New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research

(The TQCC of New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Two new cryptic species of the freshwater fish genus Gobiomorphus (Gobiiformes: Gobioidei: Eleotridae) in New Zealand14
Taura kuku: prioritising Māori knowledge and resources to create biodegradable mussel spat settlement lines for shellfish restoration in Ōhiwa harbour11
Comparing the performance of supervised classification methods on a multispecies fishery of post-larval galaxiids10
Transcending boundaries: transitioning toward integrated estuary management in Aotearoa New Zealand10
Notes on the experimental laboratory and field culture of Lessonia variegata (Laminariales)9
Common bully ( Gobiomorphus cotidianus ) and mosquitofish ( Gambusia affinis ) shift littoral zooplankton community composition to smaller9
Population responses of the pulmonate gastropod, Amphibola crenata, reflect estuarine trace metal contamination9
Habitat suitability of Aotearoa New Zealand for the recently invaded gold clam ( Corbicula fluminea )8
Understanding the diversity and phylogenetic placements of New Zealand amphipods within a global context7
The availability and ingestion of microplastics by an intertidal fish is dependent on urban proximity7
Modelled effects of channel orientation and tree canopy shape on average shade in streams7
Sexual reproduction of seagrass Zostera muelleri in Aotearoa New Zealand: are we missing a restoration opportunity?7
Accounting for diverse cultural values in freshwater management plans by using a transparent and collaborative decision support system based on multi-criteria decision analysis7
Not friends, just roommates: social organisation of two South American sea lion non-breeding colonies7
The potential role of exopolysaccharide from Graesiella sp (chlorophyte Microalga) as dietary supplement against Bisphenol A-induced hepatotoxicity in gilthead sea bream6
Ecological and archaeological consequences of ongoing, largely human-mediated colonisation of endemic soft, shelly habitats by mangroves in a northern New Zealand embayment6
Diet variation of common smelt across a salinity gradient in coastal lakes on Rēkohu (Chatham Island)6
Optimising abalone settlement and metamorphosis: a red macroalgae candidate as an alternative to existing algal substrates5
The first record of Australian flatback mangrove goby Mugilogobius platynotus (Günther 1861) (Gobiidae; Tridentigerinae) from New Zealand5
Could spatial variation be more important than species identity in determining the presence of microplastics in temperate sponges?5
The complete mitogenome of Haliotis asinina (Gastropoda, Haliotidae) from Malaysian waters provides further insights into the phylogeny of the abalone5
Variation in the population structure of bluegill bully ( Gobiomorphus hubbsi ) with distance upriver: implications for river connectivity5
What temperature is best for the offshore farming of the Australasian snapper, Chrysophrys auratus ? A collective examination of growth, FCR, O 2 5
Opportunistic discovery of giant kōkopu ( Galaxias argenteus ) spawning in a tidal reach: site description and implications5
Haliotis tuberculata coccinea grow-out performances according to diet and production systems4
Winter consumption of the introduced Green Crab Carcinus maenas by Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus4
Shellogy: reading abalone shells to empower reef-scale management4
Trophic ecology of the deep-sea squid Moroteuthopsis ingens (Cephalopoda: Onychoteuthidae) from the Chatham Rise, Aotearoa New Zealand4
Abalone research in a changing world4
Estuaries as coastal reactors: importance of shallow seafloor habitats for primary productivity and nutrient transformation, and impacts of sea level rise3
Factors influencing cyanobacteria blooms: review of the historical monitoring data to assess management options for Lake Horowhenua3
Cluster analysis reveals latent structure in stakeholder interests relevant to the management of Blueskin Bay estuary, Otago, Aotearoa New Zealand3
Snapshots in time: quantifying dynamics of coastal vessel traffic in a dolphin hotspot3
Effects of point source discharges on common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) along the Waikato River, New Zealand3
Ecosystem function responses to nutrient enrichment mediated by mud content in soft sediment habitats3
Which variables influence the structure and abundance of aquatic herbivorous assemblages in small forested Patagonian wetlands?3
Age and growth of a habitat-forming deep-sea coral Solenosmilia variabilis in the New Zealand region: implications for fisheries management3
Effects of oxidation reduction potential levels on bacterial density in Portuguese oysters ( Crassostrea angulata ) utilising a sonoelectrochemical depuration system2
Reproductive changes in Foveaux Strait Ostrea chilensis, Southern New Zealand, after Bonamia exitiosa epidemics2
Discovery of a host fish species for the threatened New Zealand freshwater mussel Echyridella aucklandica (Bivalvia: Unionida: Hyriidae)2
Habitat use of the amphidromous catfish Genidens barbus: first insights at its southern distribution limit2
A review of the nutritional requirements of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)2
Growth and diet of inanga (Galaxias maculatus) within a small New Zealand coastal pond system2
Diversity of tropical macroalgae in the New Zealand marine aquarium trade2
Untangling the Gordian knot: estuary survival under sea-level rise and catchment pollution requires a new policy and governance approach2
Restoring the seagrass Zostera muelleri with transplants: small cores are as effective as larger plots2
Karyotype evolutionary diversification in marine fishes. First classical and molecular cytogenetic data on four Atlantic species2
Intrapopulation variation in reproduction of Lessonia variegata J. Agardh2
Variations in ecosystem service provision of two functionally similar bivalve habitats2
Occurrence and anthropogenic-derived mortality of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) along the northern coast of Argentina, 2003–20212
The sediment fluorescence–trophic level relationship: using water-extractable organic matter to assess past lake water quality in New Zealand2
Stable carbon isotope fractionation of fatty acid in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus): insights from an experimental study2
Spawning runs of naturalised rainbow and brown trout from Lake Otamangakau, central North Island, New Zealand2
Wastewater treatment plant effluents in New Zealand are a significant source of microplastics to the environment2
Long-term variability in deposited fine sediment and macroinvertebrate communities across different land-use intensities in a regional set of New Zealand rivers2
Local variation in the timing of reproduction and recruitment in a widely distributed diadromous fish2