Physiology & Behavior

(The TQCC of Physiology & Behavior is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Effect of sleep and fatigue on cardiovascular performance in young, healthy subjects71
Effect of evaluation timing and duration of anxiety-like behaviors induced by conditioned fear in rats: Assessment using the triple test63
Chronic lipopolysaccharide impairs motivation when delivered to the ventricles, but not when delivered peripherally in male rats55
Within versus between group designs, and not timing of onset of puberty, influence sex and age differences in intake of palatable food in rats55
Investigating a role of orexin and ‘cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript’ in the nucleus accumbens shell in binge eating of male rats and the relationship with impulsivity36
In defense of the maximal adaptability model34
Rats learn to prefer the late-consumed flavor over the early-consumed flavor in a multi-flavored meal paired with oral glucose and corn oil32
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The heart to make the right choice: Vagal (re)activity and recovery predict advantageous decision-making29
Sulfuretin exerts anti-depressive effects in the lipopolysaccharide-induced depressive mouse models28
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Sertoli cell transplantation attenuates microglial activation and inhibits TRPC6 expression in neuropathic pain induced by spinal cord injury28
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The digit ratio (2D:4D) and testosterone co-predict vertical jump performance in athletic boys: Evidence of organizational and activational effects of testosterone on physical fitness27
Lipopolysaccharide-induced changes in effort-related motivational function: Interactions with 2-deoxyglucose26
The androgen system across the menstrual cycle: Hormonal, (epi-)genetic and psychometric alterations25
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Age, BMI, and inflammation: Associations with emotion recognition23
Maternal traits during lactation period reduce the anxiety-related behavior in male offspring: Results from a fostering study in Hatano rats23
Acute and chronic sleep restriction differentially modify maternal behavior and milk macronutrient composition in the postpartum rat23
The impact of varying food availability on health and welfare in mice: Testing the Match-Mismatch hypothesis23
Developmental stress has sex-specific effects on contextual and cued fear conditioning in adulthood23
Quantification of computational fluid dynamics simulation assists the evaluation of protection by Gypenosides in a zebrafish pain model23
Assessment of the inbred C57BL/6 and outbred CD1 mouse strains using a progressive ratio schedule during development22
Properties of smooth pursuit adaptation induced by theta motion22
The estrogenic reduction in water intake stimulated by dehydration involves estrogen receptor alpha and a potential role for GLP-122
5-HT3a receptor contributes to neuropathic pain by regulating central sensitization in a rat with brachial plexus avulsion22
The impact of daily affective touch on cortisol levels in institutionalized & fostered children22
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Sex and metabolic state interact to influence expression of passive avoidance memory in rats: Potential contribution of A2 noradrenergic neurons21
Reassessing relationships between appetite and adiposity in people at risk of obesity: A twin study using fMRI21
Infralimbic cortex pyramidal neuron GIRK signaling contributes to regulation of cognitive flexibility but not affect-related behavior in male mice20
Visual cues associated with sweet taste increase short-term eating and grab attention in healthy volunteers20
Effects of low-intensity exercise on local skin and whole-body thermal sensation in hypothermic young males20
A meal enriched in saturated fat acutely impairs cognitive performance in obese men20
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Short-term fasting induced changes in HRV are associated with interoceptive accuracy: Evidence from two independent within-subjects studies19
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N2 event-related potential component is associated with cardiac autonomic tone regulation during mental fatigue19
Gene cascades ensure physiological function from optimal health to developing diseases19
Mating-induced analgesia is dependent of copulatory male pattern in high- and low- yawning male rats19
Modifications of academic competences and intelligence in a university grade19
The CLOCK 3111T/C polymorphism is associated with hour-by-hour physical activity levels only on weekends among Japanese male and female university students19
Acute psychophysiological responses during exercise while using resistive respiratory devices: A systematic review.18
Mental fatigue does not substantially alter neuromuscular function in young, healthy males and females18
Lactobacillus plantarum ST-III modulates abnormal behavior and gut microbiota in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder18
Rat ultrasonic vocalizations and novelty-induced social and non-social investigation behavior in a seminatural environment18
Effects of 12-week moderate aerobic exercise on ROCK2 activity, hs-CRP and glycemic index in obese patients with impaired glucose tolerance18
Impact of professional experience on clinical judgment and muscular response in various neuromuscular tests18
