Nuclear Fusion

(The median citation count of Nuclear Fusion is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The JOREK non-linear extended MHD code and applications to large-scale instabilities and their control in magnetically confined fusion plasmas117
X-point radiation, its control and an ELM suppressed radiating regime at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak79
Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation77
Physics and technology considerations for the deuterium–tritium fuel cycle and conditions for tritium fuel self sufficiency76
Geodesic acoustic modes in magnetic confinement devices60
Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation58
First operations with caesium of the negative ion source SPIDER55
Overview of the SPARC physics basis towards the exploration of burning-plasma regimes in high-field, compact tokamaks53
Physics design of new lower tungsten divertor for long-pulse high-power operations in EAST53
The reversed field pinch52
In situ plasma cleaning of large-aperture optical components in ICF51
Neural-network accelerated coupled core-pedestal simulations with self-consistent transport of impurities and compatible with ITER IMAS49
Monitoring of tritium and impurities in the first wall of fusion devices using a LIBS based diagnostic47
Completion of JT-60SA construction and contribution to ITER43
An overview of magneto-inertial fusion on the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories43
The IFMIF-DONES fusion oriented neutron source: evolution of the design42
Verification of a quasi-linear model for gyrokinetic turbulent transport42
Microtearing modes as the source of magnetic fluctuations in the JET pedestal42
Ion temperature clamping in Wendelstein 7-X electron cyclotron heated plasmas42
Overview of the TCV tokamak experimental programme41
Advances in physics and applications of 3D magnetic perturbations on the J-TEXT tokamak41
Onset of tearing modes in plasma termination on JET: the role of temperature hollowing and edge cooling40
Overview of C-2W: high temperature, steady-state beam-driven field-reversed configuration plasmas40
Developments towards an ELM-free pedestal radiative cooling scenario using noble gas seeding in ASDEX Upgrade39
Diverted negative triangularity plasmas on DIII-D: the benefit of high confinement without the liability of an edge pedestal39
Radiation asymmetry and MHD destabilization during the thermal quench after impurity shattered pellet injection38
Integrated modeling of CFETR hybrid scenario plasmas38
The separatrix operational space of ASDEX Upgrade due to interchange-drift-Alfvén turbulence38
Shattered pellet injection experiments at JET in support of the ITER disruption mitigation system design38
Understanding detachment of the W7-X island divertor36
Progress of HL-2A experiments and HL-2M program36
Testing predictions of electron scale turbulent pedestal transport in two DIII-D ELMy H-modes36
Suppression of edge localized modes with real-time boron injection using the tungsten divertor in EAST35
Recent results from deuterium experiments on the large helical device and their contribution to fusion reactor development35
Hybrid deep-learning architecture for general disruption prediction across multiple tokamaks35
The updated ITPA global H-mode confinement database: description and analysis34
Pedestal structure, stability and scalings in JET-ILW: the EUROfusion JET-ILW pedestal database34
First demonstration of full ELM suppression in low input torque plasmas to support ITER research plan using n = 4 RMP in EAST34
Feedforward beta control in the KSTAR tokamak by deep reinforcement learning33
The advanced tokamak path to a compact net electric fusion pilot plant33
Non-linear extended MHD simulations of type-I edge localised mode cycles in ASDEX Upgrade and their underlying triggering mechanism33
Initial TCV operation with a baffled divertor32
Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X32
‘BAAE’ instabilities observed without fast ion drive32
SOLPS-ITER modeling of divertor scenarios for EU-DEMO31
A novel path to runaway electron mitigation via deuterium injection and current-driven MHD instability31
Overview of the results from divertor experiments with attached and detached plasmas at Wendelstein 7-X and their implications for steady-state operation30
Tungsten boride shields in a spherical tokamak fusion power plant30
Assessment of ITER divertor performance during early operation phases29
Radial electric field and density fluctuations measured by Doppler reflectometry during the post-pellet enhanced confinement phase in W7-X29
The role of plasma-molecule interactions on power and particle balance during detachment on the TCV tokamak29
Comparison of divertor behavior and plasma confinement between argon and neon seeding in EAST29
