
(The median citation count of Psychometrika is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A generalized factor rotation framework with customized regularization54
State-Dependent Missingness in Hidden Markov Models, with an Application to Drop-Out in a Clinical Trial38
Temporally Dynamic, Cohort-Varying Value-Added Models35
Item-Specific Factors in IRTree Models: When They Matter and When They Don’t35
Adventitious Error and Its Implications for Testing Relations Between Variables and for Composite Measurement Outcomes33
Bridging Parametric and Nonparametric Methods in Cognitive Diagnosis32
Rotation to Sparse Loadings Using 28
Sample Size Determination for Interval Estimation of the Prevalence of a Sensitive Attribute Under Randomized Response Models27
Polytomous Effectiveness Indicators in Complex Problem-Solving Tasks and Their Applications in Developing Measurement Model26
Designing Optimal, Data-Driven Policies from Multisite Randomized Trials25
Commentary on “Extending the Basic Local Independence Model to Polytomous Data” by Stefanutti, de Chiusole, Anselmi, and Spoto20
Commentary: Explore Conditional Dependencies in Item Response Tree Data19
Measures of Agreement with Multiple Raters: Fréchet Variances and Inference19
Measuring Agreement Using Guessing Models and Knowledge Coefficients18
Roderick J. Little and Donald B. Rubin: Statistical Analysis with Missing Data18
Identifying and Supporting Academically Low-Performing Schools in a Developing Country: An Application of a Specialized Multilevel IRT Model to PISA-D Assessment Data16
Sparse and Simple Structure Estimation via Prenet Penalization16
Examining Differential Item Functioning from a Multidimensional IRT Perspective16
Advances in CD-CAT: The General Nonparametric Item Selection Method16
Correction: Book Review of Item Response Theory by Bock and Gibbons16
Erratum to: A Further Comparison Of Oblique Factor Transformation Methods15
Joint Latent Space Model for Social Networks with Multivariate Attributes15
Modeling Eye Movements During Decision Making: A Review15
Inferring the Number of Attributes for the Exploratory DINA Model14
Noncompensatory MIRT For Passage-Based Tests14
Factor Analysis Procedures Revisited from the Comprehensive Model with Unique Factors Decomposed into Specific Factors and Errors13
A Unified Neural Network Framework for Extended Redundancy Analysis12
Efficient Likelihood Estimation of Generalized Structural Equation Models with a Mix of Normal and Nonnormal Responses12
Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue on Forecasting with Intensive Longitudinal Data12
Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Invited Special Section12
A Deep Learning Algorithm for High-Dimensional Exploratory Item Factor Analysis10
Objective Bayesian Edge Screening and Structure Selection for Ising Networks10
Using Penalized EM Algorithm to Infer Learning Trajectories in Latent Transition CDM10
On the Control of Psychological Networks10
Time to Intervene: A Continuous-Time Approach to Network Analysis and Centrality10
Comments on ‘Longitudinal Analysis of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Trials: Applications of Multilevel and Multidimensional Item Response Theory’10
Exploratory Restricted Latent Class Models with Monotonicity Requirements under Pòlya—gamma Data Augmentation10
Guest Editors’ Introduction to The Special Issue “Network Psychometrics in Action”: Methodological Innovations Inspired by Empirical Problems10
Erratum to: Meta-analytic Gaussian Network Aggregation10
L. Andrires Van Der Ark, Wilco H. M. Emons, & Rob R. Meijer (2023). Essays on Contemporary Psychometrics. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-031-10370-4.9
Within-Person Variability Score-Based Causal Inference: A Two-Step Estimation for Joint Effects of Time-Varying Treatments9
Two Filtering Methods of Forecasting Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics of Intensive Longitudinal Data9
Remarks from the New Editor-in-Chief8
Assumptions and Properties of Two-Level Nonparametric Item Response Theory Models8
