
(The median citation count of Neophilologus is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
The Germanic Onomasticon and the Etymology of Beowulf’s Name7
Echoes of Eriugena in the Old English Boethius4
Identifying the Narrator of Wulf and Eadwacer? Signy, the Heroides and the Adaptation of Classical Models in Old English Literature4
The Wanderer and the Legacy of Pathetic Fallacy3
Hopes Woven in Smoke: Reimagining Virgil’s Aeneid in Irene Vallejo’s El silbido del arquero3
Homosexual Desire in the Poetry of Blai Bonet2
Hear No Sievers, See No Sievers: Metrics and the Eddic Commentary Tradition2
A una flor nacida en una calavera: En torno al concepto de propagación contextual2
Correction to: La mujer disfrazada de hombre en el teatro de Shakespeare y Lope de Vega: articulación e implicaciones de un recurso dramático2
Julian of Norwich’s Mystic Vision as a Site for Rebuilding Societal Unity in the Aftermath of the Black Death2
Grendel’s Mother and the Women of the Völsung-Nibelung Tradition2
Zur Realisierung der standardsprachlichen vokalischen Lautwandelprozesse des Frühneuhochdeutschen im Text der Hermannstädter Protokolle (1560–1565)2
Constructions synonymiques dans Les mots comme marqueurs de l’idiostyle de J.-P. Sartre1
The Six Ages of the World and Biblical Genealogy in Anglo-Saxon Encyclopaedic Notes1
Nationalism and Memory in Europe: An Analysis of Robert Menasse’s Die Hauptstadt1
New Ways of Identification: Black Diaspora and Memory in Caryl Phillips’s In the Falling Snow1
Análisis comparativo del Coro como personaje en tres tragedias griega y tres dramas españoles del Corpus DraCor1
Alcohol, Drunkenness, and Excess—Consumption and Transgression in European Medieval and Early Modern Literature1
In Defence of Böðvarr bjarki1
Exciting Storms: Weather Phenomena as Catalysts of Chivalric Adventures1
Beowulf and Ragnarǫk: A Reassessment1
‘And You Shall Know That I am the Lord’: The Wanderer and the Book of Ezekiel1
Nature and the Supernatural in the Medieval and Early Modern Imagination1
Magic as Technological Dominion: John Dee’s Hydragogy and the Draining of the Fens in Ben Jonson’s The Devil is an Ass1
Beans and Melons: Rousseau’s Vegetable Garden1
Glossing Aldhelm with Ælfric’s Grammar/Glossary1
Andreas, Intertextuality, and Three Modes of Philology: Traditional, Oral, Digital1
The Invisibility of the Soul and the Rhetoric of Dissent: Conscience and the Wycliffite Heresy1
Herencia medieval y neologismo en el léxico cromático de textos historiográficos en el siglo de Oro según el Corpus diacrónico del español1
The Ruin: An Old English Mnemonic?1
The Aesthetics of the Human Beast: A Comparative Study of Zola’s L’Assommoir, Galdós’ La Desheredada and Crane’s Maggie1
Ciencia y secularización en Las fuerzas extrañas, de Leopoldo Lugones1
Final and Larval Spectrality in Albert Camus’ The Fall1
Sisterly Charity or Sisterly Venom in Rebekah Hyneman's "The Sister of Charity"?1
Interplanetary Intimacy: Alien-Human Love in J.-H. Rosny aîné’s Martian Novels1
Virtuelle Metamorphosen - Zur Subversion der Selbstoptimierung in Kevin Kuhns Roman Hikikomori0
The Glossary in London, British Library, Harley 107, fol. 72v0
Misunderstanding, Misperception and Mistakes: The Logic of the Grail in Old French Arthurian Romance and Thomas Malory’s Tale of the Sankgreal0
Form-Meaning Systematicity in Old English Alliterative Verse0
A Choice of Two: Structure and Literary Form in “Auðunar þáttr vestfirska”0
A gender-stereotyped representation of Marie in Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s tetralogy M. M. M. M. (2017)0
Hidden Hoards, Past Pains: Treasures, Ancestors, and Ghosts in Beowulf and in the Nibelungenlied0
