Multivariate Behavioral Research

(The TQCC of Multivariate Behavioral Research is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Evaluating SEM Model Fit with Small Degrees of Freedom60
Bayesian Estimation for Gaussian Graphical Models: Structure Learning, Predictability, and Network Comparisons40
dynamic : An R Package for Deriving Dynamic Fit Index Cutoffs for Factor Analysis27
CLC Estimator: A Tool for Latent Construct Estimation via Congeneric Approaches in Survey Research26
Recovering Within-Person Dynamics from Psychological Time Series23
Selecting a Within- or Between-Subject Design for Mediation: Validity, Causality, and Statistical Power22
Interpreting Interaction Effects in Generalized Linear Models of Nonlinear Probabilities and Counts21
Causal Inference with Multilevel Data: A Comparison of Different Propensity Score Weighting Approaches20
AI-Assisted Systematic Reviewing: Selecting Studies to Compare Bayesian Versus Frequentist SEM for Small Sample Sizes17
Model Selection and Model Averaging for Mixed-Effects Models with Crossed Random Effects for Subjects and Items17
Small but Nontrivial: A Comparison of Six Strategies to Handle Cross-Loadings in Bifactor Predictive Models15
Using Lasso and Adaptive Lasso to Identify DIF in Multidimensional 2PL Models14
Bayesian Estimation of Single-Test Reliability Coefficients13
Unique Variable Analysis: A Network Psychometrics Method to Detect Local Dependence13
The Curious Case of the Cross-Sectional Correlation13
A Sequential Response Model for Analyzing Process Data on Technology-Based Problem-Solving Tasks13
Accounting for Heteroskedasticity Resulting from Between-Group Differences in Multilevel Models12
Investigating the Normativity of Trait Estimates from Multidimensional Forced-Choice Data12
A Bayesian Latent Variable Selection Model for Nonignorable Missingness11
Relations between Networks, Regression, Partial Correlation, and the Latent Variable Model10
Heterogeneity in Individual Network Analysis: Reality or Illusion?10
Modeling Multidimensional Forced Choice Measures with the Zinnes and Griggs Pairwise Preference Item Response Theory Model9
R-squared Measures for Multilevel Models with Three or More Levels9
A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis Using an Automated R Package8
Inferring Latent Structure in Polytomous Data with a Higher-Order Diagnostic Model8
A Mixture Response Time Process Model for Aberrant Behaviors and Item Nonresponses8
Wording Effects in Assessment: Missing the Trees for the Forest8
A Generalized Partially Confirmatory Factor Analysis Framework with Mixed Bayesian Lasso Methods8
Configurational Causal Modeling and Logic Regression8
On Unreplicable Inferences in Psychopathology Symptom Networks and the Importance of Unreliable Parameter Estimates8
A Higher-Order Cognitive Diagnosis Model with Ordinal Attributes for Dichotomous Response Data8
Generalizability of Dynamic Fit Index, Equivalence Testing, and Hu & Bentler Cutoffs for Evaluating Fit in Factor Analysis7
Large-Scale Survey Data Analysis with Penalized Regression: A Monte Carlo Simulation on Missing Categorical Predictors7
How to Choose between Different Bayesian Posterior Indices for Hypothesis Testing in Practice7
Response Surface Analysis with Missing Data7
Reducing Incidence of Nonpositive Definite Covariance Matrices in Mixed Effect Models6
Moving beyond Likert and Traditional Forced-Choice Scales: A Comprehensive Investigation of the Graded Forced-Choice Format6
Adjusting for Measurement Noninvariance with Alignment in Growth Modeling6
Joint Hidden Markov Model for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data with Latent Variables5
Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation for Gaussian Graphical Models and Centrality Indices5
A Realistic Evaluation of Methods for Handling Missing Data When There is a Mixture of MCAR, MAR, and MNAR Mechanisms in the Same Dataset5
Bayesian Testing of Scientific Expectations under Multivariate Normal Linear Models5
Evaluating Covariate Effects on ESM Measurement Model Changes with Latent Markov Factor Analysis: A Three-Step Approach5
Accommodating a Latent XM Interaction in Statistical Mediation Analysis5
Copula-Based Redundancy Analysis5
Extracting Nonlinear Dynamics from Psychological and Behavioral Time Series Through HAVOK Analysis4
A Square-Root Second-Order Extended Kalman Filtering Approach for Estimating Smoothly Time-Varying Parameters4
Tuning Random Forests for Causal Inference under Cluster-Level Unmeasured Confounding4
An Investigation of Factored Regression Missing Data Methods for Multilevel Models with Cross-Level Interactions4
Gradient Tree Boosting for Hierarchical Data4
Modeling Changes in Response Style with Longitudinal IRTree Models4
A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Reciprocal Effects with the Bivariate STARTS Model4
Sequential Gibbs Sampling Algorithm for Cognitive Diagnosis Models with Many Attributes4
Linear Ballistic Accumulator Item Response Theory Model for Multidimensional Multiple-Alternative Forced-Choice Measurement of Personality4
The Impact of Item Feature and Response Preference in a Mixed-Format Design4
Identifying and Estimating Causal Moderation for Treated and Targeted Subgroups4
On the Relationship between ANOVA Main Effects and Average Treatment Effects4
A Network Study of Family Affect Systems in Daily Life4
Dependence Graphs Based on Association Rules to Explore Delusional Experiences3
Bayesian Approach to Multivariate Component-Based Logistic Regression: Analyzing Correlated Multivariate Ordinal Data3
Avoiding Degeneracies in Ordinal Unfolding Using Kemeny-Equivalent Dissimilarities for Two-Way Two-Mode Preference Rank Data3
Pay Attention to the Ignorable Missing Data Mechanisms! An Exploration of Their Impact on the Efficiency of Regression Coefficients3
A Mixed-Effects Model in Which the Parameters of the Autocorrelated Error Structure Can Differ between Individuals3
Using Support Vector Machines for Facet Partitioning in Multidimensional Scaling3
Bayesian Nonparametric Latent Class Analysis for Different Item Types3
A Generalized Diagnostic Classification Modeling Framework Integrating Differential Speediness: Advantages and Illustrations in Psychological and Educational Testing3
Modeling Multivariate Count Time Series Data with a Vector Poisson Log-Normal Additive Model: Applications to Testing Treatment Effects in Single-Case Designs3
Collinearity Issues in Autoregressive Models with Time-Varying Serially Dependent Covariates3
Bayesian Mediation Analysis with Power Prior Distributions3
betaDelta and betaSandwich: Confidence Intervals for Standardized Regression Coefficients in R3
Binding the Person-Specific Approach to Modern AI in the Human Screenome Project: Moving past Generalizability to Transferability3
Bayesian Modeling of Test Reliability3