International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

(The median citation count of International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A projection‐based reduced‐order model for parametric quasi‐static nonlinear mechanics using an open‐source industrial code89
Parametric model order reduction for acoustic boundary element method systems through a multiparameter Krylov subspaces recycling strategy85
Isotropic packing algorithm for particle simulations55
Interval uncertainty‐based multidisciplinary reliability analysis method for information‐poor complex system52
Robust geometry and topology optimization of plane frames using order statistics and force density method with global stability constraint46
A direct solution method for generalized stochastic eigenvalue problems of structures with random parameters38
Time‐varying piecewise nonlinear dynamic model of the vibrating machinery with elliptical trajectory consider the interactions between its frame and particles33
An efficient hybrid reliability analysis method based on active learning Kriging model and multimodal‐optimization‐based importance sampling32
Extrapolation and Ce‐based implicit integration of anisotropic constitutive behavior32
Hybrid equilibrium element with high‐order stress fields for accurate elastic dynamic analysis30
On the use of graph centralities to compute generalized inverse of singular finite element operators: Applications to the analysis of floating substructures30
Coupled peridynamic model for geometrically nonlinear deformation and fracture analysis of slender beam structures27
Issue Information25
An incremental bond‐based peridynamic method for elastoplastic problems23
Highly precise and efficient solution strategy for linear heat conduction and structural dynamics23
Issue Information23
Numerical modeling of nonlinear photoelasticity22
Additional Cover22
Space and chaos‐expansion Galerkin proper orthogonal decomposition low‐order discretization of partial differential equations for uncertainty quantification22
The variable‐extended immersed boundary method for compressible gaseous reactive flows past solid bodies21
Issue Information21
Optimization loop based on adjoint sensitivity analysis for flows through porous media with adsorption21
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A proper generalized decomposition based Padé approximant for stochastic frequency response analysis20
An accurate porosity‐velocity‐concentration approach for solving reactive mass transport problems involving chemical dissolution in fluid‐saturated porous media with arbitrarily initial porosity distr20
Penalty‐free discontinuous Galerkin method19
Issue Information19
Featured Cover18
Modeling dynamic cracks initiation and propagation with the local to global approach18
Computationally efficient finite element formulation for blood flow analysis in multi‐layered aorta modeled as viscoelastic material18
Gröbner bases plugged into graphical skills to solve a set of multiple bifurcation equations in structural compound stability problems18
Multi‐material topology optimization considering arbitrary strength and yield criteria constraints with single‐variable interpolation18
Elastoplastic damage model and numerical implementation of nano‐silica incorporated concrete18
Issue Information17
On the mapping procedure based on higher‐order Hermite polynomials for laminated thin plates with arbitrary domains in gradient elasticity17
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Issue Information17
An efficient 4‐node facet shell element for the modified couple stress elasticity16
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Coupling between cohesive element method and node‐to‐segment contact algorithm: Implementation and application16
Simultaneously iterative procedure based on block Newton method for elastoplastic problems16
Issue Information16
Embedded Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin methods16
Modeling non‐isothermal two‐phase fluid flow with phase change in deformable fractured porous media using extended finite element method15
Arbitrary mesh‐moving velocity‐based space‐time finite element method for large deformation analysis of solids15
Data‐physics driven reduced order homogenization15
On designing and developing single‐step second‐order implicit methods with dissipation control and zero‐order overshoots via subsidiary variables15
A finite element level set method based on adaptive octree meshes for thermal free‐surface flows15
A class of strain‐displacement elements in upper bound limit analysis15
Computational homogenization of higher‐order continua15
Graded damage in quasi‐brittle solids15
A Nitsche‐based cut finite element solver for two‐phase Stefan problems15
A stable formulation of correspondence‐based peridynamics with a computational structure of a method using nodal integration15
A novel phase‐field based cohesive zone model for modeling interfacial failure in composites15
Issue Information14
AI‐enhanced iterative solvers for accelerating the solution of large‐scale parametrized systems14
High‐fidelity tensor‐decomposition based matrix formation for isogeometric buckling analysis of laminated shells with solid‐shell formulation14
Free energy calculation and ghost force correction for hot‐QC14
Finite elements based on Jacobi shape functions for the analysis of beams, plates and shells14
A fully coupled regularized mortar‐type finite element approach for embedding one‐dimensional fibers into three‐dimensional fluid flow14
Numerical scheme solving the temperature of the interface between gas and heterogeneous solid with phase change14
