Nuclear Engineering and Design

(The median citation count of Nuclear Engineering and Design is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Coupled porous media approaches in sub-channel CFD50
Bilinear hysteresis in PWR fuel assemblies under quasi-static loading: Theoretical modeling and experimental validation44
A comprehensive analysis of neutronic properties of annular dispersed particle fuel39
Acoustic field study of ultrasonic transducers for nuclear pipelines using an improved Gaussian beam method37
Development and preliminary validation of a mechanistic multiscale model for fuel-cladding chemical interaction in metallic nuclear fuels35
Study on the subgroup method for the resonance self-shielding calculations in VITAS34
Effect of hydrodynamic coupling on dynamic response of perforated tube33
Analysis of Thermalhydraulics characteristics on constant and variable models for pressure tube radial expansion by using the ASSERT code in a CANDU6 channel32
Importance, influence and limits of CFD radiation modeling for containment atmosphere simulations30
Visualization of spacer grid effect on bubble behavior and CHF in a single-rod channel28
Experimental study of the transient boiling phenomenon on a vertically placed ribbon26
Neutronic characteristics of the VVER-1000 fuel assembly with mechanical spectral shift regulation25
Visualization experiments and a new correlation of critical heat flux in a narrow rectangular channel25
An inversion model for burnup history of spent fuels in pebble bed HTGR based on optimization algorithm24
Fuel element microreactor integrating a square UO2 fuel rod with an internal heat pipe24
Human reliability analysis of intelligent mine human–computer interaction based on improved SPAR-H24
Application of an open-set recognition method for detecting untrained accident scenarios in a nuclear power plant accident diagnosis model24
Thermal conductivity of lead and bismuth-lead eutectic melts up to 1300 K24
Burnable absorbers in nuclear reactors – A review22
Virtual reality simulation of radioactive waste relocation with dynamic dose rate visualization22
Editorial Board22
The non-uniform inflow structure of reactor coolant pump based on Laser Doppler Velocimetry22
Editorial Board21
Validation of RANS simulations on a 61-pin wire-wrapped fast-reactor fuel assembly under the presence of localized blockages21
Modeling and simulation of the radiolytic deuterium and oxygen generation in heavy water reactors21
Editorial Board21
Conceptual design and analysis of a combined passive cooling system for both reactor and spent fuel of the pool-vessel reactor system21
Reliability Assessment of Safety-Critical Systems of Nuclear Power Plant using Ordinary Differential Equations and Reachability Graph21
Study on improvement for the prediction accuracy of natural circulation flow rate by investigating void fraction correlation20
Safety analysis and evaluation of transport and storage container for very Low-Level liquid radioactive waste19
Reactor design of UPR-1: A MW-level reactor for unmanned underwater vehicle propulsion using low-enriched uranium19
Analysis and evaluation of the irradiated dimensional and volume change behavior of nuclear graphites19
Time averaged tomographic measurements before and after dryout in a simplified BWR subchannel geometry19
Depressurization of nuclear power plants through a silica gel-based system19
MATLAB PDE toolbox for 2-D and 3-D neutron diffusion simulations19
Scale analysis using FSA methodology for single-phase natural circulation in a simplified RCCS18
Conceptual design of megawatt-level mobile nuclear power system based on heat pipe cooled reactor18
Subchannel modelling capabilities of RELAP5-3D© for wire-spaced fuel pin bundle17
Steam flows in concrete cracks: Thermal behaviour17
Thermo-fluid dynamic analysis of HLM pool. Circe experiments17
Editorial Board17
Numerical analyses of the CIRCE-THETIS facility by mean of STH and CFD codes17
Error in bubble velocity measurement using 4-sensor void probe due to interface deformation16
On the importance of consistency of multiple-level modeling of multiphase flow in reactor systems16
A simple correlation to estimate agglomerated debris formation based on experiments of melt jet-breakup using a metallic melt16
Editorial Board16
Development of the reactor core isolation cooling system model for the extended station black-out accident16
Study on flow instability in natural circulation loop with parallel channels under moving condition16
Drift-flux parameter modeling of vertical downward gas–liquid two-phase flows for interfacial drag force formulation16
Nuclear reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Special and prospective topical areas16
Experimental study on condensation heat transfer characteristics in C-shaped tube under rolling conditions15
A framework analyzing system status and human activities: Illustrated using 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant accident scenarios15
Selection of projects’ primary and secondary mitigation actions through optimization methods in nuclear decommissioning projects15
Effects of inclined condition on LOCA for a small offshore reactor with OTSG15
A two-phase mathematical model to describe the dissolution of corium crust by molten steel15
