Nuclear Fusion

(The TQCC of Nuclear Fusion is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Modeling snowflake divertors in MAST-U Tokamak117
Fast ion confinement in quasi-axisymmetric stellarator equilibria86
A method for diagnosing the implosion symmetry in inertial confinement fusion with wide-angle VISAR60
Amorphization and siliconization of silicon carbide as a first wall material58
Diamagnetic energy measurements and evaluation of poloidal beta and internal inductance during the first operational phase at JT-60SA55
Modelling resistive-inductive evolution of currents in Wendelstein 7-X53
A nonlinear simulation study of the effect of toroidal rotation on RMP control of ELMs53
Fabrication of high-concentration Cu-doped deuterated targets for fast ignition experiments51
Effects of magnetic helicity on 3D equilibria and self-organized states in KTX reversed field pinch47
Observation of avalanche-like transport in Heliotron J and JT-60U plasmas45
3D modeling of a double-driver ion source considering ion magnetization: an investigation of plasma symmetry modulation methods44
Hydrogen removal by electron cyclotron wall conditioning with neon gas and its impact of tokamak plasma start-up on the QUEST spherical tokamak43
Equilibrium reconstruction constrained by the consistency of current simulation on EAST43
Prediction of pellet mass thresholds for ELM triggering in low-collisionality, ITER-like discharges42
First observation of beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode inside the edge magnetic island on the J-TEXT tokamak42
Subdiffusive transport of runaway electrons in presence of small amplitude MHD perturbations in COMPASS42
Impact of microwave beam scattering by density fluctuations on the electron–cyclotron power deposition profile in tokamaks41
Reduced model for H-mode sustainment in unfavorable 40
Plasma profile reconstruction supported by kinetic modeling40
Plasma surrogate modelling using Fourier neural operators39
Cross-tokamak disruption prediction based on domain adaptation38
Dynamic characteristics of edge plasma profiles during the opening of edge islands on the J-TEXT tokamak38
Characterization of SOL profiles and turbulence in ICRF-heated plasmas in EAST38
Gyrokinetic analysis of turbulent transport by electromagnetic turbulence in finite β plasmas with weak magnetic shear on HL-2A36
Kinetic study of the bifurcation of resonant magnetic perturbations for edge localized mode suppression in ASDEX Upgrade36
Impact of supra-thermal particles on plasma performance at ASDEX Upgrade with GENE-Tango simulations36
Automated experimental design of safe rampdowns via probabilistic machine learning35
Thermal hydraulic assessment on the full banana model of COOL blanket for CFETR34
Mechanism of hydrogen isotope exchange for tritium removal in plasma-facing materials: a multi-scale investigation34
Transport and stability in sustained high 33
Development and validation of fully open-source R2S shutdown dose rate capabilities in OpenMC *33
Deuterium uptake, desorption and sputtering from W(110) surface covered with oxygen32
Sawtooth suppression by flux pumping on HBT-EP31
Fluctuation-induced inward particle flux during L–I–H transition on HL-2A tokamak31
The high-power helicon program at DIII-D: gearing up for first experiments30
3D full wave fast wave modeling with realistic HHFW antenna geometry and SOL plasma in NSTX-U30
Influence of elongation and triangularity on plasma response to resonant magnetic perturbations30
Predictive JET current ramp-up modelling using QuaLiKiz-neural-network30
First demonstration of full ELM suppression in low input torque plasmas to support ITER research plan using n = 4 RMP in EAST29
Helicon full-wave modeling with scrape-off-layer turbulence on the DIII-D tokamak29
Analysis of hypervelocity impacts: the tungsten case29
Magnetic potential based formulation for linear and non-linear 3D RF sheath simulation28
Performance of liquid-lithium-filled 3D-printed tungsten divertor targets under deuterium loading with ELM-like pulses in Magnum-PSI28
Scaling laws for electron kinetic effects in tokamak scrape-off layer plasmas28
Argon pumpout by ICRF waves in C-Mod L- and I-mode plasmas27
Optimizing the HSX stellarator for microinstability by coil-current adjustments27
MHD simulations of cold bubble formation from 2/1 tearing mode during massive gas injection in a tokamak27
Ideal internal kink stability in presence of plasma flow and neoclassical toroidal viscosity due to energetic particles27
Verification and validation of the high-performance Lorentz-orbit code for use in stellarators and tokamaks (LOCUST)26
Excitation of zonal flow by intermediate-scale toroidal electron temperature gradient turbulence26
Fusion pilot plant performance and the role of a sustained high power density tokamak26
Observation of alpha-particles in recent D–T experiments on JET26
Disruption runaway electron generation and mitigation in the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP)26