Fight or flight: The effect of heart rate reactivity on acute stress-induced food intake18
The impact of environmental sounds on food reward17
Differential effects of ergometer-cycling and Whole-Body-Vibration training on serological BDNF and IGF-1 in the treatment of adolescent depression - is there an impact of BDNFp.Val66Met variants?17
Social play exclusion model in adolescent rats: Monitoring locomotor and emotional behavior associated with social play and examining c-Fos expression in the brain17
Effect of treadmill exercise on serum corticosterone, serum and hippocampal BDNF, hippocampal apoptosis and anxiety behavior in an ovariectomized rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)17
Perceived stress and associations between physical activity, sedentary time, and interstitial glucose in healthy adolescents17
Racial differences in psychological stress and insulin sensitivity in non-Hispanic Black and White adolescents with overweight/obesity17
A cup of black coffee with GI, please! Evidence of geographical indication influence on a coffee tasting experiment17
Heart rate reactivity to acute mental stress is associated with adiposity, carotid distensibility, sleep efficiency, and autonomic modulation in young men17
Effects of acute interval handgrip exercise on cognitive performance16
Exploring playful asymmetries for gender-related decision-making through T-pattern analysis16
Acute performance, physiological, and perceptual changes in response to repeated cycling sprint exercise combined with systemic and local hypoxia in young males16
Heart rate variability to track autonomic nervous system health in young children: Effects of physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors16
Changes in jaw and neck muscle coactivation and coordination in patients with chronic painful TMD disk displacement with reduction during chewing16
Consumption of sucrose in maternal and postnatal stages leads to kidney affectation in adult male rats16
A high fat diet in glutamate 3-/Y mice causes changes in behavior that resemble human intellectual disability16
Transient loss and recovery of oral chemesthesis, taste and smell with COVID-19: A small case-control series16
Sucrose consumption modifies the urethrogenital reflex and histological organization of the bulbospongiosus muscle in the male rat16
The effect of menstrual cycle and exercise intensity on psychological and physiological responses in healthy eumenorrheic women16
Improved interference control after exercise with blood flow restriction and cooling is associated with but not mediated by increased lactate16
Internal states and interoception along a spectrum of eating disorder symptomology16
Switching between foods: A potential behavioral phenotype of hedonic hunger and increased obesity risk in children15
The growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a agonists, anamorelin and ipamorelin, inhibit cisplatin-induced weight loss in ferrets: Anamorelin also exhibits anti-emetic effects via a central mechanism15
Breadth of substance use is associated with the selection of a larger food portion size via elevated impulsivity15
Coyote urine, but not 2-phenylethylamine, induces a complete profile of unconditioned anti-predator defensive behaviors.15
Corn oil and Soybean oil effect as vehicles on behavioral and oxidative stress profiles in developmentally exposed offspring mice15
Spexin may induce mitochondrial biogenesis in white and brown adipocytes via the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis15
Editorial Board15
Further evidence for sensitivity to energy density and a two-component model of meal size: Analysis of meal calorie intakes in Argentina and Malaysia15
Acupressure bladder meridian alleviates anxiety disorder in rats by regulating MAPK and BDNF signal pathway15
Behavioral tests of the insulin-cholinergic-dopamine link in nucleus accumbens and inhibition by high fat-high sugar diet in male and female rats15
Obesity in C57BL/6J mice fed diets differing in carbohydrate and fat but not energy content15
Parotid hypersalivation after inferior salivatory nucleus glutamate/NMDA receptor excitation in the rat15
Physiological and behavioural adjustment of a wild rodent to laboratory conditions15
Zebra finch song parameters are affected by the breeding status of the male, but not temperature variability15
Effects of testosterone on speech production and perception: Linking hormone levels in males to vocal cues and female voice attractiveness ratings15
Configural learning memory can be transformed from intermediate-term to long-term in pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis15
Exergame training-induced neuroplasticity and cognitive improvement in institutionalized older adults: A preliminary investigation15
The effect of maternal separation stress-induced depression on ovarian reserve in Sprague Dawley Rats: The possible role of imipramine and agmatine through a mTOR signal pathway15
Exploring the impact of bubble type on sensory stimulation in drinks14
Prevention and reversal of neuropathic pain by near-infrared photobiomodulation therapy in male and female rats14
Maternal deprivation affects goat kids’ stress coping behaviour14
Psychophysiological underpinnings of proactive and reactive aggression in young men and women14
Effects of carbonated beverages on sustained swallowing behavior changes in older inpatients13
The effect of experience on the psychophysiological response and shooting performance under acute physical stress of soldiers13