First principle-based multi-channel integrated modelling in support of the design of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility28
Investigation of plasma wall interactions between tungsten plasma facing components and helium plasmas in the WEST tokamak28
Tenfold increase in the fusion triple product caused by doubling of toroidal magnetic field in the spherical tokamak Globus-M228
Energy confinement in the spherical tokamak Globus-M2 with a toroidal magnetic field reaching 0.8 T28
Modeling the complete prevention of disruption-generated runaway electron beam formation with a passive 3D coil in SPARC27
Role of the separatrix density in the pedestal performance in deuterium low triangularity JET-ILW plasmas and comparison with JET-C27
Disruption prediction at JET through deep convolutional neural networks using spatiotemporal information from plasma profiles26
Overview of initial negative triangularity plasma studies on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak26
Multi-machine SOLPS-ITER comparison of impurity seeded H-mode radiative divertor regimes with metal walls26
Model for access and stability of the X-point radiator and the threshold for marfes in tokamak plasmas26
Advances in the long-pulse steady-state high beta H-mode scenario with active controls of divertor heat and particle fluxes in EAST26
Progress in edge plasma turbulence modelling—hierarchy of models from 2D transport application to 3D fluid simulations in realistic tokamak geometry26
Validation of edge turbulence codes against the TCV-X21 diverted L-mode reference case26
Real-time prediction of high-density EAST disruptions using random forest25
Optimization of the computation of total and local radiated power at ASDEX Upgrade24
Overview on the management of radioactive waste from fusion facilities: ITER, demonstration machines and power plants24
The role of neutral gas in validated global edge turbulence simulations24
The geometry of the ICRF-induced wave–SOL interaction. A multi-machine experimental review in view of the ITER operation24
Nonlinear decay of high-power microwaves into trapped modes in inhomogeneous plasma24
The role of ETG modes in JET–ILW pedestals with varying levels of power and fuelling24
Prospects for H-mode inhibition in negative triangularity tokamak reactor plasmas24
Recent progress in shattered pellet injection technology in support of the ITER disruption mitigation system *23
Waste expectations of fusion steels under current waste repository criteria23
Design and performance of shattered pellet injection systems for JET and KSTAR disruption mitigation research in support of ITER *23
Nonlinear gyrokinetic predictions of SPARC burning plasma profiles enabled by surrogate modeling23
Theory-based scaling laws of near and far scrape-off layer widths in single-null L-mode discharges23
Spectroscopic investigations of detachment on the MAST Upgrade Super-X divertor23
Neutral beam injection for fusion reactors: technological constraints versus functional requirements22
Disruption thermal load mitigation with shattered pellet injection on the Joint European Torus (JET)22
Effect of two-stage shattered pellet injection on tokamak disruptions22
NNBI for ITER: status of long pulses in deuterium at the test facilities BATMAN Upgrade and ELISE22
Modeling of energetic particle transport in optimized stellarators22
The European Dual Coolant Lithium Lead breeding blanket for DEMO: status and perspectives22
JET D-T scenario with optimized non-thermal fusion22
The first observation of the hot ion mode at the Globus-M2 spherical tokamak22
Identifying the microtearing modes in the pedestal of DIII-D H-modes using gyrokinetic simulations21
Non-axisymmetric MHD simulations of the current quench phase of ITER mitigated disruptions21
Achievement of ion temperatures in excess of 100 million degrees Kelvin in the compact high-field spherical tokamak ST4021
Divertor power loads and scrape off layer width in the large aspect ratio full tungsten tokamak WEST21
Impurity leakage and radiative cooling in the first nitrogen and neon seeding study in the closed DIII-D SAS configuration21
In situ observation of tungsten plasma-facing components after the first phase of operation of the WEST tokamak21
An experimental characterization of core turbulence regimes in Wendelstein 7-X21
Integrated ELM and divertor power flux control using RMPs with low input torque in EAST in support of the ITER research plan21
Overview of Globus-M2 spherical tokamak results at the enhanced values of magnetic field and plasma current21
Conceptual design progress of advanced fusion neutron source21
First neutral beam experiments on Wendelstein 7-X20
WEST actively cooled load resilient ion cyclotron resonance heating system results20
