Physics in Medicine and Biology

(The median citation count of Physics in Medicine and Biology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Large-scale screening to distinguish between COVID-19 and community-acquired pneumonia using infection size-aware classification210
Physics and biology of ultrahigh dose-rate (FLASH) radiotherapy: a topical review149
Photon-counting x-ray detectors for CT131
Harmonization strategies for multicenter radiomics investigations104
Advanced Monte Carlo simulations of emission tomography imaging systems with GATE100
Another decade of photoacoustic imaging89
Roadmap: proton therapy physics and biology83
Physics and technology of time-of-flight PET detectors81
Tissue mimicking materials for imaging and therapy phantoms: a review75
Super-resolution ultrasound localization microscopy based on a high frame-rate clinical ultrasound scanner: an in-human feasibility study73
Interpretation and visualization techniques for deep learning models in medical imaging72
Severity assessment of COVID-19 using CT image features and laboratory indices67
Full field-of-view, high-resolution, photon-counting detector CT: technical assessment and initial patient experience66
Adaptive proton therapy55
CTformer: convolution-free Token2Token dilated vision transformer for low-dose CT denoising54
4D deep image prior: dynamic PET image denoising using an unsupervised four-dimensional branch convolutional neural network53
Simulating NEMA characteristics of the modular total-body J-PET scanner—an economic total-body PET from plastic scintillators53
Evaluation of CBCT scatter correction using deep convolutional neural networks for head and neck adaptive proton therapy52
Human exposure to radiofrequency energy above 6 GHz: review of computational dosimetry studies51
Small animal PET: a review of what we have done and where we are going51
Multi-level multi-modality (PET and CT) fusion radiomics: prognostic modeling for non-small cell lung carcinoma49
Measurement and image-based estimation of dielectric properties of biological tissues —past, present, and future—47
A physics-guided modular deep-learning based automated framework for tumor segmentation in PET45
Anatomy-aided deep learning for medical image segmentation: a review43
Roadmap: helium ion therapy42
Characterization of a preclinical PET insert in a 7 tesla MRI scanner: beyond NEMA testing42
The impact of training sample size on deep learning-based organ auto-segmentation for head-and-neck patients42
Deep learning for improving the spatial resolution of magnetic particle imaging39
Modeling the effect of oxygen on the chemical stage of water radiolysis using GPU-based microscopic Monte Carlo simulations, with an application in FLASH radiotherapy39
Design and performance of SIAT aPET: a uniform high-resolution small animal PET scanner using dual-ended readout detectors39
Al2O3:C optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs) for ultra-high dose rate proton dosimetry38
Quantitative PET in the 2020s: a roadmap38
2D medical image synthesis using transformer-based denoising diffusion probabilistic model38
OpenFL: the open federated learning library37
A vision transformer for emphysema classification using CT images36
Automatic detection and segmentation of multiple brain metastases on magnetic resonance image using asymmetric UNet architecture36
Vacuum ultraviolet silicon photomultipliers applied to BaF2 cross-luminescence detection for high-rate ultrafast timing applications36
Reference dosimetry in MRI-linacs: evaluation of available protocols and data to establish a Code of Practice35
Self-channel-and-spatial-attention neural network for automated multi-organ segmentation on head and neck CT images35
Comparison of weekly and daily online adaptation for head and neck intensity-modulated proton therapy35
Elastography imaging: the 30 year perspective35
FBP-Net for direct reconstruction of dynamic PET images34
Motion estimation and correction in SPECT, PET and CT34
A review of advances in imaging methodology in fluorescence molecular tomography33
Attenuation correction for human PET/MRI studies33
Assessment of absorbed power density and temperature rise for nonplanar body model under electromagnetic exposure above 6 GHz33
Head-and-neck organs-at-risk auto-delineation using dual pyramid networks for CBCT-guided adaptive radiotherapy33
Characterization of noise and background signals in a magnetic particle imaging system32
Advances in heterostructured scintillators: toward a new generation of detectors for TOF-PET32
A dual-domain deep learning-based reconstruction method for fully 3D sparse data helical CT32
Prediction of the Ki-67 marker index in hepatocellular carcinoma based on CT radiomics features31
Development of a new microdosimetric biological weighting function for the RBE10 assessment in case of the V79 cell line exposed to ions from 1H to 238U31
Microdosimetry of a therapeutic proton beam with a mini-TEPC and a MicroPlus-Bridge detector for RBE assessment31
Diffusion MRI tractography for neurosurgery: the basics, current state, technical reliability and challenges31
The OpenGATE ecosystem for Monte Carlo simulation in medical physics30