The neurological effects of acute physical exhaustion on inhibitory function13
Maternal separation regulates sensitivity of stress-induced depression in mice by affecting hippocampal metabolism13
Hypoglycemia attenuates acute amylin-induced reduction of food intake in male rats13
Effects of acute exercise with different modalities on working memory in men with high and low aerobic fitness13
Role of dairy proteins in the reduction of capsaicin-induced oral burning pain13
Effects of nucleus accumbens insulin inactivation on microstructure of licking for glucose and saccharin in male and female rats13
Past, present and future of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide13
Intra-NAc insulin reduces the motivation for food and food intake without altering cue-triggered food-seeking13
Melatonin promotes orofacial antinociception in adult zebrafish by modulating TRP channels13
Postural effects of interoceptive imagery as a function of hypnotizability12
(-)-α-bisabolol exerts neuroprotective effects against pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats by targeting inflammation and oxidative stress12
Interoceptive accuracy mediates the longitudinal relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) inattentive symptoms and disordered eating in a community sample12
Motor learning impairment in rats under a high sucrose diet12
Monitoring training in women's volleyball: Supine or seated heart rate variability?12
Feeding frequency does not interact with BPA exposure to influence metabolism or behaviour in zebrafish (Danio rerio)12
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Changes in reward-induced neural activity upon Cafeteria Diet consumption12
Distribution of estrogen receptors alpha and beta in the brain of male rats with same-sex preference12
Sporadic fasting reduces attentional control without altering overall executive function in a binary classification task12
The effects of aerobic exercise on liver function, insulin resistance, and lipid profiles in prediabetic and type 2 diabetic mice12
Depression and loneliness in a volunteer sample of adults at a suicide prevention and fund-raising walk: a feasibility study12
Proopiomelanocortin projections to the nucleus accumbens modulate acquisition and maintenance of operant palatable pellet administration in mice11
Effects of TUG-891, a potent GPR120 agonist, on the physical and oral lipid- coating properties, and secretion of saliva11
Effects of three serotonin reuptake inhibitors on sign-tracking in male Sprague-Dawley rats11
Effect of odor stimulations on physical activity: A systematic review11
Sex differences in the impact of social status on social reward and associated mesolimbic activation11
Odor-taste pairings lead to the acquisition of negative hedonic qualities by the odor in aversion learning11
Handling prevents and reverses cognitive deficits induced by sub-chronic phencyclidine in a model for schizophrenia in rats11
Maternal high-fat diet alters the neurobehavioral, biochemical and inflammatory parameters of their adult female rat offspring11
Ovariectomy induces hyperalgesia accompanied by upregulated estrogen receptor α and protein kinase B in the rat spinal cord11
The interactive effects of reward expectation and emotional interference on cognitive conflict control: An ERP study11
Effect of acute physical exercise on inhibitory control in young adults: High-intensity indoor cycling session11
Longitudinal electromyographic analysis of jaw-closing muscle activities during ingestive behaviors from pre-weaning to juvenile periods in rats11
Veganism and body weight: An N of 1 self-experiment11
Skin temperature changes in response to body ownership modulation vary according to the side of stimulation11
No effects of different modalities of a single bout of exercise on sleep architecture and appetite in healthy overweight or obese young adults11
Hunger and satiety responses to diets enriched with cottonseed oil vs. olive oil11
Interpersonal autonomic nervous system synchrony and its association to relationship and performance – a systematic review and meta-analysis11
Chronic restraint stress and social transfer of stress produce tactile allodynia mediated by the HMGB1/TNFα/TNFR1 pathway in female and male rats11
Prelimbic cortex neural encoding dynamically tracks expected outcome value10
Association between the acceleration of access to visual awareness of grating orientation with higher heart rate at high-altitude10
Psychophysiological stress markers of students and academic performance10
Tanycyte, the neuron whisperer10
Restoring the firing activity of ventral tegmental area neurons by lateral hypothalamic deep brain stimulation following morphine administration in rats10
Daily GnRH agonist treatment effectively delayed puberty in female rats without long-term effects on sexual behavior or estrous cyclicity10
Caloric restriction or cafeteria diet from birth to adulthood increases the sensitivity to ephedrine in anxiety and locomotion in Wistar rats10
Sex-dependent role of orexin deficiency in feeding behavior and affective state of mice following intermittent access to a Western diet – Implications for binge-like eating behavior10
Reinforcing properties of alcohol in rats: Progressive ratio licking performance reinforced with 66% alcohol10
Effects of corticosterone on BDNF expression and mood behaviours in mice10
Silibinin ameliorates depression/anxiety-like behaviors of Parkinson's disease mouse model and is associated with attenuated STING-IRF3-IFN-β pathway activation and neuroinflammation10
