Optics and Laser Technology

(The TQCC of Optics and Laser Technology is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A tunable and compact footprint plasmonic metasurface integrated graphene photodetector using modified omega-shaped nanoantennas484
Experimental investigation and optimization of modification during coaxial waterjet-assisted femtosecond laser drilling315
Investigation of optical non-linearity of lead-free ferroelectric potassium sodium niobate (K0.35Na0.65NbO3) thin films via two-wave mixing phenomenon251
Controllable customization of optical vortex lattices with coherent laser array166
Novel optical method based on nebulization assisted laser induced plasma on inexpensive paper substrates for online determination of halogens and metals in liquid samples153
High performance flexible PVDF film pressure sensor fabricated by femtosecond laser124
Stability of Ag2S/As2Se3 thin films under time dependent laser irradiation and its impact on linear-nonlinear optical properties for optoelectronic applications120
The characteristics extraction of weld seam in the laser welding of dissimilar materials by different image segmentation methods114
Analysis of surface roughness in optical coherence elastography using a novel phantom104
Passively Q-switched 2 μm laser based on graphene/BN heterostructure as saturable absorber103
The plastic flow mechanism and precise forming method of 7075 aluminum plate in laser shock forming103
Computational study of wavelength conversion based on XGM by photonic crystal semiconductor optical amplifier100
Evaluation of the influence of thermal annealing on the performance of vertical topological insulator p-n heterojunction broadband photodetector99
General scintillation for Gaussian beam propagating through oceanic turbulence and UWOC system performance evaluation98
A method for automatic extraction and individual segmentation of urban street trees from laser point clouds98
Orthogonally polarized dual-wavelength Nd:LiYF4 laser at 903 and 908 nm on 4F3/2 → 4I9/2 transition96
Precision determination of the laser-induced damage threshold for infrared glasses under femtosecond laser irradiation94
Phase-shifting multimode FLRD technique with MSM structure for RI measurement89
High-speed wafer surface defect detection with edge enhancement via optical spatial filtering in serial time-encoded imaging89
All in-fiber Fabry–Pérot interferometer sensor towards refractive index and temperature simultaneous sensing88
Propagation of generalized Airy derivative beams in free space88
Enhancing dynamic range of High-Sensitivity Quasi-Distributed accelerometer array based on UWFBG by employing TDU algorithm86
Plume active control in high-power fiber laser welding based on high-speed shielding gas microbeam85
Geometric calibration for photometric stereo under near-field point light sources using spheres84
Chromatic aberration compensation using thin, transparent, large aperture, wide focal range, adaptive liquid crystal lens84
Optical wireless sensor networks in underwater turbulence using multimode beams81
Rapid planarization of polycrystalline diamond by laser with response surface methodology81
A microwave photonic mixer based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering with high image rejection capacity80
Mo4/3B2T2/Co3O4 vdW heterostructure as saturable absorber for ultrafast pulse generation80
Differential modulation system with potential for portable field detection: An ultrasensitive gentamicin optical sensor for label-free detection80
Root collapse suppression in thick-plate laser welding using steady-state electromagnetic force77
Comprehensive review: Advancements in modeling geometrical and mechanical characteristics of laser powder bed fusion process76
Experimental study of sensing performance using hyperbolic mode resonances76
Generation of generalized perfect optical vortices (GPOVs) with controllable shapes through a multimode fiber75
Mutual authentication key distribution protocol based on ghost imaging75
Tunable all-optical AND logic gates via four-wave mixing based on graphene-on-silicon slot microring resonators74
Broadband optical absorption copper surface fabricated by femtosecond laser for sensitivity enhancement of thermoelectric photodetector72
A phase unwrapping method with the sparse prior for diffraction phase microscopy72
Optical fibre based acetone sensor using Pd modified WO3 nanostructures71
