Navigation-Journal of the Institute of Navigation

(The H4-Index of Navigation-Journal of the Institute of Navigation is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Factor graph optimization for GNSS/INS integration: A comparison with the extended Kalman filter114
Navigation using carrier Doppler shift from a LEO constellation: TRANSIT on steroids44
Precise real‐time navigation of LEO satellites using GNSS broadcast ephemerides33
Enabling ambiguity resolution in CSRS‐PPP28
First results from three years of GNSS interference monitoring from low Earth orbit23
GNSS spoofing detection through spatial processing21
Positioning and Velocity Performance Levels for a Lunar Lander using a Dedicated Lunar Communication and Navigation System21
Urban positioning: 3D mapping‐aided GNSS using dual‐frequency pseudorange measurements from smartphones20
Performance comparison of time‐of‐arrival estimation techniques for LTE signals in realistic multipath propagation channels20
Performance assessment of GNSS diffraction models in urban areas17
Multi-Epoch 3D-Mapping-Aided Positioning using Bayesian Filtering Techniques17
Characterizing BDS signal‐in‐space performance from integrity perspective16
Improving GNSS Positioning Using Neural-Network-Based Corrections16
Hong Kong UrbanNav: An Open-Source Multisensory Dataset for Benchmarking Urban Navigation Algorithms15
Integrity of Visual Navigation—Developments, Challenges, and Prospects15