Prison Journal

(The TQCC of Prison Journal is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Views From the Inside: Insights About Restrictive Housing From Prison System Officials, Officers, and Staff13
Male Prisoners’ Perspectives of Access to Quality Health Care at a Prison Infirmary in Ghana10
Suicide in Mexican Prisons: Mental Health Symptomology and Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior9
The Role of Major Depressive Disorder and its Moderating Effect on the Impact of Exposure to Violence for Predicting Recidivism among Juvenile Offenders: A Survival Analysis Approach8
Security Threat Management in Prison: Revalidation and Revision of the Inmate Risk Assessment for Segregation Placement7
Exploring the Effects of Multiple Dimensions of Organizational Justice on Correctional Staff Job Stress6
25-Year Evaluation of an In-Person Therapeutic Community Program in the Southwest United States between 1994 and 20196
Jail Officers’ Adherence to Traditional Bases of Social Power: Understanding Inmate Control in a Unique Correctional Context6
Using the Job Demands-Resources Model to Examine Possible Correlates of Fear of Being Victimized at Work Among Chinese Prison Officers6
Ghana Prison Officers’ Understanding and Practices of International Human Rights Instruments and Guidelines that Protect the Rights of Prisoners6
When Checking a Box is not Enough: The (Un)Readability of PREA Messaging6
Crafting Convict Criminologists: An Invitation to Join Us in Prison6
“It Ain’t Home Base No More:” Sentencing Reform and Dynamic County Jail Inmate Politics6
Exploring the Relationship of Organizational Justice with Chinese Prison Staff Life Satisfaction5
What Really Happens in Vegas?: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of Nevada's First Day Reporting Center5
Identifying the Impact of Incarceration on Parenting: An Examination of Incarcerated Parents' Perceptions in the “Reading for a Change” Program in Colorado5
“The Course of Love Never Did Run Smooth”: Ex-Inmates’ Attitudes Toward Heterosexual Romantic Relationships5
The Effects of Procedural Justice on Obligation to Obey, and Compliance among Incarcerated Offenders in South Africa4
A Beastly Bargain: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Prison-Based Dog-Training Programs in Florida4
Defending the Domestic Abuse Victim/Defendant: Why the Prison Reform Trust's Campaign to Introduce Defences for Offending Driven by Domestic Abuse Is Important3
Survival Analysis of Time to Opioid Use and the Role of PTSD-Linked Stress Sensitivity for Predicting Onset Risk for Juvenile Offenders Following Adjudication3
Female Prisoners, Mental Health, and Contact with Family and Friends3
Incarcerated Fathers and Their Children in The Netherlands: Demographic and Detention Factors That Affect the Father–Child Relationship: A Secondary Analysis3
‘Would You Prefer Jail or Probation?’ Differences in Sanctioning Preferences among White, Black, and Latinx Adults3
Penal Arts Interventions and Hope: Outcomes of Arts-Based Projects in Prisons and Community Settings*3
Themes From Currently Incarcerated Individuals About How to Close the School-to-Prison Pipeline3
Can Rehabilitation Work in Military Prison? A Theoretical Framework Based on the Israeli Case3
A Brief Relationship Education Pilot Intervention for Men Post Release3
Violent Institutional Misconduct in the Transition from Juvenile to Adult Correctional Facilities2
Radio What's New? Someone Still Loves You: The Impact of Listening to Prison Radio2
Did COVID-19 Affect News Media Representations of Prisons, Inmates, and Correctional Officers? A Look Prior and Postpandemic2
Norfolk’s “Model Prison Community”: Howard Belding Gill and the Social Process of Prison Reform2
Reducing Corrections Officer Stress by Improving Prison Climate: The Importance of Support and Safety2
The End of Public/Private Partnership Prisons in the Department of Correctional Services of South Africa2
Proposing a Universal Measure of Program Readiness for Adults in Custody: A Pilot Study2
Predicting Prison Misconduct With the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles: A Meta-Analysis2
Exploring the Effects of Organizational Structure Variables on the Organizational Justice Perceptions of Correctional Staff2
The “Pains of Employment”? Connecting Air and Sound Quality to Correctional Officer Experiences of Health and Wellness in Prison Space2
Drug Use Stigma and Reprisal: Barriers to Prison Needle Exchange in Canada2
Canadian Provincial and Territorial Correctional Worker Mental Health and Well-Being Study (CWMH): Navigating Practical and Unanticipated Methodological Challenges2
Transportation Barriers to Successful Reentry among Returning Citizens: A Qualitative Interpretive Meta-synthesis2
Risky Justice of the Law: The Impact of Risk-Assessment Tools on Aboriginal Offenders’ Overrepresentation in Canada's Federal Prisons2
Reducing Trauma from Behind Bars: Enhancing Parent-Child Attachment Through a Digitally Distributed Reading Program2
The Golden Anniversary of Mass Incarceration in America2
Walking an EmotionalTightrope: Examining the Carceral Emotion Culture(s) of Federal Prisons for Women in Canada2
Applying the Risk–Need–Responsivity (RNR) Model to Transgender Women in the Criminal Justice System2
Sexual Behaviors and Desires of Inmates in a Finnish Prison: A Survey Study With Population-Based Comparisons2