Oxford Economic Papers-New Series

(The median citation count of Oxford Economic Papers-New Series is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
How loose, how tight? A measure of monetary and fiscal stance for the euro area*38
Technological unemployment revisited: automation in a search and matching framework25
Pandemic shocks and fiscal-monetary policies in the Eurozone: COVID-19 dominance during January–June 202022
Does employment protection affect unemployment? A meta-analysis20
Wealth inequality, intergenerational transfers, and family background12
An economical business-cycle model12
Data brokers co-opetition12
Fiscal policy uncertainty and its effects on the real economy: German evidence11
Innovation and product market concentration: Schumpeter, arrow, and the inverted U-shape curve11
Quantifying multipliers in Italy: does fiscal policy composition matter?10
Inflation, market structure, and innovation-driven growth with distinct cash constraints9
Private and public consumption: substitutes or complements?8
Population sorting and human capital accumulation8
The role of income and substitution in commodity demand8
A year of COVID: the evolution of labour market and financial inequalities through the crisis7
Wage growth and inflation in Europe: a puzzle?6
Environmental regulation, taxes, and activism6
Can hope elevate microfinance? Evidence from Oaxaca, Mexico6
Brexit and Japanese foreign direct investment in the UK: a sectoral analysis6
Economic geography aspects of the Panama Canal6
Task-specific human capital and returns to specialization: evidence from association football6
Strategic environmental policy and international market share rivalry under differentiated Bertrand oligopoly6
Grand rights and opera reuse today5
The unexpected influencer: Pope Francis and European perceptions of the recent refugee crisis5
Economic insecurity and political preferences5
Posthumous trading patterns affecting artwork prices5
Essential work and emergency childcare: identifying gender differences in COVID-19 effects on labour demand and supply5
Return migration and self-employment: is there a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ effect?5
Under attack: Terrorism and international trade in France, 2014–20165
Social progress around the world: trends and convergence5
Mental health, reporting bias and economic transitions4
Inflation trends in Asia: implications for central banks4
Public investment and human capital with segmented labour markets4
The causal impact of performance-based funding on university performance: quasi-experimental evidence from a policy in Russian higher education4
Evidence of self-selection and spatial mismatch in interregional migration: the case of Italy4
Wealth concentration in the USA using an expanded measure of net worth4
The cyclicality of job search effort in matching models4
Higher order risk attitudes in the time of COVID-19: an experimental study4
Elasticities of taxable income and adjustment costs: bunching evidence from New Zealand4
Migration and growth in a Schumpeterian growth model with creative destruction4
Fiscal sustainability under entitlement spending4
Predicting poverty trends by survey-to-survey imputation: the challenge of comparability4
Revealed preference analysis and bounded rationality3
Productivity-enhancing reallocation during the Great Recession: evidence from Lithuania3
Charitable donations to natural disasters: evidence from an online platform3
Cross-country spillovers of national financial markets and the effectiveness of ECB policies during the euro-area crisis3
Road accidents: unexpected costs of stock market movements3
COVID-19 anti-contagion policies and economic support measures in the USA3
Shocks and labour cost adjustment: evidence from a survey of European firms*3
Bernanke and Kindleberger on financial crises, 1978–20033
Impacts of the Great Recession on sport: evidence from English Football League attendance demand3
Did the Black Death cause economic development by ‘inventing’ fertility restriction?3
Rising wealth inequality: when r − g matters3
Preferences or expectations: understanding the gender gap in major choice3
Institutions and macroeconomic performance: core versus periphery countries in the Eurozone3
Institutions, trade, and development: identifying the impact of country-specific characteristics on international trade3
Long-term relatedness and income distribution: understanding the deep roots of inequality2
Wage inequality and union membership at the establishment level: An econometric study using Norwegian data2
Intangible capital and productivity: Firm-level evidence from German manufacturing2
Historical migration and contemporary health2
Economic conditions, task shares, and overqualification2
The role of student effort on performance in PISA: revisiting the gender gap in achievement2
Evolutionary economics under nonconvexity and externalities2
Labour productivity during the Great Depression and the Great Recession in UK engineering and metal manufacture2
Measuring trust in institutions2
Liquidity traps in a monetary union2