Low-dose spectral CT reconstruction based on image-gradient L0-norm and adaptive spectral PICCS30
Intensity non-uniformity correction in MR imaging using residual cycle generative adversarial network30
Pancreas segmentation with probabilistic map guided bi-directional recurrent UNet29
3D Compton image reconstruction method for whole gamma imaging29
Review on biophysical modelling and simulation studies for transcranial magnetic stimulation29
A comparison of methods for fully automatic segmentation of tumors and involved nodes in PET/CT of head and neck cancers28
Towards a safe and efficient clinical implementation of machine learning in radiation oncology by exploring model interpretability, explainability and data-model dependency28
DAN-Net: Dual-domain adaptive-scaling non-local network for CT metal artifact reduction28
Deep learning-based medical image segmentation with limited labels28
Assessing cardiac stiffness using ultrasound shear wave elastography28
Deep learning-based real-time volumetric imaging for lung stereotactic body radiation therapy: a proof of concept study27
Synthetic CT generation from CBCT images via unsupervised deep learning27
Noise2Void: unsupervised denoising of PET images27
A comparison of Monte Carlo dropout and bootstrap aggregation on the performance and uncertainty estimation in radiation therapy dose prediction with deep learning neural networks27
Multi-task autoencoder based classification-regression model for patient-specific VMAT QA27
Towards label-efficient automatic diagnosis and analysis: a comprehensive survey of advanced deep learning-based weakly-supervised, semi-supervised and self-supervised techniques in histopathological 27
Considerations for shoot-through FLASH proton therapy27
Determining the parameter space for effective oxygen depletion for FLASH radiation therapy26
Comparison of the suitability of CBCT- and MR-based synthetic CTs for daily adaptive proton therapy in head and neck patients26
Scalable electronic readout design for a 100 ps coincidence time resolution TOF-PET system26
Recent advances in psychoradiology25
HEDOS—a computational tool to assess radiation dose to circulating blood cells during external beam radiotherapy based on whole-body blood flow simulations25
SDDRO-joint: simultaneous dose and dose rate optimization with the joint use of transmission beams and Bragg peaks for FLASH proton therapy25
Dual-energy CT imaging with limited-angular-range data25
Prediction of breast cancer molecular subtypes using DCE-MRI based on CNNs combined with ensemble learning25
A neural network-based algorithm for simultaneous event positioning and timestamping in monolithic scintillators25
Automatic segmentation of brain metastases using T1 magnetic resonance and computed tomography images25
Design of a head coil for high resolution mouse brain perfusion imaging using magnetic particle imaging25
Computer-aided diagnosis of ground glass pulmonary nodule by fusing deep learning and radiomics features24
A roadmap for sole Cherenkov radiators with SiPMs in TOF-PET24
Quantitative accuracy in total-body imaging using the uEXPLORER PET/CT scanner24
Data-driven dose calculation algorithm based on deep U-Net24
Dual-energy CT based mass density and relative stopping power estimation for proton therapy using physics-informed deep learning24
A review of simulation codes and approaches for radiation chemistry24
Proton therapy monitoring: spatiotemporal emission reconstruction with prompt gamma timing and implementation with PET detectors24
Unsupervised contrastive learning based transformer for lung nodule detection24
Comparison of deep learning synthesis of synthetic CTs using clinical MRI inputs24
Effect of dataset size, image quality, and image type on deep learning-based automatic prostate segmentation in 3D ultrasound24
DeepMC: a deep learning method for efficient Monte Carlo beamlet dose calculation by predictive denoising in magnetic resonance-guided radiotherapy23
Dark-field signal extraction in propagation-based phase-contrast imaging23
A heterogenous, time harmonic, nearly incompressible transverse isotropic finite element brain simulation platform for MR elastography23
Synthetic dual-energy CT for MRI-only based proton therapy treatment planning using label-GAN23
Metal artifact reduction in 2D CT images with self-supervised cross-domain learning22
Response of diamond detectors in ultra-high dose-per-pulse electron beams for dosimetry at FLASH radiotherapy22
Low-dose PET image noise reduction using deep learning: application to cardiac viability FDG imaging in patients with ischemic heart disease22
First experimental exploration of real-time cardiorespiratory motion management for future stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation treatments on the MR-linac22
Proof-of-concept delivery of intensity modulated arc therapy on the Elekta Unity 1.5 T MR-linac22
Iterative material decomposition for spectral CT using self-supervised Noise2Noise prior22
An unsupervised deep learning method for multi-coil cine MRI22
UNet retinal blood vessel segmentation algorithm based on improved pyramid pooling method and attention mechanism22
