OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying

(The median citation count of OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Doka, K. J., & Tucci, A. S. (Eds.). (2021). Living with Grief Since COVID-1940
Engaging Future Healthcare Professionals as Caregivers to Hospice Patients in Comfort Care Homes34
Book Review: Suicidology: A Comprehensive Biopsychosocial Perspective28
Evaluating Death Anxiety and Death Depression Levels among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction20
Improving responsible Media Reporting on Student Suicide to Reduce Negative Public Opinion: Text Mining Based on Sina Weibo in China19
Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of Utrecht Grief Rumination Scale19
The Absence of Funeral Rites as a Risk Factor for the French Bereaved Population19
Nurses’ Perceptions on Good Death and Their Attitudes Towards the Care of Dying Individuals18
“COVID-19, I Hate You!”: Framing Death and Dying in COVID-19 Online Memorials17
Complicated Grief in a Spanish Sample of Victims of Terrorism: Evidence of Validity of the Inventory of Complicated Grief14
Exploring the Impact and Lived Experiences of Hospice Staff Working in End-of-Life Care: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)14
Natural Death Versus Known Date-Of-Death: A Qualitative Study of Views on Voluntary Assisted Dying in an Online Course About Death14
Mortality Salience Effects of Critical Incidents – A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda14
The Death Anxiety Experienced by Cardiac Patients in the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Affecting Factors14
Ethical Bonds Transformation in Bereaved Taiwanese Families: A Preliminary Study14
Deathbed Visions: Visitors and Vistas14
Mortality Awareness: New Directions14
The Predictive Ability of the Existential Vacuum and Death Anxiety in Psychological Hardiness Among Elderly14
Death-Related Status Consumption: Scale Development and Validation13
Book Review: Compassion-Based Approaches in Loss and Grief13
‘She Can’t Support Me Because She’s so Old’: A Mixed-Methods Study of Support Experiences and Needs in Adult Child–Parent Dyads at the End of Life13
Risk Factors for Complicated Grief in the Military Community13
Healthcare Staff Perceptions Regarding Barriers and Enablers to End-of-Life Care Provision in Non-Palliative Care Settings in Ghana: A Multicentre Qualitative Study12
Inclusion and Participation in a Support Programme for Bereaved Adolescents – Relational Perspectives From an Ethnographic Field Study in a Swedish Context12
A Psychometric Analysis of the Spanish Version of the Grief Impairment Scale: A Screening Tool of Biopsychosocial Grief-Related Functional Impairment in a Salvadoran Sample12
Divergent Views and Experiences Regarding ‘Completed Life’ and Euthanasia in the Netherlands11
Quality of Life and Illness Acceptance among End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients on Hemodialysis: The Moderating Effect of Death Anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic11
Challenges of Palliative Care in Advanced Cancer Patients in the Chinese Mainland: A Qualitative Study11
Parent-Child Grief Interactions: A Qualitative Analysis and Conceptual Framework of the Lived Experiences of Young Widowed Parents11
Growing in Suffering: The Curvilinear Relationship Between Prolonged Grief and Post-traumatic Growth of Recently Bereaved Individual During the COVID-19 Pandemic11
Acceptance, Endurance, and Meaninglessness: A Qualitative Case Study on the Mourning Tasks of Parental Death From Childhood Experience to Adolescence10
Investigating Surgeons’ Reactions to Patients’ Death: A Phenomenological Study10
Ambivalence Resolution in Meaning Reconstruction Grief Therapy: An Exploratory Study10
Book Review: Superhero Grief: The Transformative Power of Loss10
Perceived Chronic Social Adversity and Suicidal Ideation Among Chinese College Students: The Moderating Role of Hope9
Selected Factors of Psychological Reactions Among Polish Respondents to the Outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic9
A Multimethod Examination of Medical Students’ Experiences With Bereavement and Complicated Grief9
Nurses’ Perception of Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Death Anxiety and Ageism9
Grief and Loss During Care Transitions: Experiences of Direct Care Workers8
Linguistic and Personological Features of the Doka and Martin Grieving Style Continuum8
