Muslim World

(The TQCC of Muslim World is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Causes and Consequences of Inequality in Egypt7
The Ins and Outs of Iranian Industrial Resilience under Sanctions3
Transport Infrastructure and Regional Integration in the Middle East3
Shifting State–Business Relations in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Post‐20143
Economy of Tribulation: Translating Humanitarianism for an Islamic Counterpublic3
Islamic Normative Principles Underlying Fatwas on Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Al‐Azhar Fatwa on Artificial Insemination13
Da‘wa as Development: Kuwaiti Islamic Charity in East and West Africa2
Persianization of Shaykhīsm: The Doctrine of Rukn‐i Rābiʿ from Aḥmad al‐Aḥsāʾī to Karīm Khān Kirmānī2
Institutions and Policy in Iran’s Relations with the GCC2
Deconstruction of religious thought in Islam: Iqbal and the Ahmadiyya2
Reprogenetic Technologies and the Valuing of the Biogenetic Family1
Iran's 2021 Election as a Turning Point from Electoral Authoritarianism to Hegemonic Autocracy1
The Ambiguity of Early Hadith Criticism: ʿAlī b. al‐Madīnī's (161–234/778–849) Evaluation of Hadith Transmitters1
Post‐Islamism Revisited: The Response of Indonesia’s Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) to Gender‐Related Issues1
Indonesia’s Islamic Revolution by KevinFogg, New York, NY: Cambridge Univesity Press, 2020, pp. 452, ISBN 978‐1‐1084878‐7‐01
Anonymous Gamete Donation in Iran: Lineage Revisited1
The Political Economy of Fiscal Decentralization under the Islamic Republic of Iran1
DNA Evidence and the Islamic Law of Paternity in Light of Maqāṣid al‐Sharīʿa1
Patriarchal Bargaining: Female Religious Authority in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐Day Saints and the Muftiyas of Al Azhar1
The GCC’s Unsettled Policy for Economic Integration*1
The Role of Women in Interreligious Dialogue in Indonesia: A Study on the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB)1
Slavery and Islam, by Jonathan A.C.BrownLondon: Oneworld Academic, 20191
The Populism of Islamist Preachers in Indonesia’s 2019 Presidential Election1
Late Roman Law and the Quranic Punishments for Adultery1
The Instrumental Dimensions of Ethnic Politics in Iran1
Mobilizing and Framing Construction Jihād and Islamic Development in Revolutionary Iran1
From Toleration to Solidarity: Muslim‐Christian Relations in Indonesia during the COVID‐19 Pandemic1
Sharing Baraka in an Unexpected Place: The Emergence of Ziyāra Culture Among Sufi and ‘Alawi Muslims in Argentina11
Muslim‐Christian Relations in the Midst of the COVID‐19 Pandemic1
Iran‐Africa Relations under Raisi: Salvaging Ties with the Continent1
Fertility Decline, Small Families, and Son Selection in the Arab World: The Controversial Convergence of Contraceptive and Repro‐genetic Technologies1
“Muslim Environmentalisms and Environmental Ethics: Theory and Practice for Rights and Justice”1
A Praxis Gap: A Review of Practitioner Research on Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation (FGC/M) in Muslim Context1
Between Faith and Social Relations: The Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama’s Fatwas and Ideas on Non‐Muslims and Interreligious Relations1
The Militarization of Iran's Perception of Saudi Arabia1
Tutoring Bahmanyār “from behind a veil”: the Ishārāt in Avicenna’s professional career0
Non‐Veiled Muslim Women in the West: Sentiments and Views0
US‐Iran Relations: Challenges and Opportunities0
Sacrificial Skins: The Value of Pakistan’s Eid al‐Azha Animal Hide Collection10
Two Museums and the Simpson Portrait of Yarrow Mamout0
Against all Heteredoxies: Accounts of the Deviant Groups (Aliran‐Aliran Sesat) in Contemporary Indonesian Muslim Literature0
Contours of the Divine Feminine: Islamic and Christian Feminist Theologies in Indonesia0
The Return of Mustafa: Names, Stories, and Empire in Laila Lalami’s The Moor’s Account0
Cherishing the Ideology of Silence: Islam, Christianity, and Interreligious Relations among the Madurese People0
Ayuba Sulieman Diallo and Muslim Visual Culture in the Black Atlantic World0
Ḥall ul‐fuṣūṣ and its Main Tenets: A Reading into Mīr Sayyid ʿAlī Hamadānī's Commentary on Fuṣūṣ ul‐ḥikam0
