Photogrammetric Record

(The median citation count of Photogrammetric Record is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
ISPRS TC II Mid‐Term Symposium: The Role of Photogrammetry for a Sustainable World19
ISPRS TC I Mid‐Term Symposium: Intelligent Sensing and Remote Sensing Application16
International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics 202414
Opening the Aperture to Innovation: Expanding Our Collective Understanding of a Changing Earth11
Information for Prospective Authors11
12th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy 202211
ISPRS International Congress 2021 Edition to be Digital Only11
12th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy in Potsdam11
12th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology10
Smart Data, Smart Cities & 3D GeoInfo (17th 3D GeoInfo Conference)10
The Photogrammetric Record – Instructions to Authors8
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 20228
Geoinformation Week 20228
5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring8
Small object detection leveraging density‐aware scale adaptation6
12th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology6
Geometric calibration of satellite laser altimeters based on waveform matching5
The 2nd Ramon International Geospatial Intelligence 360 Conference5
ISAG2022: International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics4
Promotion of Authors’ Work by Wiley Author Services4
David Anthony Wallis (1932–2022)4
58th Photogrammetric Week4
“Free” open access agreements4
Opening the Aperture to Innovation: Expanding Our Collective Understanding of a Changing Earth4
Gi4DM 2022 and Urban Geo‐informatics 20224
4th ISPRS International PSBB Workshop4
Modelling extreme wide‐angle lens cameras3
5th Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (Cospar): Space Science With Small Satellites3
12th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology3
Ten New Members of the International Editorial Board 20233
Geo Business 20213
International Conference on Geomatics Education—Challenges and Prospect3
Road Curbs Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds with Multidimensional Rotation‐Invariant Version of the Local Binary Pattern Features2
Quantitative regularization in robust vision transformer for remote sensing image classification2
Adaptive region aggregation for multi‐view stereo matching using deformable convolutional networks2
ISPRS TC IV Mid‐Term Symposium: The Role of Photogrammetry for a Sustainable World2
2021 Digital Edition of the XXIVth ISPRS International Congress Completed2
Evaluating the 3D Integrity of Underwater Structure from Motion Workflows2
“Smart Data, Smart Cities” 20222
The classification of airborne LiDAR building point clouds based on multi‐scale and multi‐level cloth simulation2
Neural networks and neurodiversity2
Learning‐based encoded target detection on iteratively orthorectified images for accurate fisheye calibration2
A 3D urban scene reconstruction enhancement approach based on adaptive viewpoint selection of panoramic videos2
A histogram‐based sampling method for point cloud registration2
Innsbruck Summer School of alpine research—close range sensing techniques in alpine terrain1
ISPRS Geospatial Week 2025: Photogrammetry & remote sensing for a better tomorrow1
Development of a multimedia videogrammetric technique in underwater dynamic monitoring1
20th Anniversary International Scientific and Technical Conference1
12th International Symposium on Digital Earth1
A comparative study on deep‐learning methods for dense image matching of multi‐angle and multi‐date remote sensing stereo‐images1
Frontispiece: Hyperspectral Image Classification1
A novel method based on a starburst pattern to register UAV and terrestrial lidar point clouds in forest environments1
ISPRS WG II/3: Low‐ cost 3D workshop1
Optical flow matching with automatically correcting the scale difference of tunnel parallel photogrammetry1
Photogrammetric Record Microsoft Word Template1
58th Photogrammetric Week1
FRONTISPIECE. Enabling neural radiance fields for large‐scale aerial images – From a geometric reconstruction perspective1
Automatic extraction of multiple morphological parameters of lunar impact craters1
ISPRS ICWG IV/III, WG IV/11: Workshop on 3D digital modelling for SDGs1
13th Earsel Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy1
ISPRS WG IV/9: 3D Geoinfo and EG‐ICE Joint Conference 20241
Minimum spanning tree dynamic programming stereo‐matching method based on superpixels1
Wiley Open Science Badges1
Issue Information1
Stuart I. Granshaw, the Helper, the Attractor and the Thinker0
Geoinformation Technologies for Cultural Heritage Documentation (International Summer School)0
The Photogrammetric Record – Instructions to Authors0
Combining photogrammetric and bathymetric data for modelling the Niderviller canal tunnel, France0
ISPRS Cycle of Congresses and Mid‐term Symposia Changed0
PL‐Pose: robust camera localisation based on combined point and line features using control images0
12th International Symposium on Digital Earth0
4th Intercontinental Geoinformation Days (Virtual Event)0
The Photogrammetric Record – Instructions to Authors0