Somatosensory innervation of adipose tissues10
Physical activity and COVID-19. The basis for an efficient intervention in times of COVID-19 pandemic10
Mid-adolescent stress differentially affects binge-like intake of sucrose across estrous cycles in female rats✰10
Social interaction and the thermogenic response of chicken hatchlings10
Evaluation of the posterior insular cortex involvement in anxiogenic response to emotional stress in male rats: Functional topography along the rostrocaudal axis10
Voluntary exercise suppresses inflammation and improves insulin resistance in the arcuate nucleus and ventral tegmental area in mice on a high-fat diet10
Physiology, patterns and behavior10
Chewing modulates the human cortical swallowing motor pathways10
Differences in fatigue-like behavior in the lipopolysaccharide and poly I:C inflammatory animal models10
Peripherally administered amylin inhibits stress-like behaviors and enhances cognitive performance10
The sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor ertugliflozin for Alzheimer's disease: Inhibition of brain insulin signaling disruption-induced tau hyperphosphorylation10
Maternal resistance exercise promotes changes in neuroplastic and epigenetic marks of offspring's hippocampus during adult life10
Lack of compensation of energy intake explains the success of alternate day feeding to produce weight loss10
Repeated exposure to epigallocatechin gallate solution or water alters bitterness intensity and salivary protein profile10
Free-living gerbils with higher testosterone take fewer risks10
Sex-specific behavioral, cardiac, and neuroendocrine responses to repeated witness social stress in adult rats10
Melatonin attenuates fentanyl - induced behavioral sensitization and circadian rhythm disorders in mice10
Male HELLP pups experience sensorimotor delays and reduced body weight10
Cactus flour (Opuntia ficus-indica) reduces brain lipid peroxidation and anxious-like behavior in old Wistar rats9
Corrigendum to: A model of negative emotional contagion between male-female rat dyads: Effects of voluntary exercise on stress-induced behavior and BDNF-TrkB signaling✰9
Nedl1 knockout impaired the learning and memory of mice9
Small effects of olfactory identification and discrimination on global cognitive and executive performance over 1 year in aging people without a history of age-related cognitive impairment9
Oxytocin attenuates cocaine-associated place preference via the dorsal hippocampus in male and female rats9
Panoramic ultrasound requires a trained operator and specific evaluation sites to maximize its sensitivity: A comprehensive analysis of the measurement errors9
Games, hormones, and “dark” personalities: Dark tetrad and the effects of violent gaming on aggression, cortisol, and testosterone9
A performance-based mental workload identification method for special vehicle crews9
Control of fluid intake in dehydrated rats and evolution of sodium appetite9
Impact of psychological stressors on natural killer cell function: A comprehensive analysis based on stressor type, duration, intensity, and species9
Food-related inhibitory control deficits in young male adults with obesity: Behavioral and ERP evidence from a food-related go/no-go task9
Night shift hormone: How does melatonin affect depression?9
Psychological adaptation to thermal environments and its effects on thermal sensation9
Social network size moderates the association between loneliness and cardiovascular reactivity to acute stress9
Role of CTRP14/C1QL1 in motor coordination and learning across the lifespan9
Differences in memory performance: The effects of sex and reproductive experience on object recognition memory in high- and low-yawning Sprague‒Dawley rats9
Behavioural, odontological and physical activity patterns of hypertense and control population9
Does gaming keep subjects awake?: Subjective and objective sleep parameters following gaming in comparison to a passive control9
Prior exposure to Hedione, a model of pheromone, does not affect female ratings of male facial attractiveness or likeability9
Impact of saffron (Crocus Sativus Linn) supplementation and resistance training on markers implicated in depression and happiness levels in untrained young males9
Visual fixation in disorders of consciousness: Development of predictive models to support differential diagnosis8
Effects of acute aerobic exercise on food-reward mechanisms in smoking-addicted individuals: An fNIRS study8
Do you remember if you have olfactory dreams? A content analysis of LOFTER and a questionnaire survey conducted in China8
Pre-competitive anxiety and autonomic responses in professional U-20 futsal players: Effect of the competition phase and game location8
Every-other day fasting prevents memory impairment induced by high fat-diet: Role of oxidative stress8
Strain and Age Dependent Entrainable Range of Circadian Behavior in C57BL/6 and BALB/c Mice8
Chronic social defeat stress broadly inhibits gene expression in the peripheral taste system and alters taste responses in mice8
Brief olfactory learning drives perceptive sensitivity in newborn rabbits: New insights in peripheral processing of odor mixtures and induction8
Acute stress facilitates habitual behavior in female rats8
Evaluation of the efficacy of a light ration adapted to cold weather during a 20-day expedition in Greenland8
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Rat offspring's microbiota composition is predominantly shaped by the postnatal maternal diet rather than prenatal diet8
