Psychological Bulletin

(The median citation count of Psychological Bulletin is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Influences of past moral behavior on future behavior: A review of sequential moral behavior studies using meta-analytic techniques.304
Development of narcissism across the life span: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies.231
Autobiographical memory impairments as a transdiagnostic feature of mental illness: A meta-analytic review of investigations into autobiographical memory specificity and overgenerality among people wi220
Supplemental Material for Suicidality Among Individuals With Gambling Problems: A Meta-Analytic Literature Review141
Supplemental Material for The Multifaceted Role of Emotion Regulation in Suicidality: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analytic Evidence130
Supplemental Material for Comparing Gesture Frequency Between Autistic and Neurotypical Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis108
Supplemental Material for Superiority of External Attentional Focus for Motor Performance and Learning: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses107
Supplemental Material for How Experimental Methods Shaped Views on Human Competence and Rationality104
Supplemental Material for When Do Students Begin to Think That One Has to Be Either a “Math Person” or a “Language Person”? A Meta-Analytic Review103
Supplemental Material for The Relationship Between Religiousness and Health Among Sexual Minorities: A Meta-Analysis96
Supplemental Material for Knowing Before Doing: Review and Mega-Analysis of Action Understanding in Prereaching Infants93
Supplemental Material for Depression and Episodic Memory Across the Adult Lifespan: A Meta-Analytic Review91
Supplemental Material for Young People’s Perceptions of Their Parents’ Expectations and Criticism Are Increasing Over Time: Implications for Perfectionism89
Supplemental Material for The Vicious Cycle of Psychopathology and Stressful Life Events: A Meta-Analytic Review Testing the Stress Generation Model79
Supplemental Material for Child Maltreatment and Alexithymia: A Meta-Analytic Review75
Supplemental Material for Personality and Intelligence: A Meta-Analysis74
Supplemental Material for Youth Depression and Perceived Social Support From Parents: A Meta-Analysis of Gender and Stress-Related Differences68
Supplemental Material for Cognitive Control Biases in Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis66
Supplemental Material for Priming Behavior: A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Behavioral and Nonbehavioral Primes on Overt Behavioral Outcomes66
A meta-analytic review of the relationship between explicit memory bias and depression: Depression features an explicit memory bias that persists beyond a depressive episode.61
Trait and state affective experience among high-risk people in the schizophrenia spectrum: A meta-analytic review.59
Supplemental Material for Reporting Bias, Not External Focus: A Robust Bayesian Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of the External Focus of Attention Literature58
Supplemental Material for Sleep Deprivation and Memory: Meta-Analytic Reviews of Studies on Sleep Deprivation Before and After Learning55
Supplemental Material for The Impact of Creativity Training on Creative Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review and Critical Evaluation of 5 Decades of Creativity Training Studies55
Supplemental Material for Too Risky to Use, or Too Risky Not to? Lessons Learned From Over 30 Years of Research on Forensic Risk Assessment With Indigenous Persons53
Toward a hierarchical model of social cognition: A neuroimaging meta-analysis and integrative review of empathy and theory of mind.52
Parental self-regulation and engagement in emotion socialization: A systematic review.48
The visual environment and attention in decision making.45
Beyond the toddler years: A meta-analysis of communicative abilities in siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder.45
Toward a more transparent, rigorous, and generative psychology.43
Together, everyone achieves more—or, less? An interdisciplinary meta-analysis on effort gains and losses in teams.42
The unpleasantness of thinking: A meta-analytic review of the association between mental effort and negative affect.41
Understanding the effects of time perspective: A meta-analysis testing a self-regulatory framework.39
Chills in music: A systematic review.36
Sleep deprivation and memory: Meta-analytic reviews of studies on sleep deprivation before and after learning.36
Examining moderators of the relationship between social support and self-reported PTSD symptoms: A meta-analysis.36