Near-UV excited green-emission enhancement by efficient energy transfer in Na1.8Mg0.9Si1.1O4:Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphor for solid-state lighting applications69
Two-photon lithography for three-dimensional fabrication in micro/nanoscale regime: A comprehensive review68
Effect of WC content on microstructure and properties of high-speed laser cladding Ni-based coating67
Determination of optical bandgap energy and optical characteristics of Cd30Se50S20 thin film at various thicknesses67
A robust color image watermarking scheme in the fusion domain based on LU factorization65
Highly sensitive Fabry–Perot sensor for the detection of sodium copper chlorophyllin65
Enhancing precision in line-scan chromatic confocal sensors through bimodal signal pattern64
Crater array generated on Al alloy surface by nanosecond laser: Surface characteristics and bonding strength64
Experimental study on laser assisted machining of silicon nitride ceramics based on acoustic emission detection64
Transportation dynamics of dielectric particles with the gradient forces in the field of orthogonal standing laser waves63
Dual-band electro-optic modulator based on tunable broadband metamaterial absorber63
All-purpose automatic image stacking for sparse aperture telescopes using dynamic metric stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm63
Arc and keyhole behavior in narrow-gap oscillating laser-MIG hybrid welding of thick aluminum alloys62
Optimization of weld strength for laser welding of steel to PMMA using Taguchi design method61
Dual-channel fiber optic current sensor based on carrier-transposed demodulation technique60
The influence of the arrangement for fiber laser and TIG on the hybrid welding process59
Short-pulse gain-switched Raman fiber laser based on conventional silica fibers58
Analytical modeling of temperature distribution in laser powder bed fusion with different scan strategies58
Nonlinearity enhancement of Multi-walled carbon nanotube decorated with ZnO nanoparticles prepared by laser assisted method57
Study on mechanism of biburst mode in femtosecond laser ablation through in-situ monitoring57
The effect of absorption ratio on meltpool features in laser-based powder bed fusion of IN71856
Glass micro welding in thermal accumulation regime with using spatially shaped ultrafast laser56
Microstructure and properties of multi-layer and multi-bead parts of 316 stainless steel fabricated by laser-arc hybrid additive manufacturing56
Microstructure and properties of the solid solution ceramic coating by high speed laser cladding55
Research on simulation of nanosecond pulsed laser processing for TC4 titanium alloy: A novel model simplification and correction method55
Enhancement of corrosion resistance of 304L stainless steel treated by massive laser shock peening55
Saturable absorption property and laser modulation performance of zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 (ZIF-67) at 2.85 µm54
Underwater image enhancement utilizing adaptive color correction and model conversion for dehazing54
41.7-Gb/s D-band signals wireless delivery over 4.6 km distance based on photonics-aided technology53
Speckle noise reduction strategies in laser-based projection imaging, fluorescence microscopy, and digital holography with uniform illumination, improved image sharpness, and resolution53
Multiple soliton mode-locking operations of a Holmium-doped fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation52
All-fiber wavelength-widely tunable multi-pulse gain-switched Tm3+-doped double-clad fiber laser52
Numerical investigation of sidewall penetration in narrow gap oscillating laser welding process51
Biological sensors based on long period fiber grating51
Gold-coated optical fiber supermode interferometer for insulin bio-sensing50
Photonic band-edge assisted enhanced nonlinear absorption of carbon encapsulated gold nanostructures in polymeric multilayers49
105 W continuous-wave diode-pumped Tm:YAP slab laser with high beam quality49
Continuously tunable deep-red laser based on Pr3+:YLF49
Wavelength modulation spectroscopy of oxygen inside anti-resonant hollow-core fiber-based gas cell49
Absorption properties of a multilayer composite nanoparticle for solar thermal utilization48
Above 10 W 2130 nm Ho:YAP laser intra-cavity pumped with composite YAP/Tm:YAP laser48
Control of the wetting properties of stainless steel by ultrashort laser texturing using multi-parallel beam processing48
