Navigation-Journal of the Institute of Navigation

(The TQCC of Navigation-Journal of the Institute of Navigation is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Navigator Notes114
Conservative Estimation of Inertial Sensor Errors Using Allan Variance Data44
Advanced and versatile signal conditioning for GNSS receivers using the high‐rate DFT‐based data manipulator (HDDM)33
Navigator Notes30
Overbounding the effect of uncertain Gauss‐Markov noise in Kalman filtering23
Terrain‐referenced navigation using a steerable‐laser measurement sensor23
3D Vision Aided GNSS Real-Time Kinematic Positioning for Autonomous Systems in Urban Canyons21
Issue Information20
Navigator Notes17
Issue Information17
An Analytical Derivation of the Signal-in-Space Root-Mean-Square User Range Error16
Relative navigation technique with constrained GNSS data for formation‐flying CubeSat mission, CANYVAL‐C16
Ionospheric spatial decorrelation assessment for GBAS daytime operations in Brazil15
Comparison of Autonomous Orbit Determination for Satellite Pairs in Lunar Halo and Distant Retrograde Orbits15
Case study of Bayesian RAIM algorithm integrated with Spatial Feature Constraint and Fault Detection and Exclusion algorithms for multi‐sensor positioning14
Real-Time Ionosphere Prediction Based on IGS Rapid Products Using Long Short-Term Memory Deep Learning14
Perspectives on the Systematic (Type B) Uncertainties of UTC-UTC(k)13
GNSS spoofing detection through spatial processing13
Improved GPS-Based Single-Frequency Orbit Determination for the CYGNSS Spacecraft Using GipsyX13
Characterizing Perspective Error in Voxel-Based Lidar Scan Matching12
Bicomplex Representation and Processing of GNSS Signals12
Development and Validation of a Multipath Mitigation Technique Using Multi-Correlator Structures12
Spatiotemporal Deep Learning Network for High-Latitude Ionospheric Phase Scintillation Forecasting10
Multi-Objective Design of a Lunar GNSS10
Data‐driven protection levels for camera and 3D map‐based safe urban localization10
Novel prior position determination approaches in particle filter for ultra wideband (UWB)‐based indoor positioning10
Adaptive Multiple-Model Kalman Filter for GNSS Carrier Phase and Frequency Estimation Through Wideband Interference9
Highly Efficient Real-Time Kinematic-Based Precise Relative Navigation for Autonomous Rendezvous CubeSat9
RTK-Quality Positioning With Global Precise Point Positioning Corrections9
Multi-layered Multi-Constellation Global Navigation Satellite System Interference Mitigation9
ION GNSS software‐defined radio metadata standard9
Timescale Realization with Linked Platforms for AltPNT8
Feasibility Study of GBAS/INS and RRAIM for Airport Surface Movement Under Low-Visibility Conditions8
Regional Ionosphere Delay Models Based on CORS Data and Machine Learning8
Sensitivity of advanced RAIM performance to mischaracterizations in integrity support message values7
Set-Valued Shadow Matching Using Zonotopes for 3D-Map-Aided GNSS Localization7
Impacts of Global Navigation Satellite System Jamming on Aviation7
RFI Mapped by Spaceborne GNSS-R Data7
Precise Onboard Time Synchronization for LEO Satellites7
Robust Modeling of GNSS Orbit and Clock Error Dynamics7
Navigation Safety Assurance of a KF-Based GNSS/IMU System: Protection Levels Against IMU Failure7
Performance-Based GNSS Satellite Selection: A Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) Approach7
Issue Information6
Issue Information6
Navigator Notes6
Characterizing BDS signal‐in‐space performance from integrity perspective6
Robust GPS-Vision Localization via Integrity-Driven Landmark Attention6
Instantaneous Sub-meter Level Precise Point Positioning of Low-Cost Smartphones6
Analytical and Empirical Navigation Safety Evaluation of a Tightly Integrated Lidar/IMU Using Return-Light Intensity6
Improved high‐precision GNSS navigation with a passive hydrogen maser5
Robust Determination of Smartphone Heading by Mitigation of Magnetic Anomalies5
High-Precision Positioning Using Plane-Constrained RTK Method in Urban Environments5
Developing a Spoofer Error Envelope for Tracking GNSS Signals5
Closed‐form analysis of undetected range errors due to ionospheric impacts for GBAS category I operations5
A low complexity smoothing algorithm for improved GPS point solutions on board LEO spacecraft5
Navigator Notes5
Atom Strapdown: Toward Integrated Quantum Inertial Navigation Systems5
Characterization and Performance Assessment of BeiDou-2 and BeiDou-3 Satellite Group Delays5
Global Navigation Satellite System Channel Coding Structures for Rapid Signal Acquisition in Harsh Environmental Conditions5
Navigator Notes5
WAAS and the Ionosphere – A Historical Perspective: Monitoring Storms5
Low-Cost, Triple-Frequency, Multi-GNSS PPP and MEMS IMU Integration for Continuous Navigation in Simulated Urban Environments5
Network‐based ionospheric gradient monitoring to support GBAS5
A Method to Determine Secondary Codes and Carrier Phases of Short Snapshot Signals5
Using dual‐polarization GPS antenna with optimized adaptive neuro‐fuzzy inference system to improve single point positioning accuracy in urban canyons5