Psychological Review

(The median citation count of Psychological Review is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Masculine defaults: Identifying and mitigating hidden cultural biases.156
Navigating the social world: Toward an integrated framework for evaluating self, individuals, and groups.141
Rejecting impulsivity as a psychological construct: A theoretical, empirical, and sociocultural argument.113
A psychologically rich life: Beyond happiness and meaning.67
A reward-learning framework of knowledge acquisition: An integrated account of curiosity, interest, and intrinsic–extrinsic rewards.66
An integrated model of word processing and eye-movement control during Chinese reading.63
A theory of actions and habits: The interaction of rate correlation and contiguity systems in free-operant behavior.58
A counterfactual simulation model of causal judgments for physical events.54
Blindsight is qualitatively degraded conscious vision.52
The nature of metacognitive inefficiency in perceptual decision making.51
Dual tasking from a goal perspective.39
Memory and representativeness.37
Respiratory rhythms of the predictive mind.37
Word meaning in minds and machines.35
Play in predictive minds: A cognitive theory of play.35
Self-validation theory: An integrative framework for understanding when thoughts become consequential.32
Serial order in perception, memory, and action.31
The temporal dynamics of opportunity costs: A normative account of cognitive fatigue and boredom.30
A process model of having and keeping secrets.29
Racing against the clock: Evidence-based versus time-based decisions.28
On the psychology of extremism: How motivational imbalance breeds intemperance.27
Testing the foundations of signal detection theory in recognition memory.26
Modeling perceptual confidence and the confidence forced-choice paradigm.26
Urgency, leakage, and the relative nature of information processing in decision-making.26
A memory-based theory of emotional disorders.26
A model of mood as integrated advantage.24
The paradox of social interaction: Shared intentionality, we-reasoning, and virtual bargaining.22
A computational model of aesthetic value.22
The concept of inhibition in bilingual control.22
FMTP: A unifying computational framework of temporal preparation across time scales.21
The psychological basis of music appreciation: Structure, self, source.21
Understanding visual attention with RAGNAROC: A reflexive attention gradient through neural AttRactOr competition.20
Disentangling contextual diversity: Communicative need as a lexical organizer.20
Information gaps for risk and ambiguity.19
A dynamic computational model of gaze and choice in multi-attribute decisions.19
An integrative effort: Bridging motivational intensity theory and recent neurocomputational and neuronal models of effort and control allocation.18
The episodic flanker effect: Memory retrieval as attention turned inward.18
Reasoning about properties: A computational theory.18
The Weber–Fechner law: A misnomer that persists but that should go away.18
Is blindsight possible under signal detection theory? Comment on Phillips (2021).17
A trace theory of time perception.17
Beyond cortex: The evolution of the human brain.17
Perception and misperception of bodily symptoms from an active inference perspective: Modelling the case of panic disorder.17
An ontology of decision models.16
Probabilistic analogical mapping with semantic relation networks.16
Temporal and state abstractions for efficient learning, transfer, and composition in humans.15
Math abilities in deaf and hard of hearing children: The role of language in developing number concepts.15
The ABC of social learning: Affect, behavior, and cognition.15
What is social psychology? The construal principle.15
Relational incentives theory.15
Social sampling and expressed attitudes: Authenticity preference and social extremeness aversion lead to social norm effects and polarization.15
Word-Object Learning via Visual Exploration in Space (WOLVES): A neural process model of cross-situational word learning.14
Individual attitude change and societal dynamics: Computational experiments with psychological theories.14
Cognitive and personality predictors of school performance from preschool to secondary school: An overarching model.14
An evaluation and comparison of models of risky intertemporal choice.14
Nonlinear probability weighting can reflect attentional biases in sequential sampling.14
A systems-neuroscience model of phasic dopamine.14
From partners to populations: A hierarchical Bayesian account of coordination and convention.14
Modeling evidence accumulation decision processes using integral equations: Urgency-gating and collapsing boundaries.14
The Leaky Integrating Threshold and its impact on evidence accumulation models of choice response time (RT).14
Metacognitive computations for information search: Confidence in control.13
A distributional and dynamic theory of pricing and preference.13
Serial memory: Putting chains and position codes in context.13
Seeing minds, matter, and meaning: The CEEing model of pre-reflective subjective construal.13