Nonlinear optical responses of α-Fe2O3 nanosheets and application as a saturable absorber in the wide near-infrared region47
High-quality cutting polarizing film (POL) by 355 nm nanosecond laser ablation47
Composite color filters for wide color gamut and high optical efficiency liquid crystal displays47
Simple and reconfigurable all-optical logic gate47
Improving graphene/4H-SiC/graphene MSM UV photodetector sensitivity using interdigitated electrodes formalism and embedded gold plasmonic nanoparticles46
Narrow-linewidth surface-emitting distributed feedback semiconductor lasers with low threshold current46
Low aberration and fast response liquid crystal lens with optically compensated bend structures46
Sub-nanosecond, 41 mJ pulse energy, passively Q-switched Nd:YLF laser45
Improvement on surface quality of Inconel-718 slits via laser cutting and wire electrochemical machining processes45
Ultrashort pulse generation in All-fiber Erbium-doped fiber cavity with thulium doped fiber saturable absorber45
Nonlinear-dependent h-shaped pulse generation in a Raman fiber laser44
Recent advances of short-pulse laser–induced breakdown effect on charge-coupled device detectors44
On-machine noncontact scanning of high-gradient freeform surface using chromatic confocal probe on diamond turning machine44
Dissimilar laser lap welding of Mg and Al alloys using a CoCrFeNi medium-entropy alloy interlayer44
Lipid-coated hetero-core optical fiber sensor for wide-range chemical detection43
Design of monolithic distributed Bragg reflector-integrated photodiode using a tapered waveguide with InP and polymer cladding layer43
Polarization-independent electro-absorption optical modulator based on trapezoid polymer-graphene waveguide43
Progressive pulse dynamics in a mode-locked fiber laser43
Mechanical properties and fracture behaviors in remote laser spot welding of quenching and partitioning 980 steel43
Planetary laser welding system induced equiaxed and refined grains in 2A12 aluminum alloy weldments43
Efficient self-Q-switched Tm:YAP pulse laser with a high output power43
Unwrapping the laser beam quality through nonlinear time series and fractal analyses: A surrogate approach42
Numerical analysis of the dynamic behavior of arc by rotating laser-GMAW hybrid welding of T-joints42
Precipitation hardening stainless steel samples processed by additive manufacturing: Process parameters and thermo mechanical treatments effects on microstructure and corrosion resistance42
In-situ study of laser-induced novel ripples formation on SiC surface by an oblique-illumination high-resolution imaging setup42
Light-induced enhanced torque on double-V-type quantum emitters via quantum interference in spontaneous emission42
An investigation on temperature sensor of SDTMS structure with Ag-ZnO/graphene cladding41
A novel efficient Sr3In2WO9: Sm3+, Eu3+ phosphor for white LED applications41
A quasi-distributed fiber magnetic field sensor based on frequency-shifted interferometry fiber cavity ringdown technique41
Energy levels and nonlinear optical properties of spheroid-shaped CdTe/ZnTe core/shell quantum dot41
Nonlinear optical properties of benzanthrone derivatives with N'-methylpiperazin-1-yl and N'-phenylpiperazin-1-yl substituents: Experimental and quantum chemical study41
Switchable wide-band multi-wavelength fiber laser via Brillouin random lasing resonance41
Recent research and advances of material-based saturable absorber in mode-locked fiber laser41
Impedance characteristics of mid infra red Quantum Cascade Lasers41
Ultrasensitive fiber-optic temperature sensor based on cascaded Sagnac interferometers with a nematic liquid crystal film40
Terahertz mode switching of spin reflection and vortex beams based on graphene metasurfaces39
Proof-of-concept of a miniature pressure sensor based on coupled optical WGMs excited in a dielectric microsphere39
Offline planning optimization and formation prediction of laser directed energy deposition process39
Automated phase reconstruction and super-resolution with deep learning in digital holography39
Spatial and temporal thermo-physical analysis of Laser-induced plasma assisted ablation (LIPAA) of polycarbonate39
An adaptive optical technique for structured beam generation based on phase retrieval using modified Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm39
Bichromatic melt pool thermal measurement based on a Red, Green, and Blue camera: Application to additive manufacturing processes39