Observation of neoclassical tearing-mode excitation in EAST low-β p H-mode plasmas using a gas electron multiplier-based camera26
ARC reactor neutronics multi-code validation*25
Toward active disruption avoidance via real-time estimation of the safe operating region and disruption proximity in tokamaks24
Effect of nuclear elastic scattering on the D(d,n)3He fusion reactivity induced by energetic protons observed in the large helical device24
Nuclear fusion waste classification of K-DEMO under the Korean radioactive waste regulations24
Linear MHD analyses of locked-mode-like instabilities in LHD24
Inter-machine plasma perturbation studies in EU-DEMO relevant scenarios: lessons learnt for EM forces prediction during VDEs24
A frequency filter of backscattered light of stimulated Raman scattering due to the Raman rescattering in the gas-filled hohlraums24
Fusion power predictions for β N ≈ 1.8 baseline scenario with 50–50 D–T fuel mix and NBI injection in preparation to D–T operations at JET24
Global Alfvénic modes excitation in ohmic tokamak plasmas following magnetic reconnection events23
Neutron yield scaling law in laser-cluster fusion experiments23
Influence of laser-induced Au-plasma plume collision on the efficiency of x-ray radiations and the energy-transport process relevant to ICF23
Tritium-titanium target degradation due to deuterium irradiation for DT neutron production23
The simulation of ELMs mitigation by pedestal coherent mode in EAST using BOUT++22
A new vertical instability predictor via precursor oscillation detection with performance monitoring of equilibrium controller22
Toroidal modeling of energetic passing particle drift kinetic effects on tearing mode stability22
2019 Nuclear Fusion prize acceptance speech22
Completion of all the ITER toroidal field coil structures22
Optimization of the operational domain for ICRH scenarios in WEST from statistical analysis22
Transport barrier and spinning blob dynamics in the tokamak edge22
Impact of shape on pedestal characteristics in the wide pedestal quiescent H-mode in the DIII-D tokamak22
In situ leading-edge-induced damages of melting and cracking W/Cu monoblocks as divertor target during long-term operations in EAST21
Hybrid simulations of sub-cyclotron compressional and global Alfvén eigenmode stability in spherical tokamaks21
Recent progress in improvement in ion cyclotron range of frequencies coupling and power absorption with new antennas of Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST)21
Development of an integrated core–edge scenario using the super H-mode21
Understanding the core confinement in DIII-D super-H experiments by transport modeling21
Embrittlement of WCLL blanket and its fracture mechanical assessment21
Performance test and analysis of the first large-scale cable-in-conduit conductor with high J c Nb3Sn strand for fusion reactor21
3D MHD analysis of prototypical manifold for liquid metal blankets21
Experimental, numerical and analytical evaluation of j 21
Study of the electrothermal and MHD instabilities in exploding cylindrical foil liner20
MHD flows through ferromagnetic rectangular ducts in liquid metal blankets20
Scaling of impurity fractions for divertor detachment in high-density high-power operation scenarios20
Influence of low-Z impurity on the stabilization of m/n = 2/1 tearing/locked modes in EAST20
Phase synchronization versus modulational instability for zonal flow generation and pattern formation20
Dynamic error fields derivation by inverting a validated interpretative perturbations model20
Overview of the KSTAR experiments toward fusion reactor20
Divertorlets concept for low-recycling fusion reactor divertor: experimental, analytical and numerical verification20
Effect of a dynamic axial magnetic field on a preconditioned single-wire Z-pinch20
Magnetic island formation and rotation braking induced by low-Z impurity penetration in an EAST plasma20
Self-consistent modelling of radio frequency sheath in 3D with realistic ICRF antennas20
Kinetic modelling of start-up runaway electrons in KSTAR and ITER19
An innovative divertor concept, the fish tail divertor, for reducing the surface temperature on the divertor target plate in EAST tokamak experiments19
Disconnection of edge coherent mode between the outer midplane and divertor target in EAST H-mode plasma19
List of reviewers19
Neural network model of the multi-mode anomalous transport module for accelerated transport simulations19
Real-time equilibrium reconstruction by multi-task learning neural network based on HL-3 tokamak19
The root cause of disruptive NTMs and paths to stable operation in DIII-D ITER baseline scenario plasmas19
Numerical simulations of MHD flows around a 180-degree sharp bend under a strong transverse magnetic field19
Effect of poloidal equilibrium flow and pressure gradient on the m/n = 2/1 tearing mode19
Toward efficient runs of nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations assisted by a convolutional neural network model recognizing wavenumber-space images19