Effeminate Bodies, Individual Confusion and National Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Robert Musil’s Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß and Yu Dafu’s “Boundless Night”0
Guildeluëc and the Virgin Mary: Legitimizing the Abbess as Holy Mother0
Una refundición moretiana de una comedia de Claramonte: El valiente justiciero y El rey don Pedro en Madrid0
Correction to: Recuperating Ruíz de Alarcón: Los empeños de un engaño as Source Text for Calderón de la Barca and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz0
Speech and Translation in Patience0
“Think on the Bludy Serk:” Allegory and Figura in Henryson’s Minor Poem0
De France dulce m’unt tolud la flor”: On the Chanson de Roland and the Liber floridus0
2103, le retour de l’Éléphant: la science-fiction utopique en dialogue avec l’Écologie0
Versteckter Dialog und Dialog-Replik in Saša Stanišićs Roman Wie der Soldat das Grammofon repariert (2006)0
Transforming Attitudes Towards the Turk in Edward Ravenscroft’s Mamamouchi, or The citizen turn’d gentleman (1672) and Molière’s Le bourgeois Gentilhomme (1668)0
Un poema europeo en el romanticismo español: El bulto vestido del negro capuz (1835) de Patricio de la Escosura0
Cómo lograr el éxito con una reedición: 1964, el Ferdydurke de Sudamericana y Ernesto Sabato0
The Battle of Brunanburh: The Lanchester Hypothesis0
Die Poesie der Zukunft: August Otto-Walsters Poetik von Prekarisierung und Prekarität in Am Webstuhl der Zeit (1873)0
Depolarizing the Polarized: Elif Shafakʼs Three Daughters of Eve and Turkey0
Life, Letters and Exile in Early Medieval England0
Correction to: The Animal Nurse in Late Medieval Narrative and its Relation to Genre0
The Prehistory of Frá Fornjóti ok hans ættmönnum: Connections with the Chronicon Lethrense and their Consequences0
Refining Themselves into Existence: Reading Portrait with Terence Davies’ Filmic Portraiture0
“Un estado de la conciencia contemporánea”: género y moral en La sirena negra de Emilia Pardo Bazán0
Multi-word Vernacular Formations in the Multilingual Durham Account Rolls0
Celestina’s Influence on La casa de Bernarda Alba0
El proyecto de edición del Poema del Cid del Marqués de Pidal para la Real Academia Española0
Scripted Revolution: Aspects of the Carnivalesque and Grotesque in Tirant lo Blanc and Curial i Güelfa0
„Aber was, […] wenn es nicht so ist?“ Ambivalente Figurationen der Zeit in Daniel Kehlmanns ‚Mahlers Zeit‘0
The Pilgrim’s Carnivalesque: The Textual Chaucer and the Negation of Narration in The Canterbury Tales0
“I Demand the Friendship of Zoroaster”: William Godwin and World Literature of Friendship0
The Animal Nurse in Late Medieval Narrative and its Relation to Genre0
La opinión como fuente de autoridad en el Nuevo Mundo: el discurso de Gregorio García sobre el origen de los indígenas americanos0
Unthought Medievalism0
In Memoriam Hendrikus Theodorus Oostendorp (1927–2022)0
Edward Garnett and Arnold Bennett: The Publisher’s Reader and a Budding Novelist0
Torture and Metamorphosis in Exeter Book Riddle 2610
Chaucer’s Vision of the British Past: Literary Inheritance and Historical Memory in the Canterbury Tales0
Moses and Power: Mimetic Desire in Doris Lessing’s the Grass Is Singing0
Correction to: The Subversion of Francoist Rhetoric in Blas de Otero’s Pido la paz y la palabra0
The Vita of Marie d’Oignies and Late Medieval England0
The Name of Thor and the Transmission of Old Norse poetry0
Lines of the Kingdom: Bloodshed and the Establishment of the Frankish Christian Identity in Chanson de Roland0
Presencia del Autor en el Narrador y el Protagonista de El recurso del método, de Alejo Carpentier0