Investigation of the morphology and structural transformation of 6H-SiC induced by a single femtosecond laser pulse39
Nonlinear prediction modeling of surface quality during laser powder bed fusion of mixed powder of diamond and Ni-Cr alloy based on residual analysis39
Sagnac interferometer-based optical fiber strain sensor with exceeding free spectral measurement range and high sensitivity39
Pyramid-ladder diffractive neural network for visual recognition39
Laser ultrasonic detection of submillimeter artificial holes in laser powder bed fusion manufactured alloys39
Optical vortices by an adaptive spiral phase plate38
Impact of SWCNTs and CMCS on efficacy of anastomosis and optical properties in vivo during laser biological tissue soldering38
Visible-infrared camouflage with efficient thermal management based on surface morphology regulation38
Linearity-Enhanced integrated lithium niobate modulator based on carrier separated asymmetric Mach − Zehnder structure38
In-situ monitoring of Al/Cu dissimilar laser welding process using optical emission spectroscopy (OES)38
Longitudinal encoding of focused vector vortex beams empowered by silicon metasurfaces38
Modelling and characterization of time–frequency evolution dominated by stimulated Brillouin scattering in narrow-linewidth fiber oscillators37
Theoretical and experimental investigation on vibration modes of an optical fiber coil with spool for space applications37
Wave mechanics of microwave absorption in films: A short review37
Dynamic diversity of asynchronous pulsating solitons in fiber lasers37
High-order tunable multi-wavelength random Raman fiber laser based on few-mode fiber filter37
A sensor based on high-sensitivity multi-pass resonant photoacoustic spectroscopy for detection of hydrogen sulfide37
Optimizing surface plasmon resonance spectral imaging through AOTF-calibrated light sources and image feedback37
Energy-dependent correlation between micro/nano-morphology and stress state of femtosecond laser-induced modification in fused silica37
Advances in finishing of optical complex substrates: A comprehensive review37
Surface roughness and microhardness improvement of laser cladding stainless-steel 316 by laser polishing based on multiple remelting37
Nonlinear optical features in core–shell ZIF-8@ZIF-67 for ultrashort pulse generation in Yb- and Er-doped fiber lasers36
The effect of laser oscillation welding on porosity suppression for medium-thick Al alloy with high Mg content36
3D printing of fiber-integrated plasmonic micro-grating tip enabling high-resolution real-time and in-site refractive index sensing36
Regularized deconvolution for structured illumination microscopy via accelerated linearized ADMM36
Effect of non-equilibrium solid state phase transformation on welding temperature field during keyhole mode laser welding of Ti6Al4V alloy36
Investigation of the micro-milling process of steel with THz bursts of ultrashort laser pulses36
An investigation on the effects of geometrical parameters on the sensitivity of micro-disk and micro-ring plasmonic sensors36
Automatic classification of marine plankton with digital holography using convolutional neural network36
Improvement of 2.8 μm laser performance on LD side-pumped LuYSGG/Er:LuYSGG/LuYSGG bonding crystal36
A DSSPI phase unwrapping method for improving the detection efficiency of CFRP-reinforced concrete defect36
A metasurface processor that supports synchronous operation of analog and digital computing36
Synthesis of heteroatom Doped-Carbon dot graphene oxide nanocomposites and investigation of nonlinear optical properties35
Wearable respiratory sensor based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer in seven-core fiber35
Dual-wavelength interval tunable and multi-wavelength switchable high-performance fiber laser based on four-leaf clover suspended core fiber filter35
Influence of the different nanostructures of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites on laser cutting properties: Machining and chemical aspects35
Nd: YAG laser beam welding of UNS N07718 superalloy and UNS S32304 duplex stainless steel: Phase transformations and mechanical properties of dissimilar joints35
High-speed airborne single-photon LiDAR with GHz-gated single-photon detector at 1550 nm35
Strong chirality and asymmetric transmission effect in twisted bilayer α-MoO3 in terahertz band35
Far-field steering of beams based on dynamic encoding metasurface34
