Policy Sciences

(The median citation count of Policy Sciences is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Political ideology and vaccination willingness: implications for policy design45
Managing pandemics as super wicked problems: lessons from, and for, COVID-19 and the climate crisis44
Policy capacities and effective policy design: a review43
Uncertainty, risk and the use of algorithms in policy decisions: a case study on criminal justice in the USA35
Barriers to the digital transformation of infrastructure sectors30
The politics of Artificial Intelligence regulation and governance reform in the European Union26
Pathways to policy integration: a subsystem approach24
When multiple streams make a river: analyzing collaborative policymaking institutions using the multiple streams framework19
Institutional complexity traps in policy integration processes: a long-term perspective on Swiss flood risk management18
Policy feedback and institutional context in energy transitions18
Empirical research on policy integration: a review and new directions17
Mapping the use of knowledge in policymaking: barriers and facilitators from a subjectivist perspective (1990–2020)16
Policy learning as complex contagion: how social networks shape organizational beliefs in forest-based climate change mitigation16
Inaction, under-reaction action and incapacity: communication breakdown in Italy’s vaccination governance16
Why does the combination of policy entrepreneur and institutional entrepreneur roles matter for the institutionalization of policy ideas?16
Mapping design activities and methods of public sector innovation units through the policy cycle model13
The importance of policy design fit for effectiveness: a qualitative comparative analysis of policy integration in regional transport planning12
A threat-centered theory of policy entrepreneurship12
Evaluation use and learning in public policy10
Dealing with cross-sectoral policy problems: An advocacy coalition approach to climate and water policy integration in Northeast Brazil10
Public contestation over agricultural pollution: a discourse network analysis on narrative strategies in the policy process10
Explaining why public officials perceive interest groups as influential: on the role of policy capacities and policy insiderness9
Narratives in power and policy design: the case of border management and external migration controls in Italy9
Public policy schools in the global south: a mapping and analysis of the emerging landscape9
Environmental policy integration in a newly established natural resource-based sector: the role of advocacy coalitions and contrasting conceptions of sustainability9
Spillover effects of central cities on sustainability efforts in a metropolitan area9
Rethinking the commissioning of consultants for enhancing government policy capacity9
The promises and perils of populism for democratic policymaking: the case of Mexico9
Autonomy of policy instrument attitudes: concept, theory and evidence8
Reap what you sow: implementing agencies as strategic actors in policy feedback dynamics8
Seeking policy solutions in a complex system: experimentalist governance in China’s healthcare reform8
Vaccine alliance building blocks: a conjoint experiment on popular support for international COVID-19 cooperation formats8
The European 2030 climate and energy package: do domestic strategy adaptations precede EU policy change?7
Power struggles in policy feedback processes: incremental steps towards a circular economy within Dutch wastewater policy7
Participatory decision-making in the policy integration process: indigenous consultation and sustainable development in Mexico6
Institutional coordination arrangements as elements of policy design spaces: insights from climate policy6
Climbing the 'ladder of intrusiveness': the Italian government's strategy to push the Covid-19 vaccination coverage further6
Engines of learning? Policy instruments, cities and climate governance6
Against the odds: How policy capacity can compensate for weak instruments in promoting sustainable food6
Expert hearings in mini-publics: How does the field of expertise influence deliberation and its outcomes?5
Heated policy: policy actors’ emotional storylines and conflict escalation5
Global policymakers and catastrophic risk5
Policy analytical capacity and "Eastern" styles of policy analysis: evidence from West Java Province, Indonesia5
Policy inaction meets policy learning: four moments of non-implementation5
‘Windows of opportunity’: exploring the relationship between social media and plastic policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic5
Integrating biodiversity: a longitudinal and cross-sectoral analysis of Swiss politics5
Evidencing the benefits of cluster policies: towards a generalised framework of effects5
Count on trust: the indirect effect of trust in government on policy compliance with health behavior instructions4
Coping with intelligence deficits in poverty-alleviation policies in low-income countries4
Stability and change in the public’s policy agenda: a punctuated equilibrium approach4
When the political leader is the narrator: the political and policy dimensions of narratives4
PPP performance evaluation: the social welfare goal, principal–agent theory and political economy4
Causality is good for practice: policy design and reverse engineering4
Conflicting and complementary policy goals as sectoral integration challenge: an analysis of sectoral interplay in flood risk management4
Measuring the impact of consultative citizen participation: reviewing the congruency approaches for assessing the uptake of citizen ideas4
Unintended policy integration through entrepreneurship at the implementation stage3
Following neighbors or regional leaders? Unpacking the effect of geographic proximity in local climate policy diffusion3
How foes become allies: the shifting role of business in climate politics3
Do think tanks generate media attention on issues they care about? Mediating internal expertise and prevailing governmental agendas3
Navigating the role of emotions in expertise: public framing of expertise in the Czech public controversy on birth care3
Beyond plans, governance structures, and organizational strategies: how emotional mechanisms can make a difference in emergency response processes3
Symposium: Affect and emotions in policy dynamics3
Implementing policy integration: policy regimes for care policy in Chile and Uruguay3
Beyond evidence-based policymaking? Exploring knowledge formation and source effects in US migration policymaking3
Finding, distinguishing, and understanding overlooked policy entrepreneurs3
Designing policies that could work: understanding the interaction between policy design spaces and organizational responses in public sector3
The role of actors' issue and sector specialization for policy integration in the parliamentary arena: an analysis of Swiss biodiversity policy using text as data3
Devil in the details? Policy settings and calibrations of national excellence-centers3