Phi Delta Kappan

(The TQCC of Phi Delta Kappan is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
How district leaders create caring organizations44
Under The Law: Prayer huddle37
School and family partnership can reduce chronic absenteeism25
Reimagining Preparation For Teachers Of Designated English Learners24
What do adults know about public education?20
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads18
Students Speak Up: What people should know about schools15
Continued support for teachers; growing support for four-day school week: Findings from the 55th annual PDK poll15
Reframing trauma-informed practices13
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads13
Policy Solutions: Reimagining assessment to be accountable to the student12
Under the Law: Is there a sports advantage in suburbia?11
Backtalk: What principals need to know to respond to a crisis11
Extracurricular activities can play a central role in K-12 education11
Deliberating across difference10
Under the Law: Grade retention and the law10
Browsing: Further thoughts on this month’s theme10
Nurturing STEM talent in rural setting9
Conflict-competent leadership8
On Leadership: In equity efforts, which voices should be included — and excluded?8
Washington View: Is education reform dead?8
Reimagining American Education: Possible Futures: What might we accomplish in 25 years?8
PDK Connection: Heritage News7
Career Confidential: Teacher frustrated district ‘undervalues’ the arts7
Helping new teachers stay and thrive in rural schools7
Under the Law: ‘Anti-critical race theory’ laws and the assault on pedagogy7
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads7
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads7
Browsing: Further thoughts on this month’s theme7
Pdk Connection: Heritage News6
The path of a principal: A conversation with Sham Bevel6
Washington View: Must we stay divided over education?6
Under the Law: Introducing educators to the law6
Policy Solutions: How teachers and ed tech can help each other6
Backtalk: The controversy of teaching CRT in K-126
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads6
Teacher stress and COVID-19: Where do we go from here?6
Reclaiming inclusion in an age of indignation6
Artistic License: Celebrating the talents of students and educators6
Helping students be ‘happier and less worried’: A conversation with Elizabeth Englander5
Under The Law: The Israel-Hamas war and U.S. classrooms5
The Editor’s Note: Change for the change-averse5
The current landscape of school choice in the United States5
Career Confidential: Teacher overheard students complain about his breath5
The Editor’s Note: The learning never ends5
Teaching for transfer can help young children read for understanding5
Browsing: Further thoughts on this month’s theme5
Backtalk: Preparing emotionally competent educators5
Taking HOMies from the classroom to the whole school5
Career Confidential: Teacher told to accept feedback more gracefully5
Teacher expertise isn’t enough5
Artistic License: Celebrating the talents of students and educators5
What do excellent school leader preparation programs look like?5
Improving how schools engage families during the crucial 9th-grade year4
Students Speak Up: What preparation do future teachers value?4
Educators as agents of hope4
Five key questions educators ask about SEL4
Leveraging AI to enhance learning4
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads4
Mixed reality simulations for social-emotional learning4
First Person: Exceeding expectations in an unexpected career4
Putting evidence on CTE to work4
STUDENTS SPEAK UP: What makes math matter for students?4
The Editor’s Note: Connecting over cursive4
Under the Law: CTE: A checkered legal history4
Backtalk: Making policy research matter4
On Leadership: Why schools can’t “fail fast”3
Washington view: Federal stimulus packages: Act II3
How research-practice partnerships meet high-performing teachers’ needs3
On Leadership: Invest in long-term needs, not short-term gains3
Project-based learning in AP classrooms: Lessons from research3
Centering educators of color in teacher preparation3
Math narratives and autobiographies3
Career Confidential: Teacher wants to motivate an apathetic student3
Career Confidential: Teacher wants to motivate an apathetic student3
Backtalk: Teaching historical reasoning helps democracy thrive3
PDK Connection: Heritage News3
Poll Points: Public opinion on AI in schools3
PDK Connection: Heritage News2
First Person: Carmen: Friend, colleague, creative disruptor2
Free books to close the reading achievement gap2
Under the law: Masking reality2
POLICY SOLUTIONS: Should school board elections be partisan?2
Should teachers be mandated reporters?2
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads2
One good thing, one day at a time: A conversation with Rebecka Peterson2
Reimagining American Education: Possible Futures2
The Editor’s Note: The seduction of “school choice”2
Key lessons from research about project-based teaching and learning2
