturation of Hysteresis Losses1
Spectral Density of Spatial Noise of a Laser Beam Upon Reflection from a Non-Ideal Surface1
Dynamics of a Recurrent Spiking Neural Network in the Two-Alternative Choice Task1
Čerenkov Radiation of an Ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagating in a Strongly Magnetized Plasma at Various Intensities and Directions of the Magnetic Field1
Estimation of the Error of the Interference Method for Determining the Dielectric Permittivity on the Example of Transformer Oil in the Ka-Band1
Improving the Resolution of Diagnostics of Inhomogeneous Plasma Media Using Spatial Field Processing with Due Regard to Multipath Effects1
Prospects for Developing Subcarrier Wave Quantum Communication Systems on the Domestic Component Base1
On the Problem of Inhomogeneous Spatial Distribution of the Redox Index of Polyvalent Iron Ions in the Volume of Ultrapure Synthetic Quartz Materials1
Study of the Absorption of the Pulsed Microwave Radiation of a Gyrotron in an Al/Al2O3 Powder Mixture1
Selection of Simulating Signal-Like Interference in Radar Systems with Internal Coherence1
Self-Trapping of Extreme Light1
Loss of Stability of the Blood Liquid State and Assessment of Shear-Induced Thrombosis Risk1
Development of a Microwave Diagnostic Method for Measurements of the Free-Surface Velocity in the Plane-Wave Experiment1
Physics and Mathematics of Electric Streamers1
Using the Maximum-Likelihood Method for the Angular Resolution of the Signal Sources in Multibase Phase Direction Finders1
Reflecting Properties of the Seasonally Thawed Layer during Thawing and Freezing of the Light Loam Soil. Numeric-analytical Study1
Modulation of Weakly Nonlinear Traveling Waves in the Presence of a Damped Large-Scale Mode1
Pedestrian-Induced Bridge Instability: The Role of Frequency Ratios1
Microwave Response to the Symmetric Fast Magnetosonic Wave1
Sources of High-Power Continuous-Wave Multi-Frequency Radiation for Plasma Applications Based On Gyroresonance Traveling-Wave Tubes with a Helically Corrugated Waveguide1
Mechanically Machined Microwave Multi-Layer Antireflective Coating of a Dielectric1
Alfvén Wave Self-Interaction in a Plasma with Thermal Misbalance1
Oscillations of a Channel Wall on a Nonlinear Elastic Suspension Under the Action of a Pulsating Layer of Viscous Gas in the Channel1
Brightness Fluctuations of the Sunny-Path Image Depending on the Sharpness Setting of the Observation-System Lens1
Nonlinear-Diffusion (Burgers) and Quasioptics Equations. Projective and Lens Transformations1
Numerical Modeling of the Processes of Electron-Wave Interaction in the Cavities of High-Power Gyrotrons with a Frequency of 300 GHz1
“Cooling” of an Electron Bunch in the Regime of Sectioned Trapping of Electrons by the Excited Wave Fields1
Backscatter Ionospheric Sounding by a Continuous Chirp Signal1
Development and Experimental Study of a Pulsed Megawatt Gyroklystron Operating in the Long-Wavelength Part of the Millimeter-Wavelength Range at IAP RAS1
Application of High-Resolution Terahertz Spectroscopy for Studying Biofilms Typical of ENT Pathologies1
Development of a Method for Determining the Position of Artificial Ionospheric Irreguliarities Responsible for the Radio-Wave Aspect-Angle Scattering on Short Paths by Oblique Backscatter Sounding Ion1
Absorption of a Narrow-Band Signal in a Dispersive Medium1
The Partial-Region Method for Electrodynamic Calculation of Cylindrical Structures with Metal Radial T-Ridges and Inhomogeneous Dielectric Filling1
Transition of an Ensemble of Radiative Oscillators to the Dark State when Interacting with a Resonant Dissipative Subsystem1
Modeling of Nonlinear Bending Strainwaves in a Metamaterial Chain1
A Set of Receiving Equipment for Detection of Collective Thomson Scattering Spectra at the Gas-Dynamic Trap (GDT) Facility1
Rayleigh Wave Scattering by a Near-Surface Inclusion in Elastic Half-Space1
Observation of Excitation of Eigenmodes in Surface-Wave Resonators Having the Cylindrical Geometry1
Influence of the Delay on Mutual Synchronization of Two Coupled Gyrotrons0
Simulation of an Improved-Accuracy Monopulse Phase Direction Finder Based on an Adaptive Antenna Array0
Simulation of Spatial Coherence of a Multimode Signal and Response of a Horizontal Antenna in a Randomly Inhomogeneous Oceanic Waveguide0
Multiresonator Quantum Memory with Multicycle Information Storage0
Development of High-Current Relativistic Gyrotrons with the Operating TM Mode0
Two Methods of Target Detection in an Automotive Radar Against the Background of its Own Noise0
On the Recording of the Scattering Fields of Antennas in Their Near Zone0