The End of Life Accompanied by COVID-19: A Qualitative Study on Changes in Behavior and Stigmatization of the Grieving Families in Peru (Part II)8
‘Every Woman Wants to Know What Came out of Her Body’: Grief Experiences of Women After Stillbirth in Nigeria8
The Experiences of People With Advanced Cancer and Professionals Participating in a Program With Focus on Rehabilitation and Palliative Care8
Mourning During Corona: A Phenomenological Study of Grief Experience Among Close Relatives During COVID-19 Pandemics8
Prevalence and Phenomenology of Sensory Experiences of a Deceased Spouse: A Survey of Bereaved Older Adults8
When 'the Happily Ever After Ends': The Grieving Process in Widowhoods8
Stigmatized Bereavement: A Qualitative Study on the Impacts of Stigma for Those Bereaved by a Drug-Related Death8
Bereavement Experiences of Families of Elderly Individuals Who Died Due to COVID-197
Death and Dying in a Digitalized World7
Mind Yourself So You Can Mind Me; The Role of Parental Behaviour in Perinatal Death on the Surviving Sibling’s Grief7
End of Life in Patients With Advanced Non-curable Cancer: Patient Considerations Around the Moment of Death7
A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of a Suicide Bereavement Service on People Bereaved by Suicide7
Survey of the Relationship Between Online Committee of Friends Meetings, Burials, and Coping With Bereavement Among Nigerians in Ebonyi State7
Moving Forward: A Close Look at Healing Process After Traumatic Parental Death7
Racial Differences in Response to Chadwick Boseman’s Colorectal Cancer Death: Media Use as a Coping Tool for Parasocial Grief7
Prediction of Repeated Self-Harm in Six Months: Comparison of Traditional Psychometrics With Random Forest Algorithm7
Death Distress and Religiosity Among Spanish Patients Diagnosed With Depression and Anxiety7
Suicide in Later Life in Uruguay: A Suicide Note Analysis7
Factors Contributing to the Resilience of Sub-Saharan African Widows: A Scoping Review7
Diversity in Advance Care Planning and End-Of-Life Conversations: Discourses of Healthcare Professionals and Researchers7
Bereavement During and Not During the Pandemic in Terms of Complicated Grief and Social Support7
“Trying to Find North”: Fathers Voice the Nature of Their Bereavement7
Adaptation Process in Husbands of Iranian Women Undergoing Mastectomy From Diagnosis to Terminal Stages of the Disease: A Grounded Theory Study7
Suicide in Bangla Movie and Drama: A Content Analysis6
“I Want My Loved One Back Virtually”: Exploring the Desire of Bereaved People to Create and Maintain Digital Bonds With Their Deceased Loved Ones6
Associated Factors of Worrying About Loneliness Before Death6
Measuring Dysfunctional Grief due to a COVID-19 Loss: A Kurdish Validation Study of the Pandemic Grief Scale6
The Relationship Between Attitudes Towards Caring for Dying Patients and Self Compassion in ICU Nurses6
Does Illness Perception Predict Hopelessness and Death Anxiety in Palliative Care Patients?6
Uses and Gratifications of Music in Bereavement: A Qualitative Inquiry6
The Impact of Continuing Bonds Between Pet Owners and Their Pets Following the Death of Their Pet: A Systematic Narrative Synthesis6
The Near-Death Experience and Suicidal Ideation6
Feasibility, Acceptability, and Effectiveness of Adding an Evidence-Based Parent/Caregiver Program for Bereaved Families to Usual Community-Based Services6
Further Hierarchies of Loss: Tracking Relationality in Pregnancy Loss Experiences6
Lived Experience of Caring for Dying Muslim Patients in Emergency Room: A Phenomenological Study6
Intensive Care Nurses’ Anxiety About COVID-19, Approaches to and Attitudes Toward Dying with Dignity Principles During the Pandemic6
The Level of Knowledge of Organ Transplantation and Attitudes Toward Organ Donation of Carers of Patients Receiving Hemodialysis6
Bereaved Caregivers’ Experiences of End of Life Care For People With Advanced Heart Failure: A Narrative Synthesis6
Exploring the Nature of Near-Death Experiences in Iranian Experiencers: A Case Study of the Participants in the Life after Life TV Series6
Changes in Place of Death of Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Study from an Aging Country6
Advance Care Directive Preferences in Women Veterans: A Snapshot6
The Drivers of Suicides in Turkey: An Econometric Approach6
Natural Burial: An Exploratory Study of Attitudes and Practices Among Funeral Directors in the US6
Suicidal Ideation Among Kenyan Youth: A Qualitative Analysis of Online Life Stories6