Artificial neural networks for positioning of gamma interactions in monolithic PET detectors21
Fast robust optimization of proton PBS arc therapy plans using early energy layer selection and spot assignment21
GroupRegNet: a groupwise one-shot deep learning-based 4D image registration method21
Robust treatment planning with 4D intensity modulated carbon ion therapy for multiple targets in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer21
Fast super-resolution ultrasound microvessel imaging using spatiotemporal data with deep fully convolutional neural network21
DeepDose: a robust deep learning-based dose engine for abdominal tumours in a 1.5 T MRI radiotherapy system21
Evaluation of conventional and deep learning based image harmonization methods in radiomics studies21
High-resolution monolithic LYSO detector with 6-layer depth-of-interaction for clinical PET21
Deep learning fetal ultrasound video model match human observers in biometric measurements21
Comparison of 11 automated PET segmentation methods in lymphoma21
A hierarchical deep reinforcement learning framework for intelligent automatic treatment planning of prostate cancer intensity modulated radiation therapy20
Assessing the advantages of CFR-PEEK over titanium spinal stabilization implants in proton therapy—a phantom study20
A GPU-accelerated fully 3D OSEM image reconstruction for a high-resolution small animal PET scanner using dual-ended readout detectors20
Verification of KURBUC-based ion track structure mode for proton and carbon ions in the PHITS code20
Proton RBE models: commonalities and differences20
Active contour regularized semi-supervised learning for COVID-19 CT infection segmentation with limited annotations20
Millisecond speed deep learning based proton dose calculation with Monte Carlo accuracy20
Male pelvic multi-organ segmentation using token-based transformer Vnet20
Towards automated ultrasound imaging—robotic image acquisition in liver and prostate for long-term motion monitoring20
Experimental validation of daily adaptive proton therapy20
Offline and online LSTM networks for respiratory motion prediction in MR-guided radiotherapy20
Towards real-time 4D radiation dosimetry on an MRI-Linac20
Simultaneous imaging of widely differing particle concentrations in MPI: problem statement and algorithmic proposal for improvement20
The Mayo Clinic Florida microdosimetric kinetic model of clonogenic survival: formalism and first benchmark against in vitro and in silico data20
Performance comparison of dual-ended readout depth-encoding PET detectors based on BGO and LYSO crystals20
Source-detector trajectory optimization in cone-beam computed tomography: a comprehensive review on today’s state-of-the-art20
Acousto-elasticity of transversely isotropic incompressible soft tissues: characterization of skeletal striated muscle19
A study of scalar optically-pumped magnetometers for use in magnetoencephalography without shielding19
TOPAS-nBio validation for simulating water radiolysis and DNA damage under low-LET irradiation19
Measuring anisotropy of elastic wave velocity with ultrasound imaging and an autofocus method: application to cortical bone19
Monte Carlo implementation of new algorithms for the evaluation of averaged-dose and -track linear energy transfers in 62 MeV clinical proton beams19
Effect of microdistribution of alpha and beta-emitters in targeted radionuclide therapies on delivered absorbed dose in a GATE model of bone marrow19
Lead-free MCP to improve coincidence time resolution and reduce MCP direct interactions19
Development of crosshair light sharing PET detector with TOF and DOI capabilities using fast LGSO scintillator19
An unsupervised 2D–3D deformable registration network (2D3D-RegNet) for cone-beam CT estimation18
Automated detection of skeletal metastasis of lung cancer with bone scans using convolutional nuclear network18
Effects of frequency on bubble-cloud behavior and ablation efficiency in intrinsic threshold histotripsy18
Dedicated convolutional neural network for noise reduction in ultra-high-resolution photon-counting detector computed tomography18
Populational and individual information based PET image denoising using conditional unsupervised learning18
Ultra-fast prompt gamma detection in single proton counting regime for range monitoring in particle therapy18
Advances in modelling gold nanoparticle radiosensitization using new Geant4-DNA physics models18
Performance evaluation of VRAIN: a brain-dedicated PET with a hemispherical detector arrangement18
MD-NDNet: a multi-dimensional convolutional neural network for false-positive reduction in pulmonary nodule detection18
Technical feasibility of magnetic resonance fingerprinting on a 1.5T MRI-linac18
Deep multimodal learning for lymph node metastasis prediction of primary thyroid cancer18
Magnetic separation of iron oxide nanoparticles to improve their application for magnetic particle imaging18
DOI estimation through signal arrival time distribution: a theoretical description including proof of concept measurements18
CoT-XNet: contextual transformer with Xception network for diabetic retinopathy grading18
Characterizing blood clots using acoustic radiation force optical coherence elastography and ultrasound shear wave elastography18