Features of the ELF/VLF Wave Generation and Propagation Processes during Ionospheric Modulated High-Frequency Heating0
Three Forms of Dynamical Chaos0
Study of Josephson Generation Harmonics in a Long Josephson Junction0
New Designs of Laser Transitions in Terahertz Quantum–Cascade Lasers0
On a Statistical Approach to Phase Synchronization in Some Map-Based Neural Chaotic Spiking–Bursting Models0
Kirkwood and Wigner Quantum Densities, Their Properties, and Applications in Radiophysics0
First Experimental Studies of the High-Power Relativistic Ka-Band Gyrotron with Beam Compression in the Electron-Optical System0
Method for Solving Nonstationary Electrodynamic Problems in Dielectric Media with Time Dispersion0
Frequency Spectrum of the Radiation Flow in the Frequency Range 0.1–0.6 THZ Generated at the GOL–PET Facility Under Various Conditions0
Electromagnetic Surface Wave over a Strongly Inductive Ice–Salt Water Medium0
Quasi-Optical Sub-Doppler Lamb-Dip Spectrometer0
Merging and Stripping Regimes in Close Pairs of Relativistic Stars: Prospects for Models of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts0
Theoretical Analysis of the Stability of the Single-Mode Generation Regime in the Gyrotron0
Backscatter of Radio Waves by Spheroidal Rain Drops0
Cosmological Neutrinos and Their Influence on the Evolution of the Universe0
Synthesis of an Ultra-Wideband Pulse by a Log-Periodic Antenna with Continuous Excitation by Harmonic Oscillations0
Solitary Strain Waves in Coaxial Shells with Fractional and Quadratic Physical Nonlinearity and with a Fluid Contained in the Annular Intershell Gap0
Application of Gyrotrons for Molecular Gas Spectroscopy0
Features of Using the Quadrature Amplitude Modulation for Forming the Directional Pattern of an Active Phased Antenna Array0
Scattering and Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves in the Case of Excitation of Dipole Modes of a Spherical Particle0
Formation of Intense Attosecond Pulses in the Sequence of a Resonant Absorber and Active Medium of a Plasma-Based X-Ray Laser Modulated by an Optical Field0
Nonstationary Dynamics of a Bipolarized Nd:YAG Laser with a Fabry–Perot Cavity0
Simulation of Large-Scale Disturbances of the Near-Earth Plasma Affected by High-Power High-Frequency Radio Waves from the Sura Heating Facility0
Potentialities of Small-Size Subterahertz-Wave Spectrometers Based on Cascade Frequency Multiplication for Local Environmental Monitoring of the Atmosphere0
High-Intensity Acoustic Beams0
Fast-Ion Diagnostics with Collective Thomson Scattering of Microwave Radiation for the GDT Open Magnetic Trap0
Study on a Bridge-Type Stripline Parametric Scatterer0
Coexistence of Coherent Pulses Formed by Superradiant and Quasi-Stationary Modes in a Laser with Low-Q Cavity0
Interference of the Electric and Envelope Areas of Ultrashort Light Pulses in Quantum Systems0
The Third Type of Dynamics and Poincaré Homoclinic Trajectories0
Electromagnetic Field in the Upper Ionosphere Fromhorizontal ELF Ground-Based Transmitter of Finite Length0
Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Effects in the Weibel Instability0
Diagnostic Capabilities of a Microwave Resonator Probe for Studies of the Parameters of a Nonstationary Magnetoplasma0
Integrated Circuits for Quantum Machine Learning Based on Superconducting Artificial Atoms and Methods of Their Control0
3D-Printed Phase Wave Plates for Creation of Terahertz Beams with Linear Power Distribution0
Simulation of Nonlinear Processes in High-Q Microresonators in the Self-Injection Locking Regime with Account of Thermal Effects0
Development of High-Power Long-Pulse Submillimeter-Wave Free-Electron Lasers on the Basis of the Linear Induction Accelerator Complex0
Aspects of Configuring Weighted Cluster States Under Resource Constraints0
On Describing the Radiation and Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves by the Eigenfunction Method0
Comparison of Sources of Narrowband and Ultra-Wideband Electromagnetic Pulses in Terms of the Efficiency of their Impact on Electronic Tools0
On the Propagation of a Short Light Pulse in a Medium with a Lorentz Contour of the Spectral Gain Line0
Spatial Selectivity of the Four-Wave Radiation Converter with Allowance for Gravity Acting on Nanoparticles Dissolved in a Transparent Liquid0
Longitudinal Waves in Structurally Inhomogeneous Viscoelastic Solids with a Quadratic–Bimodular Nonlinearity Decreasing with Increasing Frequency0
Reflected-Signal Simulator for Tests and Calibration of Synthetic-Aperture Radars0