Factors Influencing Family Members in Choosing the Preferred Place of Death for Hospitalized Dying Older Patients6
“Talking About Funerals Won’t Make You Dead”: Dialogic Tensions in Death Café Design and Facilitation6
Structural Equation Model of Factors Related to Death Anxiety for Chinese Patients with Cancer5
The Relationship of Death Anxiety With Loneliness and Psychological Well-Being in the Elderly Living in a Nursing Home5
Context and Underlying Factors Influencing the Adaptation Process of Older Adults Facing Spousal Deaths: A Qualitative Study5
A Tale of Two Surveys: Life-Affirming Strategy of Mortuary Improves the Quality of Bereavement Care After Hospital Death5
Decolonizing Indigenous Burial Practices in Aotearoa, New Zealand: A Tribal Case Study5
Pain in Prison: A Risk Factor Analysis of 57 Prisoners’ Deaths by Suicide in Illinois, United States5
Nursing Students’ Opinions About Covid-19: A Qualitative Study5
Uncertainty in Faith, Fear of Death? Transitions in Religious Doubt and Death Anxiety in Later Life5
A Qualitative Study of How Hospice Workers Cope With Their Level of Exposure to Death5
The Power of Death Valence: A Revised Terror Management Process5
Effects of Social Exclusion on Psychological-Well-Being and Suicidal Possibilities Among People With Physical Disabilities5
Evaluating Postvention Services and the Acceptability of Models of Postvention: A Systematic Review5
Brazilian Adaptation of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: A Psychometric Investigation of a Measure of Coronaphobia5
Intensive Care Nurses’ Experiences Related to Dying Patients: A Qualitative Study5
The Predictive Role of Personality Disorders and Personality Traits in Death Anxiety5
Death Attitudes Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Japan: A Qualitative Study Based on Erikson’s Theory of Generativity5
Bereaved in Me: Understanding the Vicarious Grief Experiences Among Helping Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic5
Developmental Impact of Early Parental Death: Sustaining Posttraumatic Growth Throughout the Lifespan5
Bereaved Families Views on the Death of Loved Ones Due to COVID 19: An Integrative Review5
Adaptation of PG-13 on Indonesian Adolescents5
Spiritual Health in Iranian Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis5
Letter Writing as a Clinical Tool in Grief Psychotherapy5
Inter-Parental Conflict’s Persistent Effects on Adolescent Psychological Distress, Adjustment Issues, and Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Lockdown5
Examining the Basic Assumption of Psychoanalytic Theory Regarding Normal and Abnormal Grief: Roles of Unfinished Businesses and Bereavement Related Guilt5
Camp Draws You Back Into Life Again: Exploring the Impact of a Therapeutic Recreation–Based Bereavement Camp for Families Who Have Lost a Child to Serious Illness5
Sanctity of Life or God’s Command? Investigating Religious Determinants of Attitudes Toward Three Cases of Unnatural Death: Capital Punishment, Abortion, and Euthanasia5
Psychological, Structural, Social and Economic Determinants of Suicide Attempt: Risk Assessment and Decision Making Strategies4
Using Multiple Regression Analyses to Uncover Patterns of Correlates of Grief Problems, Depression and Suicidal Ideation Among Suicide Bereaved Individuals4
Being A Hemodialysis Nurse During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Approach4
Effect of Perceived Dyspnea on Attitude Toward Death From the Perspective of COPD Patients4
Awareness of Imminent Death: Results From a Mixed Methods Study of Israeli Family Caregivers’ Perceptions of Their Awareness and That of the Patients for Whom They Cared4
Imaginaries of Dying: The Visual Rhetoric of Stock Images Tagged with “Palliative Care”4
Communist Funeral Reform in Central Europe (1948–1989): From Religious to Civil Funerals in Czechoslovakia and Hungary4
Lived Experiences of Bereaved Family Members During COVID-19 Pandemic in a Tertiary Care Hospital With Special Reference to Imposed Restrictive COVID Guidelines—a Qualitative Study4
Validity and Reliability of the Palliative Care Knowledge Scale4
Posthumous Organ Donation in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism: How Religious Beliefs Shape the Decision to Donate4
Developmental Reengagement Without Depression: A Grounded Theory of Resilience Among Bereaved College Students4
The Institutionalization of Kübler-Ross’s Five-Stage Model of Death and Dying4