Success is a Private Matter: Nabokov’s Christmas Stories0
“Ningún lugar sagrado” de Rodrigo Rey Rosa: una ficción paranoica desde la diáspora centroamericana0
Self and the City in Maruja Torres’s La amante en guerra: Reconstituting Feminine Subjectivity in Beirut0
Metaphors in the Muspilli0
Los escombros de la grandeza: García Márquez o las fabulaciones de la demencia0
Cuerpos que se rebelan contra la violencia en la cuentística de Pardo Bazán0
“Savage” and “Medieval” in C. S. Lewis’s The Discarded Image0
Becoming-Animal in the Icelandic Sagas0
Wonders that Speak: Computing the Poetics of Wonder in the Old English Andreas0
Intertextual Potential and the Reader in the Bevis Tradition: Boeve de Haumtone, Bevis of Hampton and Beuve de Hantonne0
Mucho a la Majestad sagrada agrada: un soneto en eco en los cancioneros hispano-portugueses0
Environnements nucléaires: imaginaire des centrales atomiques et perception du danger écologique dans le roman français contemporain0
Nuevos datos sobre dos manuscritos de la Crónica do Imperador Beliandro en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Utrecht0
Physical and Figural Animals in Patrick Deville’s Peste & Choléra0
Did Old English Verse Have a “Morphological” Metre?0
The Old English Pharaoh: A Neglected ubi sunt Poem0
Dante, American-Style: Seymour Chwast’s Graphic Adaptations of the Divine Comedy and European Literature0
Ecophobia and Social Class Identity: An Ecocritical Approach to the Nature/Culture Divide in Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales “The Young King” and “The Star Child”0
Las visionarias castellanas y la llegada de la Contrarreforma: el discurso y las emociones0
La fantasma de Valencia y las comedias de Fiestas del jardín de Alonso de Castillo Solórzano: hipótesis de datación y circunstancias de representación0
La Voz De La Hechicera: De La Narración Oral Al Registro Judicial0
The Lonely Afterlives of Early English Queens0
Recuperating Ruíz de Alarcón: Los empeños de un engaño as Source Text for Calderón de la Barca and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz0
Exiles: Medieval Experiences of Isolation0
"Il y a un lutin dans le Bois aux Roches!": Formes et sens du merveilleux dans la série Johan et Pirlouit de Peyo0
Hemmed In and Stitched Up: The Sewing Machine in John Law's A Manchester Shirtmaker (1890)0
Staging Religious Toleration: Pierre Corneille’s Polyeucte martyr (1643)0
Les devinettes des Adevineaux amoureux: hypothèses généalogiques et stratégies editoriales0
Stylistic Change in Early Modern Spanish Poetry Through Network Analysis (with an Especial Focus on Fernando de Herrera’s Role)0
Glossing Abbo with Ælfric’s Grammar/Glossary0
A Hard-Boiled Hero in an Atomized World: Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s El hombre de mi vida and Milenio Carvalho Lament Neoliberal Alienation0
Robert Garnier et le thème de l’immortalité de l’âme: l’invention poétique du chant choral aux vers 1323–1377 de La Troade0
Perfil revisado: Vicente Aleixandre, Antonio Machado y otros lectores de Carolina Coronado en la Edad de Plata0
The Old English Phoenix as a Model of Saintly Embodiment0
Tense and Tension in Alice Munro’s “In Sight of the Lake”: A Cognitive Study0
Adaptation, Autobiography, and Divine Passibility in Patience0
The Criminal, the Advocate, and the Judge in 2 Samuel 13 and Tirso’s La venganza de Tamar0
Hawthorne’s New Pilgrim’s Progress and Antebellum America: Subversion and Containment in “The Celestial Railroad”0
The Heremod Digressions in Beowulf: A Reassessment0
Subject, Interest, and Community in Lynn Nottage’s Sweat and Dominique Morisseau’s Skeleton Crew0