Identifiability of Polychoric Models with Latent Elliptical Distributions8
Robust and Efficient Mediation Analysis via Huber Loss8
The BLIM, the DINA, and their polytomous extensions. Rejoinder to the Commentary by Chiu, Köehn and Ma8
Modeling Conditional Dependence of Response Accuracy and Response Time with the Diffusion Item Response Theory Model7
Modeling Evasive Response Bias in Randomized Response: Cheater Detection Versus Self-protective No-Saying7
Disentangling Relationships in Symptom Networks Using Matrix Permutation Methods7
Power Analysis for the Wald, LR, Score, and Gradient Tests in a Marginal Maximum Likelihood Framework: Applications in IRT7
The Role of Conditional Likelihoods in Latent Variable Modeling7
Remarks from the Editor-in-Chief7
Efficient Corrections for Standardized Person-Fit Statistics6
Differential Item Functioning Analyses of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) Measures: Methods, Challenges, Advances, and Future Directions6
Linking Scores with Patient-Reported Health Outcome Instruments: A Validation Study and Comparison of Three Linking Methods6
Computation for Latent Variable Model Estimation: A Unified Stochastic Proximal Framework6
Correction: Book Review of Mixture and Hidden Markov Models with R, by Visser & Speekenbrink6
Correction: A Diagnostic Facet Status Model (DFSM) for Extracting Instructionally Useful Information from Diagnostic Assessment6
Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing of Historical Information with Applications to the Analysis of Large-Scale Assessments6
Diagnosing and Handling Common Violations of Missing at Random6
On the Identifiability of 3- and 4-Parameter Item Response Theory Models From the Perspective of Knowledge Space Theory6
Using External Information for More Precise Inferences in General Regression Models6
Exploratory Procedure for Component-Based Structural Equation Modeling for Simple Structure by Simultaneous Rotation6
On the Information Obtainable from Comparative Judgments6
Correction: Book Review of Innovative Assessment of Collaboration by Davier, Shu & Kyllonen6
Estimation of Effect Heterogeneity in Rare Events Meta-Analysis6
Bi-factor and Second-Order Copula Models for Item Response Data5
Accurate Assessment via Process Data5
Editorial to the Invited Special Section “Advancing Methods to Assess Patient-Reported Outcomes: Lessons Learned from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System® (PROMIS®) initiative5
Bayesian Analysis of Anova and Mixed Models on the Log-Transformed Response Variable5
Estimating Finite Mixtures of Ordinal Graphical Models5
The Dependence of Chance-Corrected Weighted Agreement Coefficients on the Power Parameter of the Weighting Scheme: Analysis and Measurement5
Item Complexity: A Neglected Psychometric Feature of Test Items?5
On the Behaviour of K-Means Clustering of a Dissimilarity Matrix by Means of Full Multidimensional Scaling5
Erratum to: Beyond the Mean: A Flexible Framework for Studying Causal Effects Using Linear Models5
A Censored Mixture Model for Modeling Risk Taking5
Psychometric Society Meeting of the Members University of Maryland College Park, Maryland July 28, 20234
Comparing Bayesian Variable Selection to Lasso Approaches for Applications in Psychology4
Estimating and Using Block Information in the Thurstonian IRT Model4
Parallel Optimal Calibration of Mixed-Format Items for Achievement Tests4
Not all DIF is shaped similarly4
A Response-Time-Based Latent Response Mixture Model for Identifying and Modeling Careless and Insufficient Effort Responding in Survey Data4
A Note on Ising Network Analysis with Missing Data4
Bayesian Inference for an Unknown Number of Attributes in Restricted Latent Class Models4
As reported by P. Martinková, & A. Hladká, ((Computational Aspects of Psychometric Methods: With R. Boca Raton, CRC Press, FL, 2023). Computational Aspects of Psychometric Methods: With R.. Boca R4
K. Sijtsma and A. L. Van Der Ark (2020): A Review of “Measurement Models for Psychological Attributes” CRC Press. 400 pp, $79.95 (paperback), $199.95 (hardback), $71.95 (eBook), ISBN: 97803674245274