H-SegNet: hybrid segmentation network for lung segmentation in chest radiographs using mask region-based convolutional neural network and adaptive closed polyline searching method18
Microwave thermoacoustic tomographic (MTT) imaging17
Deformable motion compensation for interventional cone-beam CT17
PET image reconstruction with deep progressive learning17
A time-of-flight-based reconstruction for real-time prompt-gamma imaging in proton therapy17
RegQCNET: Deep quality control for image-to-template brain MRI affine registration17
Normalization of multicenter CT radiomics by a generative adversarial network method17
High-resolution time-of-flight PET detector with 100 ps coincidence time resolution using a side-coupled phoswich configuration17
Iterative metal artifact reduction on a clinical photon counting system—technical possibilities and reconstruction selection for optimal results dependent on the metal scenario17
Individual pulse monitoring and dose control system for pre-clinical implementation of FLASH-RT17
3D printing methods for radiological anthropomorphic phantoms17
Enhancing digital tomosynthesis (DTS) for lung radiotherapy guidance using patient-specific deep learning model17
Computational modelling of modern cancer immunotherapy17
An unsupervised learning approach to ultrasound strain elastography with spatio-temporal consistency17
A digital phoswich detector using time-over-threshold for depth of interaction in PET16
Thermoplastic 3D printing technology using a single filament for producing realistic patient-derived breast models16
A feature invariant generative adversarial network for head and neck MRI/CT image synthesis16
Effect of skin conductivity on the electric field induced by transcranial stimulation techniques in different head models16
Fat and fibrosis as confounding cofactors in viscoelastic measurements of the liver16
Ultrahigh dose-rate (FLASH) x-ray irradiator for pre-clinical laboratory research16
Iterative time-reversal for multi-frequency hyperthermia16
Generative adversarial network-based sinogram super-resolution for computed tomography imaging16
EFNet: evidence fusion network for tumor segmentation from PET-CT volumes16
Real-time liver tumor localization via a single x-ray projection using deep graph neural network-assisted biomechanical modeling16
Improving mammography lesion classification by optimal fusion of handcrafted and deep transfer learning features16
Predicting lymph node metastasis in patients with oropharyngeal cancer by using a convolutional neural network with associated epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty16
Comparative study of the methodologies used for subjective medical image quality assessment16
Generative models improve radiomics reproducibility in low dose CTs: a simulation study16
Porcine lung phantom-based validation of estimated 4D-MRI using orthogonal cine imaging for low-field MR-Linacs16
Spatial descriptions of radiotherapy dose: normal tissue complication models and statistical associations16
Minimum-monitor-unit optimization via a stochastic coordinate descent method16
Position estimation using neural networks in semi-monolithic PET detectors16
Patient’s body composition can significantly affect RF power deposition in the tissue around DBS implants: ramifications for lead management strategies and MRI field-shaping techniques16
Deep learning-based image reconstruction for TOF PET with DIRECT data partitioning format16
Deep learning-based inverse mapping for fluence map prediction16
Gradient coil and radiofrequency induced heating of orthopaedic implants in MRI: influencing factors16
Animal tissue-based quantitative comparison of dual-energy CT to SPR conversion methods using high-resolution gel dosimetry16
Integrating intratumoral and peritumoral features to predict tumor recurrence in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma16
Anisotropic diffusion of Fe ions in Fricke-XO-Pluronic F-127 and Fricke-XO-gelatine 3D radiotherapy dosimeters16
Imaging and dosimetric characteristics of 67 Cu16
Subregional radiomics analysis for the detection of the EGFR mutation on thoracic spinal metastases from lung cancer16
Out-of-field doses for scanning proton radiotherapy of shallowly located paediatric tumours—a comparison of range shifter and 3D printed compensator16
A Bayesian approach to tissue-fraction estimation for oncological PET segmentation15
Theoretical aspects on the use of single-time-point dosimetry for radionuclide therapy15
Modeling of cellular response after FLASH irradiation: a quantitative analysis based on the radiolytic oxygen depletion hypothesis15
Synthesis of pseudo-CT images from pelvic MRI images based on an MD-CycleGAN model for radiotherapy15
Performance evaluation of the PennPET explorer with expanded axial coverage15
A comparative study of trabecular bone micro-structural measurements using different CT modalities15
U-net architecture with embedded Inception-ResNet-v2 image encoding modules for automatic segmentation of organs-at-risk in head and neck cancer radiation therapy based on computed tomography scans15