The Relationship Between the Attitudes of Nursing Students Towards Providing Care for a Dying Patient and Their Empathic Tendencies4
The Meaning of Death for Nursing Students and Their Attitudes Toward Dignified Death Principles4
Neuropsychological Comparison of Guilt and Grief: A Review of Guilt Aspects in Prolonged Grief Disorder4
Bereavement After Patient Deaths Among Chinese Physicians and Nurses: A Qualitative Description Study4
Transition to Widowhood Among Older Adults in Rural Areas: A Study From the Faroe Islands4
Personality and Grief-Related Panic Attacks: Analysis of Neuroticism, Worry, and Anxiety Sensitivity4
Comparative Analysis of Characteristics of Patients Who Visited the Emergency Department due to Suicide Attempts During Coronavirus Disease-2019 Pandemic4
Commentary on: A Call to Action: Facing the Shadow Pandemic of Complicated Forms of Grief4
Parents’ Level of COVID-19 Fear, Anxiety and Their Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Vaccination of Their Children4
The Reflection Room®: Moving from Death-Avoiding to Death-Discussing4
Relationship Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Death Anxiety, and Insomnia in Adults After the Earthquake4
Transnational Caregiving and Grief: An Autobiographical Case Study of Loss and Love During the COVID-19 Pandemic4
“It Started After Trauma”: The Effects of Traumatic Grief on Sleep Paralysis4
Unexplored Costs of Bereavement Grief in Japan: Patterns of Increased Use of Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Financial Services4
Live Well, Die Well: The Development of an Online, Arts-Based Palliative Care Programme in the Shadow of the COVID-19 Pandemic4
Bereaved Individuals Attempts to Explain Their Unexplainable Experiences Related to the Death of Their Loved one Through Attribution Thinking4
Cremation in Interwar Romania: The Case of the Potter’s Field4
How Bereaved Parents Experience Public, Self Stigma Years After a Child’s Death4
Erratum to “Imaginaries of Dying: The Visual Rhetoric of Stock Images Tagged With Palliative Care”4
Disenfranchised Grief: The Death of a Student With Special Needs and the Coping of the School Staff – A Qualitative Study4
Sibling Bereavement Among Young Indian Adults4
“There Is Nothing I Can’t Face Now”: Coping With Child Loss Among Bereaved Parents in Ghana4
Beyond Death: Funeral Rituals and Megalithic Traditions Among the Bhil Tribes of India4
Book Review: Jewish End-of-Life Care in a Virtual Age: Our Traditions Reimagined4
Ready to Meet God? Faithfulness and the Death of a Loved One4
Initial-Stage Suicide Bereavement Experiences: A Case Study4
Participatory Grieving: A Concept Analysis3
Of Love and Death: Death Anxiety, Attachment, and Suicide as Experienced by College Students3
Relationship of Depression, Hopelessness and Life Satisfaction With Death Anxiety in Individuals Who Have Had COVID-193
“The Most Fantastic Thing is Coming Here as an Individual and Going to Bed as Part of a Group”: Participants’ Experiences From a Residential Course, for People With Advanced Cancer3
“How Do Municipal Managers Describe Improving the Services Provided to Drug Death-Bereaved Persons?” a Qualitative Study3
Grieving During the COVID-19 Pandemic: In-Person and Virtual “Goodbye”3
The Impact of Social Support on Depressive Symptoms Through Mindfulness and Resilience Among Chinese Parents Who Lost Their Only Child3
RETRACTED: Validation of the Persian Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+) to Assess Prolonged Grief Severity3
The Ashes of Tragedy: Parental Death and Child Character Development in Bambi and The Lion King3
Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Effect on Emotion Regulation and Death Anxiety in Older Female Adults3
Postponement and Transfer of Death in Traditional Igbo Society: The Case of Ngwere Ishi Enwoo Among Nsukka People: A Historico-Philosophical Analysis3
Surviving after the Death of a Spouse: A Phenomenological Study of Young and Low-Income Mothers in Turkey3
Predictors of Client Satisfaction With Bereavement Counselling: The Role of Negative Effects3
The Stubborn Persistence of Grief Stage Theory3
Beyond the Surface: Teachers’ Perceptions and Experiences in Cases of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Among High School Students3
The Relationship Between the Levels of Thanatophobia and the Attitudes Towards the Care of Dying Patients Among Student Nurses3
The Effect of Neonatal Intensive Care Nurses’ Attitudes Towards Palliative Care on Death Anxiety and Burnout: An Analytic Cross-Sectional Study3
