National Tax Journal

(The median citation count of National Tax Journal is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The COVID-19 Cash Transfer Study II: The Hardship and Mental Health Impacts of an Unconditional Cash Transfer to Low-Income Individuals28
High Noon In the Tax Policy Corral: Edward Kleinbard’s Race Against Time18
Stateless Income And Beyond: Ed Kleinbard’s Contribution To International Tax Policy16
International Tax Competition and Coordination with A Global Minimum Tax15
Assessment Caps and the Racial Assessment Gap14
The Elasticity of Taxable Income in The Presence of Intertemporal Income Shifting13
Summaries of Articles13
Assessing Profit Shifting Using Country-by-Country Reports: A Nonlinear Response to Tax Rate Differentials12
The Child Tax Credit over Time by Family Type: Benefit Eligibility and Poverty12
Front Matter11
The Supply Elasticity Of Municipal Debt: Evidence From Bank-Qualified Bonds10
Price Isn’t Everything: Behavioral Response Around Changes In Sin Taxes10
Pillar Two’s Built-In Escape Hatch10
Synthetic Individual Income Tax Data: Promises and Challenges9
Summaries of Articles9
New Evidence on the Cycle in the Women, Infants, and Children Program: What Happens When Benefits Expire8
Safety-Net Program Spillovers and Administrative Burden8
The Implications of Uncertain Economic Paths for Revenue Projections8
Does a Day Lost Equal Dollars Saved? The Effects of Four-Day School Weeks on School District Expenditures7
The Consumption, Income, and Well-Being of Single mother–headed Families 25 Years After Welfare Reform7
Stimulus Checks: True-Up and Safe-Harbor Costs7
Front Matter7
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Searching for Supply-Side Effects6
Automated Tax Filing: Simulating a Prepopulated Form 10406
Tax Credit Refundability and Child Care Prices: Evidence from California6
Do the effects of alcohol excise taxes differ by drinking level and by income level?6
Digital Tax Arithmetic5
The Responsiveness of Medicaid Spending to the Federal Subsidy5
Corporate Taxes and Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act5
The Antipoverty Impact of the EITC: New Estimates from Survey and Administrative Tax Records4
Protecting Privacy and Expanding Access in a Modern Administrative Tax Data System4
Real-Time Poverty, Material Well-Being, and the Child Tax Credit4
The Revenue Productivity of India’s Subnational VAT4
Front Matter4
The Effect of Cannabis Legalization on Substance Demand and Tax Revenues4
Democratic Federalism: The Economics, Politics, and Law of Federal Governance edited by Robert P. Inman and Daniel L. Rubinfeld (Princeton University Press, 2020, Princeton, NJ, 439 pages)3
Summaries of Articles3
Summaries of Articles3
The National Tax Journal’s Contributions to Public Economics Research: Reflections on the Journal’s Seventy-Fifth Anniversary3
Remittance Rules and the Distribution of Local Tax Revenue: Evidence after Wayfair3
Who Benefits from the Child Tax Credit?3
Summaries of Articles3
Childcare Infrastructure in the Nordic Countries as a Way of Enabling Female Labor Market Participation3
Voting Systems and Fiscal Policy: Evidence from Runoff and Plurality Elections3
The Policy And Politics Of Alternative Minimum Taxes3
Market Responses To Voter-Approved Debt3
The Use of Financial Accounting Information in the OECD BEPS 2.0 Project: A Discussion of the Rules and Concerns2
TANF at 25: A Weaker Cash Safety Net Reaching Fewer Families and doing Less to Lift Families out of Deep Poverty2
How Refundable Tax Credits Can Advance Gender and Racial Equity2
Summaries of Articles2
Trust, the Pandemic, and Public Policies2
Summaries of Articles2
Unemployment Insurance Recipiency During the Covid-19 Pandemic2
Taxes and Firm Size: A 40-Year Perspective2
Real-time Forecasts of State and Local Government Budgets with an Application to the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Design and Evaluation of the Finnish Basic Income Experiment2
Tax Minimization by French Cohabiting Couples2
Front Matter2
Lists: A Novel Experimental Method to Measure Tax Evasion2
Cross-Border Effects of A Major Tax Reform — Evidence from the European Stock Market1
Summaries of Articles1
Front Matter1
Effects of COVID-19 on the Nonprofit Sector1
How Does the Depression-Designed Retail Sales Tax Cope with the New Economy? A Tax for the New and A Tax for the Old1
Agenda-Setting and Tax Referenda: Implications for Regression Discontinuity Identification Strategy Using Election Outcomes1
Initial Company Responses to the Enactment of the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax1
Trends in Student Loan Repayment1
Property Tax Homestead Exemptions: An Analysis of the Variance in Take-Up Rates Across Neighborhoods1
Job Creation Tax Credits, Fiscal Foresight, and Job Growth: Evidence from US States1
Intergenerational Effects of the EITC: The Case of Grandparents1
What Can We Learn About Automatic Enrollment Into Pensions From Small Employers?1
The (Non)Taxation of Student Debt Cancellation: Statutory Misinterpretation and Normative Conflict1
Ed Kleinbard’s Business Enterprise Income Tax: How Well Does It Solve the Problem of How to Tax Capital Income?1