Experimental study on liquid metal free surface flow under magnetic and electric field for nuclear fusion19
Surrogate model-based cognitive digital twin for smart remote maintenance of fusion reactor: modeling and implementation19
A model investigation of the impact of lower hybrid wave scattering angle on current drive profile in EAST and Alcator C-Mod19
Effect of local wall clearance on scrape-off layer electron density profiles in ASDEX Upgrade19
Novel intrinsic helical cores and MHD dynamo flux pumping evidence in DIII-D19
Non-parametric inference of impurity transport coefficients in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak19
New assessment of the fast ion energy in ASDEX upgrade H-mode discharges19
Structure of pellet cloud emission and relation with the local ablation rate18
I-mode pedestal relaxation events in the Alcator C-Mod and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks18
A new paradigm for fast and repetitive chirping of Alfvén eigenmodes18
A nuclear-reaction-based method for probing the nonthermal ion energy spectrum in high energy density laboratory plasmas18
Staged cooling of a fusion-grade plasma in a tokamak thermal quench18
Type-I ELM power loads on the closed outer divertor targets in the HL-2A tokamak18
The effects of anisotropic pressure on plasma displacement and its deviation from flux surfaces18
A unified description of atomic physics for electron Fokker–Planck calculations18
Summary of the 3rd International Workshop on Gas-Dynamic Trap based Fusion Neutron Source (GDT-FNS)18
The power threshold of H-mode access in mixed hydrogen–tritium and pure tritium plasmas at JET with ITER-like wall18
Impact of fusion reactor neutronics modeling for transmutation and thermal feedback *18
Optimization of modular and helical coils applying genetic algorithm and fully-three-dimensional B-spline curves17
Fast simulations for large aspect ratio stellarators with the neoclassical code KNOSOS17
Nonlinear gyrokinetic modelling of high confinement negative triangularity plasmas17
An IMAS-integrated workflow for energetic particle stability17
Deuterium retention of liquid Sn and SnLi in a CPS target under plasma exposure at high temperatures17
Destabilization of low-frequency modes (LFMs) driven by a thermal pressure gradient in EAST plasmas with q min ⩽ 217
Dependence of nonlinear coupling among turbulence, geodesic acoustic modes and tearing modes on magnetic island width in the HL-2A edge plasmas17
Global gyro-kinetic study of magnetic shaping effects on linear trapped electron mode instability in normal/reversed magnetic shear plasmas17
The effect of blanket system and port plugs on the harmonic components of error field and optimizing approach investigation17
Fast-ion pressure dominating the mass dependence of the core heat transport in ASDEX Upgrade H-modes17
Toroidal modeling of plasma flow damping and density pump-out by RMP during ELM mitigation in HL-2A17
Transport and acceleration mechanism of fast ions during edge localized modes in ASDEX Upgrade17
Progress on performance tests of ITER gyrotrons and design of dual-frequency gyrotrons for ITER staged operation plan17
Comprehensive investigation of lattice dynamics of neutron multiplier beryllides: vibrational spectra and thermal performances17
Turbulence-driven vortex-flow around a magnetic island17
A Gaussian process guide for signal regression in magnetic fusion17
Effective current drive in the pedestal region of high-confinement tokamak plasma using electron cyclotron waves17
Integrated deep learning framework for unstable event identification and disruption prediction of tokamak plasmas17
The effect of He-induced surface microstructure on D plasma-driven permeation through RAFM steel17
The upgraded ASDEX Upgrade contribution to the ITPA confinement database: description and analysis17
Experimental study of ELM induced fast-ion transport using passive FIDA spectroscopy at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak16
Understanding detachment of the W7-X island divertor16
The dependence of tokamak L-mode confinement on magnetic field and plasma size, from a magnetic field scan experiment at ASDEX Upgrade to full-radius integrated modelling and fusion reactor prediction16
Modelling the sputtering and reflection from a beryllium surface: atomistic analysis16
Type-I ELM mitigation by continuous lithium granule gravitational injection into the upper tungsten divertor in EAST16
Characterisation of electron cyclotron wall conditioning plasma in ASDEX Upgrade16
Effect of fast electron transport on neoclassical tearing mode stabilization by electron cyclotron current drive16
Non-disruptive error field identification based on magnetic island healing16
Results on quiescent and post-disruption runaway electrons studies at Frascati Tokamak Upgrade: RE mitigation via solid deuterium pellets and anomalous Doppler instability16
Stabilization of double tearing mode growth by resonant magnetic perturbations16
Quasioptical propagation and absorption of electron cyclotron waves: simulations and experiment16