An evaluation of conventional and deep learning‐based image‐matching methods on diverse datasets0
A Beyond State‐of‐the‐Art Role of Geovisualization in the Understanding of the World0
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 20220
Floor plan creation using a low‐cost 360° camera0
Weakly supervised semantic segmentation of mobile laser scanning point clouds via category balanced random annotation and deep consistency‐guided self‐distillation mechanism0
Issue Information0
XXIVth ISPRS International Congress, Nice 20220
Frontispiece. Comparing models from UAV and ground‐based imagery.0
8th International Conference on Geoinformation Advances Published0
Coarse‐to‐fine adjustment for multi‐platform point cloud fusion0
Wiley Open Science Badges0
A semantic segmentation method for vehicle‐borne laser scanning point clouds in motorway scenes0
Frontispiece: A comparative study on deep‐learning methods for dense image matching of multi‐angle and multi‐date remote sensing stereo‐images0
Wiley Open Science Badges0
Frontispiece: Comparison of 3D models with texture before and after restoration0
International Editorial Board Changes 20220
International workshop on ‘Photogrammetric Data Analysis’0
Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research‐Close‐Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain0
Building extraction from oblique photogrammetry point clouds based on PointNet++ with attention mechanism0
The 2nd Ramon International Geospatial Intelligence 360 Conference0
Registration‐based point cloud deskewing and dynamic lidar simulation0
Filtering of point clouds acquired by mobile laser scanner for digital terrain model generation in densely vegetated green architectures0
An Improved Multi‐Task Pointwise Network for Segmentation of Building Roofs in Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds0
High‐resolution optical remote sensing image change detection based on dense connection and attention feature fusion network0
Blockchain: implications for Photogrammetry0
ISPRS Geospatial Week 2025: Photogrammetry & remote sensing for a better tomorrow…0
Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 20220
A photogrammetric approach for real‐time visual SLAM applied to an omnidirectional system0
Index to Volume 37 (Nos. 177–180, 2022)0
Measurement, Visualisation and Processing in BIM for Design and Construction Management II0
13th Earsel Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy0
Issue Information0
Academic track of FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) 20230
Mono‐MVS: textureless‐aware multi‐view stereo assisted by monocular prediction0
Cipa 2023 Symposium0
Photogrammetric Computer Vision 2023 Workshop0
Promotion of Authors’ Work by Wiley Author Services0
Issue Information0
MoLO: Drift‐free lidar odometry using a 3D model0
Issue Information0
“Free” Open Access Agreements0
XXIVth ISPRS International Congress, Nice 20220
ISPRS International Congress 2021 Edition to be Digital Only0
View‐graph key‐subset extraction for efficient and robust structure from motion0
Issue Information0
Information for Prospective Authors0
ISPRS Geospatial Week 20230
12th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology0
ISPRS TC IV Mid‐Term Symposium: Spatial Information to Empower the Metaverse0
“Free” open access agreements0
Information for Prospective Authors0
3D Computer Vision and Photogrammetry0
Hyperspectral image classification based on superpixel merging and broad learning system0
Photogrammetric Record Microsoft Word Template0
Object and Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing0
Photogrammetric Record Microsoft Word Template0
Promotion of Authors’ Work by Wiley Author Services0
Learning point cloud context information based on 3D transformer for more accurate and efficient classification0
Wiley Open Science Badges0
Deflection of Vertical Effect on Direct Georeferencing in Aerial Mobile Mapping Systems: A Case Study in Sweden0
ISPRS TC I Mid‐Term Symposium: Intelligent Sensing and Remote Sensing Application0
Geoeducation for Mining, Architecture and Civil Engineering0
Covid‐19 Update0
XXIVth ISPRS International Congress, Nice 20220
59th Photogrammetric Week: Advancement in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics0
ISPRS WG IV/9: 3D GeoInfo and EG‐ICE joint conference 20240
New Co‐Editors forThe Photogrammetric Record0
UASG‐2021: Second International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems in Geomatics – 20210
28th CIPA Symposium0
Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event0
Efficient Procedural Modelling of Building Façades Based on Windows from Sketches0
Unsupervised learning‐based recognition and extraction for intelligent automatic video retrieval0
Associating UAS images through a graph‐based guiding strategy for boosting structure from motion0
Two‐branch global spatial–spectral fusion transformer network for hyperspectral image classification0
44th EARSeL Symposium0
5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring0
2023 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS)0
Photogrammetric Record Microsoft Word Template0
Indoor hierarchy relation graph construction method based on RGB‐D0