What is meant by “growth mindset”? Current theory, measurement practices, and empirical results leave much open to interpretation: Commentary on Macnamara and Burgoyne (2023) and Burnette et al. (202336
A meta-analytic review on the social–emotional intelligence correlates of the six bullying roles: Bullies, followers, victims, bully-victims, defenders, and outsiders.34
A meta-analysis of longitudinal partial correlations between school violence and mental health, school performance, and criminal or delinquent acts.34
Male suicide risk and recovery factors: A systematic review and qualitative metasynthesis of two decades of research.33
Associations between cognitive appraisals and emotions: A meta-analytic review.33
Supplemental Material for Structural and Functional Neural Correlates of Schizotypy: A Systematic Review31
When do students begin to think that one has to be either a “math person” or a “language person”? A meta-analytic review.31
Supplemental Material for The Role of Causal Attributions in Determining Behavioral Consequences: A Meta-Analysis From an Intrapersonal Attributional Perspective in Achievement Contexts30
Supplemental Material for Gross Motor Impairment and Its Relation to Social Skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Two Meta-Analyses28
Supplemental Material for Male Suicide Risk and Recovery Factors: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Metasynthesis of Two Decades of Research28
Supplemental Material for A Tale of Two Theories: A Meta-Analysis of the Attention Set and Load Theories of Inattentional Blindness27
Supplemental Material for Personality Stability and Change: A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies26
Supplemental Material for Collaborative Dishonesty: A Meta-Analytic Review26
Supplemental Material for Psychological Stress During Childhood and Adolescence and Its Association With Inflammation Across the Lifespan: A Critical Review and Meta-Analysis26
Supplemental Material for Dominance and Prestige: Meta-Analytic Review of Experimentally Induced Body Position Effects on Behavioral, Self-Report, and Physiological Dependent Variables25
Supplemental Material for Sex Drive: Theoretical Conceptualization and Meta-Analytic Review of Gender Differences25
Supplemental Material for How Do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy Improve Youth Depression? Applying Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling to Three Decades of Randomiz24
Supplemental Material for The Enactment Effect: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Behavioral, Neuroimaging, and Patient Studies24
Supplemental Material for A Systematic Review of the Ambivalent Sexism Literature: Hostile Sexism Protects Men’s Power; Benevolent Sexism Guards Traditional Gender Roles24
Supplemental Material for The Kernel of Truth in Text-Based Personality Assessment: A Meta-Analysis of the Relations Between the Big Five and the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)24
Supplemental Material for Home Learning Environments and Children’s Language and Literacy Skills: A Meta-Analytic Review of Studies Conducted in Low- and Middle-Income Countries23
Supplemental Material for Ignorance by Choice: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Underlying Motives of Willful Ignorance and Its Consequences23
Supplemental Material for Project Harmony: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Psychotherapy and Pharmacologic Trials for Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress, Alcohol, and Other Drug Use Disord23
Supplemental Material for Cortical, Subcortical, and Cerebellar Contributions to Language Processing: A Meta-Analytic Review of 403 Neuroimaging Experiments23
Supplemental Material for Effects of Peer Observation on Risky Decision-Making in Adolescence: A Meta-Analytic Review22
Supplemental Material for How Emotional Stimuli Modulate Cognitive Control: A Meta-Analytic Review of Studies With Conflict Tasks20
Supplemental Material for Exposure to Community Violence and Parenting Behaviors: A Meta-Analytic Review19
Maternal and paternal sensitivity: Key determinants of child attachment security examined through meta-analysis.19
On the relationship between unprompted thought and affective well-being: A systematic review and meta-analysis.19
Supplemental Material for Gender, “Masculinity,” and “Femininity”: A Meta-Analytic Review of Gender Differences in Agency and Communion18
The significance of early temperamental reactivity for children’s social competence with peers: A meta-analytic review and comparison with the role of early attachment.18
How emotional stimuli modulate cognitive control: A meta-analytic review of studies with conflict tasks.17
The daily association between affect and alcohol use: A meta-analysis of individual participant data.16