The influence of welding speed on nanosecond laser welding of AZ31B magnesium alloy and 304 stainless steel34
Comparing dielectric and plasmonic waveguides in a Mach–Zehnder architecture with coherent readout for sensing applications33
First row transition metals decorated boron phosphide nanoclusters as nonlinear optical materials with high thermodynamic stability and enhanced electronic properties; A detailed quantum chemical stud33
A novel finite element method for simulating residual stress of TC4 alloy produced by laser additive manufacturing33
Secure WDM communication based on second order differential feedback electro-optical chaotic mutual injection synchronization33
Defect formation mechanism of laser additive manufacturing joint for large-thickness Ti6Al4V titanium alloy with Y2O3 nanoparticles33
Synthesis ofSiO233
Gain-switched short pulse generation from InAs-InP (1 1 3)B quantum dot laser excited state33
Inverse synthetic aperture lidar imaging and compensation in slant atmospheric turbulence with phase gradient algorithm compensation33
Effect of pulsed laser energy on grain morphology and texture characteristics of stainless steel fabricated by laser-PTA additive manufacturing33
A fiber-optic formic acid gas sensor based on molybdenum disulfide nanosheets and chitosan works at room temperature33
Slab cholesteric waveguide33
High cycle fatigue life improvement of superferritic stainless steel by laser shock peening without coating33
Luminescent properties of carbon dots originated from pine pollen for anti-counterfeiting application33
Effects of laser beam defocusing on high-strain-rate tensile behavior of press-hardened Zn-coated 22MnB5 steel welds32
Single viewpoint tomography using point spread functions of tilted pseudo-nondiffracting beams in interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography with nonlinear reconstruction32
Robust neural network-assisted conjugate orbital angular momentum mode demodulation for modulation communication32
The research on weld pool morphology and passive film characteristic of high-nitrogen stainless laser-arc hybrid weld joint32
Simultaneous measurement of directional torsion and temperature by using a DC-sampled helical long-period fiber grating32
Experimental research into microgroove stamping by laser-induced cavitation32
Nonlinear optical characterisation of electrospun Benzil-PMMA nanofibers32
Comparative study on microstructure and properties of laser welding and argon arc welding Hastelloy C-276/SS304 with filler wire32
Laser speckle DIC revisited: An improved calculation scheme for large deformation measurement31
Image plane digital holography for simultaneous measurement of temporal and spatial coherence31
Electrowetting liquid lens integrating adaptive liquid iris31
Modeling multiply scattered light in full-field optical coherence tomographic imaging of biological tissues31
An extended equivalent circuit model for analysis of arrays of sub-wavelength holes perforated in a metallic film31
High-power vortex beams generated from a Yb:YAG thin-disk laser with spot-defect mirrors31
Editorial Board31
Light-by-light polarization control using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering with retardance spectrum shaping31
Generation of 10-m-lengthscale plasma columns by resonant and off-resonant laser pulses31
Nonholonomic spherical stitching measurement method for large-aperture angles based on differential confocal precise surface fixation31
High-power, low noise, high gain few-mode fiber amplifier31
Multi-wavelength Q-plate arithmetic in an all-liquid-crystal modular setup31
Gas flow effect on the surface modification of aluminum and silver targets irradiated by a nanosecond laser30
Grating couplers for efficient integration of surface-emitting blue lasers and silicon nitride waveguide30
Tunable structured AlGaN-based nanoporous distributed Bragg reflectors for light-coupling enhancement in monolayer MoS230
Orientation-dependent accelerometer based on a highly localized fiber Bragg grating30
High-quality fabrication of diamond straight microchannels heat sink with large aspect ratio microchannels using UV nanosecond laser based on multi-feed method30
High efficiency, 41.6 W, 10 kHz picosecond output based on a Nd:YAG double-pass multi-folded Innoslab amplifier30
Low-voltage controlling high order plasmonic modes based on graphene/metal electrodes30