Issue Information14
Reduced model for fracture of geometrically exact planar beam: Non‐local variational formulation, ED‐FEM approximation and operator split solution14
A simple Eulerian–Lagrangian weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for fluid flow and heat transfer13
An optimization based multi‐block‐structured grid generation method13
Stress‐constrained multiscale topology optimization with connectable graded microstructures using the worst‐case analysis13
Issue Information13
Coupling of non‐ordinary state‐based peridynamics and finite element method with reduced boundary effect13
Automatically adaptive stabilized finite elements and continuation analysis for compaction banding in geomaterials13
Using the discriminant in a numerically stable symmetric 3 × 3 direct eigenvalue solver13
On approximation theory of nonlocal differential operators12
A dissipation‐based path‐following technique for the phase‐field approach to brittle and ductile fracture12
Penalization techniques for fatigue‐based topology optimizations of structures with embedded functionally graded lattice materials12
Multi‐fidelity data fusion through parameter space reduction with applications to automotive engineering12
A corotational mixed flat shell finite element for the efficient geometrically nonlinear analysis of laminated composite structures12
Stochastic spectral cell method for structural dynamics and wave propagations12
Semi‐analytical smoothed‐particle hydrodynamics correction factors for polynomial kernels and piecewise‐planar boundaries12
Topology optimization of stability‐constrained structures with simple/multiple eigenvalues12
Reduced order modeling based inexact FETI‐DP solver for lattice structures12
Neuro‐PINN: A hybrid framework for efficient nonlinear projection equation solutions12
Non‐intrusive reduced‐order modeling using convolutional autoencoders12
A computational framework for homogenization and multiscale stability analyses of nonlinear periodic materials11
Crack phase‐field enhanced finite cover method for dynamic fracture at finite strain11
Efficient numerical modeling of liquid infusion into a porous medium partitioned by impermeable perforated interlayers11
Some remarks on load modeling in nonlinear structural analysis–Statics with large deformations–Consistent treatment of follower load effects and load control11
Stress‐constrained topology optimization of structures subjected to nonproportional loading11
A large deformation multiphase continuum mechanics model for shock loading of soft porous materials11
Quasi‐static fracture analysis by coupled three‐dimensional peridynamics and high order one‐dimensional finite elements based on local elasticity11
Development of smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for modeling active nematics11
Calibration of elastoplastic constitutive model parameters from full‐field data with automatic differentiation‐based sensitivities11
Structure preserving and energy dissipative contact approaches for implicit dynamics11
MPMICE: A hybrid MPM‐CFD model for simulating coupled problems in porous media. Application to earthquake‐induced submarine landslides11
A framework for plasticity‐based topology optimization of continuum structures11
An efficient method for estimating failure probability bounds under random‐interval mixed uncertainties by combining line sampling with adaptive Kriging10
Concurrent topology optimization of multiple components sharing partial design domain based on distance regularized parameterized level set method10
An efficient eight‐node quadrilateral element for free vibration analysis of multilayer sandwich plates10
Time‐Domain Spectral BFS Plate Element With Lobatto Basis for Wave Propagation Analysis10
An efficient reduced‐order method for stochastic eigenvalue analysis10
An equilibrium‐based formulation with nonlinear configuration dependent interpolation for geometrically exact 3D beams10
Equilibrium finite element and error estimation for frictional contact problem based on linear complementarity problem formulation10
Dipole‐based BEM formulation for three‐dimensional cohesive crack propagation modelling10
Robust flat‐facet triangular shell finite element10
Intelligent stiffness computation for plate and beam structures by neural network enhanced finite element analysis10
Topology optimization of structural frames based on a nonlinear Timoshenko beam finite element considering full interaction10
An adaptive reduced order model for the angular discretization of the Boltzmann transport equation using independent basis sets over a partitioning of the space‐angle domain10
An inverse procedure for identification of loads applied to a fractured component using a meshfree method10
Machine learning based asymptotic homogenization and localization: Predictions of key local behaviors of multiscale configurations bearing microstructural varieties10
A new method for optimizing the topology of hinge‐free and fully decoupled compliant mechanisms with multiple inputs and multiple outputs10
A Novel Discrete Element Method for Smooth Polyhedrons and Its Application to Modeling Flows of Concave‐Shaped Particles10
A p‐adaptive, implicit‐explicit mixed finite element method for diffusion‐reaction problems10
A total‐Lagrangian material point method for coupled growth and massive deformation of incompressible soft materials10
A novel numerical strategy for modeling the moving boundary value problem of electrochemical machining9
Propagation algorithm for hybrid uncertainty parameters based on polynomial chaos expansion9