Child maltreatment and alexithymia: A meta-analytic review.16
A systematic review of the ambivalent sexism literature: Hostile sexism protects men’s power; benevolent sexism guards traditional gender roles.15
Is loneliness in emerging adults increasing over time? A preregistered cross-temporal meta-analysis and systematic review.15
The development of subjective well-being across the life span: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies.15
Superiority of external attentional focus for motor performance and learning: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses.15
The first 20,000 strange situation procedures: A meta-analytic review.15
Did cooperation among strangers decline in the United States? A cross-temporal meta-analysis of social dilemmas (1956–2017).14
Supplemental Material for A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Predictors of Response to Trauma-Focused Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder13
Evaluating the robustness of parameter estimates in cognitive models: A meta-analytic review of multinomial processing tree models across the multiverse of estimation methods.10
Comparing gesture frequency between autistic and neurotypical individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis.9
The kernel of truth in text-based personality assessment: A meta-analysis of the relations between the Big Five and the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC).9
Structural and functional neural correlates of schizotypy: A systematic review.9
A systematic review and meta-analysis of growth mindset interventions: For whom, how, and why might such interventions work?8
Supplemental Material for The Unpleasantness of Thinking: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Association Between Mental Effort and Negative Affect8
Supplemental Material for Associations Between Cognitive Appraisals and Emotions: A Meta-Analytic Review7
Supplemental Material for Who Am I? A Second-Order Meta-Analytic Review of Correlates of the Self in Childhood and Adolescence7
Early childhood executive function predicts concurrent and later social and behavioral outcomes: A review and meta-analysis.7
A systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis of 30 years of stress generation research: Clinical, psychological, and sociodemographic risk and protective factors for prospective negative life events7
Supplemental Material for Categories of Training to Improve Empathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis7
A meta-analytic review of cognition and reading difficulties: Individual differences, moderation, and language mediation mechanisms.6
Visual attentional orienting by eye gaze: A meta-analytic review of the gaze-cueing effect.5
Young people’s perceptions of their parents’ expectations and criticism are increasing over time: Implications for perfectionism.5
Depression and episodic memory across the adult lifespan: A meta-analytic review.5
Supplemental Material for The Development of Subjective Well-Being Across the Life Span: A Meta-Analytic Review of Longitudinal Studies4
When connecting with LGBTQ+ communities helps and why it does: A meta-analysis of the relationship between connectedness and health-related outcomes.4
Supplemental Material for Advancing Our Understanding of Psychological Flow: A Scoping Review of Conceptualizations, Measurements, and Applications4
A meta-analysis of the relation between math anxiety and math achievement.4
Supplemental Material for The Conspiratorial Mind: A Meta-Analytic Review of Motivational and Personological Correlates4
Supplemental Material for Which Student and Instructional Variables Are Most Strongly Related to Academic Motivation in K-12 Education? A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses3
Supplemental Material for Digital Interventions for the Treatment of Depression: A Meta-Analytic Review3
Supplemental Material for Self-Reported Mindfulness Accounts for the Effects of Mindfulness Interventions and Nonmindfulness Controls on Self-Reported Mental Health: A Preregistered Systematic Review 3
Supplemental Material for Development of Relationship Satisfaction Across the Life Span: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis3
Supplemental Material for The Relation Between Executive Functions and Math Intelligence in Preschool Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis3
Supplemental Material for Do Growth Mindset Interventions Impact Students’ Academic Achievement? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis With Recommendations for Best Practices2
Supplemental Material for In Which Environments Is Impulsive Behavior Adaptive? A Cross-Discipline Review and Integration of Formal Models2