The memory and identity theory of ICD-11 complex posttraumatic stress disorder.13
A theory of perceptual number encoding.13
Tolerance as forbearance: Overcoming intuitive versus deliberative objections to cultural, religious, and ideological differences.13
The violation-of-expectation paradigm: A conceptual overview.13
Automatic and controlled antecedents of suicidal ideation and action: A dual-process conceptualization of suicidality.13
Structural parameter interdependencies in computational models of cognition.12
On the role of similarity in mental accounting and hedonic editing.12
The effect of orthographic systems on the developing reading system: Typological and computational analyses.12
Mood-congruent memory revisited.12
The adaptable speaker: A theory of implicit learning in language production.12
A unified theory of discrete and continuous responding.11
A theory of repetition and retrieval in language production.11
Response activation and activation–transmission in response-based backward crosstalk: Analyses and simulations with an extended diffusion model.11
Information-theoretic signal detection theory.11
Simultaneous modeling of choice, confidence, and response time in visual perception.11
A Bayesian approach to dynamical modeling of eye-movement control in reading of normal, mirrored, and scrambled texts.11
Bidirectional influences of information sampling and concept learning.10
A population response model of ensemble perception.10
The medial prefrontal regulation of maternal behavior across postpartum: A triadic model.10
A theory of relation learning and cross-domain generalization.10
Modeling word and morpheme order in natural language as an efficient trade-off of memory and surprisal.10
Human inference in changing environments with temporal structure.10
The developmental origins of phonological memory.10
Value certainty in drift-diffusion models of preferential choice.10
A framework to account for the effects of visual loss on human auditory abilities.10
Role of time in binding features in visual working memory.9
Metacognition and self-control: An integrative framework.9
A general architecture for modeling the dynamics of goal-directed motivation and decision-making.9
Modeling face similarity in police lineups.9
Do item-dependent context representations underlie serial order in cognition? Commentary on Logan (2021).9
A model-based approach to disentangling facilitation and interference effects in conflict tasks.9
The ecology of competition: A theory of risk–reward environments in adaptive decision making.9
Suboptimal choice: A review and quantification of the signal for good news (SiGN) model.8
Reconciling similarity across models of continuous selections.8
ViSpa (Vision Spaces): A computer-vision-based representation system for individual images and concept prototypes, with large-scale evaluation.8
Linking confidence biases to reinforcement-learning processes.8
Contradictory deviations from maximization: Environment-specific biases, or reflections of basic properties of human learning?8
The social basis of referential communication: Speakers construct physical reference based on listeners’ expected visual search.8
The amygdala and the prefrontal cortex: The co-construction of intelligent decision-making.8
Minds, bodies, spirits, and gods: Does widespread belief in disembodied beings imply that we are inherent dualists?8
A show about nothing: No-signal processes in systems factorial technology.7
Human hunger as a memory process.7
Measurement models for visual working memory—A factorial model comparison.7
Equal evidence perceptual tasks suggest a key role for interactive competition in decision-making.7
The cultural origins of symbolic number.7
From social contingency to verbal reference: A constructivist hypothesis.7
Relational reasoning and generalization using nonsymbolic neural networks.7
What makes people feel respected? Toward an integrative psychology of social worth.7
Covert signaling is an adaptive communication strategy in diverse populations.6
Heuristics from bounded meta-learned inference.6
Serial order depends on item-dependent and item-independent contexts.6
A neurocomputational theory of how rule-guided behaviors become automatic.6
Toward nonprobabilistic explanations of learning and decision-making.6
Higher-order conditioning: A critical review and computational model.6
Internal references in cross-modal judgments: A global psychophysical perspective.6
Normative accounts of illusory correlations.6
Individual differences fill the uncharted intersections between cognitive structure, flexibility, and plasticity in multitasking.6
Novelty rejection in episodic memory.6
Bias and blindsight: A reply to Michel and Lau (2021).6
Seeking connection, autonomy, and emotional feedback: A self-determination theory of self-regulation in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.6
Diffusion theory of the antipodal “shadow” mode in continuous-outcome, coherent-motion decisions.5
Overprecision is a property of thinking systems.5
Facilitation of simultaneous control? A meta-analysis of the inhibitory spillover effect.5
Productive pluralism: The coming of age of ecological psychology.5