An estimation method for near real-time accountancy of partitioned materials during chopper operations of used metallic nuclear fuel processing15
Experimental investigation and modeling of flow boiling in microchannel heat exchangers for integral steam generator applications14
Effect of inclination angle of lower tube on saturated pool boiling heat transfer of upper tube14
Editorial Board14
Autonomous search investigation for radioactive leaked source based on an updated infotaxis method during nuclear emergency rescue14
Experimental research of heat transfer in heavy metallic layer under different top boundary conditions14
Core physical conceptual design of small reactor for unmanned underwater vehicle14
Acceleration calibration method for the drop test of radioactive package based on the rebound of specimen14
Codes and standards for ceramic composite core materials for High Temperature Reactor applications14
Methodology for CPR estimations of BWR cycle specific transient reload analyses using CTF sub-channel code14
Molecular dynamics study of the wettability effect on the evaporation of thin liquid sodium film14
Investigation of reactivity control strategies for a micro-transportable gas-cooled thermal reactor14
Modeling single-phase transverse flows in a PWR rod bundle at low Reynolds number14
Uncertainty and disturbance estimator based spatial power control of advanced heavy water reactor14
Editorial Board14
Start-up behavior and the ignition limit of passive hydrogen recombiners with various catalytic elements14
Experimental and theoretical study on formation of interfacial waves on liquid film of annular two-phase flow14
A machine learning diagnosis of the severe accident progression14
Development and validation of Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) simulation capability in the ENIGMA fuel performance code for zirconium-based cladding materials14
Modeling and comparative analysis of changeover of homogeneous and heterogeneous core of BN-1200 reactor to equilibrium mode13
Fundamental experiment study on the fragmentation characteristics of molten lead jet direct contact with water13
Experimental investigation on distribution of boric acid in a vertical 1 × 2 rod array channel13
Numerical analysis of a small-scale novel vortex tower integrated with heat source for Nuclear Application13
“Ion sputtering – thermal separation” technology for spent nuclear fuel processing13
Optimization of preparation process and study on the properties and microstructures of nuclear natural graphite powder for HTR pebble fuel elements13
Challenges in high-fidelity thermal–hydraulic simulation of SFR cores: Insights and PACA-S4FR solutions13
A standard capsule design for structural material testing in the Advanced Test Reactor13
Design of an ultra-compact imaging chamber and radiation beamstop for a neutron radiography system employing particle transport12
Mechanism and risk assessment of baffle-jetting-induced vibrations in fuel rods12
Evaluation of thermal–hydraulic characteristics of reactor coolant system and helically coiled steam generator based on performance tests with SMART-ITL12
Predictive maturity of non-linear concrete constitutive models for impact simulation12
Editorial Board12
A newly proposed data assimilation framework to enhance predictions for reflood tests12
Quantification of uncertainties due to manufacturing tolerances using deterministic sampling methods12
Dissolution of contaminant Zr-DBP and corrosion of stainless steel by dissolved solution12
Power transient critical heat flux in a narrow rectangular channel under downward flow12
Neutronic characteristics and feasibility analysis of micro-heterogeneous duplex ThO2-UO2 fuel pin in PWR12
Core design: Review & perspectives in Spain12
Mechanistic critical heat flux prediction for in-vessel retention conditions11
Modeling of Am-241 as an alternative fuel source in a radioisotope thermoelectric generator11
Effect of interfacial area concentration on one-dimensional code simulation of adiabatic two-phase flows in vertical large size channels11
Validation of the dynamic simulation capabilities of Serpent2/Subchanflow using experimental data from the research reactor SPERT IV D-12/2511
Loading method of Li rods for tritium production using High-Temperature Gas-Cooled reactor for fusion reactors11
Modeling the behavior of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to impact11
Editorial Board11
Theoretical analysis about model simplifications and boundary conditions on two-phase flow instability of parallel heated tube systems11
Bubble behaviour and Critical heat flux on circular tubes during pool boiling process11
CFD analyses of large-scale tests highlighting the effects of thermal radiation in steam-containing atmospheres11
Numerical simulations of nuclear fuel reprocessing plant subjected to the free drop impact of spent fuel cask and fuel assembly11
Flow and heat transfer evaluation of lead-bismuth eutectic coolant for nuclear power application11
Thermal analyses of high-power advanced thermoacoustic radioisotope power system for future space exploration missions11
On structural finite element modeling strategies and their influence on the optimization of final constructability of reinforced concrete structures11