Development of integrated suite of codes and its validation on KSTAR20
Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development20
Modeling and measurement of energetic particle slowing down in Wendelstein 7-X20
Self-consistent cross-field transport model for core and edge plasma transport20
Validation of a full-plasma integrated modeling approach on ASDEX Upgrade20
Time-dependent experimental identification of inter-ELM microtearing modes in the tokamak edge on DIII-D20
First experimental results with new ICRF antenna in EAST20
Power exhaust concepts and divertor designs for Japanese and European DEMO fusion reactors20
Recent progress in L–H transition studies at JET: tritium, helium, hydrogen and deuterium20
Comparison of disruption mitigation from shattered pellet injection with massive gas injection on J-TEXT19
The JET hybrid scenario in Deuterium, Tritium and Deuterium-Tritium19
Validation of quasi-linear turbulent transport models against plasmas with dominant electron heating for the prediction of ITER PFPO-1 plasmas19
Fusion pilot plant performance and the role of a sustained high power density tokamak19
Optimizing beam-ion confinement in ITER by adjusting the toroidal phase of the 3D magnetic fields applied for ELM control19
H-mode plasmas in the pre-fusion power operation 1 phase of the ITER research plan19
Beryllium erosion and redeposition in ITER H, He and D–T discharges19
Confinement properties of L-mode plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade and full-radius predictions of the TGLF transport model19
Development and experimental qualification of novel disruption prevention techniques on DIII-D19
Role of zonal flow staircase in electron heat avalanches in KSTAR L-mode plasmas19
Edge-coherent oscillation providing nearly continuous transport during edge-localized mode mitigation by n = 1 resonant magnetic perturbation in HL-2A19
Linear gyrokinetic stability of a high β non-inductive spherical tokamak19
Stacking of predictors for the automatic classification of disruption types to optimize the control logic19
Fluid, kinetic and hybrid approaches for neutral and trace ion edge transport modelling in fusion devices19
Numerical assessment of the new V-shape small-angle slot divertor on DIII-D19
Data-driven profile prediction for DIII-D19
Dislocation structure of tungsten irradiated by medium to high-mass ions19
Recent progress in the assessment of irradiation effects for in-vessel fusion materials: tungsten and copper alloys18
Core radiative collapse characterisation and integrated modelling in WEST plasmas18
Solenoid-free current drive via ECRH in EXL-50 spherical torus plasmas18
A statistical approach for the automatic identification of the start of the chain of events leading to the disruptions at JET18
Integrated modelling and multiscale gyrokinetic validation study of ETG turbulence in a JET hybrid H-mode scenario18
ITER plasma control system final design and preparation for first plasma18
Impurity mode induced turbulent particle transport and its temperature screening effect18
Experiments on ST40 at high magnetic field18
Gyrokinetic simulation of low-frequency Alfvénic modes in DIII-D tokamak18
A tungsten deep neural-network potential for simulating mechanical property degradation under fusion service environment18
Development of an operation trajectory design algorithm for control of multiple 0D parameters using deep reinforcement learning in KSTAR17
DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy17
Helium-induced morphology evolution in tungsten under thermal treatment17
Observation of self-organized FRC formation in a collisional-merging experiment17
Disruptive neoclassical tearing mode seeding in DIII-D with implications for ITER17
Orbit tomography of energetic particle distribution functions17
Single-stage gradient-based stellarator coil design: stochastic optimization17
Lagrangian particle model for 3D simulation of pellets and SPI fragments in tokamaks17
Predicting the critical gradient of ITG turbulence in fusion plasmas17
Grassy ELM regime at low pedestal collisionality in high-power tokamak plasma17
SOLPS-ITER simulations of an X-point radiator in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak17
Study of runaway electron dynamics at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak during impurity injection using fast hard x-ray spectrometry17
The status of the Japanese material properties handbook and the challenge to facilitate structural design criteria for DEMO in-vessel components17
Design of EAST lower divertor by considering target erosion and tungsten ion transport during the external impurity seeding17
Evaluation of silicon carbide as a divertor armor material in DIII-D H-mode discharges17