Beyond the math wars: Focus on teachers to improve instruction2
PDK Connection: Heritage News2
‘Why do I have to learn this?’2
First Person: Learning to have difficult conversations as a school leader2
Reimagining the roles of state and local education agencies2
PDK Connection: Organizational news about PDK International2
Texting: A simple path to building trust2
Mochilas of excellence2
Cultivating anti-racist professional cultures that support educators of color2
Career Confidential: New principal has imposter syndrome2
The Editor’s Note: Parents and teachers: In sync or at odds?2
PDK Connection: Heritage News2
How do we teach honesty in a dishonest world?2
Everyone is a math person2
The grow-your-own approach to teacher preparation: A conversation with Amaya Garcia2
Career Confidential: Principal wonders how to avoid burning out2
Digital platforms aren’t mere tools —they’re complex environments2
Defining, measuring, and supporting the success of equity officers1
The Editor’s Note: The responsibility to care for all1
Under the Law: Expanding access to preK and the legacy of Abbott v. Burke1
No more nice mentors1
Motivating adolescents to read1
Learning with Leaders: Rally around the kids: Angélica Infante-Green1
Big problems require big solutions1
What are the conditions under which research-practice partnerships succeed?1
State leadership to strengthen family engagement programs1
Attendance zones in the suburbs1
Employing School Librarians: What Decision-Makers Tell Us1
Students Speak Up: What makes a great school administrator?1
A lesson in motion stays in motion: If students lead, will teachers follow?1
Poll Points: Who supports raising teacher pay?1
Developing accomplished writers: Lessons from recent research1
Under the Law: Do students have a right to “equal extracurricular opportunity”?1
Partnerships to offer advanced learning for all students1
Under the Law: Title IX and the SCOTUS power grab1
Educating youth who don’t have a place to sleep1
First person: West side (teaching) story1
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads1
PDK Connection: Organizational news about PDK International1
America’s inescapable crisis: Student homelessness1
Under The Law: Recent developments in the quest for racial diversity in K-12 schools1
The CRT culture war in the suburbs1
Students Speak Up: How can schools support student mental health?1
Making mathematics visible through narrative1
Under The Law: Oklahoma!1
PDK Connection: Organizational news about PDK International1
Accountability for long-term English learners1
Backtalk: Why not be flexible in assessments?1
First Person: The principal’s dream work1
Changes that stick1
PDK connection: Heritage News1
Engaging, motivating, and supporting students through feedback1
Kappan call for manuscripts, 2023-241
Lessons from the early literacy tutoring landscape1
First Person: Notes from an average teacher1
Preventing online radicalization and extremism in boys: A conversation with Pasha Dashtgard1
Making sense of reading’s forever wars1
First Person: Early childhood educators deserve more1
PDK Connection: Heritage News1
Public education is the great perpetuator1
Teacher residency: Growing and diversifying the profession1
Artistic License: Celebrating the talents of students and educators1
First Person: The Happy Farm: Igniting the flame of knowledge in children1
Research and practice, meet the state education agency1
Career Confidential: Veteran educator wonders, ‘Is it too late to start over?’1
Career Confidential: Staff members are rude to principal when they dislike his decisions1
Curriculum, conflict, and critical race theory1
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads1
Under The Law: The incredibly shrinking zone of teacher free speech1
A crisis of mattering: A conversation with Angela Maiers1
Disrupting disparities in school discipline1
The power of teachers’ perceptions1
Clearing up misconceptions about project-based learning1
How the arts can unlocka closed curriculum1
First Person: Lamenting Earl — and other chronically absent students1
Rural communities need better state education policies1
Artistic License: Celebrating the talents of students and educators1
The Editor’s Note: There’s opportunity in the middle1
WASHINGTON VIEW: Looking for leadership in a time of crisis1
Four principles for assessing student-directed projects1
Thinking through research and the science of reading1
Policy Solutions: Should superintendents be elected?1
Authentic student voice at the board table: A conversation with Jennifer Tran of the National Student Board Member Association1
Expanding the boundaries of learning1
Backtalk: Harnessing the power of career changers to address teacher shortages1
Bookshelf: Kappan authors on their favorite reads1
Washington View: Toward more climate-friendly schools1
On Leadership: A solid transition process helps new leaders chart a clear course forward1
Policy Solutions: Was the LeBron James school a false promise?1
Industry-recognized certifications for college- and career-readiness1