Injection Locking for Spectral Filtering of the Addressing Laser for Optical Qubits in 171Yb+ Ions0
Pulsed Micro-Undulator for Terahertz and X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers0
Source Localization in a Channel with a Rough Surface Using a Multi-Rank Capon Algorithm0
Stabilization of the Radiation Frequency of a Gyrotron with a Remote Reflector Under the Conditions of Interaction of the Equidistant-Spectrum Modes0
Synthesis of a Wideband Diplexer Based on Interdigital Resonators for the Antennas Of Mobile-Communication Base Stations0
On the Possibility of Dust Grain Destruction by the Coloumb Explosion in Protoplanetary Disks0
Models of Propagation of Acoustic Signals and Noise in Oceanic Waveguides with Wavy Surface and the Effectiveness of Spatial Signal Processing0
A Study of Generation of Wideband Chaotic Radiation in a W-Band Traveling-Wave Tube with Delayed Feedback0
A New Radar-Signal Parameter for Recognition of Wind-Related Weather Hazards0
Application of the Diffraction-Ray Theory to the Problems of Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in the Ionospheric Plasma0
Focusing Waveguide Structure for High-Gradient Electron Acceleration by Picosecond Terahertz Pulses0
Self-Action of Ultrashort Pulses in the Self-Similar Regime0
Dynamics of the Electrical Structure of Cumulonimbus Clouds0
Influence of the Foucault Currents on Excitation of the Magnetic Field and Dynamics of Formation of Helical Electron Beams in Pulse Gyrotrons0
Correction to: Pulses of the Electromagnetic Field with a Non-Zero Electric Area0
Topological Scalar and Vector Laser Solitons0
Some Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics of Turbulent Thermals0
High-Power Spatially Extended Free-Electron Masers with Three-Dimensional Distributed Feedback0
On the Possibility of Advancement of the Non-Stationary Gas Spectroscopy Method Realized by Using Fast Frequency Sweep Mode Up the Terahertz Frequency Range0
Local Estimation of Ionospheric Parameters from Single-Station Observations of Low-Orbiting Beacon Satellites0
Trajectories of Fluid Particles Under an Ice Cover in the Field of a Solitary Bending-Gravity Wave0
Optimization of the Energy Parameters of an Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulse Radiator Based on a Unipolar Electric Pulse Oscillator0
Features of the Spectra of Ultra-Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields from Horizontal Current Sources: Models of Planar and Spherical Earth–Ionosphere Waveguides0
Using the 2.5-Dimensional PIC Code for Simulating Gyrotrons with Nonsymmetric Operating Modes0
Propagation of Pulsed Electromagnetic Signals with the Axisymmetric Field Structure in a Nonlinear Nondispersive Medium0
Methods for Correction of the Altitude Electron-Density Profiles of the IRI Model for the Bottomside Ionosphere from Satellite Sounding Data0
Influence of Spatial Losses of the Signal Detected by a Single-Pixel Detector on the Quality of Object Image Reconstruction0
Dynamic Behavior of a Beam Resting on a Viscoelastic Two-Parameter Base and Carrying a Moving Load0
A Method for Estimating the Changes in the Directions of the Main Maxima of the Directional Pattern of a Multibeam Antenna in the Problem of Passive Direction Finding0
Model Waveforms of Slow-Tail Sferics0
Quantum Memory in An Eu:YSO Crystal for Polarization and Time-Bin Qubit States0
The Wave Mechanism of “Fast Breakdown” in Compact Intracloud Discharges0
Parametric Resonance of the Non-Markovian Oscillator0
Diamond–Silicon Carbide Composite as a Promising Material for Microelectronics and High-Power Electronics0
Magnetic System of a Sub-Gigawatt Free-Electron Laser of the Terahertz Range Based on a Kiloampere Beam of Relativistic Electrons0
Features of the Invariant Correlation Filter Application for Recognition of Color Subpixel Images0
Measurements of the Atmospheric Electric Current Density by a Passive Horizontal Ring Antenna in the Surface Layer: Electrostatic Approximation0
Narrow-Band Entangled Photon-Pair Source for a Quantum Repeater Based on Solid-State Quantum Memory0
Linear and Nonlinear Aspects of Climate Response to External Forcings0
The Portevin–Le Chatelier Effect as a Nonlinear Wave Process in Deformable Alloys0
Self-Induced Transparency Solitons and Dissipative Solitons in Microwave Electronic Systems0
Radiation of Nonsymmetric Whistler Waves from a Phased Antenna Array in a Magnetoplasma0
High-Power Free-Electron Masers Based on Linear Induction Accelerators0
Information Infrastructure Ensuring Virtual Integration of the Satellite Microwave Radiometric Sensing Data0