Development and validation of analysis code for spallation products behavior in LBE coolant system of ADS comparing with the distribution data in MEGAPIE spallation target10
Effects of fuel relocation on fuel performance and evaluation of safety margin to 10CFR50.46c ECCS acceptance criteria in APR1400 plant10
Theoretical analysis of the flow stability of HTGR supercritical steam generators using dimensionless numbers10
A comprehensive analysis of thermal–hydraulic signatures in neutron noise of WWER-type reactors10
Development process of FPGA based technology for control rod drive systems of experimental power reactor10
Multiphysics and multiscale simulation for an experimental sodium-cooled fast reactor10
SOURCE a computer code for fission-product partitioning and release from fuel10
A numerical study of the MRT-LBM for the shallow water equation in high Reynolds number flows: An application to real-world tsunami simulation10
Uncertainty quantification (UQ) for CFD simulation of OECD-NEA cold leg mixing benchmark10
Status of benchmark exercises in the frame of the NUGENIA QUESA project10
Improving the reactor safety aspects by the implementation of (Th-U233-Pu) fuel in a PWR assembly10
Safety evaluation of Multiple Steam Generator Tube rupture accident using the best estimate plus uncertainty approach10
A viscoplastic approach to corium spreading during a severe nuclear accident10
Editorial Board10
Statistical characterization of the interfacial behavior captured by a novel image processing algorithm during the gas/liquid counter-current two-phase flow in a 1/3 scaled down of PWR hot leg10
2D and 3D numerical investigations of sodium boiling in sodium cooled fast reactor with MOX fuel and low sodium void reactivity effect during unprotected loss of flow accidents10
Editorial Board10
Comparison and optimization of heat transfer models in reactor channel under the rolling condition10
Effect of steam and oxygen starvation on severe accident progression with air ingress10
Evaluation of aerosol retention inside a steam generator under steam generator tube rupture accident conditions10
Influence of thermal effects on the cavitation of orifices in nuclear power plants10
The progress on the 3D whole-core neutronics calculation of PANGU code10
Experimental study on flow rate distortion of natural circulation reduced-height scaling10
Sensitivity analysis for characterizing the impact of HNGD model on the prediction of hydrogen redistribution in Zircaloy cladding using BISON code10
TRACE code simulation of the interaction between reactor coolant system and containment building with passive heat removal system9
An algorithm for solving the equations of the Nodal Expansion Method in parallel using GPU9
Secondary system modeling and primary system coupled simulation using MARS-KS9
Achievements of recent research on severe accidents at CEA/IRESNE in support of future nuclear fission technology9
Effect of maximum applied cyclic stress on fretting fatigue stress distribution of flat-on-flat modified 9Cr-1Mo steel contact: Finite element analysis9
A neutronic evaluation of a thorium-based molten salt breeder reactor9
Development and validation of theoretical-computational model for nuclear powered hydrogen production: A case study for Saudi Arabia9
Comparison of accelerated and non-accelerated post-LOCA simulation9
On the behavior of a concrete-based dry cask for spent nuclear fuel in off-normal and accidental conditions9
Development and Verification of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for a PWR-type Small Modular Reactor Subchannel9
Open self-paced introductory course in nuclear engineering – How to guarantee student learning9
An improved model based on real gas state equation and fog formation for condensation heat and mass transfer9
Validation of TRACE V5.0 for intermediate break in the cold leg of the reactor with passive emergency core cooling system via the ATLAS facility9
Study on the dynamic response of reinforced concrete nuclear containment under the impact of large aircraft9
The effect of dry storage casks’ fuel loading on the heat load of final disposal canisters9
Spanish contribution to the development and application of best estimate plus uncertainty methodologies: Past, present and future9
Flame wrinkling factor in quiescent hydrogen-air mixtures9
A detailed experimental evaluation of gas –Liquid film attributes in a horizontal rectangular duct by Planar Laser-Induced fluorescence (PLIF) approach9
Critical configuration of a SMR based on CAREM 25 using the SERPENT code9
Structural, compositional and morphological characterization of Nd3+-substituted UO2 microspheres obtained by ICHTJ sol–gel technique9
Multi-physics coupling analysis on neutronics, thermal hydraulic and mechanics characteristics of a nuclear thermal propulsion reactor9
Methodology for phenomenological code assessment with integral test data9
In-plane fluidelastic instability study of a tube bundle with a rotated triangular layout and small pitch ratio9
Computational fluid dynamics modelling of lead natural convection and solidification in a pool type geometry9
Implications of using nanoparticles on the performance and safety of nuclear systems9