Contact framework for total Lagrangian smoothed particle hydrodynamics using an adaptive hybrid kernel scheme9
On the role of tissue mechanics in fluid–structure interaction simulations of patient‐specific aortic dissection9
A stabilized mixed three‐field formulation for stress accurate analysis including the incompressible limit in finite strain solid dynamics9
A projection‐based quaternion discretization of the geometrically exact beam model9
A diffusive‐discrete crack transition scheme for ductile fracture at finite strain9
An adaptive model order reduction method for nonlinear seismic analysis of civil structures based on the elastic–plastic states9
Hybrid multi‐objective optimization algorithm using Taylor series model and Spider Monkey Optimization9
Accurate data‐driven surrogates of dynamical systems for forward propagation of uncertainty9
Manufacturing cost and reliability‐based shape optimization of plate structures9
Variational multiscale super‐resolution: A data‐driven approach for reconstruction and predictive modeling of unresolved physics9
A condition number‐based numerical stabilization method for geometrically nonlinear topology optimization9
A first‐order hyperbolic arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian conservation formulation for non‐linear solid dynamics9
Parametric reduced order models based on a Riemannian barycentric interpolation9
Issue Information9
Efficient estimation procedure for failure probability function by an augmented directional sampling9
A decoupled probabilistic constrained topology optimization method based on the constraint shift9
3D viscoelastic computational grains with spherical inclusions with or without interphases/coatings for micromechanical modeling of heterogeneous materials9
Efficient finite difference formulation of a geometrically nonlinear beam element9
A particle‐continuum coupling method for multiscale simulations of viscoelastic–viscoplastic amorphous glassy polymers9
Discrete exterior calculus for photonic crystal waveguides9
An algorithm for generating microstructures of fiber‐reinforced composites with long fibers9
A layered solid finite element formulation with interlaminar enhanced displacements for the modeling of laminated composite structures9
Cellular topology optimization on differentiable Voronoi diagrams9
Implementation of the coupled two‐mode phase field crystal model with Cahn–Hilliard for phase‐separation in battery electrode particles9
Improved back propagation neural network based on the enrichment for the crack propagation9
On sparse regression, Lp‐regularization, and automated model discovery8
Leveraging ray tracing cores for particle‐based simulations on GPUs8
Point collocation with mollified piecewise polynomial approximants for high‐order partial differential equations8
Hybrid time‐dependent reliability analysis under a mixture of random and interval uncertainties8
Virtual displacement based discontinuity layout optimization8
Bézier extraction based isogeometric approach to multi‐objective topology optimization of periodic microstructures8
Deformation Analysis of Cosserat Rods Using Piecewise Clothoid Approximation8
A two‐way coupling approach for simulating bouncing droplets8
Response to “Comments on the paper by B. E. Grossman‐Ponemon, L. M. Keer, and A. J. Lew ‘A method to compute mixed‐mode stress intensity factors for nonplanar cracks in three dimensions’ (<8
Dynamic cracking simulation by the nonlocal macro‐meso‐scale damage model for isotropic materials8
Adaptive material evaluation by stabilized octree and sandwich coarsening in FFT‐based computational micromechanics8
Stochastic response analysis of 3D vibro‐acoustic systems with geometrical uncertainties based on the extended finite element method8
A total‐strain based orthotropic continuum model for the cyclic nonlinear behavior of unreinforced brick masonry structures8
A two‐dimensional corotational curved beam element for dynamic analysis of curved viscoelastic beams with large deformations and rotations8
Topology optimization of thermo‐elastic structures with temperature‐dependent material properties under large temperature gradient8
Multiscale analysis of thermal problems in heterogeneous materials with Direct FE2 method8
A Novel Two‐Stage Reliability Analysis Method Combining Improved Cross‐Entropy Adaptive Sampling and Relevant Vector Machine8
On the Use of Block Low Rank Preconditioners for Primal Domain Decomposition Methods8
An analysis of high order FEM and IGA for explicit dynamics: Mass lumping and immersed boundaries8
Sparse Bayesian learning for complex‐valued rational approximations8
On non‐stationary polarization methods in FFT‐based computational micromechanics8
Local reduced subspaces of subchannel‐inspired subdomains8
A highly efficient method for structural model reduction8
Variational schemes and mixed finite elements for large strain isotropic elasticity in principal stretches: Closed‐form tangent eigensystems, convexity conditions, and stabilised elasticity8
Efficient and robust numerical treatment of a gradient‐enhanced damage model at large deformations8
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction for parametric problems: A kernel proper orthogonal decomposition8
Sequential Maximal Updated Density Parameter Estimation for Dynamical Systems With Parameter Drift8
A combinatorial model reduction method for the finite element analysis of wind instruments8
Development of GPU‐based matrix‐free strategies for large‐scale elastoplasticity analysis using conjugate gradient solver8
Isogeometric analysis of 3D solids in boundary representation for problems in nonlinear solid mechanics and structural dynamics8