Supplemental Material for A Spotlight on Bias in the Growth Mindset Intervention Literature: A Reply to Commentaries That Contextualize the Discussion (Oyserman, 2023; Yan & Schuetze, 2023) and Il2
Supplemental Material for A Meta-Analytic Review on the Social–Emotional Intelligence Correlates of the Six Bullying Roles: Bullies, Followers, Victims, Bully-Victims, Defenders, and Outsiders2
Supplemental Material for Endogenous Oxytocin and Human Social Interactions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2
Supplemental Material for A Meta-Analytic Review of the Relationship Between Explicit Memory Bias and Depression: Depression Features an Explicit Memory Bias That Persists Beyond a Depressive Episode2
Supplemental Material for Development of Narcissism Across the Life Span: A Meta-Analytic Review of Longitudinal Studies1
Supplemental Material for Committed (Dis)Honesty: A Systematic Meta-Analytic Review of the Divergent Effects of Social Commitment to Individuals or Honesty Oaths on Dishonest Behavior1
Supplemental Material for “All We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”: Paradigms for Reducing Fear by Preventing Awareness of It1
Prenatal stress and externalizing behaviors in childhood and adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analysis.1
Supplemental Material for Religiosity Predicts Prosociality, Especially When Measured by Self-Report: A Meta-Analysis of Almost 60 Years of Research1
Supplemental Material for Mind-Wandering Increases in Frequency Over Time During Task Performance: An Individual-Participant Meta-Analytic Review1
A systematic review and meta-analysis of predictors of response to trauma-focused psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder.1
Sex differences in verbal working memory: A systematic review and meta-analysis.1
The multifaceted role of emotion regulation in suicidality: Systematic reviews and meta-analytic evidence.1
The conspiratorial mind: A meta-analytic review of motivational and personological correlates.1
Wipe it off: A meta-analytic review of the psychological consequences and antecedents of physical cleansing.1
Psychological stress during childhood and adolescence and its association with inflammation across the lifespan: A critical review and meta-analysis.1
Supplemental Material for Prenatal Stress and Externalizing Behaviors in Childhood and Adolescence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis1
Religiosity predicts prosociality, especially when measured by self-report: A meta-analysis of almost 60 years of research.1
We know this much is (meta-analytically) true: A meta-review of meta-analytic findings evaluating self-determination theory.1
Digital data and personality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of human perception and computer prediction.1
Appealing to motivation to change attitudes, intentions, and behavior: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 702 experimental tests of the effects of motivational message matching on persuasion.1
Supplemental Material for Maternal and Paternal Sensitivity: Key Determinants of Child Attachment Security Examined Through Meta-Analysis1
Can sociocultural and contextual factors explain gender differences in sex drive? A response to Frankenbach et al. (2022).1
Why meta-analyses of growth mindset and other interventions should follow best practices for examining heterogeneity: Commentary on Macnamara and Burgoyne (2023) and Burnette et al. (2023).1
“The relationship between religiousness and health among sexual minorities: A meta-analysis”: Correction to Lefevor et al. (2021).1
The “Goldilocks Zone”: (Too) many confidence intervals in tests of mediation just exclude zero.1
Relations between executive functions and academic outcomes in elementary school children: A meta-analysis.1
Health-promotion interventions targeting multiple behaviors: A meta-analytic review of general and behavior-specific processes of change.1
Fadeout and persistence of intervention impacts on social–emotional and cognitive skills in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic review of randomiz0
Improving neurocognitive testing using computational psychiatry—A systematic review for ADHD.0
Supplemental Material for Familism Values and Adjustment Among Hispanic/Latino Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis0
Collaborative dishonesty: A meta-analytic review.0
Too risky to use, or too risky not to? Lessons learned from over 30 years of research on forensic risk assessment with Indigenous persons.0
Reporting bias, not external focus: A robust Bayesian meta-analysis and systematic review of the external focus of attention literature.0