Beowulf 501b and the authority of Old English poetical manuscripts0
Paris’s Choice (1670) by Charles Davenant: A Seventeenth-Century Play Preserved in a University Manuscript Miscellany0
“Arrojóse el mancebito/al charco de los atunes” de Luis de Góngora y la representación paródica del héroe-galán mitológico.0
Sylvie, or the End of Romanticism0
The Role of Richard Hakluyt’s The Principall Nauigations (1589) in the Introduction and Dissemination of Spanish Loanwords in the English Language0
La Belle et la Bête: Nadja et le Mômo0
Why Does Mary Weep? Emotion and Gender in Advent Lines 164–213 (Advent Lyric VII)0
Hebban olla vogala: An Eleventh-Century Link Between Dutch and English Literary History0
Valor y recepción de la lírica cantable en las fábulas mitológicas de Lope de Vega0
Stanza-Linking in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: The Phenomenology of Narrative0
Déclin et célébration du vivant dans l’écriture d’Émile Verhaeren0
Correction to: Mucho a la Majestad sagrada agrada: un soneto en eco en los cancioneros hispano‑portugueses0
El discurso fúnebre de Quevedo a la muerte del rey Gustavo Adolfo de Suecia: nuevos datos y manuscritos0
Un soneto olvidado de Calderón de la Barca para el Equilibrio cristiano político y moral de Gaspar Agustín de Lara (1680)0
Cervantes y los servicios de inteligencia: Espías e informantes en “La gitanilla”0
Puesta en escena y proxémica en Dido y Eneas de Cristóbal de Morales Guerrero0
La Date de Composition de la Bible des sept Estaz du monde de Geufroi de Paris0
Vernacular Multilingualism. The use of French in Medieval Dutch Literature0
From Agnostic Heathen to Christian Convert: Trust in One’s Own Might and Main in the Viking Age0
Window Women: A Way into Nineteenth-Century English Literature0
Gender Differences, Authority’s Discredibility, and Political Crisis: A Comparative Reading of Wang Shifu’s Xixiang Ji and Lessing’s Minna von Barnhelm0
Óðinn as Cargo-God: a Suggestion from Beowulf0
Emblematic Language: A Multilingual Perspective on Wulfstan’s English and Latin Baptismal Homilies0
Cotidianidad y paseo en Los lugares de Elvio Gandolfo0
“A certaine whorish brauery”: Silenced Women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period0
La traducción al español de las Questioni d’amore (Filocolo) de Boccaccio: del texto “vicioso” (Laberinto de amor) a la edición revisada (Trece cuestiones muy graciosas)0
La separación de los esposos vista por la mujer en la literatura caballeresca germánica y romance de la Edad Media: un análisis comparado0
To and Fro Between Eros and Thanatos: What Where and the Death Drive0
King Hygelac of the Geats: History, Legend, and Beowulf0
Saturnine Texts and Parodic Sunrises: Don Quixote and Le Roman Comique0
Ways of Seeing Christ the Judge: The Iconography of Christ III and its Visual Context0
Man of the Theatre: Stage Performances of T. S. Eliot’s Work in Spain (1949–2016)0
Luis Alberto de Cuenca el Bárbaro: mitos, sagas y tradición germánica0
L’écoute musicale et ses enjeux dans Conversations avec le maître de Cécile Wajsbrot0
La connotación en la invención léxica cadia cuento «La Cadia» de Elisa Chimenti0
Spectres of Virginia Woolf: Rhythmic and Heterotopic Haunting in “A Haunted House”0
Chambers of Consciousness and Houses of Life: Nietzschean Hermeneutics in Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan0
“von kindlichen Träumen belogen”: Joachim Ringelnatz’ (ent-)idealisierte Märchenwelt0
The Purpose of Double Accenting in the Ormulum and a Possible French Connection0
The Subversion of Francoist Rhetoric in Blas de Otero’s Pido la paz y la palabra0