Investigation of pump scheme on the dynamics of brightness-enhanced random Raman fiber lasers30
A differential phase spectropolarimeter for measuring optical rotatory dispersion30
Large field digital holography by wavelength division multiplexing using Kramers–Kronig relations30
Optothermal effect on frequency measurement of suspended graphene mechanical resonator30
Silicon subwavelength grating-assisted asymmetric directional coupler around 2 μm and its applications30
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of an additively manufactured high-strength steel30
Fluorescence enhanced biomolecule detection using direct laser written micro-ring resonators29
Editorial Board29
Polarization stabilization of the mean wavelength of erbium-doped super fluorescent fiber optic sources29
Generation of 1D array of focal segments using spirally polarized beam and Complex Phase Filter29
Triple-clad-fiber-based kilowatt-level tunable Raman laser29
Gain-dynamics-dependent noise evolution in a narrow-linewidth single-frequency Yb-fiber amplifier chain29
Vortex phase filtering in flow field diagnosis: Realizing high-speed visualization and quantitative measurement29
Ratiometric fluorescence temperature-sensing properties of Eu3+ and Tm3+ in Gd4.67Si3O13 oxide host29
Weighted voting ensemble method for predicting workpiece imaging dimensional deviation based on monocular vision systems29
Mechanism and formability of micro-heading of metal rod by laser dynamic loading29
Ultra-narrow bandwidth and large tuning range single-passband microwave photonic filter based on Brillouin fiber laser29
Direct connection of uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes to antennas for frequency reconfigurable fiber-radio transmission in the Ka band29
Editorial Board29
Reflective tactile sensor assisted by multimode fiber-based optical coupler and fiber specklegram28
Effect of mixed powder proportion on microstructure and defects of high-nitrogen steel welded joints28
Design and fabrication of >20 KW 5 × 1 pump combiner with high efficiency28
A hardware friendly and meaningful image encryption strategy based on a binary measurement matrix and de Bruijn sequence28
Theoretical and experimental generation of partially coherent crescent-like multi-vortex-correlated Schell-mode beams28
Hollow laser beam induced photoacoustic trapping of micro-sized particles with various sizes28
Nanoparticles induced by nanosecond extreme ultraviolet laser at 46.9 nm assisted by single-layer graphene28
A remarkable third-order nonlinear optical behavior of single-crystal bromide organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite28
High anti-interference 3D imaging LIDAR system based on digital chaotic pulse position modulation28
Optical single sideband modulation with tunable optical carrier-to-sideband ratio using DP-BPSK modulator28
Self-terminating barium ion laser at 614.2 nm28
Experimental and theoretical study of a novel input polarization-independent nonlinear optical loop mirror with elliptical birefringence27
Displacement measurement of sub-nanometer resolution using space-domain active fiber cavity ring-down technology27
Miniaturized optical polarization rotator on a microfiber loop using Berry’s phase27
Microstructures formed in polypropylene by a single pulse of near-infrared ultrafast laser with nonlinear absorption27
Two-neighbor-wavelength phase-shifting approach for high-accuracy rapid 3D measurement27
Preparation of uniform Ag nanoparticles with enhanced plasmon resonance intensity and antibacterial efficiency via two-step dewetting process27
Broadband generation of abruptly autofocusing terahertz ring-Airy beams with all-silicon metasurface27
Observation of operation states and wavelength-switching in spatiotemporal mode-locked lasers27
Near-Infrared double active medium coupled bottle-like microcavity laser through Forster resonance energy transfer effect for optical biosensing27
Editorial Board27
Fiber-optic surface waveguide resonance in gaseous medium: Tunable generation with all fiber modes27
Silicon nano-bridge waveguide assisted polarizing beam splitter27
1064 nm laser pumped optical parametric oscillator based on BaGa4Se7 crystal at 1 kHz repetition rate27
Diffractive analysis of spiral checkerboard zone plate27
All-fiber fully controlled Lyot filter based on bend-induced linear birefringence with tension26
Multifunctional plasmonic waveguide system based on coding metamaterials and inverse design26