Dose-response relationship between training load and anaerobic performance in female short-track speed skaters: A prospective cohort study8
Ketamine enhances novel object recognition memory reconsolidation via the BDNF/TrkB pathway in mice8
Rats exposed to chronic alcohol display protracted insomnia and daytime sleepiness-like behavior during alcohol withdrawal✰8
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Olfactory self-inspection: Own body odour provides cues to one's health and hygiene status8
Vagotomy increases alcohol intake in female rats in diet dependent manner: Implications for increased alcohol use disorder after roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery8
The effect of antecedent exercise on the acute stress response and subsequent food consumption: a preliminary investigation8
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Comparisons of auditory brainstem response elicited by compound click-sawtooths sound and synthetic consonant-vowel /da/8
Repeated exposure to and subsequent consumption of sweet taste: Reanalysis of test meal intake data following the repeated consumption of sweet vs non-sweet beverages8
Relations among parent-reported physical activity and interoception in children8
Congenital Anosmia and Facial Emotion Recognition8
Relationship between age and sex and the numbers of ingestions and swallows for foods of different textures among healthy adults8
The GluA1 AMPAR subunit is necessary for hedonic responding but not hedonic value in female mice8
Multiple behavioral mechanisms shape development in a highly social cichlid fish8
Relationship between emotional bradycardia in animals and vasovagal syncope in humans7
CO2 reactivity is associated with individual differences in appetitive extinction memory7
Eating and wheel running across the estrous cycle in rat lines selectively bred on a taste phenotype7
Controlled light exposure and intermittent fasting as treatment strategies for metabolic syndrome and gut microbiome dysregulation in night shift workers7
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Introduction to the special issue: Homeostatic vs. Hedonic feeding7
Resilience of the Hellenic navy seals assessed by heart rate variability during cognitive tasks7
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Association of nut consumption with insulin resistance and blood lipid profile in Spanish university students7
Premotor function in interpersonal bimanual coordination: Neural responses to varying frequencies and spatio–temporal relationships7
The role of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) in fluid and food intakes in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats7
Correlative increasing expressions of KIF5b and Nav1.7 in DRG neurons of rats under neuropathic pain conditions7
Arcuate proopiomelanocortin is part of a novel neural connection for short-term low-degree of high ambient temperature effects on food intake.7
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Pre-competitive overload period impairs parasympathetic modulation in athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis7
No apparent effects of a viscous, superabsorbent hydrogel on appetite, energy intake, or fecal excretion in overweight adults7
Behavioral and physiological responses to peripheral injection of flagellin in chicks7
See the cake and have it too? Investigating the effect of watching a TV cooking show on unhealthy food choices7
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Negative respiratory sinus arrhythmia (nRSA) in the MRI-scanner - a physiologic phenomenon observed during elevated anxiety in healthy persons7
The effects of acute stress on attentional networks and working memory in females7
Collateralizing ventral subiculum melanocortin 4 receptor circuits regulate energy balance and food motivation7
Prior experience with flavored alcohol increases preference for flavored alcohol but flavor does not influence binge-like drinking behavior in mice7
The organizational role of ovarian hormones during puberty on risk for binge-like eating in rats7
Exposure to an enriched environment reduces alcohol self-administration in Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats7
Voluntary physical activity modulates self-selection of a high-caloric choice diet in male Wistar rats7
Detection of a temporal structure in the rat behavioural response to an aversive stimulation in the emotional object recognition (EOR) task.7
Chronic water restriction reduces sensitivity to brain stimulation reward in male and female rats7
Audiovisual overstimulation in childhood and adolescence promotes hyperactive behaviour in adult mice7
Anxiety-like behaviors in artificially reared mice is reduced by contact with foster mothers7
Alternating work posture improves postprandial glucose response without reducing computer task performance in the early afternoon7
Gastrointestinal peptides in eating-related disorders7
Telemetric data collection should be standard in modern experimental cardiovascular research7
A new apparatus to analyze meal-related ingestive behaviors in rats fed a complex multi-food diet7
The role of daylight exposure on body mass in male mice7
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Effects of weight stigma on BMI and inflammatory markers among people living with obesity7
Amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation after taste exposure revealed by resting-state fMRI7