Runaway electron deconfinement in SPARC and DIII-D by a passive 3D coil17
Gross and net erosion balance of plasma-facing materials in full-W tokamaks17
Simulations of liquid metal flows over plasma-facing component edges and application to beryllium melt events in JET17
Modeling of ExB effects on tungsten re-deposition and transport in the DIII-D divertor17
Multi-scale interactions between turbulence and magnetohydrodynamic instability driven by energetic particles17
Quantification of erosion pattern using picosecond-LIBS on a vertical divertor target element exposed in W7-X17
Stability analysis of TJ-II stellarator NBI driven Alfvén eigenmodes in ECRH and ECCD experiments17
Achievements of actively controlled divertor detachment compatible with sustained high confinement core in DIII-D and EAST16
Surface blistering and deuterium retention behaviors in pure and ZrC-doped tungsten exposed to deuterium plasma16
Non-linear MHD modelling of edge localized modes suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations in ITER16
Energy deposition and melt deformation on the ITER first wall due to disruptions and vertical displacement events16
Plasma–surface interaction in the stellarator W7-X: conclusions drawn from operation with graphite plasma-facing components16
The role of divertor pumping in plasma detachment and particle exhaust in a closed divertor16
Kinetic equilibrium reconstruction and the impact on stability analysis of KSTAR plasmas16
The high-power helicon program at DIII-D: gearing up for first experiments16
Evidence for Alfvén eigenmodes driven by alpha particles in D-3He fusion experiments on JET16
Explanation of core ion cyclotron emission from beam-ion heated plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade by the magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability16
EAST steady-state long pulse H-mode with core-edge integration for CFETR16
First evidence of dominant influence of E × B drifts on plasma cooling in an advanced slot divertor for tokamak power exhaust16
Simulation of heating and current drive sources for scenarios of the ITER research plan16
ARC reactor neutronics multi-code validation*16
Stability of beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (BAE) in DIII-D16
Turbulent transport driven by kinetic ballooning modes in the inner core of JET hybrid H-modes16
Scenario adaptive disruption prediction study for next generation burning-plasma tokamaks16
Examination of stiff ion temperature gradient mode physics in simulations of DIII-D H-mode transport15
Measurements of the parameter dependencies of the bootstrap current in the W7-X stellarator15
Initial results from boron powder injection experiments in WEST lower single null L-mode plasmas15
Peripheral temperature gradient screening of high-Z impurities in optimised ‘hybrid’ scenario H-mode plasmas in JET-ILW15
Performance of liquid-lithium-filled 3D-printed tungsten divertor targets under deuterium loading with ELM-like pulses in Magnum-PSI15
The three-dimensional equilibrium with magnetic islands and MHD instabilities in the CFQS quasi-axisymmetric stellarator15
SOLPS-ITER simulations of a CPS-based liquid metal divertor for the EU DEMO: Li vs Sn15
Overview of the ICRF antenna coupling experiments on EAST15
Development of Ar+16 charge exchange recombination spectroscopy measurements at ASDEX Upgrade15
X-point and divertor filament dynamics from gas puff imaging on TCV15
Impact of plasma density/collisionality on divertor heat flux width15
Suppression of first-wall interaction in negative triangularity plasmas on TCV15
Multiple-isotope pellet cycles captured by turbulent transport modelling in the JET tokamak15
Structure of the JET edge radial electric field in He and D plasmas15
Divertor detachment and reattachment with mixed impurity seeding on ASDEX Upgrade15
Beam modulation and bump-on-tail effects on Alfvén eigenmode stability in DIII-D15
Material migration in W and Mo during bubble growth and fuzz formation15
Overview of recent experimental results from the ADITYA-U tokamak15
First mirror erosion–deposition studies in JET using an ITER-like mirror test assembly15
Formation of the radial electric field profile in the WEST tokamak15
Passive deconfinement of runaway electrons using an in-vessel helical coil15
Alfvén eigenmode classification based on ECE diagnostics at DIII-D using deep recurrent neural networks15
Overview of interpretive modelling of fusion performance in JET DTE2 discharges with TRANSP15
Isotope dependence of the type I ELMy H-mode pedestal in JET-ILW hydrogen and deuterium plasmas15
A quasi-isodynamic configuration with good confinement of fast ions at low plasma β15
Modelling of tungsten contamination and screening in WEST plasma discharges15