Categories of training to improve empathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.0
Supplemental Material for What We Know, and What We Need to Find Out About Universal, School-Based Social and Emotional Learning Programs for Children and Adolescents: A Review of Meta-Analyses and Di0
Personality stability and change: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.0
Effects of peer observation on risky decision-making in adolescence: A meta-analytic review.0
The efficacy of combining cognitive training and noninvasive brain stimulation: A transdiagnostic systematic review and meta-analysis.0
Supplemental Material for Does the Apple Fall Far From the Tree? A Meta-Analysis Linking Parental Factors to Children’s Intrinsic and Extrinsic Goals0
Supplemental Material for Did Cooperation Among Strangers Decline in the United States? A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis of Social Dilemmas (1956–2017)0
Supplemental Material for Health-Promotion Interventions Targeting Multiple Behaviors: A Meta-Analytic Review of General and Behavior-Specific Processes of Change0
Supplemental Material for Trait and State Affective Experience Among High-Risk People in the Schizophrenia Spectrum: A Meta-Analytic Review0
Moral foundations and political orientation: Systematic review and meta-analysis.0
Exposure to community violence and parenting behaviors: A meta-analytic review.0
Supplemental Material for Empathy, Sympathy, and Emotion Regulation: A Meta-Analytic Review0
Supplemental Material for Early Childhood Executive Function Predicts Concurrent and Later Social and Behavioral Outcomes: A Review and Meta-Analysis0
Supplemental Material for Differentiation Hypotheses of Intelligence: A Systematic Review of the Empirical Evidence and an Agenda for Future Research0
The etiologic, theory-based, ontogenetic hierarchical framework of alcohol use disorder: A translational systematic review of reviews.0
Supplemental Material for The Role of Domain-Specific and Domain-General Cognitive Functions and Skills in Sports Performance: A Meta-Analysis0
Supplemental Material for Paths to the Light and Dark Sides of Human Nature: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Prosocial Benefits of Autonomy and the Antisocial Costs of Control0
Supplemental Material for The Visual Environment and Attention in Decision Making0
The stability of cognitive abilities: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies.0
Committed (dis)honesty: A systematic meta-analytic review of the divergent effects of social commitment to individuals or honesty oaths on dishonest behavior.0
“All we have to fear is fear itself”: Paradigms for reducing fear by preventing awareness of it.0
A meta-analytic review of the associations of personality, intelligence, and physical size with social status.0
Supplemental Material for A Systematic Review and Bayesian Meta-Analysis of 30 Years of Stress Generation Research: Clinical, Psychological, and Sociodemographic Risk and Protective Factors for Prospe0
The role of domain-specific and domain-general cognitive functions and skills in sports performance: A meta-analysis.0
Supplemental Material for Age-Related Changes in Emotion Recognition Across Childhood: A Meta-Analytic Review0
Cognitive factors underlying mathematical skills: A systematic review and meta-analysis.0
Supplemental Material for A Meta-Analytic Review of the Relation Between Spatial Anxiety and Spatial Skills0
Gross motor impairment and its relation to social skills in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and two meta-analyses.0
Supplemental Material for When Connecting With LGBTQ+ Communities Helps and Why It Does: A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Connectedness and Health-Related Outcomes0
Expertise in emotion: A scoping review and unifying framework for individual differences in the mental representation of emotional experience.0
Unpacking the effects of socialization programs on newcomer retention: A meta-analytic review of field experiments.0
Testing (quizzing) boosts classroom learning: A systematic and meta-analytic review.0
Cortical, subcortical, and cerebellar contributions to language processing: A meta-analytic review of 403 neuroimaging experiments.0
Feeling good, doing good, and getting ahead: A meta-analytic investigation of the outcomes of prosocial motivation at work.0
Effectiveness of cognitive stimulation for dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.0
Supplemental Material for Age Effects on Delay Discounting Across the Lifespan: A Meta-Analytical Approach to Theory Comparison and Model Development0
What we know, and what we need to find out about universal, school-based social and emotional learning programs for children and adolescents: A review of meta-analyses and directions for future resear0