Upgrade of a quasioptical code PARADE for fusion DEMO: introducing relativistic electron dynamics16
Analysis of high frequency Alfvén eigenmodes observed in ASDEX Upgrade plasmas in the presence of RF-accelerated NBI ions16
Maximizing the ion temperature in an electron heated plasma: from WEST towards larger devices16
Resonant interaction between runaway electrons and the toroidal magnetic field ripple in TCV16
Full conversion from Ohmic to runaway electron driven current via massive gas injection in the TCV tokamak16
The updated ITPA global H-mode confinement database: description and analysis16
Gyrokinetic simulation of short wavelength ion temperature gradient instabilities in the ADITYA-U tokamak16
Corrigendum: Simultaneous measurements of unstable and stable Alfvén eigenmodes in JET (2022 Nucl. Fusion 62 112008)15
Non-linear MHD modelling of edge localized modes suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations in ITER15
A practical protocol to emulate a reactor scenario on present machines, with application to the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak via predictive modeling15
Modelling neutron damage effects on tritium transport in tungsten15
The effect of shaping on trapped electron mode stability: an analytical model15
High erosion and re-deposition rates of tungsten in the highly collisional plasmas of Magnum-PSI15
Non-linear MHD modelling of transients in tokamaks: a review of recent advances with the JOREK code15
Plasma performance and operational space with an RMP-ELM suppressed edge15
Numerical investigation of alpha particle confinement under the perturbation of neoclassical tearing modes and toroidal field ripple in CFETR15
Drift kinetic theory of the NTM magnetic islands in a finite beta general geometry tokamak plasma15
Tritium distributions in castellated structures of Be limiter tiles from JET-ITER-like wall experiments15
Impact of shaping on microstability in high-performance tokamak plasmas15
Interaction between MTM and EGAM for energy and particle confinement improvements on HL-3 tokamak15
Overview of the results from divertor experiments with attached and detached plasmas at Wendelstein 7-X and their implications for steady-state operation15
Impact of MHD mixed convection on heat and mass transfer in a typical DCLL breeder blanket15
Study on the growth and redistribution of deuterium–deuterium layer driven by temperature gradient15
Stellarator coil optimization supporting multiple magnetic configurations15
ICRF plasma production at hydrogen minority regime in LHD15
Improved heat and particle flux mitigation in high core confinement, baffled, alternative divertor configurations in the TCV tokamak15
An interpretive model for the double peaks of divertor tungsten erosion during type-I ELMs in EAST15
Experimental study of core MHD events in thousand-second improved confinement plasma on the EAST tokamak15
Optimal conditions for efficient ion acceleration and neutron production in deuterium gas-puff z-pinches15
Data-driven profile prediction for DIII-D15
Nonlinear trapping in wave–particle interactions in tokamaks15
Prevention of electron cyclotron current drive triggering explosive bursts in reversed magnetic shear tokamak plasmas for disruption avoidance14
Modeling of carbon pellets disruption mitigation in an NSTX-U plasma14
A method for density fluctuation measurements using pulse reflectometry14
Effect of pedestal density on the formation of small edge localized modes14
Optimizing beam-ion confinement in ITER by adjusting the toroidal phase of the 3D magnetic fields applied for ELM control14
JINTRAC integrated simulations of ITER scenarios including fuelling and divertor power flux control for H, He and DT plasmas14
Role of E × B drift in double-peak density distribution for the new lower tungsten divertor with unfavorable B t on EAST14
Parametric dependence of microwave beam broadening by plasma density turbulence14
Evidence for Alfvén eigenmodes driven by alpha particles in D-3He fusion experiments on JET14
Stability analysis of plasma waves driven by runaway electrons in tokamak hot plasmas14
Observation of TAE mode driven by off-axis ECRH induced barely trapped energetic electrons in EAST tokamak14
Impurity mode induced turbulent particle transport and its temperature screening effect14
First experimental results with new ICRF antenna in EAST14
Design of EAST lower divertor by considering target erosion and tungsten ion transport during the external impurity seeding14
The impact of ELM mitigation on tungsten source in the EAST divertor14
A phase-contrast-imaging core fluctuation diagnostic and first-principles turbulence modeling for JT-60SA14
Scoping study of lower hybrid current drive for CFETR14
Validation of theory-based integrated modeling and new insights for a high-performance steady-state scenario with only RF heating on EAST14
Super-X and conventional divertor configurations in MAST-U ohmic L-mode; a comparison facilitated by interpretative modelling14