Exploring the Bereavement Experience Due to COVID-19 Death Among Arabs in Israel3
Cancer-Related Stigmatization, Quality of Life, and Fear of Death Among Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients3
You’re Teaching Me Something About Living: Australian Palliative Care Volunteers’ Evolving Experiences of Grief and Loss3
The Color of Death; An Exploration of the Effect of Race and Religion Dimensions on Attitudes toward Euthanasia3
Changes in the Perception of Cemeteries as Public Spaces – Swiss Cemetery Visitors From 2002 to 20213
Little Strokes Fell Big Oaks: How Repeated Recommendations for Suicide Reporting Drive the Quality of Suicide News in South Korea3
Evaluating the Effect of Participation in Bereavement Support Groups on Perceived Mental Well-Being and Grief Reactions3
Delay of Gratification, Gender Role Attitudes, and Death Reflections Predict Death Anxiety3
Coping With Child Loss: Its Impact on the Mental Health of Chinese Parents3
Investigating the Social Correlates Associated With Getting Help After a Suicide or Not: An Important Unexamined Bereavement Question3
Relationship Between Attachment and Fear of Death: The Mediating Role of Religious Coping3
Anxiety, Depression and Death Anxiety in Individuals with COVID-193
Situational Analysis on the Impact of Perinatal Deaths Among Bereaved Families in Ghana3
Schoolchildren’s Attitudes Toward Covid-19 Measures Scale: A Scale Development Study3
Bereavement among Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: A Qualitative Study3
Understanding Bereavement Experiences and Coping Among Bereaved Family Caregivers in Singapore: Positive Meaning Reconstruction in the Dual Process Model3
“A Life Slips Through Our Fingers” Experiences of Nurses Working in Pediatric Intensive Care Units About Children’s Death: A Qualitative Study3
Anxiety, Depression and Burnout Levels of Nurses Working in COVID-19 Intensive Care Units3
Evaluating the Correlation of Death Anxiety With Spirituality, Religious Attitude, and Resilience in Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases3
Carrying Death: A Qualitative Study of Women’s Bodily Perceptions After Their Baby Died in Utero3
The Effect of Mindfulness on Death Escape Acceptance in Young People: Emotion Regulation as a Mediator3
Depression, Complicated Grief, and Suicide Ideation Following Bereavement During the COVID-19 Pandemic3
Maladaptive Personality Characteristics, Coping and Situational Factors Predict Symptoms of Complicated Grief and Health Difficulties3
Impact of Environment and Milieu Therapy in Palliative Care3
Exploring Resilience and Post-traumatic Growth Among Bereaved Adults in Kosovo3
Rumor Has it: “Dementia” A Discourse-Analytical Analysis of Obituaries of People With Dementia3
Performance of Adult’s Death and Burial Among Ilaje People of Southwest Nigeria3
Re-Conceptualizing Bereavement Care Practices: Insights Gained from Service Providers3
Suicide in the USA: A Decadal Study From the 1930s to the 2020s3
RETRACTED: Death Anxiety in the Iranian Elderly: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study3
Effect of Music on Pain in Cancer Patients in Palliative Care Service: A Randomized Controlled Study3
Protective Factors in the Context of Childhood Bereavement: Youth Gratitude, Future Orientation, and Purpose in Life3
Spousal Mourning for Partners Living with Cognitive Impairment: The Interplay of Attachment and the Two-Track Model of Dementia Grief3
Innovation in Bereavement Care: Research Circles as a Framework for Translation of Research-Based Knowledge3
Contributing Factors of a Good Death for Children With Cancer From Bereaved Parents’ Perspectives in South Korea3
Bibliometric and Visualized Analysis of Good Death Research from 2001–20213
Navigating Loss Together: A Scoping Review of Couples Therapy Interventions for Perinatal Death3
Confronted With Death: Factors Affecting End of Life Decisions in the Intensive Care Unit3
The Role of Emotion Regulation Difficulties and Intrusive and Deliberate Rumination in the Association Between Insecure Attachment and Prolonged Grief3
Recognizing the Death Motif in the Near-Death Experience3
Practitioner Experiences of the Death of an Equine in an Equine-Assisted Services Program2
Parental Grief After the Unexpected Death of a Child: A Scoping Review About the Impact on Parent’s Social Networks and the Function of Self-Help Groups2