Grassmannian diffusion maps based surrogate modeling via geometric harmonics8
Fluid flow and mass transport in fractured media with curved fractures and varying apertures: A 3D modeling approach7
Shape optimization with immersed interface finite element method7
Crack Propagation Prediction Using Partial Differential Equations‐Based Neural Network With Discovered Governing Equations7
Second‐order computational homogenization of flexoelectric composites7
Shape Optimization of Tunable Poisson's Ratio Metamaterials With Disk B‐Splines7
A Generalized Single‐Step Multi‐Stage Time Integration Formulation and Novel Designs With Improved Stability and Accuracy7
Non‐intrusive reduced order modeling: Geometrical framework, high‐order models, and a priori analysis of applicability7
Featured Cover7
An implicit–explicit time discretization for elastic wave propagation problems in plates7
Closed form radial return algorithm for plane stress elastic‐plastic analyses7
A finite addition of matter elements method for modeling and solution of an SLM thermal problem by a multiscale method7
A data‐driven bond‐based peridynamic model derived from group method of data handling neural network with genetic algorithm7
Weak enforcement of interface continuity and generalized periodicity in high‐order electromechanical problems7
A nonlinear stochastic finite element method for solving elastoplastic problems with uncertainties7
Interface‐Filtering Structural Optimization7
Multi‐Set MMV Topology Optimization Approach for Sliding Surface Texture Design7
Treatment of inelastic material models within a dynamic ALE formulation for structures subjected to moving loads7
A second‐order reduced multiscale method for nonlinear shell structures with orthogonal periodic configurations7
The fractal version of the bond‐based peridynamics method7
Issue Information7
Adaptive configurational force‐based propagation for brittle and fatigue crack analysis7
A nonsmooth method for spatial frictional contact dynamics of flexible multibody systems with large deformation7
Linking discrete and continuum diffusion models: Well‐posedness and stable finite element discretizations7
3‐D impulse‐based level‐set method for granular flow modeling7
A dual decomposition of the closest point projection in incremental elasto‐plasticity using a mixed shell finite element7
Issue Information7
Retracted: Stability analysis of blocky structure system using discontinuity layout optimization7
A physics‐based model reduction approach for node‐to‐segment contact problems in linear elasticity7
Arbitrary Order Virtual Element Methods for High‐Order Phase‐Field Modeling of Dynamic Fracture7
Regularized X‐FEM Modeling of Arbitrary 3D Interacting Crack Networks7
Issue Information7
A novel mixed and energy‐momentum consistent framework for coupled nonlinear thermo‐electro‐elastodynamics7
NN‐mCRE: A modified constitutive relation error framework for unsupervised learning of nonlinear state laws with physics‐augmented neural networks7
Topology optimization for realizing tailored self‐collimation in phononic crystals7
Computational multiphase periporomechanics for unguided cracking in unsaturated porous media7
Constrained motion design with distinct actuators and motion stabilization7
Domain decomposition methods and acceleration techniques for the phase field fracture staggered solver7
Featured Cover6
Featured Cover6
Constrained sensitivity filtering technique for topology optimization with lower computational expense6
Integral equations and model reduction for fast computation of nonlinear periodic response6
Evaluating material point methods on problems involving free surfaces and strong gradients6
A highly accurate artificial neural networks scheme for solving higher multi‐order fractal‐fractional differential equations based on generalized Caputo derivative6
Explicit structural topology optimization using boundary element method‐based moving morphable void approach6
On the number of subproblem iterations per coupling step in partitioned fluid‐structure interaction simulations6
A 3D fully‐nonlinear potential‐flow solver for efficient simulations of large‐scale free‐surface waves6
Issue Information6
A posteriori error estimations and convergence criteria in fast Fourier transform‐based computational homogenization6
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Issue Information6
A novel high‐order collocation indirect boundary element method based on the Leis formulation for three‐dimensional high frequency exterior acoustic problems6
A mixed‐dimensional model for direct current simulations in the presence of a thin high‐resistivity liner6
Thermomechanical fatigue life prediction of metallic materials by a gradient‐enhanced viscoplastic damage approach6
A fast local nonlinear solution technique based on the partitioned finite element and interface element method6
Finite element modeling of electro‐viscoelasticity in fiber reinforced electro‐active polymers6
A comprehensive implicit substepping integration scheme for multisurface plasticity6
A non‐conforming finite element formulation for modeling compressible viscous fluid and flexible solid interaction6
Vanguard developments in computational methods for fluid‐structure interaction6
Efficient formulation of a two‐noded geometrically exact curved beam element6
Issue Information6
A novel method for solving nonlinear stochastic mechanics problems using FETI‐DP6
A partitioned combined computational method for multi‐scale dynamic systems6
A mechanics‐informed artificial neural network approach in data‐driven constitutive modeling6