Semiparametric Factor Analysis for Item-Level Response Time Data4
A Test to Distinguish Monotone Homogeneity from Monotone Multifactor Models4
The Dirichlet Dual Response Model: An Item Response Model for Continuous Bounded Interval Responses4
A Note on Improving Variational Estimation for Multidimensional Item Response Theory4
Longitudinal Analysis of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Trials: Applications of Multilevel and Multidimensional Item Response Theory4
Beyond the Mean: A Flexible Framework for Studying Causal Effects Using Linear Models3
ProcData: An R Package for Process Data Analysis3
Comparing Functional Trend and Learning among Groups in Intensive Binary Longitudinal Eye-Tracking Data using By-Variable Smooth Functions of GAMM3
A Diagnostic Facet Status Model (DFSM) for Extracting Instructionally Useful Information from Diagnostic Assessment3
Proof of Reliability Convergence to 1 at Rate of Spearman–Brown Formula for Random Test Forms and Irrespective of Item Pool Dimensionality3
Asymptotically Correct Person Fit z-Statistics For the Rasch Testlet Model3
Correction: Book Review of Composite-Based Structural Equation Modeling: Analyzing Latent and Emergent Variables by J. Henseler3
Learning Latent and Hierarchical Structures in Cognitive Diagnosis Models3
Random Effects Multinomial Processing Tree Models: A Maximum Likelihood Approach3
An Overall Test of Pairwise Mean Conditional Covariances in IRT3
The Reliability Factor: Modeling Individual Reliability with Multiple Items from a Single Assessment3
Regularized Variational Estimation for Exploratory Item Factor Analysis3
Computational Psychometrics: New Methodologies for a New Generation of Digital Learning and Assessment3
I. Visser, & M. Speekenbrink (2022). Mixture and Hidden Markov Models with R. Springer, Cham, CH.3
On the Use of Aggregate Survey Data for Estimating Regional Major Depressive Disorder Prevalence3
A Two-Step Estimator for Multilevel Latent Class Analysis with Covariates3
The Sum Score Model: Specifying and Testing Equally Weighted Composites Using Structural Equation Modeling3
Factor Tree Copula Models for Item Response Data3
Going Deep in Diagnostic Modeling: Deep Cognitive Diagnostic Models (DeepCDMs)3
Rotating Factors to Simplify Their Structural Paths3
A Note on the Connection Between Trek Rules and Separable Nonlinear Least Squares in Linear Structural Equation Models2
Restricted Latent Class Models for Nominal Response Data: Identifiability and Estimation2
The InterModel Vigorish as a Lens for Understanding (and Quantifying) the Value of Item Response Models for Dichotomously Coded Items2
Reliability Theory for Measurements with Variable Test Length, Illustrated with ERN and Pe Collected in the Flanker Task2
Social Network Mediation Analysis: A Latent Space Approach2
Part II: On the Use, the Misuse, and the Very Limited Usefulness of Cronbach’s Alpha: Discussing Lower Bounds and Correlated Errors2
Penalized Estimation and Forecasting of Multiple Subject Intensive Longitudinal Data2
Asymptotic Posterior Normality of Multivariate Latent Traits in an IRT Model2
Incomplete Tests of Conditional Association for the Assessment of Model Assumptions2
Computation and application of generalized linear mixed model derivatives using lme42
Certainty-Based Marking on Multiple-Choice Items: Psychometrics Meets Decision Theory2
A Spectral Method for Identifiable Grade of Membership Analysis with Binary Responses2
Non-parametric Regression Among Factor Scores: Motivation and Diagnostics for Nonlinear Structural Equation Models2
Book Review of the Handbook of Graphical Models - Maathuis Marloes, Drton Matthias, Lauritzen Steffen AND Wainwright Martin(Eds.), CRC PRESS, (2019). Handbook of Graphical Models2
Identifiability of Latent Class Models with Covariates2
Commentary: Matching IRT Models to PRO Constructs—Modeling Alternatives, and Some Thoughts on What Makes a Model Different2
A Group Comparison Test under Uncertain Group Membership2
Scalable Bayesian Approach for the Dina Q-Matrix Estimation Combining Stochastic Optimization and Variational Inference2