Inter-crystal scattering recovery of light-sharing PET detectors using convolutional neural networks15
A dynamic blood flow model to compute absorbed dose to circulating blood and lymphocytes in liver external beam radiotherapy15
Deep learning-based synthetic dose-weighted LET map generation for intensity modulated proton therapy15
Noninvasive estimation of local speed of sound by pulse-echo ultrasound in a rat model of nonalcoholic fatty liver15
H2RSPET: a 0.5 mm resolution high-sensitivity small-animal PET scanner, a simulation study15
A novel proton counting detector and method for the validation of tissue and implant material maps for Monte Carlo dose calculation15
Training low dose CT denoising network without high quality reference data15
Validation of a deep learning-based material estimation model for Monte Carlo dose calculation in proton therapy15
Rapid rotational magneto-acousto-electrical tomography with filtered back-projection algorithm based on plane waves15
Low power implementation of high frequency SiPM readout for Cherenkov and scintillation detectors in TOF-PET15
Impact of image pre-processing methods on computed tomography radiomics features in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease15
Deep learning method for reducing metal artifacts in dental cone-beam CT using supplementary information from intra-oral scan15
Relative stopping power measurements and prosthesis artifacts reduction in proton CT15
Unbiased TOF estimation using leading-edge discriminator and convolutional neural network trained by single-source-position waveforms15
Physical characterization of 3He ion beams for radiotherapy and comparison with 4He15
Three-dimensional visualization and improved quantification with super-resolution ultrasound imaging - validation framework for analysis of microvascular morphology using a chicken embryo model14
A personalized deep learning denoising strategy for low-count PET images14
Joint synthesis and registration network for deformable MR-CBCT image registration for neurosurgical guidance14
Deep residual-convolutional neural networks for event positioning in a monolithic annular PET scanner14
Validation of a 4D-MRI guided liver stereotactic body radiation therapy strategy for implementation on the MR-linac14
Monte Carlo calculation of beam quality correction factors in proton beams using FLUKA14
Machine learning-based detection of aberrant deep learning segmentations of target and organs at risk for prostate radiotherapy using a secondary segmentation algorithm14
Multimodal guided wave inversion for arterial stiffness: methodology and validation in phantoms14
Visualization, registration and tracking techniques for augmented reality guided surgery: a review14
Feasibility of automatic detection of small hepatocellular carcinoma (≤2 cm) in cirrhotic liver based on pattern matching and deep learning14
End-to-end validation of the geometric dose delivery performance of MR linac adaptive radiotherapy14
Segmentation and classification of thyroid follicular neoplasm using cascaded convolutional neural network14
Characterization of magnetic interference and image artefacts during simultaneous in-beam MR imaging and proton pencil beam scanning14
Integrated thermoacoustic and ultrasound imaging based on the combination of a hollow concave transducer array and a linear transducer array14
Modeling complex particles phase space with GAN for Monte Carlo SPECT simulations: a proof of concept14
Pulse-echo speed-of-sound imaging using convex probes14
Second-order multi-instance learning model for whole slide image classification14
Proton FLASH: passive scattering or pencil beam scanning?14
DeepUCT: Complex cascaded deep learning network for improved ultrasound tomography14
Prospectively-validated deep learning model for segmenting swallowing and chewing structures in CT14
A review on AI-based medical image computing in head and neck surgery14
Inclusion of quasi-vertex views in a brain-dedicated multi-pinhole SPECT system for improved imaging performance14
Deep learning aided oropharyngeal cancer segmentation with adaptive thresholding for predicted tumor probability in FDG PET and CT images14
MRI super-resolution via realistic downsampling with adversarial learning14
An approach for estimating dosimetric uncertainties in deformable dose accumulation in pencil beam scanning proton therapy for lung cancer13
Performance evaluation of a staggered three-layer DOI PET detector using a 1 mm LYSO pitch with PETsys TOFPET2 ASIC: comparison of HAMAMATSU and KETEK SiPMs13
Physical performance of adaptive axial FOV PET scanners with a sparse detector block rings or a checkerboard configuration13
Microdosimetric characterization of a clinical proton therapy beam: comparison between simulated lineal energy distributions in spherical water targets and experimental measurements with a silicon det13
Development of robustness evaluation strategies for enabling statistically consistent reporting13
CT radiomic features of photodynamic priming in clinical pancreatic adenocarcinoma treatment13
Generalized deep iterative reconstruction for sparse-view CT imaging13
4D radiomics: impact of 4D-CBCT image quality on radiomic analysis13