Political Quarterly

(The TQCC of Political Quarterly is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Populism, Conservatism and the Politics of Parole in England and Wales42
Issue Information26
Movements and Gatekeepers in a Hybrid Media Environment: A Comparison of the Twitter Networks of Corbynism and the People's Vote Movement18
Business and Politics: A Relationship under Challenge. Introduction13
The Co‐op's Golden Opportunity? Exploring the Prospects of Labour's Sister Party under Keir Starmer's Labour Government13
Indian Islamophobia as Racism12
Issue Information ‐ TOC12
Rethinking Postwar Liberalism: The Road to 2010 and Beyond11
How about preventing Islamophobia?11
About political reactionaries (but why the jargon?)10
Building Everyday Wealth for Britain's Communities: A Labour Alternative to Levelling Up?10
Towards a united Ireland?10
The Everyday Economy and the Right to Food10
That Awkward Region: Writing and Advising on the History of Northern Ireland9
What is wrong with government in the US, UK, France and Canada?9
Brexit as Britain in Decline and its Crises (Revisited)8
Looking at ‘imperial’ buildings8
Could we bring back Clem Attlee?8
New Labour in Power: Five Problems of Contemporary History8
The price of casual labour8
Should Jews be alarmed?8
The EU: 30,000 lobbyists facing 32,000 bureaucrats7
What's wrong with meritocracy?7
Negotiating le Brexit avec les English7
The Future of Football Fanzines: Have they Lost their Voice in this Digitalised and Deregulated Age?6
Caste Out: Christian Dalits in Pakistan6
Parliamentary reform: dither and delay6
Recollecting people messing up with Europe and those who didn't6
What are Jews for?6
Starmer's sorry sad saga6
Funding of Public Service Media in Germany5
The Conservative Nation since 19745
Justice as fairness and social transformation5
Orwell revisited once again5
Staying Power: The Resilience of the Scottish Independence Movement5
Labour Party expels Jews for ‘antisemitism’5
Some wars are rational5
Concealed silences in politics5
The BBC: demystify, but not defund4
How to be a ‘spin’ dictator4
Repairing the United Kingdom's Asylum System4
Collective Ministerial Responsibility in British Government: the Testing of a Convention, 2010–20194
The socialist republic of South Yorkshire in the 1980s4
‘Full‐Fat, Semi‐Skimmed or Skimmed?’ The Political Economy of Immigration Policy since Brexit4
Is ‘left populism’ still relevant?4
Nothing works, but plenty to do4
Is inequality really not that bad?3
The Rhodes Statue: Honour, Shame and Responsibility3
Does Libertarianism Provide a Justification for Vaccine Hesitancy?3
Such a Thing as Society: The Conservative Party, Social Liberalism, and the One Nation Tradition since the Cameron Era3
Besting Monarchy: The Anti‐Classism Argument3
Right‐wing populism: can it be stopped?3
Police ça Change? Cressida Dick, Institutional Racism and the Metropolitan Police3
The Centre Ground Hypothesis and the Shape of Public Opinion3
Chronicles of Tory chaos3
From Fact‐checking to Value‐checking: Normative Reasoning in the New Public Sphere3
Irish Unification After Brexit: Old and New Political Identities?3
Twenty Years on: The Impact and Legacy of the Private Finance Initiative in UK Schools3
Do Celebrities Make Policy?2
The New Politics of Public Inquiries2
Left Conservatism: Sahra Wagenknecht's Challenge to the German Party System2
Anti‐Palestinian Racism and Racial Gaslighting2
Trust, Governance, and the Covid‐19 Pandemic: an Explainer using Longitudinal Data from the United Kingdom2
Back to the Future? Rishi Sunak's Industrial Strategy2
Scrutiny of Police Institutions and the Spectre of Culture2
The Missing Politics of UK Pensions Provision2
A Speech to Win an Election: A Response to Rachel Reeves's Mais Lecture2
‘Whitby Woman’, ‘Waitrose Woman’: Gender and Voting Behaviour at the 2024 UK General Election2
History as ‘An Excellent Cow Yielding the Butter One Wants’2
Facing the Future of Crime: A Framework for Police Use of Technology2
An Assessment of the Resilience of Local Government in England: Was it Well‐Equipped to Overcome the Covid‐19 Pandemic?2
The Politics of Unpolitics2
Why Strike Ballots are Undemocratic2
The Politics and Pitfalls of Policing High‐Volume Crime: Responding to the Shoplifting Epidemic2
A New Mode of Protection: The Case for Redesigning our Policing and Public Safety Institutions2
Populism, Hegemony and Agency: Left Economics after Corbynism2
Local Leaflets: Constituency Issue Messaging at the 2024 General Election2
Trust in the Police: What is to be Done?2
The Politics of Race and the Future of British Political History2
Defunding the Police is Good for our Mental Health2
Sex and the Office for National Statistics: A Case Study in Policy Capture2
The Case for a Scottish Clarity Act2
Voting into a Void? The 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly Election1
Raising the Pension Age1
The Fundamentals of Public Ownership: Learning from UK Historical Experience and Recent Scottish Policy1
Harry and Meghan Shine a Light on Monarchy, and its Demands1
Fragmented and Dealigned: The 2024 British General Election and the Rise of Place‐Based Politics1
Misogyny in the Criminal Justice System1
The Concurrence of Anti‐Racism and Anti‐Casteism1
The limits of identity politics1
Softly softly, or not so softly?1
Is identity the main divide in Britain now?1
Mute Force and Ignorance: Incivility and Gender in Scotland1
The Conservative Nation Redivivus?1
Tocqueville's nationalist dilemma1
A ‘normal’ European country: Scotland?1
Why are we equals? Just because?1
Introduction: Where Next for Public Service Broadcasting?1
What Would the British Party System Look Like under Proportional Representation?1
Justice and states1
Brazil has many problems: one is Bolsonaro1
Preparing for Government1
Towards the Vernacular, Away from Politics? Political History after the ‘New Political History’1
Death and/or taxes1
Liberty After Neoliberalism1
Democracy as a peaceful civil war1
Thinking about the environment today and yesterday1
Funding Anti‐Gender Politics in Europe1
The End of the Rhetorical Line? The ‘Partygate’ Investigation into former UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson1
How different are we from cats?1
How Do We Write the History of Brexit?1
The Neoconservative Party, or Conservatism without Tradition?1
Still believing in the glorious promise of the internet?1
Fake News, Epistemic Coverage and Trust1
Issue Information1
Politics, the Constitution and the Independence Movement in Scotland since Devolution1
The BBC World Service: is it Waving or Drowning?1
The Historic, Present and Future Role of Regulation in Securing the Standards of ‘Public Value’ Media1
The Everyday Economy: Introduction1
Covid and our civil liberties1
Labour and the Patriot Game1
Britain alone? Or, soon, England alone?1
A journey from traditional Cold War mindset1
Democracy: not yet declining or falling1
China's Media Warfare1
Caught in a Vicious Cycle: Where are we with Stop and Search?1
‘And I Hereby Declare the Runner‐Up to be the Winner’: The Extraordinary 2021 DUP Leadership Election1
A storm of complexity1
Our old enemy: influenza1
How Should a Progressive Parliament Advance Proportional Representation?1
BBC Funding: Much Ado about the Cost of a Coffee a Week1
The flight of the USA from Afghanistan1
China vsUSA: is China bound to win?1
Hella Pick: from Kindertransport child no. 4672 to world journalist1