MPOGen: A Python package to prepare few-group homogenized cross sections for core calculations by APOLLO3®9
Thermal-Hydraulic comparative analysis of G-III + BWR and PWR passive safety features under Loss of coolant accident9
Transient behavior of a molten salt fast reactor under two-phase flow conditions with helium bubbling9
Study on tritium permeation behavior in primary and second circuits of the hydrogen production system by methane steam reforming using HTGR9
Feasibility of using BeO rods as secondary neutron sources in the long-life fuel cycle high-temperature gas-cooled reactor9
An open-source porous media modelling approach to investigate thermohydraulic features of compact printed circuit heat exchangers9
National context of the recent Spanish research on nuclear fission technology9
A proposed refueling scheme for the modular pebble bed reactor9
Performance evaluation of nuclear fuel in a reactor based on the CAREM 259
An educational simulation of a country’s electric power system9
Miniature DC electromagnetic pumps of molten lead and sodium to support development of Gen-IV nuclear reactors9
Time assessment of instrumentation survivability and severe accident guidelines application9
Experimental analysis of the start-up of a natural circulation loop in single and two-phase flow8
Literature survey of droplet entrainment from water pools8
Comparing physical protection strategies against insider threats using probabilistic risk assessment8
Numerical study on the effect of co-current gas flow on the falling film flow characteristics outside the horizontal tube8
Liquid level monitoring and quenching front tracking for SMR rod bundle CHF tests under low pressure, low flow, high quality conditions8
Assessment of the burnup characteristics of UO2 and MOX fuel in the mixed solid and annular rod configuration8
Risk-informed design of advanced nuclear reactor: A target unavailability approach8
Self-improving few-shot fault diagnosis for nuclear power plant based on man-machine collaboration8
Oxide characteristics of 90Nb-10Zr alloy corroded under different water chemistry conditions8
Design and analysis on the HP-PHRS for small modular lead-bismuth fast reactor8
Thermal safety characteristics analysis of helium xenon gas cooled small reactor system under LOCA accidents8
Machine learning based prediction of subcooled bubble condensation behavior, validation with experimental and numerical results8
Batch Deterministic and Stochastic Petri nets Modeling for Reliability Quantification for Safety Critical Systems of Nuclear Power Plants8
Experimental investigation on steam contact condensation in emergency makeup tank8
Flow rate measurement across the upper core structure of a sodium fast reactor using a scaled model and a simulant fluid8
MELCOR integrated severe accident code application to safety assessment of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors8
Study on a numerical homogenization method for printed circuit heat exchanger with hybrid mini-channels8
Radiation shielding properties of heavy-weight concrete and heavy-weight geopolymer concrete incorporating nano-ZnS8
Demonstration of a random sampling approach to uncertainty propagation for generic pebble-bed fluoride-salt-cooled high temperature reactor (gFHR)8
Research on approaches to automatic modeling of discrete ordinate programs based on CAD model8
Benchmark exercise on ELSMOR passive heat removal system8
Numerical investigation of transient hydrodynamic properties during reflood with early power termination using the COSINE subchannel code8
Design of specimen holders for flow accelerated corrosion experiments in molten lead with numerical evaluation of pressure losses8
The effect of temperature variation on PCCS functional failure probability for AP1000 nuclear power plant8
The nuclear research infrastructures open access scheme of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) at the European Commission – Contributions to education, training, mobility and scientific excellence8
Assessment of the disposability of radioactive waste inventories for a range of nuclear fuel cycles: Effect of repository size on disposal cost8
A new procedure for solving multigroup neutron diffusion eigenvalue problems8
A study of filtering performance of a new microfluidic inertial impactor for small-scale nuclear reactors8
Effect of basket/rail gap on temperature prediction in the TN-32 cask under storage and drying conditions8
Evaluation of RPV closure head penetration integrity considering fitting and residual stresses8
Influence of soil structure interaction on G + 11 storied RC frame against unconfined surface blast loads8
Parametric neutronic analysis of different cladding options for ThO2 pellet of advanced dual-cooled annular PWR assembly8
Analysis of a test facility for transients in a supercritical water-cooled reactor using dynamic system scaling methodology8
Effect of surface nanocrystallization on thermomechanical fatigue behavior of Ti-2Al-2.5Zr alloy tube8
Hydrogen distribution in a BWŔs RPV and Mark II drywell during the progression of a severe accident with and without emergency coolant injection8