59th Photogrammetric Week: Advancement in photogrammetry, remote sensing and Geoinformatics0
Rotation‐Invariant Self‐Similarity Descriptor for Multi‐Temporal Remote Sensing Image Registration0
Automated Registration of SfM‐MVS Multitemporal Datasets Using Terrestrial and Oblique Aerial Images0
42nd EARSeL Symposium 20230
Comparison and evaluation of feature matching methods for multisource planetary remote sensing imagery0
ISPRS TC II Mid‐Term Symposium: The Role of Photogrammetry for a Sustainable World0
Topographic mapping from space dedicated to Dr. Karsten Jacobsen’s 80th birthday0
Improvement of the spaceborne synthetic aperture radar stereo positioning accuracy without ground control points0
Spie Defense + Commercial Sensing 2023 (DCS)0
A low‐drift and real‐time localisation and mapping method for handheld hemispherical view LiDAR‐IMU integration system0
12th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology0
Lidar transforms Latin American archaeology0
International Workshop on “Photogrammetric and Computer Vision Techniques for Surveillance, Biometrics and Biomedicine”0
12th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology0
Issue Information0
CVPR 2023 Workshop0
Issue Information0
ISPRS Cycle of Congresses and Mid‐term Symposia Changed0
Real‐time generation of spherical panoramic video using an omnidirectional multi‐camera system0
Rapid 3D modelling: Clustering method based on dynamic load balancing strategy0
Terrestrial laser scanning for 3D mapping of an alpine ice cave0
ISPRS Cycle of Congresses and Mid‐term Symposia Changed0
58th Photogrammetric Week 20220
Geo Business 20210
10th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management0
Frontispiece. Lidar transforms Latin American archaeology0
Issue Information0
Index to Volume 36 (Nos. 173–176, 2021)0
Cross‐attention neural network for land cover change detection with remote sensing images0
Frontispiece. Semantic segmentation of satellite images using deep learning mechanisms.0
Digital Elevation Model‐Assisted Aerial Triangulation Method On An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Sweeping Camera System0
Halcyon days: the heyday of the Photogrammetric Society?0
58th Photogrammetric Week0
Issue Information0
Summer School on Earth Sensing 20250
An automatic workflow for orientation of historical images with large radiometric and geometric differences0
2nd Workshop on Evaluation and Benchmark of Sensors and Systems in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing0
Utility‐pole Detection Based on Interwoven Column Generation from Terrestrial Mobile Laser Scanner Data0
Shih Retires as Chinese Translator0
Automatic calibration of terrestrial laser scanners using intensity features0
Determining optimal photogrammetric adjustment of images obtained from a fixed‐wing UAV0
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 20220
2023 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing0
The impact of oblique images and flight‐planning scenarios on the accuracy of UAV 3D mapping0
Frontispiece: Visual instance segmentation results of T‐element roofs on the testing dataset of RoofNTNU0
XXVII FIG Congress0
ISPRS TC III Mid‐Term Symposium: Beyond the canopy: technologies and applications of remote sensing0
Real‐time mosaic of multiple fisheye surveillance videos based on geo‐registration and rectification0
Optical 3d Metrology0
2020 Impact Factor of The Photogrammetric Record Increases0
Multi‐tiling neural radiance field (NeRF)—geometric assessment on large‐scale aerial datasets0
Promotion of Authors’ Work by Wiley Author Services0
ISPRS WG II/9: Optical 3D metrology0
Urban hyperspectral reference data availability and reuse: State‐of‐the‐practice review0
Information for Prospective Authors0
Issue Information0
A new productive framework for point‐based matching of oblique aircraft and UAV‐based images0
A survey on conventional and learning‐based methods for multi‐view stereo0
Academic Track of Foss4g (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) 20230
58th Photogrammetric Week0
International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics 20240
CNN‐transformer dual branch collaborative model for semantic segmentation of high‐resolution remote sensing images0
Issue Information0
Geo Week0
Relative Radiometric Normalisation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry‐based RGB Orthomosaics0
The Photogrammetric Record – Instructions to Authors0
A deep learning approach for facial emotions recognition using principal component analysis and neural network techniques0
Spie Defense + Commercial Sensing 2023 (DCS)0
Lowcost 3d—Sensors, Algorithms, Applications0
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics 20230
Halcyon days: The heyday of the Photogrammetric Society?0
ISPRS TC IV Mid‐Term Symposium: Spatial information to empower the Metaverse0
9th International Workshop 3D‐ARCH0
Surveying and Geomatics Educators Society 2023 Conference0
Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 20220
XXIVth ISPRS International Congress, Nice 20220
43rd Earsel Symposium0
ISPRS WG IV/9: 8th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities0
The Photogrammetric Record Editor‐in‐Chief0