19th Century Polemic at Shahjahanpur: Muḥammad Qāsim Nānawtawī's Philosophy of Khilāfat‐Allāh and his Response to the Critics of Islam in regard to Kaʿbah0
Mary vs. Muslims: Our Lady of Victory, Our Lady of Defeat, and Iconic Role Reversals in Bosnia0
Rethinking Yarrow Mamout0
Introduction to Special Issue: Anglophone Muslim Women Writing0
Polemicist, Apologist, or Missionary: Rashīd Riḍā’s Ṭarīqal‐Da‘wa0
Re‐Visiting the Meaning of ‘ẓann’ in the Qurʾān0
Reforming the Modern: Colonialism, Islam and the Emergence of the Modern State in Kelantan0
Sanctuary of A Thousand Adventures: Selimiye in The Besieged, Occupied, And Liberated Edirne0
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My Journey with Evangelical Christians at the ADAMS Center: Before, During, and After COVID‐190
Zoom Call Gospel: Malayali Pentecostals’ Experience with Tradition, Fundamentalism, and Post‐ Truth Politics0
Yarrow Mamout and the Charles Willson Peale Portrait of 18190
Qaddafi's Hidden History? The Libyan World Islamic Call Society's Editions and Translations of the Qur'an0
Living in a Sacred Cosmos: Indonesia and the Future of Islam By BernardAdeney‐Risakotta, New Haven, CT: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 2018, pp. 406, ISBN 978‐0‐9850429‐6‐7.0
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Back to the Future in Iran: Political and Policy Implications of the 2021 Presidential Elections0
The Political Economy of the Contemporary Middle East0
Global Standards, Cultural Islam: Syrian‐led Muslim Humanitarianism in Turkey0
Writing the History of Mount Lebanon: Church Historians and Maronite Identity by MouannesHojairi. Cairo, Egypt: AUC Press, 2021, 220 pp. (hardcover), ISBN 978‐1‐64903‐125‐90
The Duration of Pregnancy in Contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) and Legislation: Tradition, Adaptation to Modern Medicine and (In)consequences0
Ebrahim Raisi's Domestic Policy: Conservative, Pragmatic or Paralyzed?0
The Higher Objectives of Islamic Theology: Toward a Theory of Maqāṣid al‐‘Aqīda By Mohammed GamalAbdelnour. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022, 192 pp., ISBN: 978‐0‐19‐764863‐60
Raisi and Iran's Foreign Policy Toward the South Caucasus0
An Occasionalist Reading of Al‐Ashʿarī's Theory of Kasb in Kitāb al‐Lumaʿ0
Tafsīr or Taʾwīl? The Shaykhī Contribution to the Qurʾānīc Tradition of Nineteenth Century Iran0
Ḥuṭṭ awlawīya lil‐ʻilm! Sherif Gaber's YouTube Videos and His Views on Science and Religion0
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‘Abd al‐Jabbār and al‐Ghazālī on Divine Speech and their Theories of Language0
The Reformist Faction after the 2021 Presidential Elections: Diverging Strategies and the Notion of “Structural Reforms”0
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The Art of Black Muslim Lives0
List of contributors0
The Politics of Interreligious Dialogue in Indonesia: An Analysis of the Ulama's Anti‐Kristenisasi Fatwas and Their Challenge to the Government's Interreligious Harmony Project0
An Attempt to De‐criminalize Muslims: The Detective Novels of Ausma Zehanat Khan0
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Neighbors: Christians and Muslims Building Community By Deanna FerreeWomack. Westminster John Knox Press, 2020, 192 pp., (paperback), ISBN 978‐0‐664‐26617‐20
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An excerpt from An Imperfect Blessing0
Review of The New Testament in Muslim Eyes: Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. By Akhtar, Shabbir. New York: Routledge, 2018. ISBN‐13: 978‐1138213494. 284 pages. 29.59.0
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Muslim American Speculative Fiction: Figuring feminist epistemologies, religious histories, and genre traditions0
FrankGriffelThe Formation of Post‐Classical Philosophy in Islam (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021), 664 pp. ISBN: 978‐0‐190‐88632‐50
Could Sufism Have Been a Means of Spreading Ibn Taymiyya's Thought in the Ottoman Empire?0
A Modern‐day Ẓāhirī? The Legal Thought of Muhammad Asad (1412/1992)0