Which Survey Report to Use? A Revisit to the 1934 Survey of Public Finance Scholars1
Why Is So Much Redistribution In-Kind and Not in Cash? Evidence from a Survey Experiment1
Front Matter1
Products, Services, and Tax-Motivated Income Shifting1
Universal Cash Transfers and Inflation0
Bias in Tax Progressivity Estimates0
Front Matter0
Revealing Values: Applying the Inverse-Optimum Method to US State Taxes0
An Assessment of Global Formula Apportionment0
Why Do People Engage In Roth Conversions?0
Open-Economy Public Finance0
Estimating the Distributional Implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act0
Income Inequality, Race, and the EITC0
Front Matter0
The Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax: A Congressional Folly0
Summaries of Articles0
Summaries of Articles0
Small Business Taxation and Income Inequality: The View from Canada0
Award Announcements0
Boosting Take-Up of the Expanded Child Tax Credit through School-Based Outreach0
Leakage from Retirement Savings Accounts in the United States0
Land Taxes: From Theory to Practice0
Rebellion, Rascals, and Revenue: Tax Follies and Wisdom through the Ages! by Michael Keen and Joel Slemrod (Princeton University Press, 2021, Princeton, NJ, 511 pages)0
Three Decades of Tax Analysis, 1992–20220
Building Fiscal Capacity in Developing Countries: Evidence on the Role of Information Technology0
The Demographics of the CAMT: Insights from Tax Return Data0
How Did Safety-Net Reform Affect Early Adulthood among Adolescents from Low-Income Families?0
Award Announcements0
Lawyers, Economists, and Tax Scholarship0
Front Matter0
Employment, Child Care Spending, and Child Tax Benefits0
Why Is Corporate Tax Revenue Stable While Tax Rates Fall? Evidence from Firm-Level Data0
The Incidence and Distributional Effects of the Corporate Income Tax: The Role of Rent Sharing0
Front Matter0
The Effect of Tax Price on Donations: Evidence from Canada0
When Estimated Economic Effects Fail the Sniff Test: Tax Examples0
Local Municipal Market Concentration: The Case of Puerto Rico and the Federal Estate Tax0
Taxing Goods and Services in a Digital Era0
Generosity Across the Income and Wealth Distributions0
Dissertation Competition0
Taxing the Digital Economy: Investor Reaction to the European Commission’s Digital Tax Proposals0
How Would a Permanent 2021 Child Tax Credit Expansion Affect Poverty and Employment?0
Property Tax Policy and Housing Affordability0
Race, Ethnicity, and Taxation of the Family: The Many Shades of the Marriage Penalty/Bonus0
The Distributional Effects of Property Tax Constraints on School Districts0
Group Equity and Implicit Discrimination in Tax Systems0
The Distributional Effects of Student Loan Forgiveness: An Update on SAVE and the COVID-19 Moratorium0
Rising Income Tax Complexity0
Income Guarantee Policy Design: Implications for Poverty, Income Distribution, and Tax Rates0
Marriage in Old Age: What Can We Learn About Policy Impacts on Same-Sex Couples?0
Public Finance and Racism0
Homestead Exemptions, Heterogeneous Assessment, and Property Tax Progressivity0
Front Matter0
Editors’ Note: March 20210
How Much Does College Cost and How Does it Relate to Student Borrowing? Tuition Growth and Borrowing Over the Past 30 Years0
Front Matter0
Dissertation Competition0
Seeking Professional Help: How Paid Preparers Decrease Tax Compliance0
The Taxation of Capital Income in Canada: Analysis and Directions for Reform0
Front Matter0
Is Gig Work Changing the Labor Market? Key Lessons from Tax Data0
Average Tax Rates in the Canadian Personal Income Tax0
A Grant to Every Citizen: Survey Evidence of the Impact of a Direct Government Payment in Israel0
75 Years of Research on the Property Tax0
The Spending and Consumption Response to A VAT Rate Increase0
Tax Compliance in the Amazon0
Summaries of Articles0
Delivering Aid to Businesses through the Payroll Tax System: The Case of the Employee Retention Credit0
Who Cares? Paid Sick Leave Mandates, Caregiving, and Gender0
Tax Loss Measurement0
Front Matter0
The Impact of Financial Transaction Taxes on Stock Markets: Short-Run Effects, Long-Run Effects, and Reallocation of Trading Activity0
Returns to Scale in Property Assessment: Evidence from New York State’s Small Localities Coordination Program0
Public Housing Authorities’ Housing Choice Voucher Policies Can Affect SSI Participation0
Putting the Paycheck Protection Program into Perspective: An Analysis Using Administrative and Survey Data0
Summaries of Articles0
Temporary Property Tax Relief and Residential Home Sales0
Impact of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Household Labor Supply and Welfare across the Income Distribution0
Local Fiscal Adjustments From Depopulation: Evidence From The Post–Cold War Defense Contraction0
Summaries of Articles0
Reflections on the US Property Tax: Past, Present, and Future0
Retailer Remittance Matters: Evidence from Voluntary Collection Agreements0
Summaries of Articles0
Front Matter0
Territorial Tax Reform and Profit Shifting by US and Japanese Multinationals0
Award Notices0
Property Tax Compliance and Reverse Mortgages: Using Nudges to Improve the Market0
Award Announcements0
Wayfairin Constitutional Perspective: Who Sets the Ground Rules of US Fiscal Federalism?0