Cognitive control biases in depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis.0
Who am I? A second-order meta-analytic review of correlates of the self in childhood and adolescence.0
Supplemental Material for Fadeout and Persistence of Intervention Impacts on Social–Emotional and Cognitive Skills in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analytic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials0
Supplemental Material for Appealing to Motivation to Change Attitudes, Intentions, and Behavior: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 702 Experimental Tests of the Effects of Motivational Message 0
Toward a comprehensive and potentially cross-cultural model of why people engage in collective action: A quantitative research synthesis of four motivations and structural constraints.0
Supplemental Material for Expertise in Emotion: A Scoping Review and Unifying Framework for Individual Differences in the Mental Representation of Emotional Experience0
The development of children’s gender stereotypes about STEM and verbal abilities: A preregistered meta-analytic review of 98 studies.0
Supplemental Material for Sleep Loss and Emotion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Over 50 Years of Experimental Research0
Supplemental Material for We Know This Much Is (Meta-Analytically) True: A Meta-Review of Meta-Analytic Findings Evaluating Self-Determination Theory0
Supplemental Material for Feeling Good, Doing Good, and Getting Ahead: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Outcomes of Prosocial Motivation at Work0
Supplemental Material for Cognitive Factors Underlying Mathematical Skills: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis0
The home math environment and math achievement: A meta-analysis.0
Supplemental Material for Why Meta-Analyses of Growth Mindset and Other Interventions Should Follow Best Practices for Examining Heterogeneity: Commentary on Macnamara and Burgoyne (2023) and Burnette0
Gender, “masculinity,” and “femininity”: A meta-analytic review of gender differences in agency and communion.0
Supplemental Material for Toward a Comprehensive and Potentially Cross-Cultural Model of Why People Engage in Collective Action: A Quantitative Research Synthesis of Four Motivations and Structural Co0
Paths to the light and dark sides of human nature: A meta-analytic review of the prosocial benefits of autonomy and the antisocial costs of control.0
Supplemental Material for The First 20,000 Strange Situation Procedures: A Meta-Analytic Review0
Supplemental Material for The Stability of Cognitive Abilities: A Meta-Analytic Review of Longitudinal Studies0
Empathy, sympathy, and emotion regulation: A meta-analytic review.0
The relation between executive functions and math intelligence in preschool children: A systematic review and meta-analysis.0
Supplemental Material for Parent–Child Boundary Dissolution and Children’s Psychological Difficulties: A Meta-Analytic Review0
Fenneman et al.’s (2022) review of formal impulsivity models: Implications for theory and measures of impulsivity.0
Culturally fluent theories, metascience, and scientific progress: A case example: Commentary on Macnamara and Burgoyne (2023) and Burnette et al. (2023).0
The role of causal attributions in determining behavioral consequences: A meta-analysis from an intrapersonal attributional perspective in achievement contexts.0
Digital interventions for the treatment of depression: A meta-analytic review.0
A tale of two theories: A meta-analysis of the attention set and load theories of inattentional blindness.0
Self-reported mindfulness accounts for the effects of mindfulness interventions and nonmindfulness controls on self-reported mental health: A preregistered systematic review and three-level meta-analy0
Defining social reward: A systematic review of human and animal studies.0
Does the apple fall far from the tree? A meta-analysis linking parental factors to children's intrinsic and extrinsic goals.0
Advancing our understanding of psychological flow: A scoping review of conceptualizations, measurements, and applications.0
A spotlight on bias in the growth mindset intervention literature: A reply to commentaries that contextualize the discussion (Oyserman, 2023; Yan & Schuetze, 2023) and illustrate the conclusion (T0
Familism values and adjustment among Hispanic/Latino individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis.0
Supplemental Material for On the Relationship Between Unprompted Thought and Affective Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis0
Supplemental Material for The Significance of Early Temperamental Reactivity for Children’s Social Competence With Peers: A Meta-Analytic Review and Comparison With the Role of Early Attachment0