Shape, perspective, and what is and is not perceived: Comment on Morales, Bax, and Firestone (2020).5
Episodic memory: Mental time travel or a quantum “memory wave” function?5
CUE: A unified spiking neuron model of short-term and long-term memory.5
Updating, evidence evaluation, and operator availability: A theoretical framework for understanding belief.5
Counterfactuals and the logic of causal selection.5
Word meaning is both categorical and continuous.5
Discounting and the portfolio of desires.5
Unique effects of sedatives, dissociatives, psychedelics, stimulants, and cannabinoids on episodic memory: A review and reanalysis of acute drug effects on recollection, familiarity, and metamemory.5
Transformer networks of human conceptual knowledge.5
The gated cascade diffusion model: An integrated theory of decision making, motor preparation, and motor execution.5
A complete method for assessing the effectiveness of eyewitness identification procedures: Expected information gain.5
Origins and development of maternal self-efficacy in emotion-related parenting during the transition to parenthood: Toward an integrative process framework beyond Bandura’s model.5
A computational model of infant learning and reasoning with probabilities.5
Accumulating evidence for myriad alternatives: Modeling the generation of free association.5
Process and content in decisions from memory.5
Open science: Friend, foe, or both to an antiracist psychology?5
The general theory of deception: A disruptive theory of lie production, prevention, and detection.5
REFRESH: A new approach to modeling dimensional biases in perceptual similarity and categorization.4
How to use a multicriteria comparison procedure to improve modeling competitions: A comment on Erev et al. (2017).4
Conditioned inhibition, inhibitory learning, response inhibition, and inhibitory control: Outlining a conceptual clarification.4
Under-resourced or overloaded? Rethinking working memory deficits in developmental language disorder.4
Mate evaluation theory.4
Humans reconfigure target and distractor processing to address distinct task demands.4
Salience by competitive and recurrent interactions: Bridging neural spiking and computation in visual attention.4
FVS 2.0: A unifying framework for understanding the factors of visual-attentional processing.4
The relation between learning and stimulus–response binding.4
A dynamical scan-path model for task-dependence during scene viewing.4
In search of better practice in executive functions assessment: Methodological issues and potential solutions.4
A Bayesian inference model for metamemory.4
How do neural processes give rise to cognition? Simultaneously predicting brain and behavior with a dynamic model of visual working memory.4
Hierarchical structure in language and action: A formal comparison.4
A cognitive category-learning model of rule abstraction, attention learning, and contextual modulation.4
Processing speed and executive attention as causes of intelligence.4
Pedunculopontine-induced cortical decoupling as the neurophysiological locus of dissociation.4
How getting in sync is curative: Insights gained from research in psychotherapy.4
A computational theory for the production of limb movements.4
Cultural evolutionary pragmatics: Investigating the codevelopment and coevolution of language and social cognition.4
WALD-EM: Wald accumulation for locations and durations of eye movements.4
Beyond Newton: Why assumptions of universality are critical to cognitive science, and how to finally move past them.3
Deep rest: An integrative model of how contemplative practices combat stress and enhance the body’s restorative capacity.3
The psychological scaffolding of arithmetic.3
Levels of analysis and explanatory progress in psychology: Integrating frameworks from biology and cognitive science for a more comprehensive science of the mind.3
Sensory perception is a holistic inference process.3
Optimal metacognitive control of memory recall.3
PONG: A computational model of visual word recognition through bihemispheric activation.3
Evaluating the complexity and falsifiability of psychological models.3
The false aperture problem: Global motion perception without integration of local motion signals.3
Causal inference methods for intergenerational research using observational data.3
A signal detection–based confidence–similarity model of face matching.3
As within, so without, as above, so below: Common mechanisms can support between- and within-trial category learning dynamics.3
Associative recognition without hippocampal associations.3
Two-dimensional parsing of the acoustic stream explains the Iambic–Trochaic Law.3
The role of recollection and familiarity in visual working memory: A mixture of threshold and signal detection processes.3
A two-stage diffusion modeling approach to the compelled-response task.3
Human optional stopping in a heteroscedastic world.3
Time-evolving psychological processes over repeated decisions.3
A unified model of arithmetic with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.3
An integrative control theory perspective on consciousness.3