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Attitudes Towards Caring for Dying Patients and Compassion2
Fear of Cancer Recurrence as Reminder About Death: Lived Experiences of Cancer Survivors’ Spouses2
An Analysis of Factors Predicting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Grief Following Comrade Loss2
The Internalization of Stigma and the Shaping of the Grief Experience for Peers Bereaved by a Drug-Related Death2
“Death Bouncers” and “Spiritual Guides”: How End-of-Life Doulas Provide, Frame, and Navigate Spirituality and Spiritual Care2
Can We Talk About Life Without Taking Death Into Account? Early Childhood Educators’ Self-Perceived Ability to Approach the Topic of Death With Children2
Posttraumatic Growth and Continued Bonds in Fathers Receiving Bereavement Photography Following Perinatal Loss: A Mixed-Methods Study2
From Grief to Growth: The Role of Coping Strategies, Kinship and Cause of Death2
Anatomy of Domestic Violence and Suicide in Kashmir2
Effects of Different Psychosocial Interventions on Fear of Cancer Recurrence in Cancer Patients: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials2
Risk Factors of Prolonged Grief Disorder2
Death Anxiety and Interment Stress Family Interventions for Filipino Older Adults2
Mental Health of Homicidally Bereaved Individuals: A Systematic Review of Post-Homicide Factors2
Death Anxiety: An Exploration of Professional Counselor Experiences2
Fear of Cancer Progression and Death Anxiety in Survivors of Advanced Colorectal Cancer: A Qualitative Study Exploring Coping Strategies and Quality of Life2
Harris, D. L. (Ed.). (2019). Non-Death Loss and Grief: Context and Clinical Implications2
Impact of Death Anxiety on Psychological Well-Being and Successful Aging of Older Adults With Chronic Illness2
“Nobody Wants to Talk About It, Especially in This Building”: A Qualitative Study of How People Living in Permanent Supportive Housing Approach End-Of-Life Care2
The Psychopathological Predictors and Effects of Death Anxiety2
Some Personal Reflections on the History and Current Status of Textbooks in the Field of Death, Dying, and Bereavement2
Parental Death During Adolescence: A Review of the Literature2
Medical Chart Review to Explore Suicidal and Self-Harm Thoughts and Behavior Among Psychiatric Inpatients2
Embracing Endings: Unveiling the Connection Between Final Conversations, the Opportunity Model for Presence, and Coping With the Death of Our Parents2
Protective Factors Associated With the Loss of a Child due to Oncological Illness: Systematic Review2
An Analysis of the Latent Class and Influencing Factors of Death Anxiety Among Han Chinese and Tibetan College Students2
The Effectiveness of Integrated Group Therapy on Prolonged Grief Disorder of Bereaved People from COVID-19 Randomized Controlled Trial2
Assessing Suicidal Ideation in Young People With Depression: Factor Structure of the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire2
Devising Solutions for COVID-19 Fear in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus2
Rugg, J., & Parsons, B. (2019). Funerary Practices in England and Wales Mathijssen, B., & Venhorst, C. (2019). Funerary Practices in the Netherlands Nešporová, O. (2020). Fune2
Nursing Students’ Spiritual/Religious Coping Strategies Dealing With First Experience of Witnessing Death During Clinical Practices2
The Association Between Depression and Death Anxiety Among Older Adults: Moderating Effect of Ego-Integrity2
Pathways to Resilience: Exploring Post-Traumatic Growth in the Wake of Drug-Related Deaths2
Experiences of Complicated Grief – A Synthesis of Qualitative Studies2
Hurricane-Force Grief: A Mirror of Fathers’ Love2
Perceived and Internalized Stigma Towards Suicide and Their Roles in Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Chinese College Students2
Qualitative Bereavement Experiences and Support in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Scoping Review2
Effectiveness of Brief Contact Interventions for Bereavement: A Systematic Review2
Suicidal Ideation Among Older Adults in Prison: A Qualitative Study2
The Investigation of the Relationship Between Mortality Awareness and Spiritual Care Competencies of Nurses Working in Intensive Care and Palliative Care Units2
Corrigendum to “Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of “Intensive Care Nurses” Attitude Scale Toward Brain Death and Organ Transplantation”2
Effect of Veteran-Focused Suicide Prevention Public Messaging on Help-Seeking Behavior and Secure Firearm Storage2