Recrystallization-mediated crack initiation in tungsten under simultaneous high-flux hydrogen plasma loads and high-cycle transient heating15
Comparison between MAST-U conventional and Super-X configurations through SOLPS-ITER modelling15
Bolometer tomography on Wendelstein 7-X for study of radiation asymmetry15
The dependence of confinement on the isotope mass in the core and the edge of AUG and JET-ILW H-mode plasmas14
TRIEX-II: an experimental facility for the characterization of the tritium extraction unit of the WCLL blanket of ITER and DEMO fusion reactors14
L–H transition threshold studies in helium plasmas at JET14
Modelling of hydrogen isotopes trapping, diffusion and permeation in divertor monoblocks under ITER-like conditions14
Avalanche transport of energetic-ions in magnetic confinement plasmas: nonlinear multiple wave-number simulation14
Effect of the isotope mass on pedestal structure, transport and stability in D, D/T and T plasmas at similar β N and gas rate in JET-ILW type I ELMy H-modes14
PHAD: a phase-oriented disruption prediction strategy for avoidance, prevention, and mitigation in JET14
Preparation for assembly and commissioning of ITER14
High yield polar direct drive fusion neutron sources at the National Ignition Facility14
Overview of the emissivity measurements performed in WEST: in situ and post-mortem observations14
Updated magnetized transport coefficients: impact on laser-plasmas with self-generated or applied magnetic fields14
Optimizing detachment control using the magnetic configuration of divertors14
Cross-field and parallel dynamics of SOL filaments in TCV14
Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport14
Fusion by beam ions in a low collisionality, high mirror ratio magnetic mirror14
Configuration characteristics of the Chinese First Quasi-axisymmetric Stellarator14
Modelling tritium adsorption and desorption from tungsten dust particles with a surface kinetic model14
Bounds on edge shear layer persistence while approaching the density limit14
Optimization of 3D controlled ELM-free state with recovered global confinement for KSTAR with n = 1 resonant magnetic field perturbation14
Deep learning based surrogate models for first-principles global simulations of fusion plasmas14
Overview of the TJ-II stellarator research programme towards model validation in fusion plasmas14
Isotope physics of heat and particle transport with tritium in JET-ILW type-I ELMy H-mode plasmas14
Experimental validation of an integrated modelling approach to neutron emission studies at JET13
Reducing the L-H transition power threshold in ITER-similar-shape DIII-D hydrogen plasmas13
Modeling the vapor shielding of a liquid lithium divertor target using SOLPS 4.3 code13
Proof of concept of a fast surrogate model of the VMEC code via neural networks in Wendelstein 7-X scenarios13
Optimized finite-build stellarator coils using automatic differentiation13
Experimental study on the role of the target electron temperature as a key parameter linking recycling to plasma performance in JET-ILW*13
Onset of flow instability with one-side heated swirl tube for fusion reactor safety13
Fast simulations for large aspect ratio stellarators with the neoclassical code KNOSOS13
Fast-ion pressure dominating the mass dependence of the core heat transport in ASDEX Upgrade H-modes13
Gyrokinetic modeling of anisotropic energetic particle driven instabilities in tokamak plasmas13
Fast-ion orbit sensitivity of neutron and gamma-ray diagnostics for one-step fusion reactions13
Study on onset of nucleate boiling with screw tube for fusion reactor application13
Stellarators as a fast path to fusion13
Advances in prediction of tokamak experiments with theory-based models13
A linear benchmark between HYMAGYC, MEGA and ORB5 codes using the NLED-AUG test case to study Alfvénic modes driven by energetic particles13
Physics design point of high-field stellarator reactors13
Impact of neutron irradiation on hardening of baseline and advanced tungsten grades and its link to initial microstructure13
100 s negative ion accelerations for the JT-60SA negative-ion-based neutral beam injector13
Characterisation of detachment in the MAST-U Super-X divertor using multi-wavelength imaging of 2D atomic and molecular emission processes13
Vapour shielding of liquid-metal CPS-based targets under ELM-like and disruption transient loading13
SOLPS-ITER analysis of a proposed STEP double null geometry: impact of the degree of disconnection on power-sharing13
Enhanced particle transport events approaching the density limit of the J-TEXT tokamak13
Study of the Alfven eigenmodes stability in CFQS plasma using a Landau closure model13
A model for the fast evaluation of prompt losses of energetic ions in stellarators13
Recent progress in modeling ICRF-edge plasma interactions with application to ASDEX Upgrade13