Phase-Difference Approach for GNSS Global Ionospheric Total Electron Content Mapping0
Pulsed Power and Spectrum Composition of the Terahertz Radiation Flux Escaping from a Plasma Column Due to Propagation Through it of a Relativistic Electron Beam with Various Current Densities (GOL–PE0
Measurements of the Atmospheric Electric Current Density by a Passive Horizontal Ring Antenna in the Surface Layer: Quasi-Stationary Approximation0
Trajectory Analysis in a Gyrotron Electron–Optical System with Allowance for the Cathode Surface Roughness0
Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Using Axially Symmetric Polarization Beams in an Atmospheric Channel0
Coherence of Active Noise Interference in Radar Systems with Antenna Arrays0
Radiation of Whistler Waves from a Source with a Rotating Near-Zone Magnetic Field in a Magnetoplasma0
Experimental Study of the Reflectivity of Superconducting Nb-Based Films in the Subterahertz Frequency Band0
Screening of Quantum States of an Optical Field from a Resonant Perturbing Subsystem0
Dynamics of the Self-Action of Wave Fields in Multicore Fibers0
Verification of a New Model of the Irradiance Distribution from a Unidirectional Point Source in Water Using the Monte Carlo Method0
Influence of a Reactive Power on the Dynamics of an Ensemble of Oscillators Simulated by the Phase Equations with Inertia0
Optimal Motion Law of a Resonant Nuclear Absorber for the Formation of Short Pulses of Mössbauer Radiation0
High-Rate Microwave Sintering of Ceramics on the Basis of Barium and Strontium Titanates0
Single-Photon Source for the Red Spectral Range Based on a Nanoantenna with InAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dots0
Chaos and Geometrical Optics0
On the Influence of Microbubbles on the Turbulence Induced by a Surface Wave0
Scattering of an Electromagnetic Wave by a Structure Consisting of Several Perfectly Conducting and Dielectric Finite-Length Thin Cylinders0
Weibel Instability in the Presence of an External Magnetic Field: Analytical Results0
Experimental Study of Terahertz Radiation Generation in the Interaction of Ultrashort Laser Pulse with Gas Targets0
Analysis of the Turn-On Delay of Quantum Cascade Lasers Under Pumping with a Trapezoidal Current Pulse0
Nonstationary Bending Waves in an Anisotropic Timoshenko Plate on an Elastic-Inertial Foundation0
Frequency-Tunable Gyrotron with External Reflections0
Influence of High-Intensity Terahertz Radiation on the Differentiation of Human Neural Progenitor Cells0
Propagation of ULF Radiation from an Artificial Ionospheric Source in a 3D Inhomogeneous MHD Waveguide0
Excitation of High-Q Talbot-Type Supermodes in Oversized Cavities of High-Power Electron Masers0
Evolution of the Electron Velocity Distribution Function under Resonant Interaction with a Model Wave Packet of Auroral Kilometric Radiation0
On Designing the Electron-Optical System of a Multibarrel Gyrotron0
Gauging and Diagnostics of Turbine-Unit Shaft Lines by Torsional Oscillations0
The Influence of Water Vapor and Cumulus Clouds on the Brightness-Temperature Fluctuations in the Downwelling K-Band Radiation of the Atmosphere0
A Vector Algebraic Description of the Solar-Path Phenomenon0
Optimization of the Magnetron-Injection Gun for a High-Power Planar Millimeter-Wave Gyrotron0
Single-Resonant Parametric Oscillator for Photons Compatible with Solid-State Quantum Memories0
Specific Features of the Interaction of Microwave Radiation with Magnetic Colloids0
Bremsstrahlung at Low-Energy Electron–Nucleus Collisions in a Quantizing Magnetic Field. II. Close Collisions with Quasibound Motion0
Microwave Radiometric Sensing of Cumulus Cloudiness from Space0
Holographic Study of Surface Relief Using a Shear Interferometer0
Synchronization of Metastable Oscillations Arising in the Evolutionary Game of Two Populations0
Scalable Quantum Processor Based on Superconducting Fluxonium Qubits0
Sectioned Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator with a Zigzag-Shaped Quasioptical System: Spatiotemporal Theory and Some of Its Results0
Theoretical Analysis of Radiation Properties of X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers0
Coherence of Radar Signals Reflected From Passive-Interference Sources0
Tomography of Polarization Qutrits in the Standard Basis0
Synchronization Regimes in an Ensemble of Phase Oscillators Coupled Through a Diffusion Field0
Variations of the Frequency Range of HF Signals on the Subauroral Path During Magnetic–Ionospheric Disturbances in October 20160
Large-Array Processing of Coherence-Degraded Signals: Analytical Study, Modeling, and Estimations of Optimization Possibilities0