Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic

(The TQCC of Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Cut Elimination for Systems of Transparent Truth with Restricted Initial Sequents8
An Invitation to Extension Domination6
Supercompactness Can Be Equiconsistent with Measurability4
Stage Comparison, Fixed Points, and Least Fixed Points in Kripke–Platek Environments4
Characterizing von Neumann Regular Rings in Reverse Mathematics4
Typicality à la Russell in Set Theory4
One Lie Group to Define Them All4
What Problem Did Ladd-Franklin (Think She) Solve(d)?4
On Coincidence of Dimensions in Closed Ordered Differential Fields3
Quasi-Polyadic Algebras and Their Dual Position3
Generalizing Montague’s Theorem on Recursive Definitions3
Solovay’s Relative Consistency Proof for FIM and BI3
Definable Version of Wedderburn–Artin Theorem in O-Minimal Structures2
Simple Tableaus for Simple Logics2
Decision Times of Infinite Computations2
Shrieking, Shrugging, and the Australian Plan2
There Are No Minimal Effectively Inseparable Theories2
Two Variants of Noncontingency Operator2
Hierarchical Multiverse of Sets2
Meaningless Divisions2
Deduction Theorem in Congruential Modal Logics2
An Incompleteness Theorem for Modal Relevant Logics1
Some Results on Non-Club Isomorphic Aronszajn Trees1
Model-Theoretic Properties of Dynamics on the Cantor Set1
Games on Base Matrices1
Terence Tao, Hilbert’s Fifth Problem and Related Topics. American Mathematical Society, Providence, 2014. 338 pp.1
On VC-Density in VC-Minimal Theories1
Boolean-Valued Models of Set Theory with Urelements1
Modal Logics That Are Both Monotone and Antitone: Makinson’s Extension Results and Affinities between Logics1
Topic-Theoretic Extensions of Analytic Implication1
Definability of Boolean Functions in Kripke Semantics1
Witt Vectors and Separably Closed Fields with Higher Derivations1
A Family of dp-Minimal Expansions of (Z;+)1
Topologizing Interpretable Groups in p-Adically Closed Fields1
Products of Classes of Finite Structures1
The Complexity of Module Radicals1
Representations and the Foundations of Mathematics1
In Memoriam: Yoram Hirshfeld1
Modal Metatheory for Quantified Modal Logic, With and Without the Barcan Formulas1