An experimental study of the thermal-hydraulics of a spent nuclear fuel pool under loss-of-cooling accident conditions. Part I: The MIDI facility and its main experimental results8
Influence of embedment depth on floor response spectrum of SMR structure incorporating dynamic soil–structure interaction8
A singular value decomposition entropy approach to instability analysis in BWR’s8
Development and assessment of a reactor system prognosis model with physics-guided machine learning8
Experimental study of air–steam condensation on the influence of tube diameter and inclination angle7
Application of deterministic sampling methods for uncertainty quantification in manufacturing tolerances in neutron physics7
Numerical investigation on transient aero-thermal characteristics of a labyrinth regulating valve for nuclear power plant7
Measurement of corium surface tension using the maximum bubble pressure7
Assessment of wall heat flux partitioning model for two-phase CFD7
OECD/NEA PKL-4 benchmark activity. Code assessment of the relevant phenomena associated to a blind IBLOCA experiment7
Development and validation of the MAVR-TA code for analyzing the release and transport of fission products during a severe accident at a VVER NPP. Part 2 – Modelling of the fission products transport 7
Towards standardized nuclear reactors: Seismic isolation and the cost impact of the earthquake load case7
Thermal Modeling of an eVinci™-like heat pipe microreactor using OpenFOAM7
Economic aspects of nuclear fuel cycle closure on the basis of fast neutron reactors in the framework of “Proryv” project direction implementation7
Lead/lead-alloy as a corrosion-resistant outer layer packaging material for high level nuclear waste disposal7
Parametric sensitivity analysis of liquid metal helical coil once-through tube steam generator7
Study on potential burnable poison materials for a small modular block-type HTGR design using MgO-BeO as a composite-based moderators7
Using ex-core detectors and deep neural networks for monitoring power distribution in small space reactors7
An explicit expression of empirical parameter in ZBS model for predicting pebble bed effective thermal conductivity7
Improving the safety of the high temperature gas-cooled reactor ‘HTTR’ based on Japan’s new regulatory requirements7
Estimation of the core degradation and relocation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 based on RELAP/SCDAPSIM analysis7
Evaluation of flow-induced plate deflection for University of Missouri research reactor low-enriched uranium fuel element7
Fragility analysis of a prestressed concrete containment vessel subjected to internal pressure via the probability density evolution method7
Analysis of natural convection heat transfer and solidification within a corium simulant7
Analysis of the coherence between FIV acceleration and flow velocity in a square array tube bank with P/D = 1.267
Reactor core design of UPR-s: A nuclear reactor for silence thermoelectric system NUSTER7
Design and optimization of intermediate heat exchanger for lead-bismuth cooled fast reactor coupled with supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle7
A compact Monte Carlo method for the calculation of k∞ and its application in analysis of (n,xn) reactions7
Initial demonstration of automated fuel performance modeling with 1977 EBR-II metallic fuel pins using BISON code with FIPD and IMIS databases7
Validation process against late phase conditions of the passive autocatalytic recombiner simulation code PARUPM as a standalone tool using experimental data from REKO-3 and THAI facilities7
Erratum to “Nuclear heat supply system for a small district heating reactor” [Nucl. Eng. Des. 426 (2024) 113389]7
Thermo-mechanical evaluation of UO2-SiC fuel rod in hypothetical accidents using COMSOL multiphysics7
Mechanical performance and self-sensing capability of an amorphous fiber-reinforced concrete for radioactive waste storage facilities7
Application of deterministic sampling methods to uncertainty quantification in MELCOR severe accident simulation7
Theoretical modeling of the boiling annular-mist flow in vertical channels7
Model for determining rupture area in Zircaloy cladding under LOCA conditions7
Impact of core power density on economics of a small integral PWR7
Progress of sodium-cooled fast reactor developments in Japan taking into account total lifecycle, risk-informed approach, and sustainability7
Study on the hydraulic performance of the axial flow main coolant pump for lead-cooled fast reactor7
A new dynamic rod worth measurement method based on the transient spatial factor7
Analysis of uncertainties for results of experiment with boiling-off the coolant simulation using SOCRAT-B1/B2-code for spent fuel pool conditions7
Consideration of change over time in nuclear accident consequence assessment to support optimization of long-term remediation strategy7
Mass transfer between a continuous oxide phase (U-O-Zr) and a steel droplet at liquid state: Potential impact on corium pool behaviour during in-vessel melt retention7
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of a postulated severe accident in a generic German PWR with the system code AC27
Development of plutonium fuel facility decommissioning technology to accelerate glovebox dismantling and reduce air-fed suits based operations7