Joseph Cinque: Reframing and Reclaiming the Muslim Presence in the Amistad Revolt0
Muslim Space As Third Space0
Christian‐Muslim Relations in the midst of Pandemic: A Case Study from Lebanon0
Mīrzā Ghulām Aḥmad and the Establishment of the Aḥmadiyya Jamāʿat from a Market Theory Perspective0
‘You Won’t Find Religion Here’: The (In)Visibility of Muslim Responses to Situations of Mass Displacement0
A Digital Reading of the Sengbe Pieh Portrait in the Covid‐19 Era0
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Introduction to the Special Issue0
For Grenfell0
Epistemic Violence and the Rise of the Pseudo‐Secular Islamic FBO in the Age of the ‘Religious Turn’ in Development*0
Remaking Muslim Lives: Everyday Islam in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina by Henig, David. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2020. ISBN: 9780252043291 Hardcover, $ 1100
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Editor’s Note0
Islam, Culture, and Reprogenetics: Implementation of Genetic and Reproductive Technologies in Qatar0
Expanding the Boundaries of “Muslim Writing” in the Poetry of Gabeba Baderoon0
Political Philosophy of Shaykhīsm: Conservative Nationalism in the Time of Crisis0
Between Development, Growth, and Survival: Iran's Economic Priorities before and under President Raisi0
A Sickness in the Heart: Were the Qur’ān’s Hypocrites a late Antique Sect?0
Islamic Traditionalists: “Against the Modern World”?0
Iran and the Second Karabakh War0
Majlis Taklim and The Path Of Women's Islamization In Indonesia0
Andrew F.March, The Caliphate of Man: Popular Sovereignty in Modern Islamic Thought (Cambridge and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press), 2019, ISBN 9780674987838, 300 pp.0
Contentious Belonging: The Place of Minorities in Indonesia, by GregFealy and RonitRicci (eds.), Singapore: ISEAS Yusof Ishal Institute, 2019, pp. 304, ISBN: 978‐98148434920
On the two‐legged thread of Florida’s 7170
“They Don't Look at You as a Real Muslim”: the racial exclusion of black American Muslim converts0
Say “No” to Christmas? An Analysis of the Islamic Fatwa on the Prohibition against Wearing Non‐Muslim Symbols in Indonesia0
William Hoare and Visions of Ayuba Suleiman Diallo in Britain0
The 1850’s Photographic Portrait of Omar Ibn Said: The Eloquence of Resilience0
Crowdfunding Nayā Pakistan: Development, Nationalism, and the Diamer‐Bhasha Dam*0
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Some Other Cloud0
The Problem of Early Islamic Diversity in Anatolia: Rethinking Dervish Piety Through Pantheistic Ideas0
“Story two—there’s always a story two”: Mohja Kahf Interrogates Tradition0
Necropolitical Trauma in Kamila Shamsie’s Fiction0
Iran's Foreign Relations under President Raisi0
“When Someone is Dying, We Prefer….”: COVID‐19 and The Challenges to Muslim Health Care Choices0
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Islamicate Cosmopolitan Spirit. By Bruce B. Lawrence, Hoboken, NJ: WILEY Blackwell, 2021. ISBN 978‐1‐4051‐5514‐4 Softcover, $44.950
Analysis of handwritten heritage in the personal collection of theologian Momaqan Aliyev0
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Somos Sur: Translocal Hip‐Hop and the Routes of Empire0
Family Structure in the wake of Genetic and Reproductive Technologies in the Muslim World0
Islam and Diversity in Contemporary Indonesia: Belief, Gender, and Politics0
Rehabilitating the Shari'a: Ahmad Ibrahim and Reformation of Laws in Southeast Asia0
List of Contributors0
Al‐Madina Document in Contemporary Arab‐Muslim and Western Scholarship: Surveying and Assessing some Intellectual Orientations and Reading Strategies10
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Iran's Domestic Politics One Year into the Raisi Presidency0
Layers of Authority in Shāh Walī Allāh's Persian Interlinear Qur’ān Translation0
Centering Muslims in Global Humanitarianism and Development0
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Navigating Murky Waters: Iranian‐Gulf Relations a Year into Raisi's Presidency0
Arm’s Length0
Al‐Azhar and the Salafis in Egypt: Contestation of two traditions0
Ghafla in Ghazālī's Scale of Action Meaningful Word or Device of Argument?0