Edge-coherent oscillation providing nearly continuous transport during edge-localized mode mitigation by n = 1 resonant magnetic perturbation in HL-2A14
Surrogate models for plasma displacement and current in 3D perturbed magnetohydrodynamic equilibria in tokamaks14
Observation of MHD-correlated blobs during internal reconnection events in VEST14
Overview of C-2W: high temperature, steady-state beam-driven field-reversed configuration plasmas14
Effect of magnetic geometry on the energy partition between ions and electrons in the scrape-off layer of magnetic fusion devices13
Recent progress in modeling ICRF-edge plasma interactions with application to ASDEX Upgrade13
Ultrahigh neutral pressures in the sub-divertor of the Large Helical Device13
Divertor power load investigations with deuterium and tritium in type-I ELMy H-mode plasmas in JET with the ITER-like wall13
Numerical simulation of neutral gas dynamics in the W7-X sub-divertor13
Tailoring resonant magnetic perturbation to optimize fast-ion confinement during ELM control in KSTAR13
Ion heating/transport characteristics of the merging startup plasma scenario in the TS-6 spherical tokamak13
2D coherence imaging measurements of C2+ ion temperatures in the divertor of Wendelstein 7-X13
Reduced defect recovery in self-ion damaged W due to simultaneous deuterium exposure during annealing13
The influence of E× B drift on tungsten target erosion and W impurity transport during neon seeding on EAST13
Experimental investigation of L- and H-mode detachment via the divertor Thomson scattering at ASDEX Upgrade13
Dislocation structure of tungsten irradiated by medium to high-mass ions13
Impurity effects on quasi-linear heat transport induced by interaction of TEM and ITG turbulence13
Particle orbit description of cyclotron-driven current-carrying energetic electrons in the EXL-50 spherical torus13
Enhancement of neoclassical impurity density up/down asymmetry and Pfirsch–Schlüter transport due to the plasma elongation in the tokamak plasmas13
Solenoid-free current drive via ECRH in EXL-50 spherical torus plasmas13
Validation of density pump-out by pedestal-foot magnetic island formation prior to ELM suppression in KSTAR and DIII-D tokamaks13
Effects of edge-localized electron cyclotron current drive on edge-localized mode suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D13
Role of secondary long wavelength fluctuation in nonlinear saturation of the kinetic ballooning mode in tokamak plasmas13
Tokamak edge-SOL turbulence in H-mode conditions simulated with a global, electromagnetic, transcollisional drift-fluid model13
Core localized alpha-channeling via low frequency Alfvén mode generation in reversed shear scenarios13
The separatrix operational space of ASDEX Upgrade due to interchange-drift-Alfvén turbulence13
The first observation of the hot ion mode at the Globus-M2 spherical tokamak13
Dependence of upstream SOL density shoulder on divertor neutral pressure observed in L-mode and H-mode plasmas in the EAST superconducting tokamak13
Ion temperature clamping in Wendelstein 7-X electron cyclotron heated plasmas13
The investigation of edge-localized modes on the Globus-M2 tokamak using Doppler backscattering13
WEST actively cooled load resilient ion cyclotron resonance heating system results13
Simulations of ICRF heating of fusion oriented plasmas in plane-stratified and full toroidal geometry13
Effect of the isotope mass on pedestal structure, transport and stability in D, D/T and T plasmas at similar β N and gas rate in JET-ILW type I ELMy H-modes13
Core-edge 2D fluid modeling of full tokamak discharge with varying magnetic equilibrium: from WEST start-up to ramp-down13
Design of quasi-axisymmetric stellarators with variable-thickness perpendicular permanent magnets based on a two-step magnet design strategy13
Effect of the divertor configuration on the JET edge radial electric field13
Investigation of plasma wall interactions between tungsten plasma facing components and helium plasmas in the WEST tokamak13
Heat pulse propagation and anomalous electron heat transport measurements on the optimized stellarator W7-X13
Reconstruction and interpretation of ionization asymmetry in magnetic confinement via synthetic diagnostics12
Turbulence-reduced high-performance scenarios in Wendelstein 7-X12
Optimization of the equilibrium magnetic sensor set for the SPARC tokamak12
Experiments on plasma detachment in a V-shaped slot divertor in the DIII-D tokamak12
Effect of electron and ion mobility on edge biasing in tokamak plasmas12
Efficient ECCD non-inductive plasma current start-up, ramp-up, and sustainment for an ST fusion reactor12
Modelling and experiment to stabilize disruptive tearing modes in the ITER baseline scenario in DIII-D12
The magnetic coherent mode with shifted Alfvén gap frequency destabilized by the thermal trapped electron resonance in the pedestal of high-confinement tokamak plasmas12
Gyrokinetic simulations of electrostatic microturbulence in ADITYA-U tokamak with argon impurity12