Perspectives on Psychometrics Interviews with 20 Past Psychometric Society Presidents2
Generic Identifiability of the DINA Model and Blessing of Latent Dependence2
Transformer-Based Deep Neural Language Modeling for Construct-Specific Automatic Item Generation2
Bayesian Forecasting with a Regime-Switching Zero-Inflated Multilevel Poisson Regression Model: An Application to Adolescent Alcohol Use with Spatial Covariates2
The Crosswise Model for Surveys on Sensitive Topics: A General Framework for Item Selection and Statistical Analysis2
Path and Directionality Discovery in Individual Dynamic Models: A Regularized Unified Structural Equation Modeling Approach for Hybrid Vector Autoregression2
Erratum to: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Social Relations Structural Equation Model2
Forecasting Intra-individual Changes of Affective States Taking into Account Inter-individual Differences Using Intensive Longitudinal Data from a University Student Dropout Study in Math2
Pursuing Collective Synchrony in Teams: A Regime-Switching Dynamic Factor Model of Speed Similarity in Soccer2
On the Quantification of Model Uncertainty: A Bayesian Perspective1
An Empirical Q-Matrix Validation Method for the Polytomous G-DINA Model1
Accurate Confidence and Bayesian Interval Estimation for Non-centrality Parameters and Effect Size Indices1
An Extended GFfit Statistic Defined on Orthogonal Components of Pearson’s Chi-Square1
A Mixed Stochastic Approximation EM (MSAEM) Algorithm for the Estimation of the Four-Parameter Normal Ogive Model1
Correction: Book Review of Psychometric Methods: Theory into Practice by Price1
PKLM: A Flexible MCAR Test Using Classification1
Bayesian Semiparametric Longitudinal Inverse-Probit Mixed Models for Category Learning1
Using EM Algorithm for Finite Mixtures and Reformed Supplemented EM for MIRT Calibration1
Using Item Response Theory to Identify Responders to Treatment: Examples with the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) Physical Function Scale and Emotional Distress Comp1
Erratum to: A Response-Time-Based Latent Response Mixture Model for Identifying and Modeling Careless and Insufficient Effort Responding in Survey Data1
Alpha, FACTT, and Beyond1
Bayesian Model Assessment for Jointly Modeling Multidimensional Response Data with Application to Computerized Testing1
Ordinal Outcome State-Space Models for Intensive Longitudinal Data1
Frequentist Model Averaging in Structure Equation Model With Ordinal Data1
Partial Identification of Latent Correlations with Ordinal Data1
Psychometric Society Meeting of the Members University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, July 15, 20221
Confidence Distribution for the Ability Parameter of the Rasch Model1
SRMR for Models with Covariates1
Second-Order Disjoint Factor Analysis1
Combining Clickstream Analyses and Graph-Modeled Data Clustering for Identifying Common Response Processes1
Mapping Unobserved Item–Respondent Interactions: A Latent Space Item Response Model with Interaction Map1
Longitudinal Modeling of Age-Dependent Latent Traits with Generalized Additive Latent and Mixed Models1
Multidimensional Item Response Theory in the Style of Collaborative Filtering1
Sociocognitive and Argumentation Perspectives on Psychometric Modeling in Educational Assessment1
The Bradley–Terry Regression Trunk approach for Modeling Preference Data with Small Trees1
Exploring the Effects of Item-Specific Factors in Sequential and IRTree Models1
Infinitesimal Jackknife Estimates of Standard Errors for Rotated Estimates of Redundancy Analysis: Applications to Two Real Examples1
A Multidimensional Model to Facilitate Within Person Comparison of Attributes1
Advantages of Using Unweighted Approximation Error Measures for Model Fit Assessment1
A Note on the Likelihood Ratio Test in High-Dimensional Exploratory Factor Analysis1
Differential Item Functioning Analysis Without A Priori Information on Anchor Items: QQ Plots and Graphical Test1
W. H. Finch, J. E. Bolin and K. Kelley: Multilevel Modeling Using R 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2019, 252 pp, ISBN: 97811384806741