Palestine Exploration Quarterly

(The TQCC of Palestine Exploration Quarterly is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Edom at the Edge of Empire: A Social and Political History11
Professor Alan Millard retires from PEQ Editorial Advisory Board4
On the Archaeology of 10th CenturybceIsrael and the Idea of the ‘State’4
Miniature Terracotta Masks from the Decapolis City of Gerasa/Jerash, Jordan4
Notes and News2
Bronze Anklets from Ḥorvat Tevet (Jezreel Valley): New Light on Exchange and Identity Construction in the Iron I2
On Olive Oil and Perfume Production in Iron Age IIA Tell es Safi/Gath, Israel2
The Level V City Wall at Lachish2
The Urban Renovation of Samaria–Sebaste of the 2nd and 3rd centuriesce: Observations on some architectural artefacts2
Double Review: Re-Excavating Jerusalem: Archival Archaeology & Revealing the History of Ancient Palestine Re-Excavating Jerusalem: Archival Archaeology , by Kay Prag2
Agency, Kinship and the Case of the Northern Kingdom of Israel2
On the Mediaeval and Ottoman Syro-Jordanian Hajj Roads to Mecca: The Pilgrim Camps in their Landscapes1
Georgian Graffito from Nessana, Dating to the ‘Dark Age’ of Christianity in Palestine1
Establishing a baseline for the study of maritime cultural heritage in the Gaza Strip1
The cultural biography of two volute capitals at Iron Age Hazor1
Daily life and cultural appropriation in Early Bronze Age Canaan: Games and gaming in a domestic neighbourhood at Tell eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath, Israel1
Decorated Bone Tube Manufacture in Early Bronze Age Israel: Experimental Analysis of Bone Preparation and Incising1
Beit Loya: Historicising Marginal Sites in Late Islamic Rural Palestine1
Insufficient evidence for metal butchering marks at Tell el-Hesi during the Early Bronze Age: Critique of the analysis of microscopic grooves in ‘Cultural Modification Analyses on Faunal Remains in Re1
Biblical Ziklag: the Case for Khirbet er-Ra‘i1
Barbara Lee Johnson (1943–2022)1
Something borrowed, something new? Semitic loanwords and transcriptions in the Greek epigraphy of Palestine and Arabia1
Walking Palestine: 25 Journeys into the West Bank1
Chronology and Strategic Significance of the Hilltop Fortress, Umm Tawabin in Jordan: Some Conclusions from the 2015-2018 Survey and Excavations by the Ghor As-Safi Project1
From Nabataeo-Arabic to Palaeo-Arabic: Two new pre-Islamic graffiti from the Jordanian Ḥarrah1
A Note on the Dedication of the Churches in Shivta1
The Identity of the Leaders of the Second Jewish Revolt and Bar Koseba's True Role in the Insurrection1
Professor Alan Millard1
Exploring the Holy Land: 150 years of the Palestine Exploration Fund0
How to Date a City Wall? The Case Study of Middle Bronze Age Lachish0
An Iron Age Stone Toilet Seat (the ‘Throne of Solomon’) from Captain Montagu Brownlow Parker’s 1909–1911 Excavations in Jerusalem0
A Chalcolithic presence east of the Sea of Galilee: The earliest finds on Mt. Sussita0
Charles Warren: Royal Engineer in the Age of Empire0
Bathing Jewish, Bathing Greek: Developing an Approach to De-Categorising Hellenism and Judaism0
Reading between the tesserae: The Tabgha mosaics’ stages, patronage, and authenticity re-examined0
Strategies of Animal Exploitation in Late Iron Age IIA Ḥorvat Tevet (the Jezreel Valley) Reveal Patterns of Royal Economy in Early Monarchic Israel0
Preserving Palestinian Cultural Heritage: ‘The Memory of History’ Project0
To Flip or not to Flip0
‘The loss of a minute is just so much loss of life’: Edward Robinson and Eli Smith in the Holy Land0
Guest Editorial: The Rockefeller Museum0
‘Nevermind the Camel!’: The Hogarth Archive and the Wilderness of Zin0
Caesarea Maritima Excavations in the Old City 1989-2003 Conducted by the University of Maryland and the University of Haifa, Final Reports. Volume 1Caesarea Maritima Excavations in the Old City 1980
Juliusz Słowacki in the Holy Land in 18370
Tatami: The Enigmatic Toponym of Western Judah, and Use of Suffixes in Dating Toponyms0
Something old, something new: Ongoing revelations within the Faynan Landscape0
An Accidental Archaeologist: A Personal Memoir An Accidental Archaeologist: A Personal Memoir , by Eric M. Meyers, Cascade Books, Eugene, Oregon, 1922, xiii + 218 pp, 340
Towards a Chronological Framing of the Two Mosques of Islamic Baydha0
Building 101 at Tel ‘Eton, the Low Chronology, and the Perils of a Bias-Perpetuating Methodology: A Response and a Proposal for the Study of All the Phases in the History of Buildings0
Books Received0
A Dedication ‘to the Olympian Gods’ for Hadrian’s Sōtēria : Saluting the Emperor’s Rural Passage through Syria-Palestina0
Tel ‘Afar (Tell al-Akhdar): A Monastic or Estate Church on theVia MarisSouth of Caesarea0
Fibulae of the Southern Levant During the Iron Age II: Chronology, Inter-Regional Connectivity and Performance0
The Price of Conflict: Devastation of Cultural Heritage in War and Political Strife, the West Bank as a Case Study0
Temporal change in traditional knowledge and use of wild plants in Artas, Palestine0
Notes and News0
Under the Mediterranean I: Studies in Maritime Archaeology0