Personality and intelligence: A meta-analysis.0
Supporting the status quo is weakly associated with subjective well-being: A comparison of the palliative function of ideology across social status groups using a meta-analytic approach.0
A meta-analytic review of the relation between spatial anxiety and spatial skills.0
Supplemental Material for The Home Math Environment and Math Achievement: A Meta-Analysis0
Supplemental Material for The Link Between Narcissism and Aggression: A Meta-Analytic Review0
Ignorance by choice: A meta-analytic review of the underlying motives of willful ignorance and its consequences.0
Mind-wandering increases in frequency over time during task performance: An individual-participant meta-analytic review.0
Supplemental Material for Autobiographical Memory Impairments as a Transdiagnostic Feature of Mental Illness: A Meta-Analytic Review of Investigations Into Autobiographical Memory Specificity and Over0
Supplemental Material for Defining Social Reward: A Systematic Review of Human and Animal Studies0
Supplemental Material for The Efficacy of Combining Cognitive Training and Noninvasive Brain Stimulation: A Transdiagnostic Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis0
Supplemental Material for Wipe It Off: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Psychological Consequences and Antecedents of Physical Cleansing0
Supplemental Material for Pervasive Failure to Report Properties of Visual Stimuli in Experimental Research in Psychology and Neuroscience: Two Metascientific Studies0
Supplemental Material for Cultural Diversity Climate in School: A Meta-Analytic Review of Its Relationships With Intergroup, Academic, and Socioemotional Outcomes0
Parent–child boundary dissolution and children’s psychological difficulties: A meta-analytic review.0
Supplemental Material for The Immediate Effect of Discrimination on Mental Health: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Causal Evidence0
Supplemental Material for Digital Data and Personality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Human Perception and Computer Prediction0
Supplemental Material for The Sleep Benefit in Episodic Memory: An Integrative Review and a Meta-Analysis0
A meta-analytic review of accuracy and bias in romantic partner perceptions.0
Which student and instructional variables are most strongly related to academic motivation in K-12 education? A systematic review of meta-analyses.0
Differentiation hypotheses of intelligence: A systematic review of the empirical evidence and an agenda for future research.0
The enactment effect: A systematic review and meta-analysis of behavioral, neuroimaging, and patient studies.0
Supplemental Material for Relations Between Executive Functions and Academic Outcomes in Elementary School Children: A Meta-Analysis0
Supplemental Material for Negativity Bias in Intergroup Contact: Meta-Analytical Evidence That Bad Is Stronger Than Good, Especially When People Have the Opportunity and Motivation to Opt Out of Conta0
Pervasive failure to report properties of visual stimuli in experimental research in psychology and neuroscience: Two metascientific studies.0
Supplemental Material for Is Loneliness in Emerging Adults Increasing Over Time? A Preregistered Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review0
Priming behavior: A meta-analysis of the effects of behavioral and nonbehavioral primes on overt behavioral outcomes.0
Youth depression and perceived social support from parents: A meta-analysis of gender and stress-related differences.0
The relationship between religiousness and health among sexual minorities: A meta-analysis.0
Endogenous oxytocin and human social interactions: A systematic review and meta-analysis.0
How do cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy improve youth depression? Applying meta-analytic structural equation modeling to three decades of randomized trials.0
Sex drive: Theoretical conceptualization and meta-analytic review of gender differences.0
A meta-analysis of longitudinal peer influence effects in childhood and adolescence.0
Suicidality among individuals with gambling problems: A meta-analytic literature review.0
Development of relationship satisfaction across the life span: A systematic review and meta-analysis.0
Supplemental Material for The Development of Children’s Gender Stereotypes About STEM and Verbal Abilities: A Preregistered Meta-Analytic Review of 98 Studies0
Age-related changes in emotion recognition across childhood: A meta-analytic review.0
Supplemental Material for Visual Attentional Orienting by Eye Gaze: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Gaze-Cueing Effect0