High-performance work systems and the performance of public sector workplaces in Britain2
Identifying literacy and numeracy skill mismatch in OECD countries using the job analysis method2
Damage sensitivity and stability in international environmental agreements2
Stress, effort, and incentives at work2
The impact of a minimum wage change on the distribution of wages and household income2
The institutional wage adjustment to import competition: evidence from the Italian collective bargaining system2
Firm dynamics by age and size classes and the choice of size measure2
The impact of one-parent family payment reforms on the labour market outcomes of lone parents2
Simultaneous borrowing and saving in microfinance2
What drives financial development? A Meta-regression analysis2
Reply to Edwards and Ogilvie: ‘Did the Black Death Cause Economic Development by “Inventing” Fertility Restriction’2
Household saving, health, and healthcare utilization in Japan2
Improving children’s executive functions: evidence fromcapoeira2
Are economic growth and well-being compatible? Welfare reform and life satisfaction in Japan2
The dynamics of disability and benefit receipt in Britain2
Heterogeneous gains from countercyclical fiscal policy: new evidence from international industry-level data2
Structural reforms and income distribution: new evidence for OECD countries2
For some, luck matters more: the impact of the great recession on the early careers of graduates from different socio-economic backgrounds*2
Identity, immigration, and subjective well-being: why are natives so sharply divided on immigration issues?2
Beyond human capital: how does parents’ direct influence on their sons’ earnings vary across eight OECD countries?2
Return to apprenticeships: a comparison between existing apprentices and newly recruited apprentices2
Central bank purchases of sovereign bonds in the euro area, the random walk hypothesis, and different measures of risk1
Eradicating female genital cutting: implications from political efforts in Burkina Faso1
Professionals Inflation Forecasts: The Two Dimensions Of Forecaster Inattentiveness1
Parental gender bias and investment in children’s health and education: evidence from Bangladesh1
International co-movements of inflation, 1851–19131
A note on the unemployment volatility puzzle1
Does misery love company? An experimental investigation1
The evolution of preferences and charitable giving: a panel study of the university years1
Wages of UK immigrant men across generations: who catches up?1
Effects of the minimum wage on the nonprofit sector1
Charitable giving role-modeling: parent transmission frequency and adolescent reception1
Impact of socioeconomic determinants on the speed of epidemic diseases: a comparative analysis1
Development priorities: the relative benefits of agricultural growth1
Adult skills and labor market conditions during teenage years: cross-country evidence from international surveys1
How does low-skilled immigration affect native wages? Evidence from Employment Permit System in Korea1
The gender pay gap: what can we learn from Northern Ireland?1
Time-inconsistent discounting and the Friedman rule: roles of non-unitary discounting1
Executive pensions and the pay–performance relation—Evidence from changes to pension legislation in the UK1
Revisiting the effect of democracy on population health1
The gender pay gap in medicine: evidence from Britain1
Automation and taxation1
The anchoring of long-term inflation expectations of consumers: insights from a new survey1
Performance pay and work hours: US survey evidence1
Measuring the efficiency of VAT reforms: a demand system simulation approach1
Time well spent versus a life considered: changing subjective Well-Being in China1
Teenage conduct problems: a lifetime of disadvantage in the labour market?1
Can wishful thinking explain evidence for overconfidence? An experiment on belief updating1
Government funding incentives and study program capacities in public universities: theory and evidence1
Symbolic incentives and the recruitment of volunteers for citizen science projects1
The evolution of tax implicit value judgements in the UK: 1968–20181
Distributional effect of import shocks on British local labour markets1
Can prosocial incentives and self-chosen goals improve performance? An online real-effort experiment1
Human capital and welfare1
Identifying the economic determinants of individual voting behaviour in UK general elections1
Fiscal multipliers in a small open economy: the case of Austria1
Slow real wage growth during the Industrial Revolution: productivity paradox or pro-rich growth?1
Endogenous learning in international environmental agreements: the impact of research spillovers and the degree of cooperation1
How does the ZLB affect the properties of alternative exchange rate systems?1
Inequality of opportunity and life satisfaction1
Monetary policy expectations and sovereign risk dynamics in the Eurozone1
Logit function in stochastic categorizations1
Determinants of public sector efficiency: a panel database from a stochastic frontier analysis1