Filling the gap: A microscopic zooarchaeological approach to changes in butchering technology during the Early and Middle Bronze periods at Tall Zirā´a, Jordan0
Invisible Excavators: The Quftis of Megiddo, 1925–19390
The Changing Character of Iron Age Jerusalem as Revealed in the Ophel Excavations0
A Roman Bronze Figurine of a Seated Infant from Shivta in the Negev0
Life at the Dead Sea: Proceedings of the International Conference held at the State Museum of Archaeology Chemnitz (smac), February 21–24, 2018, Chemnitz0
‘I am sorry for troubling you with the bother of replying! But I really want to know’: An unpublished letter by T. E. Lawrence to Max van Berchem about a Mameluke inscription from Naqb (Sinai/Negev)0
Moses Wilhelm Shapira, Hermann Weser and the Moab Expedition: Provenance Study of the Moabitica0
Some thoughts about Words0
Nine Quarters of Jerusalem: A New Biography of the Old City0
The 2022 survey season at Khirbet al-Mudayna al-ʿAliya, Jordan0
Jonathan Nicholas Tubb21st December, 1951 – 25th September, 20230
Books Received0
The Use of Greek in Palestine: Eupolemus as a Case Study0
Masada: From Jewish Revolt to Modern Myth0
Machaerus I: History, Archaeology and Architecture of the Fortified Herodian Royal Palace and City Overlooking the Dead Sea in Transjordan. Final Report of the Excavations and Surveys 1807–20120
The 2011 Season of Excavation at Gadara (Umm Qais) of the Decapolis0
The Career of Moses Shapira, Bookseller and Antiquarian0
Sounds in the desert: New evidence of ambos in Shivta churches0
John Bartlett, unintentional mentor0
Why those who Shovel are Silent: A History of Local Archaeological Knowledge0
A Reassessment of the Chronology of the Iron Age site of Khirbet en-Nahas, Southern Jordan0
Guest Editorial: Gaza's Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Life0
The Fifth Milestation from Tiberias: A Newly Discovered Milestone in the Gennesaret Valley Illumines the Roman Arterial Network0
The Petra Hinterland Social Landscapes Project (PHSLP): Summary Report on the First Season, 20220
The Unique Specialised Economy of Judah under Assyrian Rule and its Impact on the Material Culture of the Kingdom0
The Roman-Period Road Network in Southern Moab: A Geographic and Historical Enquiry0
The representation of Judaea on Hadrian’s coins0
The Iron Age IIA ‘Benyaw Inscription’ on a Jar from Tel Abel Beth Maacah0
Desert Insurgency: Archaeology, T.E. Lawrence, and the Arab Revolt0
Jerusalem’s Northern Defences Under Hadrian0
Atlas of Palestine 1871-18770
Hesi after 50 Years and 130 Years: Beginning a New Generation of Hesi Research,0
Hidden in plain sight0
An inscription from the Badia: Documenting evidence for the plague in the Mameluke Period0
‘Diocletian oppressed the inhabitants of Paneas’ (ySheb. 9:2): A New Tetrarchic boundary stone from Abel Beth Maacah0
Nine new Byzantine Funerary Inscriptions from El-ʿIrāq (Southern Jordan)0
The Meṣad Ḥashavyahu Ostracon in its Regional, Economic, and Political Context0
Books Received0
On the Origins of the Tel Nami Pyxides0
The Ḥarrah ’s Epigraphic Heritage: New Greek inscriptions from the black desert in north-eastern Jordan0
Books Received0
In the Footsteps of Honor Frost: The Life and Legacy of a Pioneer in Maritime Archaeology0
An Iron Age II ceramic figurine from Umm Sweiwineh, Central Jordan0
Under Jerusalem: The Buried History of the World’s Most Contested City0
Script and Society: The Social Context of Writing Practices in Late Bronze Age Ugarit0
Old Ground Plan - New Insights: The Central Church Compound in Shivta Revised0
Kom Tuman II: Late Period to Graeco-Roman Pottery, Volumes I and II0
Investigating changing socio-economic landscapes from the Early Bronze I–III in the Levant through Zooarchaeology0
The City Walls of Lachish: Response to Yosef Garfinkel, Michael Hasel, Martin Klingbeil and Their Colleagues0
A Summary Report – PEF Grant: ‘Khirbat al-Mafjar Archaeological Project, Jericho’0
Rev. Professor John R Bartlett0
Contributions to the Archaeology of Palestine by Overlooked Twentieth-Century Palestinian Archaeologists, Yusra Al-Ḥaifawiyah, Naṣr Dwekat and Ibrahim Al-Fanni0
The Murder of James Leslie Starkey near Lachish. A different view from a Colonial Office file0
Ashkelon 8: The Islamic and Crusader Periods0
‘Sacred Landscapes’: The Umayyad Syro-Jordanian Hajj Roads to Mecca and their Pilgrim Camps (PEF 2020 Grant) and towards final publication of the Umayyad Syro-Jordanian 0
Dating the Fortress of Umm Tawabin, Jordan: Results of Radiocarbon Dating Analysis0
The Four-Chambered Gate at Megiddo0
A Hiding Complex and Ritual Bath (Miqveh) at Ḥorvat Maskana and the Question of Their Use in the Byzantine Period0
Faynan, Nomads and the Western Negev in the Early Iron Age: A Critical Reappraisal0
The Road Taken: An Archaeologist’s Journey to the Land of the Bible The Road Taken: An Archaeologist’s Journey to the Land of the Bible , by Seymour (Sy) Gitin, The Penn0
The Case of the Two Volute Capitals from Tel Hazor0
An Artist in Abydos: The Life and Letters of Myrtle Broome0
A Mameluke-period terracotta juglet from Umm Zweitineh, Jordan0
The End of Arabah Copper Production and the Destruction of Gath: A Critique and an Alternative Interpretation0